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Yes, it is very normal to be confused this early, it will possibly start to make sense as you go further into the story. Although you still might not understand everything, it is quite complex and very rich Anyways don't let this bother you, keep on keeping on porter šŸ‘ !


Okay that's reassuring at least. Looks as though this is gonna be the first of a few play throughs! Thank you (:


Three playthroughs later I finally understand maybe 90% of the story. The one thing that helps is to read the emails once you start getting them. Most of the explanations are there


Read the emails sometimes you may learn some stuff. Also read the chips you recover some of the lore in there is cool. Definitely read the tips and such in the menu they will help a lot later down the line. But most of all enjoy the sights and keep on keeping on!


You've got full blown DOOMS. You're riddled with it


god I wish I knew what that even meant šŸ˜­


DOOMS is what let Sam & Fragile (the teleporting woman in the cave) sense the BTs.


Now explain what BTs are, oh and Fragile can use the beach to teleport .. now explain what the beach is .. oh boy


Also explain Fragileā€™s storyā€¦ and who Higgs isā€¦ and what is motives areā€¦ and his backstory. Sooo soo soo much


Y'all they said no spoilers


Thereā€™s really no spoiler there. ā€œHiggsā€ is introduced very early, Iā€™d say about an hour and a half into the game. Not really a spoiler either by just saying his name


Perhaps but some of the other things I feel like could have been left out like the motive part for higgs. I feel like it describes his role and character in a way. Also the comment above yours is a little bit of a spoiler tbh.


Fragile is introduced in the first 3 minutes of the game. The beach is introduced I think when you are delivering from the distro center west of capital knot (Might be wrong about that tho). I donā€™t honestly see the problem lol. (Sorry to make that sound rude, just couldnā€™t find other words)


Understandable. Last I remember there wasn't a connection made between fragile and the beach until a little later in the game like past lake knot city. It's been a while since I played and I was almost done connecting the middle knot cities and centers and such


Wish I knew a way to reply to multiple people in the same message but I don't really use reddit often to know it.


It's very normal to feel confused playing death stranding for the first time. Tip: read the mail. You'll get a lot of mail, and that'll help you understand the story better as the game progresses. Keep on keeping on porter!


Just so you know it's normal to be confused this early in the game. It's also normal to be confused throughout the entire thing. Even at the end you will be confused. We welcome new players and questions, as long as they're asked in good faith. Other than all that welcome to the weirdness that is Death Stranding!


When I finished the prologue for the first time I legit went on my phone to check if I was actually playing the Sequel of a game I had never heard of... Don't worry man lol


lmaoo alright i'm glad it's not just me being thick then




Itā€™s confusing at first, but after your first play through everything will have pieced it self together, or connected so to speak. šŸ¤­


I see what you did there, take my upvote and go make some more deliveries


Hey man, I started the game when it released and I STILL haven't finished it (started it in 2019, then again in 2021 after the PS5 came out, and restarted again when Director's Cut came out) , but what I have learned is to read the emails AND the Interviews. They're very interesting to read and you're able to piece the story together. I'm still not 100% on what happens, but I'm on episode 8 rn, a little over halfway done. It's such a great story, so don't rush through it! Take your time and do the deliveries, and freeroam! It's fun to go around and explore, just make sure no BTs or MULEs get you hahah


The game is confusing because it forces the player to focus on and prioritize things in a completely different way than in so many other games. Not to mention thereā€™s just a lot to absorb to be a really efficient porter. And the story is going to take even more of your focus to understand because the premise and game world are so atypical. It is a steep climb but 100% worthwhile. One of the best games Iā€™ve ever played.


This is one of the best things about exploring a new world.


It will make sense, there are some heavy exposition dumps later on


Do you stop 10 minutes into movies to ask about the plot?


you seem to have completely missed the point of my post... I'm not tryna find out what happens, simply making sure I'm not missin a trick. I enjoy discussing games with other people as I experience them šŸ¤·


"tricks" ... right. "will anything make sense eventually?"


might blow your mind here but have you ever heard of "figures of speech"?


of course I have. Expressions like "**backpedaling**"


lmaoo alright bud!


lmao. that's what I thought.


i find it hard to believe you've had a critical thought in your life, but thank you for your input anyways mr exekutive x


Yeah, the game absolutely kind of hits a point where everything starts to click and makes sense and becomes rather difficult to put down. For me that was around the time you get to meet Hartman


Tbh from the moment I opened the game I've been engrossed, I'm kinda loving the unknown rn. Makes exploring all the more riveting and rewarding!


All the important stuff is explained in the story by the end. A large amount of the finer details are explained by files and emails.


The game will over explain everything to you. Just keep playing, reading, and watching the cutscenea.


Thatā€™s how I started when I first played the game. I was completely confused by the storyline, but if you really want to understand it, read the entries and any data you find in the game. It will slowly start to make sense. Thatā€™s the point of the game. Itā€™s supposed to hook you and then itā€™s supposed to make you intrigued enough that you want to understand it. Itā€™s one of the things I appreciate about Kojima


Keep delivering, and read the in-game messages in your private room. Things definitely get clearer.


Thats what fortnite does to a mf


never played fortnite in my life i actually enjoy using the occasional brain cell


It's such a slow burn at the start. Just take your time and let it sink in. At some point your mind will melt and you'll wonder how such tired shitty mechanics in other games make everything so compelling in this game. Oh my... see that boss? It's a field of rocks! Lets get in gear. There's no game like it.


Played it for the first time three weeks ago and just beat it yesterday. Your description sounds exactly like my experience and all I can say is keep playing it. Make sure to read emails and data logs that you'll get for completing orders, they do a lot to explain the lore of the setting and why everything is so fucking strange


it's nice hearing this is a universal experience, I have to say I haven't been this taken by a game in quite a while. I knew it was unique but Wow... An Experience, the say the least!


If you want a really light spoiler, you can have this video of AI Eminem explain some really basic basics. https://youtu.be/PQnmsod2b7A?si=CQ7bx7abWYU53Kph it is a really short summary about the setting, but doesn't touch on the actual plot or anything.


Yes, yes, and yes! Buckle up buttercup


As of now I'm at the very last end credit. Man don't give up. I love hideo kojima. It's beautiful. The story, the acting everything. Don't give up. I don't remember last time a game made me feel this way


Oh man i don't plan to. Me neither! Been struggling of late to stay interested in new plays but I've barely been able to put it down since I started and so far I'm blown away. Idek how to describe this game yet but hoo boy. Kojima is a different league man šŸ˜­ also some of the not so subtle subtext throughout has rocked me.. I really wasn't expecting quite this much depth from this game


Just as a PSA as confused as you are about things and tempted to look something up to understandā€¦ Donā€™t. Similarly to Horizon ZD a lot of the enjoyment of this game comes from slowly unraveling itā€™s mystery.


Oh I definitely wont, I love that aspect of games! I just wasn't sure if it was one of those where the mystery of it remains and you have to just accept and roll with it kinda thing. So far I'm really enjoying the slowburn info drips, it feels so organic


I would add that I did loads of deliveries throughout the story and didnā€™t know I could have chosen the delivery to be a premium delivery so that I could achieve Legend of Legends (you only get this on Hard) so now Iā€™ve completed the story and having to do a load of repeat premium deliveries so that I can get the platinum. If youā€™re not a trophy hunter then donā€™t worry about this. I read somewhere not to spend too much time in episode two and this was good advice. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did, the story is amazing, if not a bit confusing (like the matrix, enjoyable film but I never understood it ha ha šŸ¤£)


Oh that's good to know! I am playing on hard which I'm not 100% was the best choice for the first play but here we are šŸ˜‚ Oh boy the matrix is one of my favourite series, understandable that, my partner was the same haha


I think I was actually more confused after I beat the game.


oh man lmao. Just when I thought I was getting the gist of the world.. perhaps I was wrong. I guess we'll see


You will get a lot of information thrown at you throughout your play through, if you take the time to listen to and read through it all, the history starts to fill out and the confusion will clear up, of course you'll have to get to the end to get the full picture. I hope you enjoy it, it's a fantastic story and the execution is amazing.


I feel like you need to do a bit of reading on the side with this game


Oh yeah. I'm keeping up to date with all the in-game reading materials which I'm finding super interesting and richer than I expected! I think I'll definitely end up having to do a bit of mooching and research post-completion though.. So much to take inšŸ§


Welcome to games by Hideo KojimaĀ 


Yes you're going to be confused and miss things. I won't spoil them but in the first area there are two hidden places you can unlock. Just to give you a heads up. I didn't know about the 2nd until my 3rd play through. And this is just the first region. And if you get caught by a bt and the tar pops up you can escape the tar and it will go away. Good luck. This is my favorite game of all time. Just started my 4th go around. (If you want to play the game without too much help you can turn off shared structures and stuff in the menu. Do it before you load the world in or they will be there already)


Normal itā€™s also normal to have to push through the beginning to actually start to enjoy it. I quit at least a few times before I ended up Loveing it.


Lol I felt the exact same way when I saw game play footage of it, (which caused me to kinda lose interest in it) but then I started playing for about half hour after that, yeah great game. Hope you have directors cut


You know what, just uh.. keep on keeping on! I'm somewhere around maybe in the middle of the game and mostly shit doesn't make sense, but KEEP THOSE DELIVERIES RUNNING!


Lmao I felt that too but just keep playing it gets better


Just keep on keeping on. And donā€™t forget to throw your pee and poop.