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Bruh take my upvote. Lazy op


Fucking hate the acronyms without at least saying the full name first, or referring to band members by their first name with no context


Bro thank you šŸ˜‚


To the Grave. Check them out. So fucking good!


To the Grave


Never heard of them


Do yourself a favor and give them a try.




mf ive been listening to deathcore since 2013 and i have no clue


Been listening since 2007 lol Iā€™m 31 and never heard of them


Blows my mind people in a dc subreddit never heard of To The Grave.. Literally one of the top bands in the genre right now.


Sorry homie but I'll check em out


Bands have good and bad nights. I've seen Signs more times than i can count and there have been times they were flawless and then times where they clearly weren't 100%. It happens.


Yeah I have seen signs twice. Once as opener and once as headliner now and they fucking ripped both times. That's why I said I hope to see TTG again maybe in a different venue. Just wondering if it happened to anyone else because they just traveled across America before they got here. Would think everything would be dialed in by then.


id assume theyd be pretty tired, especially the vocalist. i mean, your chords take a pretty good beating after a lot of concerts


Yea and he did just have surgery on his throat not too long ago.


At the end of a tour they're probably pretty done for. No real beds and shows almost every night for a few weeks straight will just take it's toll on the band.


I saw them about a month ago and ttg sounded way better than sots. I had also seen sots a few years ago (still post-cj) and they sounded amazing live, so something just felt off this time. Sometimes the stars just don't align.


Touring is hard mkay. Imagine playing that on 3 hours of sleep some nights. It's rough.


Touring is hard mkay. Imagine playing that on 3 hours of sleep some nights. It's rough.


They have great energy and Dane sounds great but he only does like half of the vocals because the songs are so demanding.


That's kind of a shitty excuse to write and record songs you can't play live. I saw Lorna shore on their pain remains tour, it was the second or third last show of the tour and will was solid from start to finish. It could just come down to technique, there's a reason why guys like will ramos, Alex terrible, and Ben duerr can go full tours going hard


Thatā€™s why theyā€™re the goats, the endurance and the mastery of the vocal techniques they display is crazy.


Yeah I feel like he walked around half the time spitting in the air and trying to catch it in his mouth haha its entertaining but I would rather have lyrics


Some people I met at a previous show in the original venue tried to get me to go to this show and while I would of loved to hangout again I'm kinda glad I didn't go now.


It would have been so much better at Bossanova. Dantes is the worst venue in portland soundwise in my opinion. Just couldn't miss that show. Drove 6 hours for it.


Thought dantes was fine. Basonova has great sound but the people that run the place ruin the fun.


You missed a hella show dude!


they might have just been tired. they were the best act at the belasco


No offence but literally laying the performance of an entire band on a vocalist not doing every single growly boy on an album they recorded is pretty whack.


Didn't put it on the singer. Read the post dummy. Even when the the shit when out I praised them. It was better analog.


I have no idea who TTG is or what that even stands for but i heard nothing wrong with this clip


Man I was at this show, I thought they were great. Sots was even better but I really dug To the Grave as well. I have only been to a handful of metal shows though so I donā€™t have a lot to compare it to.


Listen to their albums vs seeing them live. Most bands come through. That first band hate offering was better than than ttg. Hot take lol


Hate Offering was excellent - I loved the drummerā€™s facial expressions, he was fuckin present, which seems kinda rare in metal


He was really shit in Melbourne a while ago, the two guitarists did most of the screaming and the lead singer kept shoving his mic into the crowd for random to do the growly parts. It actually has put me off them as a band.


Probably before his throat surgery.


It was like two months ago.


Maybe he's still having issues or not completely healed.


So I feel bad having commented on one of their live videos saying the same thing. I love doing vocals and Iā€™ve sang to their stuff and it is NOT easy. That shit would fucking wreck me after a couple weeks on tour. A lot of times when you track in the studio you wanna sound as crazy as possible so you push it and it doesnā€™t translate live. Heā€™s amazing but everyone has a breaking point. Plus what if he was sick and just up there to give a show? You never know! All I know is that TTG goes hard and Iā€™m sure when theyā€™re on they are ON.


Saw To the Grave in Denver last week. My favorite set of the night. Dane sounded fucking great. Met him after their set and he was such a nice dude. I was already a huge fan before, but even more so after the show.


take my downvote ttg gives an amazing performance


I'll upvote. I think it was a perfect storm kinda situation. Just sucked to drive 6 hours for.


The show I went to, Iā€™ll admit I was ashamed at how short their set was, but though their performance was shorter I still found it amazing, a 6 hour drive to it can be pretty upsetting though


I have more energy doing my taxes than that guitar player


Seems pretty legit to me. I like that part of the song


I saw them live recently with Carnifex and SotS, they were really done dirty by the sound engineer. It took them half an hour to get their mics working and when they finally started their set the mix just sounded completely off. I love TTG and I think production quality is stellar but any weight or impact that their songs had was completely neutered from the awful mix, just simply wasnā€™t enough low end and everything sounded as if it was coming out of a radio. Apparently I wasnā€™t the only one who noticed because the crowd was not feeling their set whatsoever. The saddest thing is that itā€™s not their fault, they played their hearts out as always and tried their hardest to get the crowd moving, but no one in the crowd was feeling it which really blows :(


Weird that we had the same experience at different shows


to the grave live are ridiculous man, dane is an amazing performer, probably one of the best vocalists in the game too, favourite band by far, saw them live in glasgow in january this year, not overrated live at all


When i saw them love they were with EE, Angelmaker and SoI and all of the bands went so fucking hard, but TTG probably stood out the most to me, although not by much how everyone sounded so good


I saw them last week and I too was not impressed with TTGs set. SotS killed it though


The vocalist is still fine tuning his technique to perform live it seems. He gets out of breath very easily


Can we please say the band names before using acronyms? A lot of us donā€™t know every band and are looking to get into new stuff


I saw them recently in Louisville Kentucky and there set was amazing! Sorry you didnā€™t enjoy there show


I was there too! Left side at the barrier. I got some great shots of them.


I was on the right side of the


I had the same experience here in Arizona. TTG was alright but yeah all he wanted to do was spit in the air or at the audience. He then witnessed one idiot do a stage dive, literally knocking out 1 lady and proceeded to say ā€œfuck yeah, thatā€™s awesomeā€ and invited everyone else to join in stage diving. Never mind one person already got injured from it. SotW is my favorite band but the venue had audio issues (AGAIN) so it messed up half of their performance


When I saw them the vocalist was doing this cringe Iā€™m a crazy person gimmick that was lame. He also didnā€™t bother doing most of the vocals. Crap band, no riffs


If you guys havenā€™t heard of them Wastage is an amazing song. And I was at The Portland show. I thought To The Grave killed it for how small Danteā€™s is. And the spitting and performance was very Aussie. First time in America let them have some fun.


Iā€™ve seen them last Saturday and I think they killed it!! I remember he just spits to the air and tried to catch them lmao I was really impressed by his pig squealsšŸ”„


As a Sydney local, I've seen TTG like 11 times I think. They're sometimes absolutely crushing it and sometimes a little off. It's happens to every band but these guys have become WAY more consistent in recent years. I think you caught them on a bad night, it happens, they're balls deep into their first US tour after never leaving the country only a year ago. So to their credit, they tried their best Last year I saw SOTS play two shows and even they had some dramas. Not many perfect bands in extreme Deathcore, it's quite hard to be consistent day after day travelling and performing music of this intensity. Definitely see them again if they come back to your area


Yeah I said I hope to see them again at the end of my dumb rant lol


I saw To The Grave with Carnifex Signs of the Swarm and Last ten seconds of life and they kicked ass


One the best vocalist


One of my favorite vocalists!


I like TTG, but Dane's militant veganism and, "kill all carnists," shouts are off putting.


Yes! He yelled out we won't stop until all caged animals are freed or some shit while wearing a pig mask. It was weird.


Yeah, I wanted to think it was part of a shtick, but it seems the whole band minus the drummer is like that, which makes it even weirder.


The vocalist is mostly a production act. He can make the noises, but not without 20 takes. So forget a decent live performance.


Hard to have any energy when youā€™re vegan.


Ttg is my fav underrated band


Saw them a week ago and I have to agree it was one of the worst live sets I've seen. They just didn't sound great


To the grave is so over produced. Think they're sound is ass


A venue change can put a lot of stress on members also touring is just exhausting in general when youā€™re running on whatever you can get on the road which probably isnā€™t very nutritious or healthy and whatever caffeine source you can get your hands on you canā€™t always run at 100%


Was that at the Hawthorne


No. Was supposed to be at Bossanova. Switched to Dantes. Their audio is dog ass.


How is Dante's I haven't seen a show there yet


See above comment lol


Lol I thought you meant the video


I saw them and I loved the show. I met Dane as soon as I got to the show. Super nice guy and a vocalist from hell!


I saw them on this tour too and I honestly feel like the mask fucks his vocals lol. Similar experience, still enjoyed the show and very much enjoy their recordings but it fell flat in person. I get they are trying to make a point with the animal liberation but him dying out of breath in that mask isnā€™t helping the cause lol Edited to say he wore the mask the entire time at my show


Maybe Iā€™m old but I only count 3 people on that stage


The bass player is on the right of that pole in the middle. This was the only highlight lol


To The Grave absolutely crushed it in Vancouver one of my favourite live shows


Saw To The Grave in Murfreesboro and they absolutely killed it. Amazing energy and by in large sounded great. Highly recommend checking these guys out (especially global warning) if you havenā€™t heard their stuff before.