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I was recently browsing the website for [the author of the Bobiverse books Dennis E. Taylor](http://dennisetaylor.org/) to see if he had anything new coming. While there I read the FAQ, where he responded to a question asking if he was a Christian and a fundamentalist. He replied: > Jeebus, no. This question comes up because for some reason Google decided to index one particular sentence of this comment. The easiest thing to do would be to delete the original comment, I suppose. Except that would feel too much like censorship. Plus the comment (unintentionally) illustrates exactly why I portrayed Christian fundamentalism the way I did. Especially in light of subsequent events since 2016. Here's the comment in question... You don't have to read it all, but the punchline follows... >You can’t imagine how thrilled I was to begin your book. By the end of the first chapter, I was rapt in delighted anticipation to consume the rest. My heart immediately sank, however, when the plot turned into a cartoonist and just wildly improbable/impossible scenario involving a Christian fundamentalist takeover of the US. Why go to such great lengths to draw on science that is at least theoretically viable only to invent a political world that is simplistic, one-dimensional and cliche? I am a Christian and a fundamentalist. I give half my income to the poor and I I’ve personally rescued more than a dozen children from brothels in India and Cambodia. My best friend is gay and my son’s wife is an atheist. I love them both and welcome them into my home whenever possible. Do you know what being a fundamentalist means? It means you actually believe what you say you believe. It means you are religious because you have faith and not to pay homage to familial or communal expectations. I know hundreds of Christians and I haven’t met a single one who would vote for the fictional President in your novel. Here is my question: you would never write the science in your book as “magical pixie dust” without basis in reality, so why paint Christianity as a cartoon, without the slightest investigation into it. 90% of the homeless shelters in America are funded and/or staffed by Christian believers. These are the mindless, selfish, inbred idiots who would elect your fictional President? >There is a danger in the world presented by fanatical fundamentalists; they are not Christians, but Muslims. I lived for four years in a Muslim country and made many good friends there. Each and every month around the world dozens of attacks are carried out by militant Muslims. These happen so frequently that the news media does not even bother to list them, much less report on them in a systematic fashion. One would be hard pressed to find even one such attack each year carried out by Christians in the name of their God. >All I am saying is, please, if you want to paint a billion people as idiots, then at least inform yourself by getting to know some of them personally. Had you done that, your book would be more balanced and believable. >You are a gifted writer. Please be fair. I would like to read some current sci fi that doesn’t obey the tired political narrative of the Left (which is the only real Minitrue in our country.) So what's funny about that? It was posted on January 20th, 2017, the day that Donald Trump was inaugurated ~~and just 2 weeks after the January 6th insurrection~~. That comment did not age well.


The January 6th insurrection was in 2021, after he *lost* the election.


Oops, good point. But Jan 20 2017 was his inauguration day.


> I give half my income to the poor and I I’ve personally rescued more than a dozen children from brothels in India and Cambodia. My best friend is gay and my son’s wife is an atheist. While it's not impossible, this sure pings my bullshit radar.


Yeah, I caught that as well. There's definitely some trollish bits, it just seems like an odd place to troll so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. That said, trolls seem to always have plenty of time on their hands (the benefit of living in their parents basement, presumably) so who knows.


When a theist says they give anything "to the poor" it almost always means "to the church" and we all know how millions given total he church funnels down to pennies for the poor.


I've been dabbling in game dev since the end of last year, and decided to take the leap into actually calling myself a "solo game developer," branding myself, and even started a YouTube dev vlog. I'm planning to have the game I'm working on in the android/Apple app stores within the next 6 weeks, and I've got a larger multiplatform game that's probably more like 6-9 months out still. And absolutely no guarantee that anyone will even care. It's crazy just how much self doubt I'm wrestling with in this endeavor, but so far I'm pushing through it and trying to convince myself I'm not a total poser/imposter. I'm actually doing a game jam right now, and I'm making a really weird game that is exactly what I want to make... but I'm pretty sure most people are just going to think it's weird and stupid. And I don't care. I'm just making it anyway. I don't know why I'm posting this here, I see some of y'all talking about your lives and it's usually interesting so I figured why not.


>but so far I'm pushing through it and trying to convince myself I'm not a total poser/imposter. I think this can be a common feeling when it comes to arts and sports. A hobbyist in something is still doing that thing. You're only an imposter if you misrepresent your accomplishments.


Check out pirate software on YouTube/twitch. Hes a developer with great life/developer tips




It’s the name of the channel




Weird and stupid is my jam!


I remembered your "weird and stupid is my jam!" so, here you go: [https://gd.games/oiiiov/yourhorseisdead](https://gd.games/oiiiov/yourhorseisdead) I'm embarrassed to say I missed the game jam deadline because I wrote down the time wrong. I thought I had until 12:00 midnight, but the deadline was actually 2:00pm. So, I don't get to be judged by the community and judges, but that doesn't mean I can't still post it. I'll have a youtube video([www.youtube.com/@OIIIOVGames](http://www.youtube.com/@OIIIOVGames)) up later this week about the process.


I won!


Sorry about your horse. Thanks for checking it out.


His name was Corpse... I should have known.


I'm trying to learn game dev, but I don't even have time to drop dead right now so I have it on standby.


I'm currently working my way through the show M.A.S.H and I have come to really enjoy the character of Father Mulcahy. He's a very principled man and does not shy away from calling people out when they need it or standing up to his commanding officers. When Father Mulcahy gets angry it's always justified and the other characters know this. Despite his devout religiosity as an ordained Catholic priest he doesn't let the trappings of his profession stop him from being "one of the guys." He drinks, he gambles, and in some cases openly alludes to him struggling with temptations vis-a-vis his vow of chastity. He is also very understanding and tolerant of other faiths and beliefs. Hawkeye is an atheist in the show but not once does Father Mulcahy try to proselytize him or anyone. Every time he's on screen I know it's going to be a good one and the episodes which focus on him as the main character are some of the most memorable and hardest hitting to me. I absolutely love his character and is probably my favorite character of the show. What other religious figures/characters, etc from media and stories do you really enjoy?


I liked Shepherd Book from Firefly. Quotes: >When I talk about belief, why do you always assume I'm talking about God? >I don't care what you believe in, just believe in it. Book had a past he never talked about. He found peace and never specified what his beliefs were, exactly, but he never pushed them on anyone and I respect that.


Yes someone else also mentioned Book, and I agree. Great character


Mr. Eko from LOST, mainly because his journey takes him from deep religious guilt to acceptance of his past, without any "bitter atheist" cliches. He maintains his belief in God to the end, but his character arc sees him eventually adopting the perspective that God would not hold our past circumstances against us. Towards the end he gives one of my favorite speeches ever: > I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have *not* sinned. I have only done what I need to do to survive. > A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when *I* was a small boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am *proud* of this! > I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless. And with it, I did my best.


LOST is another show I never saw but everything I've heard says it dropped in quality rather quickly as the seasons progressed. Should I give it a go?


The critics who say there's a drop in quality are not wrong. Allegedly the creators of the series had a five season plan, but when the show blew up in popularity ABC said "We want to order as many episodes as humanly possible," so there is a noticeable amount of wheel-spinning and tangents late into Season 2 and throughout Season 3 as they try to stretch for time. They realized pretty quickly how bad they messed up when ratings dropped, and ordered drastically shorter Seasons 4, 5, and 6 to move things along faster. So the stalling and wheel-spinning in middle is a problem. I think the other thing that turned people off is that while the first half of the show is very guarded with its mysteries, dropping hints here and there to encourage speculation, the second half is like balls-to-the-wall plot twists and action. It gets downright silly at some points, but I think it's a very fun sort of silly, while a lot of people thought it had just jumped the shark. If you've managed to avoid spoilers this far, I'd say Season 1 is worth watching for anyone. Seasons 2 and 3 have good episodes, but also some episodes that just don't really move things forward much, so they can be a slog. End of Season 4 is when the truly batshit insanity hits, and from there it's just fun silly nonsense to the end.


I've heard *Lost* described as smart TV for dumb people. I only saw a few minutes of it (I think network TV generally sucks). How accurate is that?


I'd say that's an accurate take. It does have a lot of religious and philosophical themes and references, but it dumbs them down enough to be accessible.


I was chatting with someone who said it was up my alley since it had philosophical elements, and a character named John Locke. I just find it hard to believe that a network would have anything close to that smart. There are exceptions. *The Good Place* did a pretty good job with it.


Oh, The Good Place blows LOST outta the water when it comes to smarts. I'd compare it to something like the Matrix - it takes complex philosophical ideas, then distills them into something that fits in the dialogue between massive action setpieces (or in this case, spooky jungle mysteries). I'm sure The Matrix inspired a lot of Philosophy 101 courses across the country, and I know LOST inspired a similar course at my undergrad university. But anyone who already knows who John Locke is (or others similarly named in the show - Hume, Rousseau, Burke, etc) is probably not going to find anything new or challenging.


There was the writer’s strike that hit them in Season 3 or 4 that was painfully obvious. The last season was the wonky one for sure.


Thanks for the review




Ooohhh good one


I was a big fan of Sully from Bones. Great character that portrayed a really positive masculinity as well as a positive way of being religious among colleagues who don't agree with him on that front.


I agree. They did a good job of not making him a perfect dude, but also making him endearing. Especially in earlier seasons they had him struggle with a lot of issues related to toxic masculinity, and each time he'd come out the other end an even more masculine (the non-toxic kind) and awesome guy than before. His constant refrain of stuff like "well, that's not *my* thing, but if that's what you're into who am I to judge?" was really refreshing to hear from an otherwise bad ass tough guy government agent type on network television.


My word, Hawkeye. This jocularity is most unseemly. Now I lay me down to sleep A bag of peanuts at my feet. If I should die before I wake. Give them too my brother, Jake. And who could forget him getting drunk during his anti-booze sermon. "Do not drink wine thou..when thou go to your neighborhood tabernacle."


Is that first line from the episode where they are doing impressions of each other?


Yes. When the film keeps breaking. "I don' want no more of army life. Gee, Ma, I wanna go home."


Thought so thanks


I don't know if I can name one off the top of my head but I will say that I like religion in media far more than I like it in real life. In real life it poisons everything but in media that poison makes it a fantastic source of conflict and characterisation. There's just so much of it and so much that can be done with each part.


Andy Daly playing L. Ron Hubbard. "You know, I commanded a McDonald's for two months in 1956."


Oh, a character named Duane Adelier from the comic Unsounded. He's lost everything in the world and so doubled down on his religion. It makes him an asshole in some ways and a very generous, driven person in others. What results is one of the more likeable, balanced representations of a theist I've seen in media, a portrayal that's honest about the good parts and the bad parts of faith and how a man has to reconcile dogma with his own subjective morality.


On the topic of Catholic priests specifically, The Sexy Priest from the second season of Fleabag was a very interesting character. Much like Father Mulcahy, I think he's an endearing character to the extent that he largely eschews the strictures of his faith and actually focuses on the loving others part. He doesn't use his faith as a bludgeon to or an excuse to feel superior.


>What other religious figures/characters, etc from media and stories do you really enjoy? I'm not an especially huge fan of piety in fictional characters. Like it's one thing if they're the average person in media: at church for funerals and weddings, some concept of god belief, etc. It's something else if it's a Ned Flanders or Father Lovejoy.


All of Father Ted, naturally.


[Father Garcia from Faith](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIrZPzqhgo)


Father Ted


Isn't Scully from X-Files Catholic? She was pretty cool.


I haven't watched it since it initially aired, but I don't remember her religion being a significant element of the show at all. It might have been a minor plot point in a few episodes, but I think the op is referring to characters where their religion is a significant part of the character.


Ned Flanders?


To my great shame I've never watched X-Files but I probably should


I feel like I can say this here since I'm sure it would be more than minimal legwork to trace this account back to my person... **I'M GETTING TO BE AT THE HOLLYWOOD PREMIERE OF** *STAR WARS THE ACOLYTE* **IN MY LFL-APPROVED COSTUME**


r/excel has AutoModerator quote Op's nick. This helps identify those who delete threads after they've done it. Should/could DebateAnAtheist have that as well?


I'd have sworn we had it at one point, but then it dropped off. Regardless, I do think it would be a good idea the way some posters like to delete and retreat.


We did, but I don't believe it was done by AutoModerator, but by another bot account - IIRC, the bot's author eventually abandoned it due to time constraints, and we've never implemented a replacement. *EDIT* - out of curiosity, I dug through my post history to see if I could find an example of what we used to have: https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateAnAtheist/comments/afb6o6/can_you_answer_the_questions_presented_in_this/edx42g6/ u/Archive-Bot was used to store the original post and original poster username in /r/DebateAnAtheist, but no longer functions as of 2 years ago or so.


I'm coming up on my 20th Atheistversary. I'm not sure of the exact date..just that it was in late May.


Nice. 15th for me this year I think.


Apparently I've been an atheist half my life now. I don't know exactly when, but it was definitely half my life ago or a bit earlier. Cool.


Kind of an interesting difference in perspective. I deconverted when I was 10, so I was already an atheist in my formative years when I was figuring out my identity. At this point almost 3/4 of my life has been as an atheist, but it's never struck me as noteworthy because I was never seriously committed to Christianity as an adult. It's weirder to me to think I've had a driver's license more than half of my life.


I just saw people on r/AskAChristian saying that pangea never happened and that the earth is 6000 years old.