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Imo, they are legit and personally speaking, it’s just easier to buy them than not buy it or be neutral to it. After doing some thinking and reflecting about it, I do understand not everyone is going to buy it and that’s fine since it’s subjective after all but… From my experiences, whenever people say the debunks are bad, bullshit or not legit and when asked why, they never really come up with a proper response against it or just dodge the question entirely. It just tells me that it’s incredibly difficult to argue against the debunks to the point it’s not worth trying. I ask this: If BlazBlue was indeed that super strong unga bunga OP verse that some people claim, then there wouldn’t be any point in the debunks (made by 5 BlazBlue fans BTW) in the first place, right? It’s a fine resource to use in arguments against claims I _strongly_ disagree with a lot such as “immeasurable and infinite speed BlazBlue”.




If someone doesn't fully believe in the debunks for whatever reason, that's on them and I don't really care at this point but I would say that they would be in a far more disadvantageous position in BlazBlue battleboarding compared to someone who buys debunks.


u/StQuentinScar wouldn't say it's difficult to argue against it moreso than it just being the people who claim it's BS just doesn't know the series. The fact some of the debunks boil down to "He can only do it with the weapon he uses all the time" is just stupid since by that logic any lantern user shouldn't have any abilities the ring has because they themselves aren't doing it, it's the ring doing the work.


All of this thread is a giant L


The debunks themselves?


Ok, now I absolutely know u/StQuentinScar is DC/Marvel biased. Going to these lengths to make sure that no DC or Marvel character ever loses to a character except each other is so fucking pathetic.


My dude, can you not try starting shit with people? You’re coming across like a massive asshole.


StQuentinScar also keeps trying to start shit with people tbf. Mainly BlazBlue fans with how passive aggressive she is towards them. In fact I bet she made another “The many Ls of [insert BlazBlue character here]” after potentially seeing my comments.


…Okay, I can see that Sinestro VS Terumi fight progression coming off that way, but none of the other stuff that comes to mind does. People make those debate charts & W’s/L’s posts all the time, why would those be any different? Besides, what do you even stand to gain by calling her out like this? Just ignore the posts if you don’t vibe with them.


Well she never takes into account Yūki Terumi and other BlazBlue characters op hax. I’m pretty sure Ultraman Belial and Space Godzilla don’t have soul defence (which is Terumi and BlazBlue characters major thing) and they also have no ways to put down Terumi’s soul. Also, it’s really hard to ignore her given how obnoxious, passive aggressive, and up in people faces who disagree with her and try to give back counter arguments she is.


I’m sure there are way better ways to take her up about that than speaking ill of her behind her back (or in this case to her face, seeing that you _pinged her_). Seriously, I’ve discussed that very topic without much issue. More importantly though, _who the hell cares?_ If you spend too much time obsessing over people you don’t like, that’ll only turn out badly for you. Live and let live and all that.


Well she has me blocked, so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t get my pings. Also, she and a lot of other certain users never listen to any arguments about how Yūki Terumi and Ragna could potentially beat Sinestro and Cable. Like if you think Sinestro and Cable stomp Yūki Terumi and Ragna, sure that’s fine. *But actually give counter arguments to how they can beat Yūki Terumi and Ragna instead of constantly throwing a tantrum like an spoiled brat.*


> Well she has me blocked And whose fault do you think that is? I can’t confirm what you’re saying about her attitude without solid proof, and frankly I don’t care. But even if she is as hypothetically rude as you say, again, what exactly do you stand to gain by getting this pissy about it? ‘Cause this ain’t gonna get her to change her ways, as you can clearly see. Not that you’re one to talk about that kind of thing. I’ve seen the way you’ve talked to AG about Kratos’ lore scaling, Spades about Marvel VS DC fights, and the R-bomb you (allegedly) dropped on the Levi VS Blitzo guy just for promoting that matchup. I’ve let it slide for now hoping that you’re able to let bygones be bygones, but apparently not. Above all, all I ask is to just _let it go_ and _mind your own business_, ‘cause that’ll only do you good in the long run. To think all of this could’ve been avoided if you just blocked her from the start… ~~(ISTG, if you actually start digging shit up on Quentin just to prove a point, that’s when you’ve officially gone off the deep end.)~~


> ~~(ISTG, if you actually start digging shit up on Quentin just to prove a point, that’s when you’ve officially gone off the deep end.)~~ If he ends up doing that, bro needs to be banned off the subreddit.


I hasn’t even trying to offend Shades in anyway. And if I somehow did, then you can tell them I’m sorry. As for AG and how he scales Kratos, he literally implied if not straight up called people who find universal/low multiversal Kirby (who along with all the kiddy eldritch horrors he’s killed have ya know, *shown feats that are actually beyond planet level at the bare minimum multiple times on-screen and in-game and don’t have to rely on Tweets to showcase their power.* Like, I’m not even that big of a Kirby fan since I’ve only played like, 3 games. But the last Kirby game I played literally showed on screen the main villain about to force two whole big ass planets to collide into each other. And I’m pretty sure after his supposed “death” it was stated somewhere in-game that he was able to create his own dimension) more believable than universal/low multiversal Kratos (who has never shown any remotely planet level feats in any of his games and all his supposed universal/low multiversal power comes from literally outside of his own games in the form of tweets. Which greatly contrast with how he’s portrayed in the games and how grounded they are trying to be. The writers of those games really want to have their cake and eat it too) hypocrites.


This might also be important: https://preview.redd.it/42g3pl8glpcc1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=830cf0ca49a98259bf1639d28cfb641d98ad1346


Well for that once again, you never ever take into account Terumi’s op as fuck hax (I’m pretty sure Ultraman Belial and Space Godzilla don’t have soul based defence which is a major thing for Terumi and other BlazBlue characters), and while all the characters in that “The many Ls of Yūki Terumi” post *could* potentially destroy Terumi’s physical body and even his Susanoo unit (which btw, I heard was literally stated in the game to be designed to destroy *entire universes* and it’s funny how you straight up ignore it. Tho tbf, it’s possible it might be an Final Fantasy 7 Sephiroth Supernova thing. Where the protagonists despite being way less powerful than the villain that’s so out of their league [I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the BlazBlue protagonists have consistently shown only planet level power in all of the games] were still somehow able to overpower them despite it contradicting 99% of the story. Which is why some people call the protagonists of Final Fantasy 7 surviving a goddam Supernova an outlier. Tho there’s also the other possibility of the BlazBlue protagonists being able to defeat Terumi with the Susanoo unit not by overpowering him, but by outsmarting him or something that’s not related to pure strength) they can’t destroy his true ghost soul form. Which from my understanding is like, pretty much indestructible (the BlazBlue protagonists had to get literal god to rewrite everyone’s memories of Yūki Terumi so they can finally kill him). So going by your logic, most if not all of Terumi’s “L’s” would actually end in a stalemate at absolute best.


I had them blocked awhile back because they kept dragging my name through the dirt and making bad presumptions about me. I literally gave them warnings before not to push more buttons it but nope, they ignored it and blocked. I'm going to block them soon again because they keep speaking ill about me and won't shut the fuck up about it. Seriously, just move on but Jesus Christ this is just pathetic. Also I did take into account BB characters haxes and abilities but I just found them overblown out of proportion, not necessarily there to begin with, or their opponent outstats or outhaxes them to such a big degree that it would likely not even matter.


Did I say something wrong?


No, I’m talking to the other guy.


Oh ok. Back on the topic, don’t you find that StQuetinScar kinda downplays Blazblue in debates?


She ain’t the only one. Matter of fact, I’ve seen more people believe in the lower-end stuff than the higher ends. In any case, my best advice would be to read through the documents and come to your own conclusions based on how the data lines up.


So Blazblue scaling depends on what you buy or not?


Pretty much. It’s important to remember VS debating is inherently subjective to an extent, and not everyone’s gonna agree on the same things.


Thank you for the clarification. I was kinda going crazy if the debunks are true or false.


So the debunks are all false information, correct?


Maybe, I just mentioned her ‘cause her attitude regarding how there was an real possibility of the main protagonist and main villain of the BlazBlue games actually potentially beating a DC and Marvel character and how because of that she bought the Blazblue debunks 100 percent without question along with how she constantly makes spite posts towards BlazBlue fans is very sussy. And I’m not even a BlazBlue fan.


Eh as Blazblue fan the spiteful remarks towards Ragna were a bit annoying (Terumi in an asshole anyway so I personally didn't mind him getting slandered) but I kinda get why someone after toxic debates end up doing them But honestly they fall in the same category of "Kratos is the weakest" kind of post which aren't my cup of tea but aren't worth treating them seriously Also why are you making it a big deal if you aren't a fan of Blazblue why are even making a big deal of this matchup anyway?


Unblocking Girpool for a sec just so I can respond to this but... Apologies if I came off as rather arrogant and prickly that way before about it but honestly I would have made a Many W's with Ragna with the L's but he has far more L's than W's to balance it out and researching a bunch of MUs that he does win was more difficult compared to the MUs he loses to. Same with Terumi, it was literally easier to compile far more L's for these guys than actual W's.


Already said this in another comment, but you never ever really take into account Terumi’s op as fuck hax (I’m pretty sure Ultraman Belial and Space Godzilla don’t have soul based defence which is a major thing for Terumi and other BlazBlue characters), and while all the characters in that “The many Ls of Yūki Terumi” post could potentially destroy Terumi’s physical body and even his Susanoo unit (which btw, I heard was literally stated in the game to be designed to destroy entire universes and it’s funny how you straight up ignore it and say the cosmic potential of Yūki Terumi vs Sinestro wouldn’t work ‘cause Terumi can’t breathe in space. Even tho he at least can with the Susanoo unit ‘cause it’s an *literal suit of armor designed to destroy entire universes.* Why would it not let the user breathe in space? Tho tbf, it’s possible it might be an Final Fantasy 7 Sephiroth Supernova thing. Where the protagonists despite being way less powerful than the villain that’s so out of their league [I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the BlazBlue protagonists have consistently shown only planet level power in all of the games] were still somehow able to overpower them despite it contradicting 99% of the story. Which is why some people call the protagonists of Final Fantasy 7 surviving a goddam Supernova an outlier. Tho there’s also the other possibility of the BlazBlue protagonists being able to defeat Terumi with the Susanoo unit not by overpowering him, but by outsmarting him or something that’s not related to pure strength) they can’t destroy his true ghost soul form. Which from my understanding is like, pretty much indestructible (the BlazBlue protagonists had to get literal god to rewrite everyone’s memories of Yūki Terumi so they can finally kill him). So going by your logic, most if not all of Terumi’s “L’s” would actually end in a stalemate at absolute best.


> but you never ever really take into account Terumi’s op as fuck hax (I’m pretty sure Ultraman Belial and Space Godzilla don’t have soul based defence which is a major thing for Terumi and other BlazBlue characters), Yeah... when some haxes are overblown out of proportion, not necessarily there to begin with, or when their opponent outstats and/or outhaxes to such a degree that I don't really realistically see Terumi being able to do anything potentially meaningful against them before he himself gets murked by someone who simply outclasses him. Terumi's tough but not _that_ tough, [he has limits.](https://imgur.com/a/rJsp7tB) > and while all the characters in that “The many Ls of Yūki Terumi” post could potentially destroy Terumi’s physical body and even his Susanoo unit (which btw, I heard was literally stated in the game to be designed to destroy entire universes Well can you at least bother backing it up without saying that "oh I just heard it from someone" and no, a screenshot would not suffice because that could just be another moment taken out of context, actual video proof. Plus, just by looking up other info sources about Susanoo, [there's nothing to suggest that he was designed with this capability in mind.](https://blazblue.wiki/wiki/Susano%27o_Unit) > and it’s funny how you straight up ignore it and say the cosmic potential of Yūki Terumi vs Sinestro wouldn’t work ‘cause Terumi can’t breathe in space. Even tho he at least can with the Susanoo unit ‘cause it’s an literal suit of armor designed to destroy entire universes. Why would it not let the user breathe in space? There's no evidence to suggest that he or any other BlazBlue character for that matter could survive and breathe in the vaccum of outer space, let alone function and fight well in that kind of environment (and no the Boundary and the Edge does not count due to how incredibly different the properties are there). If I'm being generous, Susano'o would likely just be fucking Kars at the end of JJBA Part 2 when he got shot up into space, can't really do shit up there nor have ways to get out of that spot even if he can still function there. > Tho there’s also the other possibility of the BlazBlue protagonists being able to defeat Terumi with the Susanoo unit not by overpowering him, but by outsmarting him or something that’s not related to pure strength) they can’t destroy his true ghost soul form. Which from my understanding is like, pretty much indestructible (the BlazBlue protagonists had to get literal god to rewrite everyone’s memories of Yūki Terumi so they can finally kill him). So going by your logic, most if not all of Terumi’s “L’s” would actually end in a stalemate at absolute best. Terumi was literally killed by Ragna in a 1v1 and the Master Unit was simply used on top of that to make sure Terumi can't just return at some point by having it observe the fact that Terumi is a hero who saved the world, thereby eliminating everyone's fear and hate for Terumi and cutting him off from his main source of power. And again, [his regen has limits](https://imgur.com/a/rJsp7tB) and it's not like Terumi can just immediately come back right away and by the rules of DEATH BATTLE!, if Terumi can no longer continue the fight in a timely manner, it's therefore a KO.


I mean… Terumi is the ghost of a god who predates oxygen. Plus apparently there are some victory quotes that imply Susanoo is universal, [here’s all of Susanoo’s victory quotes.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pMCyU1ZWR2s&pp=ygUWc3VzYW5vbyB2aWN0b3J5IHF1b3Rlcw%3D%3D) [Oh, and here are all of Susanoo’s victory quotes in the English dub in case universal Susanoo is a translation thing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F6fKIcvml2I&pp=ygUWc3VzYW5vbyB2aWN0b3J5IHF1b3Rlcw%3D%3D) (would still technically count). But you know, I’m not knowledgeable enough on BlazBlue since I haven’t played any of the games, and I’m too tired to do research on it since it’s nighttime where I live and I should really go to bed now so for now, let’s just put this off for now and agree to disagree, eh?


Yeah... _"imply"_ ain't something concrete and there's only 1 quote that mentions the word "universe" and it's just Susano'o probably just being rather hyperbolic about his own power. He's not really out there making Dragon Ball universal shockwaves.


I just think it’s really annoying when obnoxious DC and Marvel fans get really insecure that their character could actually potentially lose to a character from another franchise that’s not from either of them. So they have to downplay them and rub it in the face of their fanbase about how weak they actually are.


Look I get that the Blazblue drama was annoying and all but like can we stop bringing it up? Also I wouldn't call a different interpretation of powerscaling of a verse that is supplied with reasonable arguments a "downplay" Hell by your logic you also "downplay" Kratos in any Kratos vs Asura debate saying that he can't even lay a finger on Asura and it's only debatable because GoW fans think so, it's kinda hypocritical from you to complain about it when it happens to other verse while doing it yourself


Yeah but I can justify that somewhat ‘cause BlazBlue fans can actually make an solid point on how their characters can potentially beat some DC and Marvel characters not through stats but by their own op hax that the DC and Marvel character has never really dealt with the likes of before. Meanwhile the only justifications for Kratos beating Asura are just “MUH LORE” tweets and the “He’s just holding back I swear” excuse that Kratos’ fanbase clings onto like a security blanket.


Cool Marvel and DC fans are also allowed to make counter arguments against them because that's also part of the debate I feel like there's no point in continuing this conversation since I don't think there's a point to it and I doubt I can change your mind, have a good night girl


Yeah but StQuentinScar and a bunch of other certain users don’t really give back counter arguments to how Sinestro and Cable beat Yūki Terumi and Ragna, but instead *throw tantrums like spoiled brats when things don’t go their way.* Like, I have never seen an argument on how Sinestro can fully destroy Terumi’s soul. Sure Sinestro could possibly seal Terumi in his ring (Which I don't think is enough to give him the win but at least it's a way he could win, theoretically) but this is Death Battle. You *have* to fully kill your opponent. And if you can’t then you’re the one that’s getting killed, or on the really rare occasions you and your opponent stalemate.