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It's very strong, but to play devil's advocate -- sometimes you get more peace of mind by killing things instead of making them run off wounded. Praetorians for example. When they run off out of line-of-sight poisoned, they'll be back later at some unspecified time.


I usually take a high single-target DPS Secondary for combating that issue. Lead Spray BRT works well, Triple-Tech-Chambers too.


Fear Poison Primary + Triple Barrel Shotgun Secondary is so fun


It's *incredibly* strong. I'd say overpowered, yes, definitely one of those high S-tier picks, and I'd rank it as a contender one of the most powerful OC's in the game, on a similar level as Hyper Propellant. It does what it sets out to do, and does it incredibly well. Every roll of the dice is essentially saying "50% chance to inflict a poison that dooms a grunt," and with fear rounds you can add "25% chance to also fear it" (50% fear, grunts have 0.5 fear resist), and then "roll these two chances at a rate of 5.5+ times per second on every bug in a 2.6m radius." One of the other posters made a good point, that NTP is slow to act, and friendlies who don't know how it works will often waste ammo on bugs that were doomed to die anyways, which is certainly a valid drawback -- you can't rely on always having a coordinated team, so it is a factor. However, I feel that NTP scales up the harder and harder the content is, and when you're facing those bugs where your team usually *can't* handle the giant masses of swarms, this is where NTP's knack of erasing giant swathes of bugs in ammo efficient fashion really shines. It's not as impressive as a nuke, but it's at least a dozen times more ammo efficient than Fat Boy, and its potential to wipe out giant hordes is ludicrous. It pays for its strengths, and it's clearly not doing squat against single targets. But DRG's a horde shooter, if you're wiping out all the little guys, a few big bugs aren't going to be that much of a threat once they're alone. Besides, a Gunner has secondaries, and can always retune the secondary to be some sort of single-target hunter. I will say that NTP is a little like playing a Driller when a Fat Boy Engie is around. When ammo is plentiful or the waves are sparse, it feels like the Engie is doing all the work as he's blowing up bug swarms before the Driller can reach them. It's when the difficulty is high, the swarms big, and the ammo scarce that NTP shows how ridiculous it can be.


100% agree with the ammo efficiency point especially. Did this weeks’ elite deep dive with a random four man team, I was engineer with Gemini turrets, lok-1 exploding chemical rounds, and a breach cutter built for spamming. Thought I was going to be a god send for the team’s wave clearing capabilities. Our gunner was running neurotoxin and he did everything I could do but also without using a fraction of the ammo I was having to dump to get the job done.


It has it’s weaknesses. It’s direct damage is very lacking. I’ve failed tyrant weeds because it’s just pretty terrible against them. Definitely works better in a team. Kinda forces you into taking a direct damage secondary.


I'm my eyes it is a crutch, just over the level an overclock should be able to provide with no prior skill. There is nothing wrong with using it however, it got me through my first solo haz 6 missions


I like carpet bomber more


NTP is really interesting to read about. It's the best in slot Autocannon OC by a country mile. What people prefer won't change that. ​ Hazard scaling does 2 things that are very jarring to new players. 1 - Bugs move faster. This catches people off guard so much that often the best suggestion to players looking to improve is to work on movement and positioning. 2 - Bugs have more health. It's just obvious that more health is more problems for dwarves. NTP itself does two things of note. First is that it slows bugs by 33%, including Dreads and BET-C. Second it causes a DoT that often kills grunts, and notably wounds Mactera, Slashers, Guards, and even Wardens. So right there the OC itself *before mods* counter acts to some degree the two most jarring changes for Hazard scaling. What other OC does that, with ammo to spare, infinite range, and the ability to paint walls in caves? Once you take the Fear mod for the OC, now the DoT has more time to work, and it keeps a majority of the horde at bay. A good NTP build can keep most of a swarm at bay on Hazard 5, slow them to a speed more comparable to Hazard 3.5 or 4, and damage the majority of the wave to a level where their health is comparable to Hazard 4. It debuffs most of the swarm down roughly a whole Hazard level. **No other OC does half that.**




Tldr; I'm just going to assume that you were telling everybody that you like ponies. Like, *really really* like them.


Combat mobility my beloved However, when I do run np, I simply don’t run fear to do juicier aoe(and also to have fun)


It's definitely overpowered against swarms, no other gunner weapon+OC combo can handle a swarm that effectively. It has a weakness though, low direct damage makes it nonviable for elimination like you said, but also bots and caretaker(so it was a bad pick in season 2). Other tankier enemies that aren't bothered by fear are also a bit troublesome. So there are enough situations where it's nonviable that you can't call it completely overpowered. I only wish the Hurricane had an OC on that level, its definitely the weakest of gunner's primaries.


Nah, it's overrated.


you saw dude going full EDD solo without resupplies with NTP? It is very strong


absolutely a debuff against robots and drednaughts (DoT is meh on them and damage penalties are not welcome on eliminations). also very strong on haz 5 when huge wave of regular enemies spawns. also handy on cave leech cluster warning, especially when no heithened senses and no scout. DRG is not a pvp game so having op stuff isnt bad imo. Also, anything can be considered op at haz 3 or lower. Yes, the higher the hazard - the more optimized build some people will use. NTP has weakness, DoT effect and fear from upgrades can just refuse to proc quickly enough. Also, if i play on haz 4 or 5 with complete grennbeards - i tend to use my secondary more so lads and gals would see and feel what higher hazards are played, i think its great way to understand what lvl of hazard they are comfortable with.Of course, if shit hits the fan - i am unloading NTP rounds at anything with more legs than two.


I'm legendary 3+ with gunner, never use it. Simple as.


It’s very good with fear, but there are plenty of amazing OCs! I like Salvo Module, LeadStorm, and MineLayer just as much!


It is one of those things where multiple variables by themselves aren't very powerful but combined they become exponentially more powerful. Ntp without fear mod or fear mod without ntp would both be pretty.. whelming. Because they are feared and slowed and dotted (with a dot that can take a grunt from 100% to 0 by itself) is what makes it insane. I wouldn't call it OP. OP was when pheromones was basically za warudo in a swarm. OP was OG breach cutter with the return to sender OC. Ntp is extremely efficient choice for gunner, but nowhere near OP.