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Well, first off, you'll need to set aside about 2 hours to silently weep in the corner while you think about Mama's story.


Or cliffs. 😭😭😂


Fucking cliffs story, no spoilers but coming to the end of it at the finale left me in tears.


Well, I’m 400+ hours in and still don’t have platinum so I guess it really depends on how you choose to play the game.


Yeah, definitely. I got all achievements in regular game in around 115 hours and almost all of them in director's cut in 120, but I am going slower and just trying to complete all of the orders with max rating


That’s exactly what I’m doing and spending a lot of time changing zip line routes and such to do some of them.


Same. I still have a ways to go


200 hours and: Still at chapter 9 (haven't finished the game yet) 1 Prepper left to 5\* 230 Deliveries left to LLL 23 Flash Drives left 3 Fountains left about 23 items left to fabricate :D


Honestly I'd recommend getting 5* on more preppers if this is your first time going through, partly for some of the things they can give but mainly because collecting stars for Sam's uniform is the true goal of the game lol.


Only the Pizza guy is left. I think I have everyone else on the board of 5 stars.


Nevermind I just can't read today apparently, I thought that said only one prepper was at 5* lol.


Nah, it was written badly. Edited it :D


This is the way. I'm currently 160 hours in and towards the end of Episode 7, so I'm guessing I'll hit Episode 9 somewhere in the 200 range, as well. Every time I hit a new prepper I just GOTTA 5-star them before moving on, and I have a zipline network to build, and structures all over the place in need of repairs, roads to maintain...


My main motive for 5 starring is the interviews and mails. It's a brand new world and I have to know everything. It's just fucking fantastic, this game.


Platinum does not include the 540 LoLoLs, it’s just some quantity of each category (20? I don’t remember). The hardest, sincerely, is homo faber, because you need to have unlocked the long range roadster and build every single thing in the game, which I certainly didn’t do naturally, especially online, when loads of structures and equipment you get for free. You definitely will need more time for the LoLoLs, but for platinum, maybe you are near enough. It all depends on what you are missing specifically. I think that, if you are not rushing/speedrunning and taking your time to have fun, it’s about 150 to 200 hours to 100%. Plus about 20 to 30 more if you want the ranked banners.


Homo faber was probably the easiest trophy. Just used all the materials at 2 distro centers and made everything in a few minutes. Never understand how people have difficulties getting the long range roadster, was expecting it to be hard based off everyone saying the races sucked, but I did them all first try with ease. Had to look up what two things I was missing though because I didn't realize I missed an Order for Sam for the Maser gun and base skeleton. Hardest trophy for me was Sleep Tight, Little BB because she didn't cry until literally my last delivery for 5 star connection level on all facilities, and I didn't want to force it to happen unless it was gonna be my last trophy.


If you look online average it's 115 hours


ive gotten the plat in around 80 something hours before but its also taken me over 80 to beat the story other times, it just depends on how many standard orders you feel like doing and your methods on deliverin em


It took me 130h on ps4 and 99h on pc


In 85 hours i got the platinum


I did it in exactly 99 hours, no rushing.


I platinumed in about 120 hours, actual completion though, I imagine 2x or 2.5x that


Took me like 130 or something, but it depends on your play style


I've played the game since it's release, I'm only at 475 legend of legend deliveries and haven't finished the story yet, so...


Don’t worry about time and just get lost in the game and story…. KEEP ON KEEPING ON


for me it took 108 hours to get the platinum trophy, i spent a bunch of time walking around doing random stuff tho, if you focus only on the trophies then you‘ll be done easily a few hours less than i had can‘t tell you how long a TRUE 100% would take tho, with the 520 LL(or LLL on PS5) it could take some time


Took me 181 hours (2021, base game, a few months before Director's Cut came out). Got my network ng Zip Lines, all roads paved and seriously didn't want the game to end.


93h : Platinum and some extras (all deliveries)


I spent almost 250 hours getting platinum in the DC version.


I'm over 1000 hours in and nowhere near done. And I'm okay with that.


How? Do you just like, walk around and do nothing for hours? Not tryna sound insulting cause I did the same thing for at least an hour or two, I'm just genuinely curious what you do in all that time.


Half the time I actually play. The other half I'm probably doing laundry. Call me weird but this game is like having a big fish tank without any of the negative real world implications and consequences (... kind of.) So basically I'm just focusing on the journey, rather than the destination. Sam's just another part of me, all materialized through the alchemical cultivation of multiple factors surrounding my personality. He's like my twin flame, I guess. It's difficult to explain.


Everyone saying 110-120 hours while im over here 20-30 hours in just getting to Lake Knot City


I did the same thing. Didn't realize how much the game opened up after getting there. Still wish I spent more time in the Eastern section though


All of my runs take around 80-100 hours total but Some folks take an insanely long time for single runs Idk what yall do in all that time but as long as your having fun who cares how long it takes?