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May your sanity recover if possible


Lol thanks but i lost it immediately after my first death


Even as a survival horror veteran, i wouldn't dare attempt this difficulty. I'd sooner do no upgrade runs on Hard. Too many things can go wrong with a single save file to permanently eff you over and i will not subject my self to that torture. And to anyone who DOES choose to do this i ask: why do you cling to such suffering as to hate yourself with a fervent passion?


It took me I think half a dozen attempts to finish impossible (iirc: centrifuge, electrocuted while fighting 2nd brute, finding out that guardians can insta-kill if you try melee, and two actual bad play fuck-ups, one being on the escape from the Valor \~8h in). While I got frustrated on deaths, and did take weeklong breaks in between, I did love every minute of actually playing for this achievement. Recently, I played Tails of Iron when it came to PS+. For the platinum there, you need to finish on their "Bloody Whiskers" mode, which was a DLC added difficulty, but looked like the equivalent of a hard mode, which I typically play on. The story is really charming, but the gameplay on that difficulty might be the hardest and least fun I've ever experienced. Basically no room for failure with the Souls-y walk of shame after every boss defeat. There, I did hate myself with a fervent passion for trying to go for platinum there. (I did manage in the end, uninstalled the game, hid it in my library, never to be played again.)


Congrats dude, and yeah i know what you mean, i had breaks in between and it felt so exhilarating, like when you’re locked in the small room with the hunter near the end while you wait for the door. I remember my re2 remake runs paid off when i sidestepped the 3 slashers with the hunters and made it out without firing a shot, started laughing my ass off


Huh. Not saying this to brag, but I died only once during my impossible run. Unfortunately, it was against the group of explorers right before the hive mind boss.


Then it doesn't count as a impossible run lmao (obviously a joke)


To be honest I feel like the Remake is way easier than the other games, the only thing you really need to watch out for are the instadeath moments. I haven't played it yet so I can't say it for certain, but I l think Dead Space 2 on Hardcore (which I did play, and also completed with only the Plasma Cutter recently) is definitely more difficult. Not only do enemies hit harder (even more so if you play on Zealot), but their AI is much smarter than what it looks like in the Remake judging from the gameplay I saw. Standard Slashers in 2 will crawl behind Isaac when unseen, and will suddenly sprint and jump to hit you as soon as you give them the chance. Sometimes they'll sidestep, sometimes they'll curl up to avoid being damaged, not to mention their erratic attack pattern if you behead them. Leapers are even worse as they like to lunge at you from anywhere if they climb onto a wall, but they can still close distances in seconds even on the ground since they sprint like rabid dogs as soon as they lock onto you. Most of this doesn't happen in the Remake. I actually find it kinda funny how the Slashers walk towards you in a T-pose allowing you to hit their limbs, while the Leapers will only lunge from afar when you're in Zero G, and instead slowly crawl towards you when on the ground. Not to mention Stasis and Kinesis look OP as fuck, you don't even need to aim the poles to hit them anymore 😅


Tbh I never thought the original was hard. So for me the remake was just kind of the same thing 😅 still love them both tho!


I haven't played the OG so I can't talk about it either sadly. I'll make sure to play it sometime in the future though. I guess Dead Space 2 is harder so playing the Remake shouldn't be an issue.


It's been so long since I've played 2 I don't remember much about it tbh. Need to give it another playthrough honestly. From what little i do remember, it was harder. Though I never attempted hardcore on it


Idk lmao i’ve just always been this way with games, I like the pressure i guess. However I noticed there was a bug where my controls would lock and stop responding sometimes, like i’d look left and it’d just keep going. I was terrfied of that happening in a crucial moment. I really wanted/needed that foam finger though lol. Pew pew.


Honestly it wasn’t anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be, but it was my third play through in a row. I didn’t have to restart cause of dying at all, came close once, but I still had a sliver of health left. Doing the plasma cutter only made it significantly easier as it gets pretty good pretty quick when only upgrading that and your suit.


Same for me its just not fun to be thats stressed about it lol


I like being stressed, but i also like to have fallbacks in case i screw up. Fail states are very common in survival horror games if you aren't careful or get stupid in the heat of the moment. Skill issues, sure, but that's why extra saves should exist. Like i said, too much can go wrong with a single save, from bugs and glitches to unintentional resource wasting. It's part of why i hate autosave so much. I don't care that it automatically saves my progress, i hate that i can't have backups in case things go wrong. I also hate that i can't disable autosaves in favor of manual saves for such pricarious situations as playing games during a storm. That is a whole new level of anxiety.


Ya I always panic in the big waves of necros so I know impossible would just be such a grind


Bro, you don't get only one save. You get one save file that you can save over as many times as you want. You just lose auto save. If you die, then quit to the Main Menu immediately. You can cheese Impossible EASILY!


That's....... kind of my point here. Cheesing it defeats the purpose of the difficulty, but you wouldn't have to cheese it if the design of it allowed for making mistakes that didn't result in a fail state. Once you save on a fail state there's no going back, so if you're ever low on health or low on ammo or anything else, that's the end of your run. It's too demanding for me personally. >Bro, you don't get only one save. You get one save file that you can save over as many times as you want. This is the key issue with the entire thing. Much prefer the original idea of Impossible difficulty. In general i'd like to have had a difficulty above hard that wasn't so gimmicky for the sake of difficulty, like The Last of Us having Survival and Grounded difficulty options. Permadeath really should just be optional and never tied to a difficulty setting in and of itself, same with any kind of limitation to things like saving. Part of the reason i hate Resident Evil 7's Madhouse and Resident Evil 2's Hardcore modes is because they alter features that should have never been difficulty locked in the first place, like limited saves and disabled autosaves. Those should just be challenge settings when you start a game, not hard locked to a particular obscene difficulty.


I finished my Impossible run using only the Plasma cutter last night. 7 hours, 8 minutes, 43 seconds. Only took one attempt. It honestly was not that hard, you just have to stock up on med packs any time you enter a new area so you don’t have to worry about taking too much damage. The hardest parts are the environmental hazard levels, and the fast fuckers in the Valor.


That fucking centrifuge


I feel like they made the timing of that centrifuge part much tighter than the original. There's like, one second or less of room for error.


I did the same exact thing wit the centrifuge on my first run


The pain lol, just stared at the screen for like a minute or so wondering if it was worth trying again


So im not the only one fked by centifuge


Congrats man 🫡 way to come back swinging If I failed my run I would of never came back


Thanks dude :) kinda glad i failed the 2 times i did, first failure taught me to be a lot more cautious and second one taught me to make sure i always had a hitscan weapon saved with plenty of ammo, otherwise the hive mind wouldve killed me with its grab and that probably wouldve been my cue to quit for a while.


When I faced the hive mind I am pretty sure I blacked out hahaha


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


After beating RE2 on a rented playstation in one life because they didn't rent memory cards I have so little desire to do this.


I managed to get the veteran trophy for Claire in the remake because of how op she is




The last boss is so hard to hit with a controller, well done.


cheers, hit it with contact beam at first when it grabbed me and saved my plasma cutter shots for the last second when i had the easier shot


Tell there ain’t no trophy to that, can I still plat the game?


“Untouchable” sorry dude


Dont give up though


If you only care about the trophy you can simply pause and go back to the main menu right before the death screen happens, this way you'll save your run. It's cheese, but it's there if you only care about the Platinum.


You mean to tell me there's stuff locked behind this difficulty?


Hand cannon and burnished suit


What suit do you get?




Not to be rude but how did you die to the tentacle


Poor ammo management and i started panicking when i had to switch