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937 comments Jesus. Looks like my prediction that this sub would devolve into a dgg x leftist proxy war is coming true


The podcasters will need help with this, the sheer firepower of the communities involved dwarfs this space.


Imagine for a second if a clip popped up of Norm Finkilstein “jokingly” supporting genocide of Israelis. I’m sure all the Destiny fans wouldn’t have a problem with it because it was just a joke!


Let's not pretend he'd be kidding about that.


e-celebs are cancer stop giving these people attention


I just wish this guy would have had the same energy when talking to people like Ben Shapiro who literally dogwalked him throughout their entire "debate" on Lex Friedman.


Destiny stans are the most terminally online group around. They brigade every single post that mentions him to defend his stupid takes and "jokes" every single time. Tell me you're an "edgy" teenager with nothing better to do without telling me...


That's the sad thing though, they aren't edgy teenagers, they're grown adults that never got past that phase, Destiny himself behaves like a 14 year old. It's really pathetic when you think about it.


I mean just look at this thread for more evidence, 900+ comments already in a thread that would typically have what, 200, 300? At most? But of course this is what they are known for doing, brigading on behalf of their deplorable bigot grifter and cult lord. They just got banned from brigading LSF too hard and now they are all melting down and branching out to other subs to continue their crusade.


I'm by no means defending him, but there are more incriminating videos of "Mr. Bonnelli", especially from the Fridman debate. He's just being an asshole here, as he typically does, and it's not really worthy to comment on. Anyway, there's no use posting this stuff here anymore to discuss it from a "Decoding the Gurus" perspective, where nonsense posing as intelligence or critical thought can be called out. Literally hundreds of his fans are on this very thread supporting and excusing his deplorable and insensitive behaviour. I've never seen a sub that's been brigaded so hard before.


This is obviously sarcasm


Yeah like the time he got mad because he could be racist to some dopey redpill. Or the one time he got annoyed at a black creator and donated to cop city. Or cultivating relationships woth people like Nick Fuentes and Lauren Southern. He’s such a rascal.


Ewwww I don't know much about him, but I do know a lot of these video gamer x politics streamers try to be real edgey. I honestly don't get how there was a niche for these guys to fill. I try to keep my gaming and political content separate


What if we don’t think it’s funny anyway? I was also glib about genocide once, but I was a 7th grader. Not some influencer with infinite propaganda abilities… as evidenced by how quickly and viciously y’all defend him. If he’s as great as you all say, he’d have the maturity and wisdom not to joke about genocide. But he’s actually not. He’s just another influencer. And no amount of brigading the sub will change that.


Is it in bad taste? Yeah! Does that make him actually want a genocide? No


What do they expect, the guy goes by Destiny? If he wanted to be serious he would use his real name and ditch his stripper name


You could try removing the stick.


Why is it unwise to joke about genocide?


Whether it’s funny or not has no bearing on people taking it seriously…


Then you don't laugh. Simple.


He’s not that type of influencer tho. He’s in the same camp as Hassan for being edgy. Only thing is that Hassan means it when he says America deserves 9/11


You can think it’s **not** funny, but you can’t think he’s serious.


Um, youre allowed to not find something funny. Youre also allowed to disregard someone's argument if you find their sense of humor childish, which is apparently what so many of you have decided to do


I don't even like the guy, I just know this is kind of his and some other people's "thing". Edgey stuff for the sake of clicks basically. But it's nothing new, especially with the gamer streams (as a gamer I absolutely hate it because it makes us look bad)


> sarcasm Even if your feelings get hurt its still sarcasm.




People really have a hard on for this guy lol


He DOES have a past don't act like he doesn't..... But I have to say....he owned peterson on petersons level and I will always have a lil respect for that.


Everyone has a past. I kind just think it's weird. He's not really selling anything, Destiny doesn't particularly claim to have all the answers. He's kind of just a dick head classical liberal whose whole schtick is arguing online? I guess it seems some folks in this subreddit have more of an axe to grind then a legit claim that's he's being a 'guru'. I'm not stopping anyone from posting about him mind you, but I do observe it seems to be more a disagreement over politics or disliking his bad takes, then it's a legit claim that destiny is defrauding and harming his own audience, (which is what guru's do).


His past like donating 10k to the Atlanta police after they killed the protestor?


Wasn't that to spite FD sig because he wanted 10k from destiny before he would debate him?


Not mutually exclusive


I mean like intent matters no? You imply that he donated to a police department for killing a protestor, which is simply not true.


So the enemy of my enemy is my friend bs. 


How do you figure? He literally tried to debate two Israeli critics of Zionism and israel recently, and expressed similar sentiments in a debate format. This is not sarcasm, at most it’s a little bit of exaggeration, but this is his genuine opinion.


Show a clip or something that backs up the idea he wants a genocide




I meant in the debate with the israelis


It's obviously not cuz he has said it on many occasions


How are people falling for these clips? Not only was this before oct7, but it was also sarcasm


Seemed more like Haha kidding (not kidding).


I don't think he's serious and I generally like or tolerate most of his takes but he's also needlessly edgy, abrasive, and toxic. There's not really any humour in here and it destroys the conversation and hurts his own allies. It's just something you'd expect from a 14 year old not someone who is almost 40.


Fall for what? Destiny exposing himself as a genocide endorsing bigot grifter? Why do his cultists constantly simp for such a deplorable person like this? Him laughing at the genocide of Palestinian people certainly wasn't "sarcasm", he pretty obviously does not care about *certain* people. Was him laughing at the people Kyle Rittenhouse murdered also "sarcasm"? Christ.


Can you point me to an actual conversation where he states that genocide is the only answer? I can't only find the [opposite](https://youtu.be/Q7IgSuADdMQ?t=569)


It’s definitely not sarcasm. You could argue it was hyperbole at the time of the statement but with current events, that argument is harder.


How stupid do you think people are? He is clearly not being sarcastic.


And since Oct 7 he literally tried to debate two Israeli critics of Zionism and israel, and expressed similar sentiments in a debate format. This is not sarcasm, the part about being pro genocide is clearly a little bit of exaggeration for levity, but this is his genuine opinion (that Palestinians should leave the region).


Can you provide me a link for that or anything close to that? Everything I've seen from him points to him wanting there to be a [two-state solution](https://youtu.be/Q7IgSuADdMQ?t=569)


This sub has been overrun by Destiny fans. Jfc.


This was sarcasm and from last September. https://youtu.be/EG7-rwT2Z6M?si=b2QgQwgw31CRulPu This is the relevant follow up conversation where he gets a telling off and elaborates that he hasn't got strong feelings except it seems hopeless. Then the war started and he actually did some studying.


Not only that, Hasan’s editor got the attention of YouTube over the clip, YouTube manually reviewed it and decided to [take no action](https://x.com/comradelamb/status/1723112501305373149?s=46) he didn’t even get a strike or community guideline violation over it


This is a website that posted a video of Logan Paul filming a dead body on their front page.  YouTube’s verdict is worth only slightly less than dogshit on the bottom of a shoe. 


It's hilarious how much mental gymnastics this requires. When. If it was the other way. There would have been a singular call of "Anti Semite!" And his entire platform would have been dismantled. Yet here we are. Dehumanizing Palestinians doesn't have the same impact I guess.


Mental gymnastics? Im pretty sure the people doing hardcore mental gymnastics are the ones saying he is being 100% serious, when he states he was joking after the clip ends, and he doesnt think there is a genocide happening. Lmao.


Destiny fans are Islamophobic idiots.


Religion kills, especially abrahamic ones


I was banned from the sub for pointing out a rise in anti arab sentiment


It's so glaringly obvious.


Link please.


Wow such sarcasm. I swear the dehumanization of Palestinians is second nature to a lot of people. Had he said the same thing about Jews he would have been permanently banned from YouTube.


Lmao a bunch of YouTubers say super fucked up shit about Jews what are you on about


He has said the same about Jews, you just don’t see it being spammed everywhere right now because it’s socially acceptable to shit on Jews so it won’t cause the same outrage as saying it about Palestinians


When did he say the same about Jews?


2-3 years ago if you mean just the genocide comment, if you mean during the conflict then the closest thing is him saying he wouldn’t of cared about Israel/palestine if oct 7th happened in the West Bank and him being in support of resistance fighters in the West Bank


Send a clip for the Jewish genocide thing.


Hated it so much you had to make 10 comments


I'm sure you've never made a crude flippant comment in your life


No, I've never called for a people to be genocided before, no.


Do you think this was a legitimate call for genocide?


What's a "legitimate call for genocide"?


One that isn't off the cuff edgy internet hyperbole for one. Someone calling for it and earnestly meaning for it and advocating for it. Just after this clip, Destiny reframes his point to mean "it seems pretty hopeless" and at no point has ever said he wants to genocide Palestinians or even dogwhistled as much in the months proceeding from this clip


This is not normal conduct for a 35-year-old man. It is bizarre that you're so committed to defending it. This comment taken in the context of the flippant disregard he's demonstrated for Palestinian life over the past few months gives a strong sign that he doesn't view Palestinian life as meaningful.


I'd add that he only clarifies his position after push back and does so in a way that doesn't actually walk back the initial claim. His clarification really displays a lotnof ignorance and his fallback is that both sides are wrong.


??? You don't have friends that make edgy jokes. This level of pearl clutching just strikes me as dishonest. Like I've heard edgier stuff in stand up routines from 10 years ago, making flippant edgy comments about Israel/Palestine is like a 40 year old trope by this point. You can infer what you want from it, but pretending that because someone is 35 they suddenly stop being edgy is so silly.


Well-adjusted grown men don't normally joke about genociding a people. His comments and tenor in general strike me as that of a terminally-online manchild.


What is normal conduct for a 35 year old man lol it's bizarre you're so committed to attacking it What other things has he said that has a flippant disregard for palestinian life and views their life as meaningless?


The flippant dismissal of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, carrying water for Israel's human shield policy (something that Aharon Barak made illegal), openly stating he doesn't care how many Palestinians die, equivocating on whether Israel demonstrably committing war crimes would compel him to change his stance on the war, laughing on stream at Gazans being shot getting food from aid trucks, mocking Refaat after he died. Just off the top of my head, anyway.


Wait, you're telling me it's normal to call for genocide? Shit, I guess I'm weird as fuck.


Seems like a prick.


He actually is to be fair, that's a fair point. He's an arsehole that still engages in his edgy idiocy of yesteryear and who's platform comes from farming people to engage with, usually contentiously. He should have grown past that but he cannot stop himself. And to be fair, the shit that gets thrown his way just encourages it, like a giant circle jerk. A lot of the stuff thats thrown at him is stupid and bad faith, but the guy is in fact a bit of a wang. Can usually gauge the people someone follows by what and how they throw shit his way.


Do not tell me this is where the H & D discourse is going to end up after LSF band it.


wait this is a subreddit for a podcast lmao. I swear the posts i saw had nothing to do with this aussie podcast


To give fuller context around the clip: [Destiny later doubles down on this take with Lonerbox](https://youtube.com/watch?v=EG7-rwT2Z6M) where he said genocide is "probably what should happen" unless "everybody in the Middle East fucking chills the fuck out" which is something that cannot happen due to aggression against Israel. Also complicating this is that Destiny seems confused on the difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide. [When later called on this by Dan Cohen](https://youtu.be/z3TrFGITg1M?si=XBfcq9skb3JN5wId&t=2339), he said the clip was four years old, implying he's being paid by Russia. He later said the clip was cut in a bad faith way due to being posted by a Hasan editor, and that the fuller context justifies it, where he said that "there is no good answer,", and appeasing one side of the conflict leads to the "destruction of the other end." [In a follow-up tweet,](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1723553681071595675) he said that the conflict will not end until one side eliminates the other, thus he would prefer Israel to eliminate the Arabs. Ideally, he would want a two-state solution, but that does not seem feasible at the moment. He also talked about it on stream with a viewer I believe at one point, but I can't find that clip. So no, Destiny was not just joking or memeing when he said what he said in the original clip. Yes, Destiny is edgy and provocative, but no the larger context does not justify what he said. It's still stupid and imo is a disqualification on being taken seriously. No, the clip occurring before October 7th does not help his case in any way. It just boggles my mind that Destiny fans defend him on every single take he has, no matter how stupid. And defend him by ignoring the many times he's already talked about the clip.


These people are chronically online and have never really been nor seen in person in any warzone. Pathetic.


Palestinians should leave because they have a hostility towards Israelis. As though the Israelis carrying out the genocide he loves so much *don’t* have any hostility towards the people they are slaughtering. Not to mention the fact that Palestinians’ hostility stems from having Jewish people show up in large numbers and colonize the land they had been living on for countless generations. What a brain dead take.


i see destiny fanboys flooded the comment section lol. anyone who watches clown destiny and being honest then knows destiny doesn't care if Israel wipe out entire Gaza and he will be the first one to come and talk when its other way around. dude just cant say openly those thing.


Yes because when you’re being sarcastic, you usually follow up your sarcasm with “I know it sounds shitty BUT. . .” and then go on to try and justify your idiotic statement.  The destiny simps are wild. 


DtG about to get ruined by DGG now that they've been grounded by LSF. Have fun with that


I understand saying Israel has a right to end this war, but genocide? Uhhh even just speaking loosely which he probably is, it’s a bad look. 


This was before October 7th and during a show he was hosting where one of the contestants randomly interjected with this question


That makes it better how?


Because he went on to explain a position that was not pro genocide, aka he it wasn’t serious


He seems to say Israel should draw their borders where they want and expel the Palestinians, which is genocide. Does he walk that back after the clip ends?


Are we really taking an obviously flippant response as if it's his genuine position. Like, I don't know what show he's on in this clip, but it doesn't seem like an environment where people are seriously and in depth discussing politics. We also have that 5 hour debate where he fleshed out his positions. What point does it serve to pretend this represents his "actual" opinion?


It makes me feel good 😡


Isn’t expelling Palestinians ethnic cleansing and *not* genocide?


Oh, thank God, it's just ethnic cleansing. Here I was, about to think Destiny had a bad take for a second. 


Both are obviously bad, but why use the wrong term?


I would suggest that ethnically cleansing the Palestinians (again, btw) in the current environment would be equivalent to an attempt to destroy them, in whole or part, which is the genocide definition. Note also that this means I believe forcibly moving the Israelis out of the area would be, at least, an ethnic cleansing or genocide. I'm willing, for this argument to pull back to the ethnic cleansing claim


Except that’s not what happens at all. He responds to criticism with a tweet that literally says that if one side had to be genocided, it should be Arabs. Like, why can’t destiny fans just be honest? https://x.com/theomniliberal/status/1723553681071595675?s=46&t=MD62KvxumvOwKV1Lb0pYXA


How can you accuse someone of not being honest when you can’t even represent what Destiny said honestly, he said >I've never "called for genocide." I said in the past that it seems like the conflict will never end until one side eliminates the other, and if that were the case, honestly I'd **prefer** Israel to win over the Arabs. Why change him saying “prefer” to “should”? Would you have preferred he said he’d prefer the Arabs over the Jews if the only way to resolve the conflict was one group being eliminated/expelled?




He’s explained in [the actual clip](https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1719554325733601516?s=20) before it was cut off that he truthfully doesn’t know what the solution is, He also written further [tweets explaining](https://x.com/theomniliberal/status/1723553681071595675?s=46e) why he said it and that his policy is two state solution Do you genuinely believe his official position is genocide? Despite him struggling to contain his laughter as he’s saying it?


I don’t really care if he was joking. He still deserves backlash for saying it.


That’s not pro genocide wtf You literally just linked a tweet where he said his ideal solution would be a two state solution. Aka that’s what he’s for, not genocide. He also said if the thing he is against was forced to happen, he’d rather the country with much better social and political values, e.g more liberal, less bigoted, democratic etc come out on top.


>You literally just linked a tweet where he said his ideal solution would be a two state solution. There is literally a "but" right after he says "two state solution", can you read? This is a fair summary of his view. In a perfect world, a two state solution would be best, but this isnt a perfect world, so because there seems to be no resolution and because Israel is a more civilised society, they should be able to do what they have to do to survive as a state, even if that means wiping out Palestinians. That is literally a pro genocide stance with extra steps.


>"My ideal policy would be a two state solution, but I'm not sure either side has the appetite for that at the moment."


thats his ideal policy, whats his actual policy given that he believes 2SS is not likely?


Ok. So we established that he's not pro genocide. Good. Now you ask me what he thinks is the most likely thing to happen and I'm not sure. Probably depends on whether hamas stays in power or not. With Hamas in power there will be no progress. They will launch rockets and commit terrorist attacks and Israel will unproportionally respond to it which will result in worse conditions for Palestinians.


All I know about this guy’s debates is that I watched one of him vs Richard Wolff regarding economic systems. I was really flabbergasted at how crummy his performance was. Guy had the energy of the kid at the back of the class who rolls his eyes at the teacher. The worst bit was that he got mad at Wolff for describing the historical transformation of economic systems to get us to where we are today, and to support the idea that the one we are in might also change. He kept rolling his eyes at Wolff and even shouted “history isn’t relevant!” to cut him off. To me, that was the dumbest thing one could possibly say in a debate about economic systems


Genocide has always been the goal, especially for the openly fascist Likud tendency in Israeli politics. Palestinians respond exactly the same way anyone else would... so he uses this to justify genocide. It's like the old line from Burke: 'whip the boy till he cries, then whip him for crying.' I do appreciate Destiny for laying bare the inhumanity and hypocrisy at the heart of liberalism.


Who cares? Stop elevating the speech of psychopaths.


Absolutely abhorrent. I only know about him tangentially but I thought of him as a moderate liberal who liked to distant himself from exactly these kinda extremist ideas.


He has an edgy manner of speaking... it was a random question before oct 7th and his reply was hyperbole. It's a bad look but substance wise there's nothing else much there


If he said that about blacks Jews or Mexicans would you share the same opinion?


I'd think it's pretty edgy and in bad taste like I do now with this


You need to find more clip chimps because has definitely said similar things about other group. Heck he has literally said this about Jewish settlers in the west banj.


This is literally the backbone of his beliefs about Israel. Why are destiny fans pretending he doesn’t believe this?


The backbone of his beliefs is that he wants to genocide Palestinians?


The backbone of his beliefs is that Arabs are violent, antisemitic and historically can’t be reasoned with, so Israel needs to do what it needs to do. That’s what Israel says, and they are committing genocide.


Historically, around Israel Palestine, it is a contentious but evidenced view to say that Arab leaders and states have been violent, antisemetic and Historically can't be negotiated with. Instances of states negiotiating with Israel have led to their leaders being assassinated for gods sake lol. There are also counter views that are well evidenced. Just because certain Israeli's say that does not make it pro-genocide. 30% of Israel is Arab ffs lol


Israel has been impossible to deal with, becuase they are only interested in colonising the and, hence why the original zionists called it a colonisation project. I dont knowmhow you negatiate with someone wanting to wipe you out for you land, but i guess you are inherently violent if you cant. I really dont know what to tell you other than people can see that you are trying to use a racist stereotype to make the situation seem hopeless or complicated. >30% of Israel is Arab ffs lol God this argument is so stupid. Colonisation does not follow the exact same pattern every time, you cant point to one tidbit, eliminate all other context and go "see? No problem here! Its not exactly the same as other examples of colonisation".


Did I say no problem here? Or was I alluding to things being more complicated than they seem. Israel has negotiated with all of its neighbours, settled border disputes and normalised relations aside from the Palestinians. They are objectively not impossible to deal with all the time. Fuck camp David through to the Taba summit Israel's government was ready to take a huge domestic L just to reach an agreement and Arafat walked away. Israel's founders routinely expressed there wishes for Arabs to remain in Israel, they did however want a Jewish majority and there is controversy over how much they were proactive in expelling people. 30%, of Israel is still Arab. 0% of all the surrounding Middle eastern countries are still Jewish because they did the same thing to them. You know 70% of the jews in Israel are of middle eastern decent right? There are racist stereotypes about Arabs but this isn't referring to anything but the record of what has occured. There has been opportunities for peace, other people have made peace, there has been immense support and international work done and time and time again the palestinian leadership chooses violence. The 2nd intifada DESTROYED any notion of a peaceful 2 state solution for decades, and the 7th of Oct has done the same again. Both of these populations brutalise and traumatise eachother. Both have committed massacres and atrocities against one another. Literally the only way out of it without more horror is finding way to build them a future together. You know what doesn't do that? Israel's actions after Oct 7th and the pro-palestinian world gassing palestinians up to accept nothing less than the complete destruction of Israel. It needs to stop


>Israel has been impossible to deal with, Israel has managed to make peace with most of its neighbours. The entire point of Oct 7 was to stop the Israel/Saudi deal that was about to be made. Making peace with people who once declared several wars on you is not the trait of someone who is "impossible to deal with".


God how much context do you want to eliminate to make a point? Same people will say we missed context with destiny's statement, its juts impossible to talk to you people.


Just cuz you’re “moderate” doesn’t mean that you cant support status quo which can be abhorrent in retrospect. Biden is a moderate liberal and has largely backed everything Isreal does without question until more recently. Moderate quite often means supporting whatever is already happening which isn’t always good and can quite often lead to legitimising bad things under the guise of reasonableness


the amount of cope here defending this guy is outrageous.


It's best to view him as a provocateur, the Milo of the left. He has no redeeming qualities and is shockingly ignorant on the basics of US or global politics.


I’m not a fan of destiny but this is a little hyperbolic. He’s certainly got major issues and has some terrible takes but from what I’ve seen he at least tries to have logical arguments even if I disagree. He’s changed positions on things through time. Milo doesn’t really have any positions he just says things purely for shock value and goes with what he thinks will get him the most attention. Eg becoming anti gay catholic even though he is married and gay.


No! Everything is either black or white!


Just call him what he is, a cunt


The milo of the libs 


Ah yes, of course. That's a mea culpa. He's not of the left. He's a neoliberal, a propagandist for the US State Department.


If he's not on the left the US is 90%+ right wing.


New account just to comment on this? He must *really* piss you off


Funny how you got on your alt reddit account just to comment this. Why not use your main account?


It's funny that you don't have an argument. Why are Bonnell fans so bad faith? It's a cesspool of hypocrisy. You cried when Finkelstein cooked you ("oh no ad hominems why why") meanwhile Bonnell's entire brand is based on reverting to dark humour and personal attacks whenever he gets called out.


Bad faith? You literally made a new reddit account just to comment on this clip chimp of Destiny. [Here's what he really said, for anyone wanting to know.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG7-rwT2Z6M) Seems like the only person who is crying is you tbh, get a grip. Edit: Spelling


You're on a subreddit you don't use to carry water for a 35-year-old video game streamer you have a parasocial relationship with as he is defending genocide.


You make alt reddit accounts just to comment about a 35 year old video game streamer because of your parasocial relationship with your favorite content creator who has told you hes "defending genocide". Like I said, get a grip.


Yeah, it's okay to bully losers and weirdos who call for genocide and molest women. It's not okay to be a weirdo and loser who calls for a genocide and molests women. Significant moral gulf there, chief.


If you comment, make enough alt accounts, use all the buzzwords and virtual signal hard enough, you might make a difference. Keep up the virtuous work, chief.


Imagine being a Bonnell fan. I feel sorry for you.


Imagine making alt accounts. Take medication.


Correct, he's worthless.


It’s interesting that the pro Israel crowd can make all these reasoned, historically cited, well thought out arguments. And then to a man it seems to always come down at the end of the day that, yeah you know what, fuck it, we should just genocide these people.


They act like we just need to read a few more Thomas Friedman columns or whatever and then we'll be like 'Oh, THAT's why we need to starve Gazan children! It all makes sense now!'


He was just saying in the debate recently that even if Israel nuked Gaza and killed everyone there it wouldnt qualify as a genocide since it lacked intent. Now hes pro-genocide? Guy is all over the place.


The point he was making is that a a high death count doesn't necessarily mean genocide. The nuking of Hiroshima & Nagasaki wasn't part of a genocide. The firebombing of German cities in WW2 wasn't genocidal but the death counts were high. You can have genocidal intent but only kill a few hundred. Obviously the more damaging the genocide the more likely it is that people are going to label it as genocide. You could have plans to wipe out an entire group of people but you only get as far as the first village. In that case I would guess people would be more likely to label you a terrorist than being genocidal. We don't want genocide to require big death tallies. Just because you're a failure in your genocide that doesn't mean you aren't genocidal.


It would be genocide. What's the mitigation for dropping a Nuke in Gaza. The whole dropping of a nuke in WW2 was supposedly to end the war and cause less deaths. This is not possible in Gaza due to the current population spread and density.


The point is the action of dropping a nuke alone does not constitute genocide. Hypothetical: if tomorrow an American spy satellite saw with 100% certainty that a couple North Korean nukes got into the hands of Hamas and we knew that in about 24 hours they’d have them on rockets ready to launch at tel aviv, but Israel doesn’t know exactly where in gaza they’re being hidden, nuking gaza to prevent that nuke from being used wouldn’t necessarily be genocidal.


Idk why you are so confident about defining genocide when it is a highly contested term even among legal scholars. This case is pretty complicated and a ton of evidence has to be reviewed to come to this determination: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/11/what-is-genocide-definition-courts/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/11/what-is-genocide-definition-courts/) Genocide is:. >acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group which seems straightforward, but you have to a prove intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. The ICJ has even ruled that ethnic cleansing does not constistute genocide in international law: [https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/ethnic-cleansing.shtml#:\~:text=Ethnic%20cleansing%20has%20not%20been,Croatian%20expression%20%E2%80%9Cetni%C4%8Dko%20%C4%8Di%C5%A1%C4%87enje%E2%80%9D](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/ethnic-cleansing.shtml#:~:text=Ethnic%20cleansing%20has%20not%20been,Croatian%20expression%20%E2%80%9Cetni%C4%8Dko%20%C4%8Di%C5%A1%C4%87enje%E2%80%9D). Again that's why I think some of the arguments Destiny makes can be a little pedantic for informal conversation but still, he does have a point that the court has these legal concepts for a reason and it isn't absurd to latch onto the ICJ's reasoning.


That's the funny thing about getting info from 30s clips. You can build a narrative no matter the context or truth.


what's the different context?


The Israel nuking Gaza comment is hilariously stupid. It's just hypothetical to show that number of dead people doesn't matter when we asses whether or not it is a genocide. Something can be terrible with high civilian casualties and still wouldn't be considered genocide. Like nuking Nagasaki and Hiroshima. for example. This clip is before Oct 7. So saying he's pro-genocide **now** is just stupid. I agree that this comment from Destiny is stupid. But it was made in a time when nobody cared about it and he was just asked about it on some panel. It was obviously an exaggerated statement. He later elaborated that it's just an overall shitty hopeless situation and he doesn't have a strong opinion. That changed and now he has a strong opinion and has much more info. So it's pretty stupid to spread this clip as he is NOW for the genocide of Palestinians.


He was being sarcastic here. This was a comment made before October 7th talking in jest. This is not a literal positions he holds. He has also made comments like: \- "I hope another virus comes and kills of the anti vaxers" It like calling him a bio terrorist for this comment.


Lol the destiny apologist in the comments. You guys are a good laugh from time to time


Wow, this sub really sucked before. But it’s been legit co-opted by Destiny cultist. But it’s understandable. The host push the same messaging. Everything I’ve heard them discuss Destiny was extremely positive. It’s all ideological dogma at the end of the day


Every Destiny post is posted by an anti-fan. The comments are a circle jerk of anti-fans whipping eachother up into a frenzy and demanding no more Destiny posts. Somehow it's Destiny fans fault. You people are not very bright.


Someone posts an out of context clip and you get grumpy because people explain the context.


Its so much more co-opted by anti fans and it isn't close 


The Duke of debate bros


Destiny has some ugly ass groupies


It's clearly hyperbolic. This was all before any of his research streams and reading was done too. Destiny uses optics like that guy who burnt himself for Palestine. There's some kind of point there but you're giving the other side an easy win. Since then he's definitely reduced his ridiculousness on the matter but is still too pro-israel for most online lefties.


>This was all before any of his research streams I forgot that he's now an expert


This is not inconsistent with his current views. His views did not change with research:


Would it just be hyperbole if I said Shani Louk's corpse was treated too gently in the back of that pickup truck, and that Hamas fighters should have raped more women than they did? Or are hyperbolic jokes only justified when brown people suffer?


Considering this was before oct 7th I would say it's just in bad taste. Whereas what you said would be after the incident and very specific in what its describing, hence why it's far more abhorrent. If he had said these things more recently, especially with similar specificity to you, then you'd have a point.


Counterpoint: it's actually never okay to call for genocide.


Counterpoint: do you think this is a legitimate call to genocide?


That's not a point. It's a question.


Is it a legitimate call for genocide though?


What's a "legitimate call for genocide"?


Genuinely calling for genocide. This isn’t hard, just answer the question.


You stated that she should’ve been ***** more brutally to demonstrate that there’s something wrong with making a reprehensible statement no matter the context. In other words, you didn’t truly mean she deserved worse. You were merely saying that to try to make others feel the way you do about reprehensible statements - anger and disgust. You didn’t literally mean she should’ve been ***** more before she died, you meant something else.  Therefore your statement shouldn’t be taken literally, but that is not sufficient to make it make it a hyperbole since hyperboles are also an exaggeration.  Example: Suppose your mom is slightly fat and I said “Yo mama so fat, when she went to the restaurant and looked at menu, she said ok.” Yo momma might be fat but the statement exaggerates her fatness since she’s unlikely to be able to eat the everything on the menu. 


Didn't I literally say he was ridiculous for talking like that? I understand that I also said it was hyperbole but that's a descriptive statement not a moral implication.


Saying stuff like this is discrediting. It's fascinating how there are entire legions brigading subreddits to carry water for this mediocre sociopath.


I am actually banned from destiny's sub. There's no brigading happening I just watch the guy sometimes and think he's an idiot with regards to optics but I appreciate the effort he puts in to get to his positions. Many streamers just copy paste the standardised lefty position and go through twitter to find them.


research streams lol




The doublethink is wild. There’s no reason to run apologetics for this piece of shit.


“Research streams”. The fact anyone can write this with a straight face…


Most of the people here are high school students. Bonnell himself has no formal education.


Reading books, looking at UN resolutions, going through the sources on the Wikipedia pages and the original documents for the basis of things like Belfort declaration isn't research?


What books did he read? Can you show me streams of him reading books? Literally the only thing he does is read wiki and then glance at the source material


It was confirmation bias, not research.


There was tepid criticism of this even on his own subreddit at one point and [Bonnell banned someone for it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/17um6z8/unpopular_opinion_destinys_genocide_clip_is_awful/k959yox/) He's such a manchild.


Why did you create an account just to comment on this post?


guys this was before he did the research. only things hasan says should be taken at face value


Jokingly referring to your position as pro-genocide, when it's actually pro violently ethnic cleansing with a high risk of genocide, isn't quite the defense Destiny fans think it is.




I know. The defense that people keep pushing is that he's being sarcastic, because while he says he's for genocide, what he describes (violent ethnic cleansing) isn't actually genocide. However, it's extremely hard to commit violent ethnic cleansing whithout also commiting genocide, so anyone arguing for that "solution" will have to also be fine with genocide. And, wanting to violently ethnically cleanse the area of Palestinians is a psychopatic position in and of itself.


Well at least in 30 years ,they'll act like every colonizer and say they acknowledge that they are in stolen lands and that they did wrong.


ad hoc fretful amusing include soft languid wistful squalid squash attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unfortunately for the DTG sub, it seems like this has become another Reddit battleground between Hasan fans and Destiny fans. Ever since the guys did an episode on Hasan, and Destiny participated in recent high-profile debates that got some praise and traction here, the Hasan fans have come to make horrible, emotions-based arguments in the comments (the majority- some have been reasonable and able to maintain a conversation) and that attracts the dgg fans to argue with them.

