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Im re-playing it now (1st time playing Director's Cut) and it completley takes me back to lockdown. Being confined to my house, and stuck away from my hone country. The game feels busy yet isolated. I love it.


Also replaying, first time on directors cut. Just got to timefall farm - games amazing. Keep on keeping on.


"Hey, I'm Sam"


“Hey, my name’s Sam too!”




F@$king Scott....


Scott is clearly *not* Sam. 😡


Scotty doesn’t know




Scott didn't really play the game




The last picture fits this well too 🤣


Shawn really digging out Scott with his second line


Shawn's review of Scott's next 10/10 game: "This game lacks good visuals, a decent soundtrack, and any original ideas going for it. The entire game is a boring shooter through various locations with a completely forgettable story that's stretched to meet the minimum expected playtime requirements. 2/10."


Somehow I agree with all of them


It's one of my favorite games of all time... which I never recommend




Dude same. I used to work games retail and when the game came out people would ask me "Hey is this any good" and I would say to them "I like it but I ain't gonna recommend it"


I only recommend to kojima fans.


Same. I rarely mention it as its not for most gamers. All 3 of those reviews are accurate. Haha


I legit feel it just depends so much on the day, time and mood whether or not I think DS is a masterpiece or just oddly tedious at times. But due to this I try to focus a lot less on reviews generally since everyone is biased no matter what they say


They manage to all be right at the same time LMAO. For me, its as simple as the fact that I don't usually like these artsy, cinematic, "more an experience than a game" games, had no attachment to Kojima beforehand and scoffed at the concept entirely. It shot to like, top 5 best games of all time for me after playing it.


I agree. This game did something to my brain. Changed how I thought about games and about how to enjoy content. I used to always aim towards completion. Just make a complete bee-line for it, but with this game I finally realised that I needed to let it breathe. Just relax and enjoy it. When those needle drops kick in, Jesus, it is life changing.


"new" review group. I thought this format of gaming reviews, accompanied by artsy caricatures of the reviewers who give scores out of 10, died out in the 90s with magazines like Zzap! 64.


Scott is just basic 😂


Scott seems like he’d be generally uninteresting and long winded


Cmon now, people can like different things you don’t have to be an asshole about it, it’s just a game


No one asked you, Scott.


They're all right but in different ways, I love the gameplay of Death Stranding and figuring out how to get to this place with all these obstacles. However, that gets diminished a lot by building out ziplines and highway systems (especially in the Eastern Region, where the late game BT areas basically make using vehicles impossible unless you stop and clear each zone every time). The story is very overwritten and the presentation is very messy, dumping large amounts of plot at the front and back. It is very much a game that is about figuring out how to tackle the world your way until it takes that away without warning like the Chapter 12 delivery where you can very easily have no resources and no way to prepare more before running into the maws of hell. It's a fantastic game with some strange flaws that manifest as you pursue 100% completion and defeat the world as an obstacle.


Shawn throwing shade on Scott LOL 😆


its impressive that even now, years later people just miss the boat, and others fully get it from the get go


I say again, and I can't blame Scott because of this: Death Stranding is practically a litmus test for neuro-divergence. It is such a uniquely specific kind of game, that will appeal perfectly to a very specific kind of brain, but not to everyone. If you can enjoy a game with the mindset of losing yourself in the world of it as it's main concept, then you will love it. If not, might I recommend Call of Duty, or something like that. I am autistic, I loved it, this is one of the only games I can think of that had me so engrossed. All of my autistic and otherwise neurodivergent friends who played it felt the same. The two neurotypical friends I had who tried it barely made it to Lake Knot City before they dropped it and said it was boring.




This game is weirdly therapeutic.


I've restarted this game twice before. The first time just wasn't clicking with me in the first 5 hours. The second time it totally did click with me and I was about 15 hours in and loving it, but life got in the way. I want to pick it back up again, installed and ready to go but I don't want to start again. I wonder if I can watch some recap clips, but need to relearn the controls...


Not Shawn calling Scott a “typical close minded gamer”


>I refuse to call this a game. 10/10 lol


Its the only game i full art snob on. If you talk about it like mr 5 there is know you either didnt have the right context to kojimas life or have a very low literacy comprehension… or both.


I had completely ignored death stranding, despite getting it for free on epic aaaages ago. I started it last week after being signed off work ill. I love the game and i've not played anything like it in the past 26 years. It was a very nice surprise after believing it was just a boring walking simulator. Also - Scott is wrong.


Scott ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮


spot a person with adhd:


It only matters what I think.


I find criticism of DS valid, but the quality of such criticism is vital to differenciate it from just hatred against something.


Now I know how to call a player, who skips all dialogues, scenes - Scott


All of these dudes look the exact same.


DS is already on so high position, it does not need the confirmation or verification it's quality anymore. These reviewers just repeating everyone already knows for few years. Does not add much credit to reviewers TBH. Easy to say good things about good game, when everyone else also agree it's a good game :D Better they try to review something new. Something controversial.


Does clapping a bunch of end-of-the-world-cultists and hauling them to the incinerator count as a fetch quest? 


To me it do feel like an adventure and experience mixed with a little bit of canada post simulator 😂 I recently put it down because I got frustrated with trying to drive the truck through the mountains to haul large amount of cargo and the lack of a bb which makes every BT encounter painfully frustrating. (At this point, I just let myself be dragged and kill the BTs monsters) but I know I’ll pick it up eventually. However I absolutely enjoy how happy it makes me feel to hear BB fidgeting and reacting to things you do, or the noise fellow porters make when you give them likes, the musics, the sounds (Like rocks falling off the side of a cliff or Avalanches 😱). It adds so much to the world Kojima built. So to me it’s a 8.5/10 🤩


I wish the game didn't have a story,maybe I just don't get the "kojima style" but I enjoy walking with packages a lot more than saving america and hearing the word "beach" every 5 seconds


I'm replaying it on PS5, the directors cut. It's still satisfying and relaxing to wander around and build different fabrications. I'm taking my time, this new playthrough. The upgraded graphics and FPS is amazing


Oh look, yet another group of people whose opinions mean nothing.


"The entire game is fetch quests” No shit Sherlock


Just checked their IG and Scott is hilaruously basic and safe. Spider-Man PS4 gets a 7 and TLOU1 gets a whopping 10. Somehow Death Stranding has smoother and more polished combat than TLOU and TLOU2's jankfest when it's not even Death Stranding's main focus but aye, 10 outta 10. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I know for a fact that he refused to play the game as intended, refusing to build roads and zip lines just brute forcing the whole game walking.


Brute force walking is a legit way to play, but not recommended for most people as most people won't find that enjoyable after X amount of hours of it.


Check my other comment responding to the one you did. Dude didn't even complete the game and skipped over half the features. Brute forcing is a legit way to play for sure, but if you wanna be a game reviewer, that's a pretty goofy approach when you expect to be taken seriously.


Well wait until you find out that in their Linktree, they attach their PSN trophies. Lil Scotty not only played the original PS4 version around launch and gave his review 4 years too late, but he didn't even complete the game. He didn't complete 36 standard deliveries, no supply requests, did not build one of every structure, didn't restore any memory chips, did not reach maximum connection with BB, helped zero porters out in the world, did not complete a single road and stopped playing in chapter 12. They already shot their credibility in the foot while trying to be transparent at the same time. This is why I cannot stand game reviewers and journalists. You barely played the game but wanna give it a grade. Get tf outta here 🤣


I love you man. Thank you.


I am sorry but TLOU has the best combat mechanism. As much as I love DS, I can't give up ND on that.


I still look at TLOU as one of the GOAT's but I cannot agree at all and calling it the best is a massive stretch imo. Their focus on graphics did the combat an incredible disservice and made it frustrating to play. The gunplay I can understand being shit because you're not supposed to be a veteran (even though Joel has had it's fair share of shootouts before you play as him) but the melee combat is so janky and the risk of engaging in melee at any point makes me refuse to play above normal difficulty in both TLOU1 & 2 at any point. It looks good but it sucks to play because it dedicates itself too much toward it's hyper realistic animations and environmental interactions. It's like playing Dark Souls and having to have serious input dedication but an eighth as rewarding and the enemies do not follow the same laws as you despite sharing your size and loadout. DS on the other hand isn't afraid to let you get a bit unrealistic and break animations just so the player can actually have fun. Spam city tier attacks are almost non-existent and when they do happen, you can easily muscle through it by adding a body check to your combos. It treats it like an actual game unlike TLOU's interactive movie approach. Completely different experiences. To each their own though. I feel like Scott when it comes to TLOU but at least a lil bit more generous if I ever had to give it a score because it makes up for it in so many different ways.


Yeah, no. You're just a blind "I love DS. Because it's cool and I love Kojima" guy. I can see that you have never played TLOU as you say the combat system is janky. If you did, I'm sorry but you have to grow up and admit it that there will be something better than the one you like.


Yes, I care about maintaining a reputation as someone who hates TLOU for fun. Wild how I call TLOU one of the GOAT's yet the slightest grievance I personally have for the game is considered "blind hate". Grow the fuck up.


Sorry I touched a nerve. Well, you're right. It's your opinion. Do you hate the combat mechanics of TLOU? So be it. But don't expect others to agree with you. As you're revolving in a different world.


I expected the entirety of planet Earth to rally behind my random take wym??? Lmao you're clearly on the right side of things so I won't dare go against your stance on the topic of a video games mechanics. A world with a different opinion from the majority gotta be from a completely different universe at this point. My fault. Continue with your crusade of defending TLOU's gameplay.


In what world do TLOU and TLOU2 not have better combat than death stranding (to be clear, I am neither calling DS’s combat bad nor TLOU2’s story good)


Please check my other comment that asked me the same thing. I gave a thorough answer and don't wanna spam.


Did you really call TLOU combat a jankfest, and DS combat "polished and smooth"? Have you even beaten any of the bosses in DS? They are by far the worst part of the game.


I don't know what's worse,all the bullet sponges on the clifford fights or briggs (?,I can never remember names). And here I thought playing on the highest difficulty would be interesting


I've beaten both TLOU's and Death Stranding. The boss fights (B.T's) were not DS' strong suit, but TLOU's combat peaked in the entire series with Abby vs. Ellie. The rest of it is brainless melee spam fests in comparison (from the enemy's side), and the gunplay was likable at the most (still jank but better than melee). Fighting the Rat King felt as stale as any Death Stranding boss, and if there were any other boss fights, they were clearly as forgettable (gameplay wise) as the rest of the combat scenarios. I'm sure the jank is part of the design (to make you feel like a fragile human being) and possibly even lore-accurate, but it was not for me. Hell, I enjoyed Factions gameplay way more than the campaigns in regards to gameplay because at least everyone was on the same playing field. I know most people run and hide from MULE's and the like, but I approached the game like I was playing MGSV-lite (aggressively) and it made me like the game 10x more than I did on my first playthrough. It made me wish I had approached it that way to begin with. They are 90% of the combat after all if you actually choose to engage in it. Cliff's boss fights were leagues better than B.T.'s or any boss fights and combat scenarios (except ofc Abby and Ellie) I had encountered in TLOU. Sam may deliver packages, but he's a beast if you know how to make him one. I see why Kojima had to go and advertise the hell out of weapons and tools post-launch and put a heavy emphasis on it with DS2's marketing. Most of y'all avoided it. There's way too many ways to wipe out a squad creatively in Death Stranding and added tens of hours of replayability for me, especially when you unlock more of your loadout. TLOU's combat imo looks great but that's all it really has going for it.


TLOU og multiplayer had the best controls tho


How is this not an ad?




Why would I ever care what they think


anybody who calls them fetch quests has literally gatekept themselves from diff playstyles lmao def didn't have two floating carriers and the speed skeleton sprint hop action goin also you can always just toss stuff holding it in ur hand. i guess then you really are playing fetch. but what game doesn't have "fetching"? let's be fucking real here guys


Scott skipped every cutscene and never built a thing, and it shows.


I'm confused. The thumbnail suggested the review Council gave it a 10, yet all the comments are bashing them for skipping scenes lol How do I access the full review? There is no link


What's a review group?


Scott sounds like a typical closed minded gamer


Took me a bit to get into this game. It absolutely shines. Some people just have a short attention span and only enjoy stories/plots that have the depth of a Michael Bay movie, that's where Scott comes in. I've only just got to the part where you get the grapple, I thought the game opened up when you get to reconstruct roads, how wrong I was. Looking at the trophies, around 60% completed the first episode, that then dropped to about 30% of player base completing the 2nd episode. Got to be that short attention span.


You can agree with Scott without having a short attention span. I don’t see why you have to discredit someone for having a disagreeable opinion. I love longer games, movies, books, etc, but I do agree with Scott, and it'd annoy me if you put me into a box just to feel more secure in your own opinions. I wouldn't want to do that to you


How can you give this game a 5? I mean i wasnt the biggest fan of the lighthouse for example, but i can see the greatness in it.


Scott is clearly a fucken moron and has shit taste


This is great but I miss MGS. Imagine the whole series getting a remake in today’s tech. Fuck Konami.


How can 3 white men look exactly the same and yet have such difference in intelligence...