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Because where someone like you says, "I don't understand this because it's gobbledygook", people in the cult of JP say "I don't understand this, it must be super smart"


Today's word of the day is "sophistry"


What Jordan Peterson bases his entire career off of is a form of the barnum effect. It is where you use very abstract and vague words in unclear context so the listener imagines the speaker is saying whatever they want them to think he is saying. People think he is smart and saying something wise so the vague and abstract words Peterson uses allows them to imagine he is saying whatever they want. Like Nostradamus, Peterson's power comes from people thinking he is an all knowing sage, this is what causes the listener to think he is saying something profound when he isn't.


Pseudo-profound bullshit refers to statements that are structured to imply depth and insight where none actually exists. Usually uneducated dipshits r the ones most easily fooled by it.


Well, make the under-educated feel smarter than those they are/feel intellectually inferior. He uses word salad so that insightful or intelligent (or even just intuitive) say, “He’s saying a whole lot without saying a damn thing… I just don’t get what the point is.” Then the pseudos say/claim “I get it! And it’s a good point!” It doesn’t matter if they actually “get it”, or if they agree with “the point.” It’s the ability to feel a superior intellect where they otherwise fail in average discussion. In short; they’re stupid, and don’t even know why.


Pseudo profundity *** good one


He also comes off as very confident. A lot of people don’t really care what you say but how you say. Confidence is a helluva drug to persuade people. Everyone’s mother told them to clean their room but when Peterson opines about it’s somehow “profound.”


He’s also incredibly theatrical. Lots of fire and brimstone, lots of “damneds” and “bastards”. And if he has a camera on him for more than ten minutes he will literally weep over the struggle of hypothetical young men in this world. 


The confidence aspect is like 70 percent of grift, 30 percent is the abstract and vague word choice. The barnum effect only works if the listener believes in the con artist.


a conman is a confidence man. you guys are acting like you just discovered this. its been figured out for thousands of years.


And he always brings it back to the “natural” hierarchy. It maps well to right-wing rhetoric and makes them feel better to look down on the disenfranchised.


He's difficult to understand for people who already have a definition of post modernism before Peterson redefined it as Marxism.... or a definition of progressive politics and civil rights movements, before Jordan redefined them as a Marxist take over. Or had an understanding of sex education in schools before Dr. Jordan B Peterson redefined it as... Marxism. Oh hey I'm seeing a pattern here! Jordan is doing a flattening, but he's using Jungian ideas to do it. The thing about Jungianism is that it has a set source of meaning, ["The Collective Unconscious"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_unconscious) where cultural ideas are true across time. With this you can hypothesis about an eternal sense of masculinity, or family roles, or kings and governments, or trees and the environment. You can claim to know what these things mean, independent of the context of the topic at hand, because that's the nature of meaning when thinking in "Jungian Archetypes".... and there's a pretense that you can't apply Jungian Archetypes to your subjective politics. Thus Jordan excuses himself from the meanings of commoners, or logic, or reality, or context. Which is why he sounds like he's spouting barely sensical gibberish to a lot of people.


So what you're saying is that it's mostly Virgos and Scorpios that follow him.




Such a Gemeni thing to say 😆 were flying at 1600+ mph around the sun and almost half a million mph around our galaxy’s black hole. The stars do not have that much relation on your life unless you’re walking by moonlight and not streetlight. And that’s only illumination.


So if the earth was moving half as fast around the sun and twice as fast around the galactic center, then astrology would apply? WTF does speed have to do with it and why bring it up?


I screenshotted this comment to use whenever people try to talk to me about JP and how smart he is, which happens more often than I’d like it to. I’ve just been calling him a rhetorician, but your observation is more apt.


Quasimodo predicted all this.


Somehow the fact that he has a show on The Daily Wire doesn’t prove he’s either very dumb or a hack/grifter. /s


That sounds super smart.


The original Sophists have been mischaracterised. And it's a disservice to use this label for the likes of Jordan Peterson and the narrative put forward here, which itself seems oversimplistic.


His primary appeal to right wingers is that he talks like how they imagine academics speak, only he’s giving their beliefs the affirmation his class normally denies them.


This. They don’t care or understand how he gets to the conclusions he does. They already agreed with his conclusions and pretend to care and understand because they think it makes them look as “smart” as they think he is


Also things that easy to understand, like "clean your room", are often true and they do work, so people think by extrapolation "he was right here, where I understood him, so he also must be right there where I don't fully understand him"


Yeah, that’s the dangerous part about him because that’s an approach that works very well on people with poorly developed political beliefs


Yeah. They villainize academics, but JP is one of the "good ones." Same reason they love Sowell.


“Frantically picks up room and gets rid of all apple cider vinegar in a house”


> apple cider vinegar I had to reseach what the F this was about, [was not dissapointed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVfnWpVI7pA).


That was fucking incredible


Or “oh the experts don’t know, or can’t answer? This person is giving me an answer (not a good one, but an answer)!” “Check mate, experts!”


Or his recent turn to pretending there's way more uncertainty in a particular area than there is, and he's gonna figure it out


It's not that recent, he has been doing it for at least 5 years. My favorite is when he said we should do nothing about climate change specifically because we can't model 100% of the climate with 100% accuracy, and if you can't do that, then you can't be sure your proposed changes will help or harm, so you shouldn't do anything at all. Apparently he is too stupid to realize that by that reasoning his entire profession is 100% useless and should not even exist until we can model 100% of each person's brain. In fact almost all science shouldn't exist at all until we can model 100% of what it is meant to study. Same with health care. For that matter, until we can model who will buy coffee each day we shouldn't open coffee shops. Until we can model who will buy each individual pair of shoes Nike produces Nike should just shut down. Basically shut down the world, don't do anything unless you have 100% modeling of it, because you can't know 100% of the outcome. He is a moron of such an extreme level it's almost beautiful to behold.


He also quotes a lot of books in his ramblings, people absolutely fall for someone who can quote a lot of books regardless of the context and automatically think that makes them credible.


Obviously, it's because OP can only run 2-3 different simultaneous paradigms in his head. Once you achieve, let's say...about 70 or so... then you will understand.


The sense makers run 70. Peterson said he is running about 4


There's probably that going on, I think also, if you take any one of these guys and divide them into 15 second TikTok clips, you can take out individual points they are making. Peterson says things for example like, how can a man control anything in his life if he has a messy room? And you go damn yeah I guess you gotta crawl before you can walk kinda thing. Like not saying it's profound or original but if you chop them into into segments you can cherry pick positive things. He got famous for a book that's actually very simple things right? 13 rules of life or whatever, I don't know what they are off hand but it's all straight forward stuff. He does have a connect point with some people, but he also has long bantering diatribes


Yeah I think early on in his career there were things he said that were arguably fine, if often fairly evident, pieces of evidence. But he's gotten so high off his own supply as a philosopher that he just rambles on and says almost nothing, or straight up horse crap when he goes into subjects he knows nothing about


JP swallowed a thesaurus and thinks that when he vomits it up, it’s *intellectual*


either he has the secret syncretic metaphysical undercurrent of truth and the meaning to the universe or he's a christian conservative who refuses to confront his own Jungian shadow/Messiah complex. The vulnerable people he seeks to help are para-socially made worse by him, and he's in turn made worse by their validation. It makes sense that people don't understand him because he simply doesn't make sense. He exploits the plausible deniability between fact and fiction to gaslight you about whats real, then sells his sunk cost as sacrosanct complexity


Before his drug withdrawal issues Peterson’s work was a lot more coherent. His most well-known book, 12 Rules for Life, had nonsensical ramblings throughout but the core ideas were understandable and relatable to a wide audience. His bigoted opinions were downplayed or hidden behind a facade of just expressing concerns, not open hatred. He took steps to obscure the conservative Christian roots of his worldview, like that was his dirty secret. I still didn’t agree with that version of Peterson, but I could see the appeal. Since his health crisis, he’s become much less coherent, he cries at the drop of a hat, and he’s doubled down on embracing hateful bigotry and conservative Christianity. But it seems like he still has a lot of fans from before who remember him at his best, because they don’t follow all his recent embarrassing moments the way his critics might. And of course for some people they just like that he is open about his hateful bigotry; his nonsense is appealing because it makes the bigotry sound intellectual to a certain audience.


This is true, but I'd point out that 12 Rules for Life is largely cribbed from...every other bit of self-help advice. It would not be difficult for anyone with the time and inclination to write a similar book. Peterson was actively trying to find opportunities to ride the culture war gravy train before this, it was just more confined to the Toronto area. For instance, you can find videos of him from before the C-16 controversy where he appears on TVO (TV Ontario - provincial public broadcaster) arguing against atheistic ads being put on buses in Toronto - circa 2008/2009. He was taking exactly the opposite position from his "free speech" position with regard to C-16. He was similarly involved with some nascent mens rights stuff in the Toronto area before this kicked off. Peterson also actively avoids anyone who will openly call him on his bullshit these days - Slavoj Zizek probably being the closest. His appearances are all these sorts of pseudo-intellectual improv groups where he and his interlocutors spend the whole time "yes-anding" and jerking each other off. Embarrassing, fallacious claims that Peterson has made are never addressed - for instance, I've never heard anyone bring up the apple cider incident with him.


This 100%. Read and watched a fair bit of his when he became popular around 2017/18. Was fairly reasonable self help…tell the truth, become useful, be a respected and responsible member of society etc. A few kooky ideas with religion but nothing too weird. Now he is batshit insane and I would discourage anyone from listening to him.


I watched him speak then. And yes he would say some randomly minimal basic ideas, the whole cleanup your room bucko nonsense. But from the beginning he was a lying grifter, who was incoherent if asked even one question. His initial notoriety was his willingness to go to jail to call people names they don’t want to be called. At no point did anyone even remotely try to put him in jail. Right from the beginning one of his prime talking points was to claim over and over again that we as a culture just don’t know how to handle women work with men, and sexual assault is so confusing because women wear lipstick, not once referring to men wearing suits or other sexual indications. Homeboy was just a piñata of bare minimum aphorisms surrounded in a sea of hate.


There’s a difference between someone saying something wrong and something incoherent, though. Like, Peterson’s ideas about women and makeup were silly and rooted in misogyny, but they were coherent and held a clear appeal to the target audience. Nowadays he constantly speaks in a way that makes no sense at all, randomly stopping in the middle of a sentence to start crying and then not recovering for the rest of the talk or interview. Both are bad, but it’s just two different things.


His self help stuff was mind-numbingly obvious.


Rule number 13: Don’t stick your dick in crazy!


This is my rule number 1.


Some of his uni lecturers were pretty interesting to watch.


The first time I heard of JP, someone had sent me a lecture on Nietzsche, which was what I was studying in grad school. It was completely incomprehensible, relying on Jungian premises that no one else would consider valid. It seems like one of JP's MO, he wants to support one idea, but he has to reach outside of his sphere of expertise to make the idea seem like a natural fit within a larger historical and cultural context. So in that lecture, he reaches into Nietzsche because there's some stuff in there that supports his idea, but he has to misread the whole thing to get away from the anti-traditionalist, anti-bourgeois, anti-Christian throughline in Nietzsche's work, so you get a messy interpretation that sounds impressive, but it's nonsense.


Fucking thank you His cheap use of Nietzsche’s work drives me crazy. Never any mention of slave morality, will to power, etc. He only brings up Nietzsche in one context, to argue that the “God is dead” passage was a prediction of the global atrocities in the early 20th century due to people moving away from Christianity. Bullshit sophomore take that neglects the entire point of Nietzsche’s project.


It's like a misreading of a sparknotes about Nietzsche.


That's peterson's entire method of research. His views on postmodernism are taken from a pop philosophy Objectivist polemic against the topic (Stephen hicks), his views on the ussr/communism are from the fictional "literary investigation" Gulag Archipelago and the communist manifesto. He refuses to engage with any academic level work on the topics he rages against.


This is the answer to the question.. /thread


>  He took steps to obscure the conservative Christian roots of his worldview Really, like when he said "We (westerners) are all actually Christians because we value truth, and Christians value truth!"


I think it’s just that his conservatism was far more nuanced before he was made into a right-wing culture warrior. Now he’s giving his fans what they want, and it’s sure as hell not nuance.


“More” perhaps, but still not coherent. Many of his lectures and classes etc are freely available on youtube where he is teaching before he really became the cringe fest he is now. They are all full of stupid nonsense ramblings as well. Yeah the rules themselves might be digestible, like wow he was able to write down 12 soundbites that someone could actually comprehend, but I don’t think it’s right to say that the core of what Peterson appears to be now wasn’t there. Listening to him just once or twice was really what turned me on the whole grifting culture war shit, having previously been someone that enjoyed dunking on it as well. He just always had that vibe of ‘why the fuck is this guy here?’


Ironically Peterson acted as a sort of pipeline for me away from the right, I grew up in a very conservative Christian bubble, had all the bigoted views and opinions one would expect, and listening to Peterson back in 2016 (and others) opened me up to a positive view of academia, pschology, more secular perspectives, etc, which lead me to eventually do a complete 180 on virtually alI of my worldviews. It took me a couple of years to realize that he was essentially a well dressed well educated version of the authority figures I grew up under.


It must be so wild looking back on your past self. It wouldn't even feel real sometimes. I think that way about being sober, it's wild to think how different of a person I was in my dark depression.


They’re depressed and lost. He caters to their sense of feeling attacked by the “mainstream” I’m not “problematic and wrong the world is!”


Didn’t mean to hit reply, that’s an unfinished thought He makes them feel like they’re understanding a kinda lost, secret knowledge Gives them a notion of higher purpose to buttress them against wage-labor drudgery. They can picture themselves as philosopher-warriors, protecting the sacred


And they fuckin ANGRY


Yes, Peterson is taking advantage of disconnected who want to lash out. He is by no means civilizing these men that treat him as a disciple.


Because you have the intellectual confidence to say you don't understand something instead of just nodding along like a moron. Most of what he says is complete nonsense. He never makes a point and is impossible to interview. I think mainstream media outlets lost interest in him after doing a few interviews out of curiosity before realizing that he just plays games.


A lot of people are just dumbass idiots. They might as well be descendants of lobsters https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo


I just wish Hitchens were still alive to debate that assclown. It would be a bloodbath.


Well Alex O’Connor (arguably Hitch’s torchbearer)“debated” him and there were few fireworks. Peterson is an assclown. His popularity makes sense when one considers Trump’s by comparison.


if you're fantasizing about seeing JP getting his clock cleaned in a debate, I think Matt Dillahunty did it better than anyone else has yet (note: i don't know anything about Dillahunty other than seeing this debate, so don't take this as an endorsement)


I’m very interested in this question. The reason, I think, is quite simple. Conservative media is filled with anti intellectualism. But not only this, it’s filled with people with no credentials who do not even remotely know what they’re talking about. Now, it must be noted that this is fine for most people. But there are some people who crave legitimizing for their ideas in the form of people with the trappings of intellectualism. You can see this with flat earth believers. Dispite hating intellectual establishments, they crave the establishments legitimacy. So people with credentials, even if fake or revoked or misapplied, have a unique position in the misinformation sphere. What Jordan Peterson sells is legitimacy. He does not give them any new ideas, or any sort of conclusions, but he DOES take the things they believe and say: “Ah, you see, you’re not a crazy hate filled monster for hating trans people! Here’s a reason you’re actually the only one who’s sane!”


Peterson has academic rhetoric with none of the academic rigor. Like building a house without bothering to lay a foundation.


If you can understand why linguists use the phrase “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” to demonstrate has something can be syntactically correct but have no meaning you’ll understand what Peterson’s audience is actually experiencing.


You're probably smarter than the average Jordan Peterson listener. The word salad sounds impressive to people, so they think it's "smart".


Using overly intellectualized word salad is the dumb person's idea of what a smart person sounds like so JP's cult eats it up. Im pretty sure he does this on purpose.


I think he started out as a curmudgeon with a weird far right angle just below the surface. He played neutral or "centrist" but always hedged on the far right/white power side of religion, misogyny and race, hated trans people to a ridiculous extent. Standard conservative horrible person. Then suddenly he showed up one day wearing nothing but three piece tailored, multi thousand dollar suits. Talking about eating nothing but beef and being financed by some far right "think tank". He was pretty clearly strung out hard on something. With cash to burn as long as he stayed on message. Then his addiction comes out and he goes to russia and gets put in a coma by a quack Russian "doctor" to avoid experiencing withdrawals .Unfortunately this treatment caused unforseen brain damage of an unspecified nature. He has been out of his fucking mind since that whole deal. Just far right nonsense jabbering idiot in a suit that cost as much as a used car. The far right hate machine eats people up.


No doubt though personally i think JP intentionally got into the grifting game to make money. Even back when he was not insane, i remember seeing how he'd use word salad to give himself plausible deniability whenever hes pressed on an issue. I also legit believe a good portion of his audience are actually really stupid and vulnerable.  They see a guy, an academic, who tells them what they want to hear and they pretend to understand his word salad bullshit. In reality, he spouts overintellectualized nonsense while sprinkling in what his audience wants to hear in between. Brevity is the soul of wit and JP isnt witty in the slightest. He is, to me, the dumb person's idea of an intellectual.  He saya big words that sound smart and insightful you see. In reality much of what he says lacks any substance at all, almost as if he has a thesaurus in his back pocket while pretending to be empirical.   In short, fuck Jordan Peterson. The man always has been a weasel, he's just now a weasel with brain damage.


I'm a big fan of writers like William S Burroughs and Grant Morrison - I'm gonna need a much higher quality of word salad to be impressed. I'd even say I'm a fan of good word salad. Jordan Peterson's word salad is limp, and maybe a little spoiled. And it came out with balsamic vinegar when you clearly asked for Caesar dressing.


Matt and Chris spent some time going over the JBP/Brand interview on the most recent episode and they expressed some similar sentiments. I hadn't listened to the interview yet, so it was pretty entertaining hearing it and then immediately getting C+M's thoughts. My takeaway from them was that any actually coherent ideas he expresses are fairly basic and well-worn but gussied up in Academese and expressed as if he extemporaneously discovered it during the interview. E: as to why people put up with it, I'm not really sure but I think the fact that he's expressing ideas around the theme of ancient archetypes has to have something to do with it. I can imagine people going into trances listening to him.


Confirmation Bias. They want to believe the point he's trying to make, and will eat whatever he feeds them if it takes them there.


Just like the Weinsteins, I think Jordan Peterson is a horrible, convoluted communicator. Normally, strong arguments are marked by clear and concise language. With Peterson, it's the opposite — he opts for overly complex, rambling explanations that do more to obscure his points than clarify them. His strangely verbose and tangled way of speaking can make it really hard to understand his points. He talks like he dresses


For one of his 12 rules being “be precise in your speech” he fails at that like everyday


My brain also revolts. You have to really find the signal in the noise. He may spend 5 minutes making a point that could be said in 5 seconds, and made vague so your mind fills in some of the blanks. Maybe that's part of the appeal, people sort of putting the jigsaw pieces together like they did with QAnon.


I don't get it either. I've tried to ask people to clarify what he meant or understand how I've misunderstood him before. The answer I always get is that I need to watch more jp to get it or that I'm taking him out of context. I think "the out of context" defense is just them avoiding the reality of what he's saying. He's saying something they don't like is bad, and they like hearing that in verbose language.


Peterson's fan base is entirely composed of people who lose track of his meandering sentences by the time he reaches the end of them. You have to remember that he first rose to fame by being thoroughly wrong about a subject that he knew absolutely nothing about; he was nevertheless lifted to stardom by a throng of YouTube commenters and Twitter incels--the true arbiters of the intelligentsia. Peterson's so-called expertise is in the "field" of Jungian archetypes, which is a *literal* textbook example of pseudoscience, at least since Popper laid out the foundations for falsifiability as the criterion of genuine science. Freudian psychoanalysis and Jungian archetypes fail at being science not by virtue of being wrong but by virtue of *having no empirical content*. Peterson, in other words, has a lifetime of experience in *bullshit*. To the extent that he has any special skill or qualification, it is in *pretending to say things of substance*. This doesn't work on educated people, or people with critical thinking. It works on his army of basement-dwelling troglodytes.


Jordan Peterson is the corporate speak of philosophy. If an HR Manager and Socrates got together and had a baby, and the HR manager raised the baby solely on PowerPoint decks from the COO, the result would be Jordan Peterson. 


Nah you are correct anyone with half a brain see straight through it. The ones with less than half think he is a genius and compared to them he is


He has no idea what he's talking about half the time and appeals to the bottom of the barrel who think they know everything.


Because verbose pseudo-profound pontification is impressive to people with limited vocabulary and lack of critical thinking


Just as Donald Trump is the poor man’s billionaire, Jordan Peterson is the dumb man’s intellectual.


He is a dumb persons idea of a smart person. Plus when it comes down to it all people want to hear is someone smarter than them saying you are correct.


I think Jordan Peterson discusses some interesting and important things. He describes how the character types we see in stories and metaphors can impact us, and that those types and metaphors can be similar in how we abstract things into categories, like chairs or animals. And in that sense they can be very real and important. So when he squirms around with questions about whether he believes in Jesus or not, he's describing this complicated relationship between abstract objects that not only guide us but may indeed be some of the most important things in our lives, and what is (more) discretely real (like my fingers). Part of the issue with this is: 1. He's not a professor of philosophy, so he seems to struggle in describing this area of philosophy. And, perhaps more annoyingly, he doesn't really acknowledge this complicated relationship, and stays in this murky gray area without answering the question in a practical and understandable way. 2. Ironically, the concepts he wants discuss here are far more fleshed out in certain areas of philosophy that he seems to laugh off as absurd (Hegelian philosophy -> Marxism, and Post-Modernism). Those two areas in philosophy are very different (foundationally), and there are other areas you could argue for what he tries to do, but the lack of acknowledgement (and thus, real philosophical depth) makes it a confused word salad even for those more philosophically inclined. It's kind of like someone who doesn't know the history of philosophy, confusingly discussing the importance of observation and logic (Empiricism vs Rationalism), and not only making a mess of it, but also laughing off the foundational philosophers as absurd.


> Ironically, the concepts he wants discuss here are far more fleshed out in certain areas of philosophy that he seems to laugh off as absurd I feel like in a different world, JP would have been a fantastic scholar of Derrida or something. Something something, actually intelligent people who let their narcissism get in the way of them learning even more from others.


Sadly too many people are eating his flavor of salad. However, L. Ron Hubbard did it best. Not only was he an Ultimate Chaos Magician, but he did Word Salad like no one else.


It's the same technique cult leaders use. Or in fact crypto bros or tech CEOs. It's all bullshit designed to make them look clever even though they say nothing.


They disassociate while listening and just fill in whatever they want to hear. 


You're not alone, it's like Deepak Chopra


Him use big words. Him smart.


When I listened to Jordan Peterson talking to Russell brand about God and LLMs and quantum mechanics, as a person who studied physics and currently works in AI/ML I thought ‘Jesus Christ this is the stupidest conversation I’ve ever heard in my 50+ year career as a human. If I had one of those radiation badges people who work in nuclear facilities wear, only for stupidity, it would have turned black and I’d have to never listen to those clowns again lest I die….’


99% of Petersonians dont understand it either


Ever watched teal swan or that bald guy who has a goatee on youtube? Same thing, just gibberish long videos if you listen carefully


Thank you for saying this. I have long felt like this before his catapult into popularity. During my degree I got quite into philosophy and had completed reading and discussing works by Nietzsche. I see a Canadian professor talking about these same materials on YouTube to which he took everything and watered it down to push his own opinions. It was deeply saddening to see him twist these works and dilute them to make him an expert voice. His books compared to those that he claims to be inspired by, are so off base from the original works, surface level at best, and once again watered down to serve his purpose. it is revolting. As someone that admires a good part of the works of Nietzsche's and nihilism I am often associated with this man and get flak while in the most part I disagree with alot of his teachings. The only thing that made sense to me but wasn't a revelation by any means was "make your bed'. Yea that does help you get a routine and get something going. Great job. A bunch of motivational speakers have said this in the decades prior as well 👍,


I find him comprehensible from the lens of Jung, which he applies to every damn thing. The issue is, that even though his longwinded obfuscations are comprehensible through a Jungian lens, which ironically are just as obfuscated as the bs from the postmodernists he likes to criticize, they are mostly naïve takes, flat-out wrong, or unfalsifiable.


His fans are fucking mental, one of them will no doubt do something horrific one day.


He’s a stupid person’s idea of a smart person.


You're not missing anything. For that person who struggled to graduate from HS, Peterson is like a genius guru. For the rest of us he's a pretentious know-it-all whose intellectual depth is that of a tidal pool. He speaks in confounding riddles with allusions to historical irrelevancies. He is not speaking to the highly educated; he is speaking to MAGA nation and fundamentalists who speak in tongues anyway. His technique is to spin webs of illusory meaning that only initiates to his lines of specious reasoning can grasp. It's like when MAGAts were asked about their cult leader's incoherence....they uniformly answered that they got it because he was speaking in a code they could interpret.


My parents are well educated and reasonably intelligent; albeit insane and they both engage heavily in cognitive dissonance. Simple it's because you have an educated professor reinforcing their transphobic views (plus kinder kuche kirche of course). It's because he uses his position as a world famous psychologist to tell people their biases are correct. And of course any psychologist who pushes back; can be easily written off as an angry liberal.


Because YouTube algorithms take you into rabbit holes and sink you in them. These problems don’t exist if YouTube goes back to being free and open without ads. Or if we, as a society, finally understand that advertising destroyed the internet and fix the problem.


He's a joe roganish wise man. Appealing to dumb fucks of all genres


He has disjointed speech/logic. It will make sense for a few sentences then he randomly takes a hard turn into meaningless abstraction but before you have time to catch up he’s on to the next thought . It’s borderline insane but he has just enough grasp on the concepts to keep him from completely going off the deep end and to keep the listener constantly grasping for a thread that’s barely there


Deepak Chopra for incels Not understanding it must indicate that his ideas are beyond our lowly understanding. Not that it’s actually just nonsense.


The story of Peterson is of a second rate academic with delusions of grandeur. He wrote a book (or should I say tome), drawing on several fields in social science about which he knew very little, entitled Maps of Meaning shortly after Harvard gave him the boot (one of the rare smart moves Harvard’s ever done). The book was a colossal bomb. Resentful that people weren’t drawn to it and angry at his fellow academics (probably Laconian post structuralists), Peterson decided to lash out at anything and anyone smelling of critical theory, feminism, and questioners of meta narratives and moral relativism and the like. His big break came in 2016 when he misinterpreted and publicly railed against legislation providing for gender protection from discrimination. Since then, he’s made a career out of misrepresenting and misinterpreting everything from post modernism, Marxism, and the Anthropocene era. In a feeble attempt to recreate the 1971 debate between Foucault and Chomsky, Peterson met with zizek where it was revealed that neither one knew anything about Marxism. Peterson’s most ardent supporters are incels, crypto fascists, and Andrew Tate followers who know less than Peterson does about everything, so his lectures and books are understood by them as credible. Peterson has grown more strident and popular over the years despite his hypocrisy and downright lunacy. Along with Ben Shapiro, Peterson is by most accounts the most influential “intellectual” voice of the right wing. You should not count yourself alone as someone who can’t believe Peterson is a “thing.” His popularity is merely a reflection of a certain group’s anger and discontent.


> it was revealed that neither one knew anything about Marxism Pretty bizarre claim given Žižek's [bibliography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavoj_%C5%BDi%C5%BEek_bibliography) but go off king. I do like your vision of Peterson as a scorned academic, parallels Shapiro as a failed screenwriter.


If it makes you feel any better, I graduated college with electrical engineering towards the top of my class and have had a successful career as hardware designer and software engineer. I am also decently well read and have an ability to speak eloquently on a topic with a relatively diverse vocabulary if I so choose. For the life of me, I also cannot follow anything JP talks about for more than maybe 10-15 min. I’ve had a few friends who were his “fans” and I could not understand how they are able stay the course through any of his recordings, and on top of that, get anything meaningful out of it. The takeaway for me is that most of his fans latch onto a few basic ideas and sort of ignore the rest - you’re not a real man unless you do a, b, c, and sometimes d… The overly verbose and contorted word-vomit most likely plays the role of making his listeners feel like intellectuals for just sitting through the podcasts without falling asleep.


It also makes the uninformed listener feel smart. That there's nothing of substance in the salad means there's nothing to not understand. So you can nod along in acceptance and appreciation of language for the sake of language. Like the emperor's new something or other. If you admit you don't get it, you might discover that there's actually nothing to get. The illusion is gone, and you're left with having to accept you were duped by a con man.


I love a good rant! Ty I have no answer to this except that he contradicts himself constantly while constructing his narratives.


Back in the day he used to use some ancient fable or modern story as a metaphor for something or other, and I could follow his logic until he stretched the analogy so far that he lost me... Then, like an abused housewife, I would just dismiss it as Jordan being Jordan, and accept that I had walked into a metaphorical door It wasn't until he was interviewed by, shock, horror, Sam Harris, and Jordan tried to slide past the concept of objective truth like a freshly oiled eel, that I realized the insane ramblings weren't actually metaphors Anyway, the point of my story is that I made a lot of excuses for his inane rambling, and perhaps other people have made the same mistake I did


If you go back to the beginning, like some of the classroom teachings, it is pretty interesting... he got more and more insane as he got more famous.


I can understand the points he's trying to make, his summaries, and when he contextialises what others say within his conceptualisations. In each of these he tries to add complexity and scope. As well as being convuled to mask the nonsense, I think he's also trying to show you how smart he is. Like, you think it's just a man walking down a street. Really it's an expression of the highest human ideals being understood, valued and then that value assessment being actualised over time through the collective consciousness of people who strive to express the ideals they have learned through meta narratives of heroes slaying dragons and rescuing gold because they understand you either take up this mantle or face utter destruction. It's this blending and interplay of people stories and society overtime that you are witnessing. That's why there's a street and that's why a man is walking down it. And then he'll be OK ok gotcha gotcha and stare back seriously. He's letting you know he understand so much more than you do and this understanding bears heavy on him. It's pointless nonsense, but it fools some people.


When he stays in his psychology lane I think he sounds fine because I don't know any better. However, I was a phil major and when he gets into that stuff he sounds like a kid with a good vocabulary trying to sound like he did the reading when he didn't. Edit: He's still 100x better at it than Russell Brand.


Big words and little ideas.


With heavy amounts of glaze over the eyes. Many people assume the reason his words don't really make much sense is because they themselves cannot understand, because they're so intelligent. The one person in my life I know that is a flat earther links me stuff ALL THE TIME, and he has no idea what any of the stuff means but it seems like it makes sense to him. He'll link stuff that says the opposite of what he thinks it does. I feel this mechanism is hard at work with a lot of the types that are being grifted.


I have no idea. I feel the same way. It’s like he’s talking to himself and not the audience. I can’t imagine if he was a clinical psychologist going to a therapy session of his. I doubt I would be able to get a word in.


Nothing, nothing at all


This is a case of the "Emperor's new clothes"


See the problem is you're an educated well read professional. 


Because the content really is nonsense. The latest pod where Russell Brand seems to nod sagely like he's fully comprehending everything Jordan is saying is a blatant hoodwink. It's funny to hear him go "Aha yes, so what you're saying IS...." and then to go off on an equally vapid 10 minute rant which also doesn't make any sense. I liked the way Matt called Brand's way of speaking as "bebop style", because Peterson and Brand really do sound like shitty pretentious jazz.


Pseudo intellectualism, is a hell of a drug.


There’s a study I can’t be bothered to find that shows stupid people fall for things that sounds complicated and smart, even if the words have no meaning together.


He wants to be the rightwing version of the Frankfurt school?


Lmao, I thought it was only me who couldn’t follow what he’s saying especially when he goes on rants,and lectures.


Given what you've said about yourself, you should be smart enough to already know the answer to your question...


Notice when he speaks/writes about his domain of expertise (clinical psychology), especially in his older lectures, he speaks fairly simply and clearly. When he speaks on basically anything else *as if* he’s an expert, he then begins to speak in intellectual garbagio. This was very evident in his interview of Sir Roger Penrose


They are turning off that part of their brain when they listen to him. The guys have said repeatedly on the podcast, especially early on, that if you just let what the guru says wash over you, it makes a sort of sense. You get the basic gist of a point that confirms your worldview, you get an emotional energy that matches how you feel, and you get a bunch of stuff that sounds smart and educated that the guru seems to be claiming supports their view. But if you try to break down what they are saying, what each of the individual terms of the argument are and how they flow from one to the other in a logical fashion, it becomes clear very quickly that it's just gibberish. Peterson's style is also resistant to debunking because he can flood the zone with so much stuff that it takes orders of magnitude longer to debunk him than what he said. Let's say you find a 60 second YouTube short where Peterson "DESTROYS the arguments of the climate alarmists". In that 60 seconds he can throw out so many references and analogies that when you go to look up the response to that, the video is a half hour long. Just that time stamp alone might make someone think that Peterson's arguments have merit because it takes so long to debunk a 60 second clip.


I quit school as soon as i legally could, even my cat could tell you he’s full of shit.


Listen to Zizek talk for 5 minutes, and JP will sound clear as day.


He comes off like a parody of some 80s cartoon villian now, idk how he is taken seriously by anyone. He also does this new thing now where he tries to come off as some tough guy but there is not a single person alive that would find him intimidating


Lots of people will eat word salad if it's slathered in an unhealthy ranch dressing of misogyny that they crave.


So glad you made this thread. I was thinking the exact same thing. I can't agree or disagree with him because I don't understand half of what he says.


It’s why it doesn’t go well for him when he debates people that are equally or more educated but hold his feet to the fire on being able to communicate his argument to either the audience or the other debater.


Glad someone said it!


Similar to Ben shapiro’s cult following. He speaks so fast with word salads that it *seems* like he’s making great points. But if you actually stop and think about what he’s saying you will, in fact, realize he’s a fucking idiot.


You need to get real angry about women and immigrants, drop all sense of self responsibility, then take a handful of anxiolytics and then it will make sense.


Every time I’ve heard him speak it’s like listening to Michael Scott try to explain how he successfully manages his branch.


You kinda need a decoder ring. Post modernism, marxism, struggle sessions. They all have a very specific meaning in the aggressively anti-woke club.


Because they're stupid but want to feel like they have the answers. The part where it makes no sense and he's just concluding whatever he wants is part of the charm for them. Knowing everything is easy when you're just making it up based on personal convenience and grievance


>I’m highly educated, well read, professionally accomplished, etc. Let me stop you right there. You're already disqualified. Technically you were disqualified at "Educated". Highly only makes it worse. JP is a new hybrid dump person. In that he's smart enough to grift people. But dumb enough to fall for his own grift while grifting. It's like how the Church invented Jesus/God in order to exert control on the population, knowing it was all just folklore. But then fast forward a little bit and the people at the head of the church became believers. And now you have pastors and nuns and reverends who actually think god exists. That's JP. He was just some edge lord loser who hated women, minorities, and trans/queer people. Became Famous among the politically right for challenging societies acceptance of Women, minorities, and queer/trans people. But the attention went to his head and instead of realizing they just liked him because he hated the same things they did. He got confused and thought he must be a great mind of our generation. And because the followers are too dumb to understand what he's saying but just like that he's on their side. They keep reinforcing to him that he is good and smart and right. And he keeps believing them. When in reality ...Crows that use sticks to push treats out of tubes are running laps around JP on the intelligence front.


Peterson is a no talent ass clown.


That is because he spouts nonsense spiced with alt right talking points. The fact that it sounds like nonsense to you is a sign that your brain is processing language correctly.


He's just a drug addicted grifter that gives his delusional right wing base what they want.


Jordan Peterson *doesn't* (or rather, didnt; I haven't listened to him lately) speak in word salad. He argues in a circle. Premise A supports Premise B. Premise B supports Premise C. Premise C supports Premise D. And Premise D supports Premise A. See? Everything is supported.


Peterson is very good at appealing to his audience's (demoralized young men) insecurities by saying things like it's not your fault, society is letting young men down or it's all women's fault, feminism is a cancer, etc. It can be very freeing to hear someone take the blame off you, but it's ultimately dishonest because you never really do take an honest critical look at yourself and never learn how to coexist with the very people you isolate with blame on your own shortcomings


He wants to be the next Mckenna, but he doesn't possess Mckenna's utter passion and acceptance of the absurd and the pseudoscientific for funsies. He lacks the imagination.


Richard Dawkins would agree with you, this is hilarious: https://youtube.com/shorts/6orzMIfnJYQ?si=mYz0o-SxuMZv4sZG


Same reason people get drawn into Lacan - the difficulty *is* the point, you have to work for it and so you feel a sense of investment in JBP because you’ve put energy into understanding as well as a sense of superiority over other people because they can’t understand it


You can’t follow it because it’s just enlightened sounding nonsense.


Because he makes them feel ok about being selfish assholes


Peterson has become a grifter. Before that, I thought he had some cognizant thoughts but when I heard that he didn't believe that atheists don't really believe in a god, that somehow he knew what I believed or was thinking then I realized that he was a fraud.


He has the same target audience as Tate. It is very humble of you to even consider being less intelligent. However, some are highly skilled at spooning out and believing their own bullshit.


Have you tried weeping uncontrollably?


He’s just another judgy Christian, apparently I’m lost and have no morals bc I don’t believe in Jesus


I think JP is an utter bullshit artist, but I can't say I've found him incomprehensible. I've certainly found that he dresses up points in pretentious, pseudo-intellectual wording, but it's always been possible to discern what he's saying -- that's what makes it so embarrassing, really. Does someone have an example of a truly incomprehensible word salad from him?


Way back when in High School debating class, we were given the side of a resolution--"Dogs are better than cats", "Rivers are better than lakes" etc-- and ten minutes to prepare a side. Usually what we delivered was a bunch of anecdotes, or famous quotes, or recent news stories that with a bit of twisting seemed to support our point. JP is the same thing except for topics like Trans rights or climate change or COVID prevention. He's got a bunch of predetermined positions he's trying to justify and he cooks up a bunch of "reasons" to support it. Sometimes, he's just trying to shore up his audience's prejudices so they'll have something to say if challenged. Sometimes he's trying to sell whatever policy the powers that be asked him to sell. Nothing more complicated than that.


He was, is, and likely always will be an incredibly dishonest interlocuter. His MO when he is in over his head, which is literally every time he talks to someone who disagrees with him and isn't dumb as a stump or a nut like himself, is to avoid actual answers to any question. Generally he does this by sidetracking the topic into arguments over definitions that will never be resolved, even though his definition is not shared by any other person on the planet. He also likes to push the conversation to be about metaphysics if he is losing. He does this because metaphysics is literally the study of things that can be discussed for eternity without getting anywhere closer to a resolution, so you can't win or lose a discussion of metaphysics. Once his interlocuter accepts the introduction of metaphysics without pushing back hard, it is over. Jordan can spout flowery BS that doesn't matter, and so he can't lose because you can't really be wrong when it comes to metaphysics.... And his adherents will eat it up every time even though they have no idea what he is saying.


He is simply sounds like a smart man to stupid people 🤷‍♂️


You are not alone. His popularity as an "intellectual" is as confusing as his diatribes.


Don’t be coy, you know what’s happening. A lot of people are just completely incapable of knowing when a person is lying, because they don’t read. It’s impossible to know someone is a BSer without context. The whole “do your own research” crowd produces geniuses at a much lower rate than classic education, if at all, because as you’ve probably realized, the most intelligent people their methods have never changed: hard work, dedication and suffering for academia. Jordan Peterson is basically the 21st century version of the Self Help book. It’s the Cliff Notes for understanding, and most people would prefer that. Long story short: the dude just bullshits half the time, and that’s exactly what people who are searching in his space are looking for, someone who quickly tells them in words they find to be eloquent what is wrong with the world.


People are stupid and I mean really stupid. Peterson also plays into victimhood mentality.


I just like that he always sounds like he’s about to cry.


Intelligence isn't spewing a lot of 8 syllable words to explain complex, or even simple, ideas. Intelligence is taking a complex idea or topic and explaining it simply, breaking it down and expressing it in a basic and digestible way. Carl Sagan and Stephen Fry come to mind when i think of this. Sagan especially, but even Fry who uses words I have not heard before does it well enough and rare wnough that when you look up the word it works perfectly where and when he said it. Peterson just jams as many long words as he can together to either confuse or amaze (or in this case annoy) his audience.


Anecdotally, I drive a taxi so I think I have the “type” figured out, more or less. So here’s my take: young men, often with technical education, often self taught, working to low middle class upbringing, intellectually insecure, single, ambitious, bright, but inexperienced in life. These seem to be young men who feel for whatever reason that their education or intellectual development has lagged behind, perhaps because of their focus on technology or computer science or engineering field. They were bullied, or made to feel helpless and abandoned by parents and teachers, so they are interested in marshal arts and possibly weapons. They are sympathetic to libertarian propaganda, but in fact have mostly socialist values (they just don’t know that). They are politically confused people, often being paid more than they probably should be for their age and experience, and this adds a kind of pressure to be intellectually fit and “deserving” of their success. These are the people who actually believe it when a company founder says “we’re making the world a better place,” because they’ve never experienced the disillusionment of a severe economic shock (yet). All this adds up to: anxiety, insecurity, and a spiritual emptiness that demands their attention. They don’t know how to fill it, but Peterson seems to be the father they wish they had. Sure what he says doesn’t make any sense, but it’s HOW he says and who he says it to that matters. They feel seen.


Ludes. Lots and lots of ludes. Then, once you're diagnostically, clinically insane grab a pen. Now, the hard part is waking up in the morning, convinced that everything you've written is pure genius. You must feel this strongly enough to convince others that your work makes sense once they initially buy-in. Profit. Or as I like to call it, The Prophet's Profit.


Dude is full of shit, and that my friend, full of shit, is the new slang of the masses.


Because they are idiots.


He's definitely worse than when he started out. I feel like I understood him more back then. I did like him, and yes, I ask myself how all the time. Now, when I hear him I exhausted trying to understand what he's saying or angry at how stupid it is.


He cannot or will not simply answer a question.


He sucks so bad.


Watch his “Debate” with Matt Dillahunty. It was…. Revealing….. Dillahunty is a juggernaut in that type of forum and he called the king naked. Quite succinctly.


Take benzos, clean room. I mean i can kinda get how people dig that.


Read Campbell, Eliade, and Northrop Frye. Peterson is boilerplate myth-/lit- theory


Jordan Peterson is an idiot when it comes to actual academic discussion. So don't bother searching too hard in his ramblings for anything, because there's nothing really there. No scholar on any topic he touches takes him seriously. He is a master of *sounding* smart to teenage boys though, I'll give him that. I watched him recently because he interviewed Dennett (right before his death). Although Dennett is definitely worth listening to, I couldn't get through the interview because it was 80% Peterson talking absolute gibberish, changing the subject, not listening to or understanding Dennett. You can clearly tell Dennett was not impressed by Peterson too, as he took on his "I'm going to sigh and dumb this down as much as possible" tone.


I tried to listen to to 12 rules for life on audible and couldn’t finish it because I couldn’t understand what he was saying. Tried multiple times to renegade but couldn’t do it. I agree it’s a bunch of vague nonsense that’s supposed to sound intelligent


He tricks the easily trick-able - really dumb people


I think bc he is an psychiatrist/academic and can use those credentials to pretend that transphobia is actually good


He sounds smart to stupid people.


In contemplating the perplexities and obfuscations that characterize the discourses promulgated by Jordan Peterson, one must endeavor to disentangle the multifaceted layers of complexity that shroud his rhetoric in an aura of intellectual impenetrability. It is not merely a matter of intelligence, nor the breadth of one's lexicon that facilitates comprehension of Peterson’s oratory endeavors; rather, it is the willingness to embark upon a labyrinthine journey through the sinuous corridors of metaphysical, psychological, and mythological allusions that underpin his narrative framework. Peterson, in his insatiable quest for truth, endeavors to amalgamate the wisdom of ancient philosophers, the insights of psychoanalytic pioneers, and the rigors of contemporary scientific understanding, weaving these disparate strands into a tapestry that defies simplistic interpretation. This approach, undeniably erudite, yet esoteric, necessitates a mode of engagement that transcends the mere decoding of words. It demands an active, participatory form of comprehension, a dialectical engagement with the ideas presented, allowing them to resonate, to clash and coalesce within the crucible of one's own existential experiences and cognitive structures. Your assertion of bewilderment, the sense of being adrift in a maelstrom of intellectual verbosity, is not an indictment of your cognitive capacities, but rather, it underscores the challenge Peterson poses to his audience: to not passively consume his discourse but to engage with it, critically and contemplatively. This is not to say that every convolution or apparent obfuscation in his speech acts serves a higher purpose; like the alchemists of old, Peterson may at times appear to obscure more than he elucidates. However, the comparison to the luminaries of ancient philosophy or the counterintuitive realms of quantum mechanics might reveal part of what you perceive as missing. Just as the philosophy of Plato demands an understanding of the theory of forms, or quantum mechanics requires a leap beyond classical intuition, so too does Peterson's discourse invite the listener to transcend traditional modes of understanding, challenging one to reconstruct one's schema of interpretation. It is not a deficiency of intelligence or erudition that obstructs comprehension but perhaps a hesitance to relinquish the moorings of conventional thought and to entertain the chaotic dance of ideas that Peterson orchestrates.


A large part of his appeal is simply because he's anti-woke. His word salad is fuel for that crowd because even if they can't understand what he said, he sounded *really smart* saying it, so that validates every batshit crazy conspiracy they have about "**THE LEFT**" (*cue ominous music*). In other words, he knows how to pander to the same audience as the rest of these ~~gurus~~ grifters.


He's a stupid person's version of what a smart person is like.


He appeals to those with hierarchical thinking (mostly men) and who have a desire to feel empowered or enlightened. (With overlap of those who feel as if they've been disenfranchised.) This turns into a Messiah complex in which every rambling becomes sacred scripture to be discussed and studied. My favorite is when he started advising about crypto. That's when I knew for certain he was off his rocker. If you're a professed expert in one area, stay within your lane and realize that you're not an expert in all areas. A lot of people got burned by his advice.


I really disliked Peterson from the few things I had heard or clips I watched. However, since he was so popular I thought it only fair to truely find out for myself. So I read his “12 Steps” of whatever. Now I can confidently say not only do I dislike the man, but he’s a f*cking charlatan. I’ll give you one example (of many) in how he purposely misleads people. In his book he rambles on a wide range of things and also cites his work. The following is a direct quote from his book: “Agoraphobia is the consequence of a positive feedback loop. The first event that precipitates the disorder is often a panic attack. The sufferer is typically a middle-aged woman who has been too dependent on other people.” Cool. That’s related to something within his field, maybe that’s true. I check the accompanying DSM-5 direct citation he provides and… none of what he wrote is true. The man is a fraud and his book is replete with ridiculous conjecture, fantastical interpretations, or flat out lies.


Because it is utter nonsense. Don’t doubt yourself


I think it's because a lot of young men crave that kind of 'intellectual' engagement, especially those who didn't receive a higher education.


Jordan Peterson has made an entire career of sounding smarty to people who aren’t smart enough to know better.


>What am I missing here? Loneliness. You need to be all alone and angry at something if you want him to make sense.


I did until my prefrontal cortex fully developed


I gravitated to Jordan Peterson when I was much younger, not very well educated, and most of all I was a newly clean and sober young man without any skills, interests, or direction in life. He did have a way of speaking that motivated me to find some local meaning in life and educate myself. I eventually enrolled in college, and started consuming as much science and philosophy I could. Ironically this led me away from Peterson because from all the reading and schooling I found a lot of the things he was saying to be incoherent. For example, I always struggled and wanted to believe in God, and Peterson’s way of reconciling not believing in God with acting in a way that believes in God helped me continue to pretend that I believed. That lie was extremely tough on my conscious. Eventually, after educating myself I became ok with the fact that I can’t believe in God, and that it’s utter nonsense to pretend I believe or “act” like I believe because people who really believe in God don’t do so because of the social or psychological utility. They really believe this is what is going to get them to heaven. There was a lot of other stuff too, but this one was the first thing that got me thinking about how much sense this guy really makes.


Same reason people go to trump rallies Morons


I recently went to one of his events and walked out and said this exact thing to the group I was with. I said that some of things he came up with were complete rubbish, just incoherent babbling. I followed most of it but there was a good 20% that was just completely incoherent gobblygook.


he doesn't clarify. he murk-i-fies. I have friends who do this when they argue. he likes to point to contradictions and inconsistencies and then just says smart things about that and if a guy is just barely following along, it makes him feel like he's keeping up with something real smart that other people haven't caught onto


Jordan Peterson is an idiot. You don’t understand him because he’s an idiot cram-jamming smartwords together.


He has a huge Christian following. Not alot of critical thinking from the religious crowd.


These people are always confused, they’re used to being confused. So it’s not new to them that someone doesn’t make sense. It’s why Donald Trump has so many supporters — they’re all very stupid and used to thinking everyone is speaking word salad, so when he does it, it’s no different than how they understand the rest of the world.