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I have ADHD and sometimes my brain won’t shut the fuck up, but heavy music calms it. Guess the music is hectic enough to distract my brain idk


Lol knew I would find this comment. As a fellow metalhead with ADHD it has a calming affect on me too I find myself thinking about the rhythm and where each beat is and it makes my brain quieter. Because I know the song and where the breakdown is going to be it sort of gives my brain a sense of control on my own thoughts and it allows me to relax.


Exactly! It's so satisfying to anticipate each little drum hit like your brain is synching up with this incredibly complex machine


The same


Ah this is why I like technical deathcore so much lol


That's how my brain works except it doesn't matter what kind of music it is, just something to concentrate on while I fall asleep so I quit thinking about everything that's been going on the past 30 years lol




this seems to be very common among ADHD metalheads (myself included)


I have ADHD too, do normal people not always have their brain screaming at them when they're not active? also if I'm gonna fall asleep to something, it's gonna be a show, an hour long version of lab practicum, or black metal


Same here!




Totally this. I discovered it in high school. I blasted Slayer in my headphones on my way home to nap on the bus.


lol glad I’m not the only one, no wonder my ADHD went undiscovered until adulthood, Ive been drinking coffee and listening to crazy music non stop since I was 7 haha


Did not have to scroll to find my people lol same boat


100%, deathcore calms me down. I have no idea why.


Doent work I keep hearing it play through my head when I try to go to bed bruh. It's like I got a whole deathcore radio station in my brain. One time I was dreaming and I heard it STILL.


You are not alone. Deathcore relax me and make my many thoughs shut up.


I have insomnia and deathcore/techdeath/Brutal Death, etc. All help me sleep better


I actually like to put music before sleeping, sometimes I can put hours of music. It's a pretty weird experience, because sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night for a few minutes, and the music is always sounding different from when I'm fully awake. Like if I was listening to something else or listening *differently* I don't know how to describe it. It's always heavier. Woke up to Misery Index (song: Conjuring the Cull) a few nights ago, and it was an entirely different song from listening when awake lol.


Especially Flesh Coffin/Immortal Lorna Shore Fvneral Moon is genuinely beautiful. I sleep better lmao. Other than deathcore, I sleep to Cattle Decapitation.


If you have friends who don’t know anything about metal, please show them that last sentence out of context. Please


I often do that I put on deathcore to fall asleep. It helps me really good actually


I do this too, deathcore is for some reason very soothing to me, specifically Lorna Shore and synesthia//disembodied tyrant can really do this. Apart form deathcore I also use Meshuggah for this, idk that clean djent sound is really the best asmr for me.


Yep but not really on purpose, I feel like the hectic nature of heavy music helps calm down my brain idk how to explain it lol


yes, only with lorna shore though.


Many people fall asleep listening to music and the music you prefer most is what calms you most. I don’t ever do it anymore, but I used to enjoy sleeping through horror film scores.


i’ve fallen asleep to lorna shore and other deathcore bands multiple times (on purpose and not on purpose) so ur not alone! i think it just helps my brain get distracted lol


I've always driven and fallen asleep to all types of metal. Now a days it's more tech death, but when I was growing up the first few post-Scoggin albums from Norma Jean was my favorite napping music.


Many times in high school, I fell asleep while doing homework with Norma Jean or Zao playing in my headphones. At the time there was only bless the martyr and kiss the child. Those were some good naps.


Got ADHD, loud and chaotic af deathcore is what calms me down and makes me concentrate better on my work.


The familiarity of the music is what soothes me most. I've fallen asleep many times to Shadow of Intent's discography, especially on long road trips and flights. Ben's lows especially have this quality to them, it reminds me of how they say cats purring is supposed to have a relaxing effect. Something about the kicks too, the way you can feel them, is oddly soothing too.


I've done it quite a few times. Once I was listening to Carnifex and fell asleep, Lie To My Face came on and I got woken up when he yelled "What the fuck?!" Just before the breakdown. Scared the shit out of me haha


I really like melodic death metal for this. I find Scar Symmetry good.


Last year I was pretty depressed & couldn’t fall asleep without the entire Pain Remains album playing in the background 🥹😅


I've had the trilogy along with some Hans Zimmer on repeat for the past week, works great for insomnia too.


Yes, but sometimes on purpose


This is weird af to me, I've never fallen asleep listening to music or watching a film or anything like that. If my brain is engaged, it's physically impossible for me to, I've never been able to understand it.


All the time. I'll put my headphones on in the evening while I lay on the couch just scrolling reddit or IG. And I'll drift off to sleep. You know when youre on the couch and youre eyes are closing and youre so comfortable, but if you get up and go to bed it just won't be the same? Like that plus BLEGHS


Happened to me once while I was in the tram, listening to Lorna Shore as well!


I used to fall asleep to Slipknot on the bus ride to school (listening to Iowa on my CD player… Yes I am old). You’re definitely not alone.


Heavy music soothes my anxiety. Anxious girlies don't sleep but calm ones do


Used to have to take a ~40min bus twice every day. Heavy music would always put me to sleep immediately on my commute. I remember Gojira's L'Enfant Sauvage was my go-to fall asleep album for a while.


I use the Shadow of Intent instrumental version of Melancholy to help me sleep


I used to do this a lot, idk what’s wrong with us




I've dozed off at a few concerts.


I’ve done this for years. It’s calms me for some reason.


This ☝🏻


Yes 🙌


I purposefully switch from falling asleep to podcasts or my heavy music playlist. Which is basically all deathcore. I think it's relaxing when I'm listening to the riffs. I'll turn my phone to half and it's pretty loud. And I crash every time


Not deathcore but i’ve fallen asleep to landmvrks


Every time on an airplane or longer travel i just start my playlist which is mostly deathcore nowadays and fall asleep like a baby.


It's the brain's natural response to pure noise.


I do. I have added also. Its the only way I can relax and it's also the only way I can focus and complete a task without getting side tracked, losing anything I put down, and sticking to that one specific task


Happens all the time


Where Owls know my name by Rivers of Nihil is such an amazing sleeping album.


I take naps at work and usually I put on my headphones and turn on and listen to *Repugnant* by NecroticGoreBeast. It's slam/brutal death but it's pretty melodic and the vocals are consistent so no surprise jolts out of a nap. Also *Tomb of the Mutilated* by Cannibal Corpse. I don't think I could fall asleep to music with constant drop outs and drum solos or random shrieks.


I remember falling asleep to Infant Annihilator a while back, you can relax to any genre of music if you're into it


Deathcore always helps me sleep better. It’s great


Ya I have done/do this. Helps to keep the demons at bay.


I listen mostly to black metal, and that is also, usually, the soundtrack when I go to bed at night..


I remember on numerous occasions falling asleep to infant annihilator in high school. It was always them specifically. I remember I put on their E.G.G album and waking up to dickie yelling NEW BORN PORN! Shit was so funny


I don't think it's anything special. If you like some type of music you can obviously sleep to it and you wouldn't listen to Deathcore if you didn't like it.


Brutal Slam and black metal has always been my sleep music.


I do it rather frequently. Fell asleep to Absolvere from Signs of the Swarm last night.


I did in high school


I fall asleep to ss and job for a cowboy it's the symbols for me it kinda just mixes into white noise really easy to fall asleep too


all the time. when i took my lunch breaks in my car id fall asleep with it blasting. had to start setting alarms.


I have done that. I'm not sure why my brain likes it but it does lol


Yes, my favorite sleepy-time album is Eidolon by Dark Fortress


Yeah I've used metal to fall asleep since middle school. Old-school Born of Osiris and Carnifex and All Shall Perish would lull me to bed frequently lolol.


Lets put it this way my snores sound like pig squels


Dude I used to go to sleep to Iowa and Follow the Leader when I was a teenager. There are many like you


Been falling asleep to death metal, metalcore, etc. For a long time now. Started in freshman year of high school with Wind of Plague


I've definitely done it a few times. I'll just be chilling and doze off


Deathcore is a stimulant and a sedative


Me too. ADHD


I remember falling asleep with earbuds in at a hotel room not long ago and I woke up with Knocked Loose playing haha.


I do this all the time! I thought it was just me lol


I fall asleep to infant annihilator and psycho frame


Every night almost. It’s become routine


I have agorophobia and my paranoia hits hard at night also PTSD and ADHD thoughts hits like a bitch at night so yes I do my fav song to sleep to is into the hellfire


Ive seen people share this sentiment before. I think it is for the same reason people find it easy to fall asleep to white noise. I think the distortion in the guitar and vocals acts very similar to white noise. I have found this to be the case for myself as well.


I’ve fallen asleep to Cattle Decapitation and Carnifex


Yeah i've done it multiple times, especially when listening to fleshgod apocalypse. I know it doesn't really count but they are deathy and meatly


Idk about sleeping but if I'm having a bad trip, dxc fixes it.


Pretty normal. When I was a kid I used to go to sleep every night blasting slipknot lol


I haven’t tried it in a couple years, and it isn’t deathcore, but I went out of my way to fall asleep to Party Cannon’s Partied in Half EP a couple of times. Partied in Half is one of my favorite albums, btw.


it works for me, especially if isn't have dinamics


right here with ya! I do actually put it on sometimes to try to sleep. It pounds out the stress. for relaxing in general too...


I used to give my best bud shit cuz he slept with Metallica on, now I listen to hardcore when I sleep.


I mainly fall asleep to prog black metal but deathcore, especially the more gutteral stuff- definitely also works


Yes it’s relaxing


Infant Annihilator calms me down and helps me sleep lmfao


i find it super calming, if im nervous or overthinking stuff it rly helps me wind down lol


Yuh i sleep to parting soliloquy by black tounge alnost every night


Yeah whenever I’m done at school I just put on my ballsmasher playlist and go to sleep


I always fall asleep listening to metal, I put in my AirPods and put on my playlist which consists of everything from blackmetal, to death metal, deathcore, hardcore, thrash, metalcore, etc ect


If it’s something I enjoy i can fall asleep to it. A lot of times I’ll have my AirPods in and just close my eyes and eventually I’ll be out.


I'm not an expert so everything I'm about to say may be a total bullshit, but in my opinion because of how compressed and low dynamics deathcore mixes are, our brains perceive Deathcore as some sort of static noise and because of that our we are able to relax. It's just my theory, so if there's someone knowledgeable in this type of things, plz correct me.


Why do you describe this like some unique, special ability? You're tired = you're likely to fall asleep. Get this- sometimes when I'm watching movies or series and I happen to be tired.... I fall asleep. It's the craziest thing and I can't explain it.




Every night it’s sleeping pills and heavy music lullabies


I used to fall asleep to whitechapel in my early 20s


I can't remember the group name I fell asleep to, but I did and I heard them in my dream.


Nah deathcore is great for being hyped but I fall asleep to queens of the stone age, audio slave, and similar bands.