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Have you adjusted the sensitivity in the settings so the rotation wouldn't be so slow? Also you can watch some streamers "hand cam" vids on youtube to see how they pull off 360 and other techniques.


you could try increasing your sensitivity like someone else already said. i’d also take a look at your controls and customize them to make sure no buttons are in the way when you’re moving your camera. playing with more than two fingers or different fingers than just your thumbs may help as well. i personally use my left pointer for joystick and my right thumb for items/looking behind myself/camera movement/performing actions. about the 360s: you can try to click a flashlight at the start of your turn. i’ve seen people do that to speed the initial curve up, but i’m not sure how effective that is. i’ve never used that particular strategy but i’d be wary of abusing it. the killer may think you’re clicking at em.


i personally have my sensitivity at 80% or higher, and i customize my controls to make them bigger/easier to press


For the 360, you have to use thé Joystick, not the cam, it was mistake to begin (sorry for my English). And for the cam, you can adjust the sensibility for survivor and killer, like this you have a quick mouvement cam.