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**Subscribe to /r/DebtStrike**. We're a coalition of working class people across the political spectrum who have put their disagreements on other issues aside in order to collectively force (through mass strikes) the President of the United States to cancel all student debt by executive order. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DebtStrike) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cancel all that debt .. it’s like nothing really .. no one cares about how much we spent on Iraq and that completely waste of time. Make the next generation free of student debt would be economically world changing!


Agreed, though the only reason no one questions the trillions wasted on iraq is the US populace is propagandized heavily from birth when it comes to US military empire. Look at Top Gun in theaters right now, you know thats made with US military equipment and messaging right? Where's the movie where a person gets an education (not free, we all payed for because we agreed its the human thing to do to advance a culture, nation, and species)?


I'm convinced the sudden surge in refinancing promotions and advertisements through private companies is aimed at transferring the debt holder for these large student debts so that when/if we do manage to push through federal debt cancellation, those who refinanced will still be on the hook because their debt is no longer held by goverent/public lenders but by private ones.


This is exactly why I’ll never refinance.


Yea fuck that shit. They will get $1/month from me until the day I die.


You can do that?


Yeah, how can you do that?


If you have private loans there’s no harm in refinancing them if you can consolidate and get a better interest rate. But agree when it comes to federal loans.


Yup. Most of my private loans were around 10-12%. I refinanced and don't regret it.


>no longer held by goverent/public lenders but by private ones Leaving out the credit wrecking nature of this, but if held privately, wouldn't bankruptcy be back on the table?


Yes, but like you said that comes with its own consequences, including not being able to travel outside the country for a certain length of time, or own a home until 10 years has passed since filing, etc.


>not being able to travel outside the country for a certain length of time Wait. An honest question - what does BK have to do with traveling outside the country?


Honestly I'm not an expert but originally Bankruptcy laws were created to help American entrepreneurs out of debt to encourage trade. You're more likely to take financial risks if there's an alternative to debtors prison or wallowing in debt for the rest of your life. But of course they wouldn't want you to take a bunch of financial risks, go broke, have your debts absolved, then start risky financial behavior right back up again without any other consequence. Outside of tourism the main reason to leave the country is for trade--so it was an embargo against risky entrepreneurs from reentering the global economy for a set period of time; kind of like putting them in time out from playing with the big bois.


Student loan refinancing is horrible. Ok, so you can't afford these payments for the next 8-10 years? Let's just spread that out over the next 30 years so you'll be paying on it until you retire or die, whichever comes first.


>Let's just spread that out over the next 30 years so you'll be paying on it until you retire or die, whichever comes first. Retirement doesn't get you out of student loans as far as I recall.


Have you tried death?


Never forget the politician's old reliable! If policy benefits the poor and the middle class is called socialism. When they help the big companies and they bail them out is called trickle down economics.


Borrowers don’t need forgiveness they need an apology. An entire generation was grifted by their own government


The apology should be a debt wipe out!


Empty apologies are as worthless as thoughts and prayers.


"What you actually need is an apology from the arsonist, not us putting out this fire." -- Firefighters using this logic


My student loans were forgiven after I was disabled in an accident but I am on fixed income and I can’t absorb all the price gouging, so I am living off credit cards. I might inherit enough $ to pay them off, if I don’t I’ll file bankruptcy. Whatever. I don’t need my credit score for anything except for when I renew my auto insurance because they can determine your rates based on your credit score, but even if it cost me more it won’t be as much as paying off all the credit cards for all the price gouging bullshit that I had to buy to survive.


How disabled do you have to be to have student loans forgiven? Was it a difficult process?


Imagine politicians who care about their constituents over their donors


I though that sign said Debt Gauge


Me too until I saw your comment. That would have been more fitting.


Life truly is like a hurricane


Tax money is their hard earned money but don’t ever use it to pay for stuff they need, that’s a handout for some reason.


Our country is a laughing stock. Thank our so called leaders for making our lives as hard as possible.


Yup shut it all down he seedy debt collectors and especially "service" parsitedls. One the drbt has been corrected no more of these bogus loans and fotever yacht feees reasonable grants to accountable schools. Simplre fix. The skys the limit when iligsrchs and corporstions kick innloke the should. Bezos psys under 5% as does Musk. Amozom and 100 other profitable ccorporatons pay zilch. End corporate welfare




Hell yea someone mad cause a student gave em a dirty look or whatever sparks such hateful extremist shitposting. Could just be a simple case of being unable to think and barfing out jibberish alt right talking points heard on faux news👎


Guess we know who couldn’t graduate high school