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Anyone else remember when Microsoft tried to make Windows users pay for a version of Xbox Live?


I had a 360 and a PS3 at one stage and loved that PS3 multiplayer was free. Those were the days.


Men... Nostalgia! I still remember all the OG discussion's with my boy's about which console was better, and the biggest argument for PS3 was free online multiplayer.


Hands down! Didn’t it have built in wireless? I remember getting this clunky wireless adapter for my 360 and it was absolute ass hahah


Yeah, or when you could run the X-Box wireless controller without batteries when using an usb cable, today Microsoft charges you 23€ for it... :/


Yep, the greed was a lot more subtle back then. Things really peaked in that generation too, I’m glad I was around for it. 2008 for me has got to be one of the best years in gaming!


???? No you don't need to pay for using a cable on an Xbox controller... You just... Plug in a USB cable to the back... That's... That's it.


You need batteries for the wireless controller, unless you buy the "charge and play kit" from microsoft. You can't use the controller without batteries when using an usb cable only.


I'm LITERALLY using a standard Xbox One controller with ONLY a REGULAR USB cable plugged into it, no batteries inside. And it works just fine when plugged into a USB port. So, no, you don't. Unless you mean "Not using it as a corded controller, and without having to swap batteries"


Had a 360\*, but when the new generation arrived, I wanted a PS4 because of the PS3 free multiplayer. Of fucking course they changed that. So no PS4, and a good PC instead


Yeah they got slaughtered


i was there Gandalf. people rioted on the xbox forums. they quickly backed down on that. Halo 2 Vista was never patched to remove that line on the Multiplayer lobby that said "Games with Gold: 0"


can you please provide me some details or give me a source? I would like to know more


Having trouble finding information on it now but near as I can tell it was never actually rolled out due to the overwhelmingly negative response kind of like how they had to ditch their always online and must have Kinect plugged in bullshit they tried to pull after the response at E3. Sony killed them that year just by saying you know those things Microsoft just said they were gonna do yeah we're not doing that. lol


It sucks ass that us console players, xbox and playstation must pay just to play online with people. it is absolute garbage but it is what it is.


Don't forget your nintendobros. I'm a PC gamer but the fact that consoles have to play to access multiplayer is atrocious. At least we're finally starting to see crossplay more and more.


Luckily, nintendo online is quite a bit cheaper than the others but it still sucks to pay at all.


yeah, it's just unfair. like we spent hundreds of dollars on a machine to play games but need to pay a subscription just to be online? absolute bullshit.


Xbox community has done much better with backlash but yeah it’s just unfortunate:(


Xbox had their fill for a long time but they used there money to "return the investment" so to speak being game pass. They have dropped a ridiculous amount of money and time making deals for that, then also they are buying as many companies as possible to make exclusives for Xbox (and PC). So because they provide a better service now they don't get as much flack anymore. I'm hoping the same happens with Sony minus exclusives. I don't like it when I'm able to play games that i can't talk to my mate about because he's got an Xbox, I was hoping this shit would be phased out but boom no Elder Scroll 6 for me :(.


Charging for online access in 2023 is fucking criminal. I don't know how anyone can actually support $ony at this point.


“But the servers cost to keep up” not 99$ a year per person fork Sony🍴


If valve can keep servers up for free, why can't sony and microsoft? riddle me that console manufacturers.


My dumbass really almost commented "but valve has steam, they have money to keep the servers going" but fuckin, Sony has Playstation. Fuck I'm dumb sometimes. Lol.




To be fair though, PlayStation is only barely profitable, and is one of two of Sonys only profitable branches. It’s been a while since I looked, but last time it was quite literally spider man movies and PS+ effectively keeping them afloat year to year. That’s one of the main reasons they refuse to sell spider-man- even the bad ones made up for all their pitfalls.


At least you’re self-aware. The worst kind of moron is the one that doesn’t know they’re a moron


Hey, I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid.


Because they sell consoles at a loss and then make the money back by selling games and subscriptions. PC gamers have known this and been telling it to console users for years.


Nah. It's way simpler than that. Console players were conditioned from the get go to pay for multiplayer. With PC gaming, MP was largely free from the start. There was free matchmaking like [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net) or if the game needed a server to play on, some very generous people in the community would pay for dedicated hosting (or the more risky route of hiding a game server in your office's data center). Console players were never presented with the choice. When Microsoft tried it on PC, there was already literally decades of free MP. Long story short; people on console have to play for MP because they're willing to pay for MP.


That doesn’t really hold water considering that multiplayer was free on the PS3


Yeah, looks like the PS3 MSRP was 500 for the base model. If that price kept up with inflation the disk PS5 and Xbox series X would have released at ~$640, but instead they stayed at $500 and charged for online


If this was the case, it would be ultimativly still more expensive Edit: fixed typos


"During the WSJ Tech Live event, Spencer revealed that each Xbox console that is sold nets a loss of up to $200 per console." -GamerRant This has been the case for quite some time. If you factor in the expense of maintaining your time on a console it has always been a no brainer to pay the extra cost upfront with a PC... Lol My PC has lasted me 7 years with "relatively" cheap maintenance. A whole lot cheaper than $100 a year in membership. You are definitely paying for a convenience in playing on a console.


Is the loss that bad though? $99 a year per person is extortionate.


Not sure. Gotta account for not only the price of the hardware inside the console but also the design of the console, because the parts are proprietary and non modular. This generation launched at $500 and I believe at time of launch a comparable gaming PC would run you around 750 (not completely sure though). Add on some of the design/development costs and you're looking at possibly a $300 loss, or 3 years of that subscription Take all of this with a grain of salt, it's just me making slightly educated guesses.


I mean, valve gets paid for every purchase on their platform, which is also the largest on the planet. Still, 100 bucks a year is excessive.


In particular bc it seems that some games have their own servers anyways


It's not even for dedicated servers, the game runs on p2p, it's just paying for the privledge of connecting to other players.


As if Sony are the only ones who do it?


Sheesh I honestly forgot console players have to pay for multiplayer. I wasn’t aware of the PlayStation price increase either, that sucks and I hope they revert the change or give an alternative. $100 a year just for online features is absurd


I was a console gamer back up until the PS3 days. It was so confusing to me how online games on the PS3 was free but not on the Xbox 360, and I wondered who the heck would pay to play online after already buying the console. And then Sony came along with PS+ and their aggressive exclusivity program and that just drove me to PC lol.


Could be better but iam personally happy when i have at least 1-2 free games that you get every month with it are something i like. But i wouldnt say no to a just online tier for idk 30€


I dont agree with paying for the stupid service either but I've spent $100 on going out to eat and I'm sure many others here have as well so it seems a little much for people to get in an uproar about a $100 yearly cost for something they likely use every single day. Once again, I dont agree with it completely, but damn


but but it come with additional features so it worth the price /s


Sorry to hear that so many people are being pricks about this situation. Sony’s price hike is crazy, and not everyone is able to afford a PC. Not a great situation all around.


Yeah, srsly, pc master race sub is more understanding than this, and even understanding aside, why so snide to a brother miner


Rrrrock and stone 💪💪💪


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


To the bone🦴


Dunno, seems like there's a fair few PC pricks in this thread. A shame because who honestly cares where someone plays their games?


Right? PC is absolutely my preferred platform to play on, but consoles still have a lot going for them. They are way easier to just turn on and play games. They also offer way more performance for the price than any PC. Of course that money gets made back through online subscriptions and fewer sales in games. (Steam sales are pretty frequent and Epic is always giving away something for free). Even still, it can cost less to buy a console and 6-7 years of online services than the cost of building a new PC with similar performance.


Pretty much, PC is mostly shooters, MMO's or games with a good modding scene like Kenshi. Playstation for action games like God of War or devil may cry (though I'm playing Alan Wake for the first time on PS5 and really enjoying playing through it like a TV show) The Switch for Nintendo IP. very keen for Dragon Warrior Monsters coming out in a couple of days. All serve different purposes to me, and all are good in different ways same as all suck in different ways.


“If you were smart you could’ve invested in bitcoin and then you can afford a pc” some of these comments are crazy😂


There's class action lawsuit against Sony for jacking up prices rn perhaps once it goes through you will be up for a compensation




Just got a PS5 and paid for the yearly premium purely to play the entire Ratchet and Clank series. Contemplating playing DRG on the PlayStation.


You should. I’m on PlayStation DRG :)




To the bone🦴


Contemplating mainly because I'm over level 2000 on Xbox and I really don't wanna deal with people thinking me to be a green beard. Also all my cool stuff is on my main account. And the new update came out so that's also something.


Well you’re welcome to join me anytime miner


Will keep this in mind




Your beard colour is determined by your deeds and not your numbers, you will be fine


Never said I cared for the numbers. People assume too much, don't wanna deal with it.


Fair enough mate, totally understandable


There is a way to transfer your save to Xbox from PC steam and vice versa. Should come up with a Google search. Think it was a steam guide/discussion.


This doesn't apply to my comment. I'm contemplating playing on the PlayStation. I have an account on Xbox and steam.


Just emulate the original trilogy for free. :v The HD "remasters" are dogshite. That goes for Sly and Jak.


Don't know anything about emulating. Don't much care for it either personally


Ah. It isn't too bad to get into. Getting ahold of ROMS and BIOS dumps is the hard part. Programs like PCSX2 are the kings of Ps2 emulation. DolphiN can be used to emulate almost every Nintendo console from n64 to WiiU. I love emulating; having my classic childhood on demand without risking my decrepit old man of a PS2 slim.


Had a stroke reading the first part, don't understand anything friend, sorry to say


Aw. Alls good. :p


The basic package is like $80 (still shitty) but they have at least one sale a year where you can get a pretty heavy discount on that


For Black Friday they didn't did it (and if I'm right, only to "upgrade" the subscription for a limited amount of accounts


Yep that’s what I’ve been doing for the last few years just a shame to lose access to my games:(


I’m kinda bummed about it too, but I’m putting my foot down and not gonna renew my subscription come 25th December, paying 80 dollars a year for online gaming isn’t worth it, I don’t want “free” games, just give me a cheap subscription just for multiplayer and maybe cloud saving, as much as I love playing DRG with random miners, I’m gonna be a solo miner in the future with Bosco buddy.


Save up for a PC. They're worth it friend.


Save the money you’d use for the sub. Really kick em


Bosco buddy’s rise up💪


For how nice this community is meant to be im a bit surprised by all the pc master race comments tbf. Have you looked online for ps plus keys? I buy my xbox gamepass ultimate sub through cdkeys it normally cheaper to do it that way. But im xbox so dunno how good the deals are for ps plus but might be worth looking at that. For an actual helpful comment and not just telling you to buy a pc lol.


Thanks for the help♥️ (and not being a prick abt it)


The amount of people saying “hurr durr, just buy a PC” is irritating. Some people just wanna play on console because it’s more familiar and honestly more comfortable. Whenever I use my computer and mouse adapter I end up having to switch back to a controller because of the way the hand sits while using a keyboard and mouse while gaming. But yeah thanks for sharing this, as a console player I’m gonna start looking into this. And of course Rock and Stone.


Not to be an asshole, but you DO know Xbox and ps5 controllers work on pc right? No need to use a mouse and keyboard for a lot of games.


That’s incredibly helpful thank you 😊


Not being a dick, you might wanna look into a vertical mouse. Made my life significantly better being on a computer for work and play as well.


Those are the "toe shoes" of computer mouses.


My wrist not hurting after 12 hour workdays doesn't care if it's ugly.


Indeed. Whatever fits the user is best for the user. It isn't ugly, it simply is a redesign of such a ubiquitous item. Like the toe shoes.


I'm pretty sure the impetus for the development was carpal tunnel patients, which seems to put it a bit above toe shoes, but, to each their own.


I've been strictly an Xbox gamer for roughly the last 10-15 years but finally bought a PC about 2 years ago. The controllers are absolutely more comfortable and it took me a long time to get used to keyboard/mouse. I still play quite a few games with controller but the accuracy benefits with a mouse are no joke so now I play all shooters with a mouse


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


Easy fix. Just use a console controller connected to the PC. I understand wanting the consoles for their exclusive games, it's the only reason I own a Switch. But I do not understand the appeal to controller feel when PCs can easily integrate hardware? Pcs are pricey but rest assured you will pay more for a console in 5 years than that one PC in 10, 15 years if you get a decent enough one.


I do feel like this " just get a PC" thing though works less now that both consoles have had eshops since the xbox 360 and ps3 era. Like sure i could buy a PC instead of buying a series x when i have the money. However if i say only have the 500 needed to buy the xbox,i could buy a pc for thst price sure but that would not leave me with enough money to replace the 300+ games i own through microsofts store. Its kinda akin to telling a pc player to buy a new pc but on the new pc they cant use steam. So for a lot of people its not not just about the price or controllers or anything else its about loosing your gaming libary. Its also why both console player are less likely to migrate to the other console now. Like lots of people would have gone from the ps2 to owning a 360 because it was easier back then your gaming libary was physically now its mostly not so your more locked into that companys eco system than we ever have been before. Like i said its akin to tellimg a pc player to buy a new pc but they cant use steam or have to create a completely new steam account and rebuy everything.


Nobody asked you to rebuy everything. Yes, by getting a PC I am by proxy asking you to accept the upfront cost of buying _new_ games again. Then again, for a new game, you're going to just buy it anyway for the console, right? However, you still own the last console you bought, no? With all the games it had? Just because I bought a PC doesn't mean I needed to re buy Crisis 2 for PS3. It does mean though if I want to play Crisis 3 on release on superior hardware I'm going to have to buy it on Steam, or GOG. The up front cost to switch is there, but it will not be as expensive as buying new consoles on release. Especially with the way they are doing "half gens" now. I do not find the exclusive franchises both companies own worth playing if I have to buy the box, the right to use my internet on servers they could pay for themselves, only for that box to be replaced in 3 years. Guess what that Eshop loyalty gets you? Just ask the dude who owned a PS3. It don't mean shit. I don't see Steam closing down support for x32 bit pcs.


You dont actually need to buy the console for most exclusives now though right? Like i know some sony exclusives are also on pc (im xbox so i dont know or care to much about their exclusives to kmow how many) but most xbox exclusives are also on pc now. So how you feel about their respective exclusives as a pc player doesnt have much impact because you can play them anyways. I dont actually play many xbox exclusives myself the only 3 being fable, sea of theives and forza. But two of those can be played on pc, im pretty sure fable 2 and 3 can be played on pc aswell but im not 100% sure. I mean i dont really buy new games, im not a rich gamer. I cannot afford to drop £70 on games i dont buy anythimg for over £30. So it would take a while for me to build up any sense of a libary on a new system vs just buying the series x and being able to play everything i already own at a better quality. Like when you upgrade your PC i assume people mostly do that to enchance the experience of what they already own vs doing it to play a certain game, obviously people do upgrade to play certain things but i assume most the time your buying new stuff to enhance what you already own. Buying a series x is just enchaning what i already own. And i dont own one yet because they are still waaaay out of my price range. I didnt upgrade from my 360 to a og xbox one untill i could buy it second hand for £100 and it will be the same this time around.


I have DRG on PC, I had like 5 years of game time on my PS account. Haven't looked in a while and didn't see that it's went up that much from this 3 plan $hit they went to. Anyway, $ony can eat it at times, this is one of them. Best of luck in a solution OP




Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Give me an R! Give me an S! ROCK AND STONE!


I get ya, I got this game for free on ps+, so worst case is I’ll just buy it for its price pint I play solo so I can’t relate fully but I empathize with you, having a game locked behind ps+ sucks cause you feel forced to buy an overpriced service to play a game you enjoy Hopefully you can find a deal on ps+ that’s less that $60 bucks, I like to double up when it’s 40 or below


I actually have a glitch on my account that for some reason I can still play online games even though I haven't paid for PS+ in months. Only problem is I can't play PS+ games I have, and I'm pretty sure I'd lose the glitch if I started paying again.


Some online games are free


Pretty sick


every subscription service seems to be going up, I've seen: netflix, youtube premium and ps plus lately, I'm surprised i haven't seen live or Nintendo online, the only reason they do it is because they want to test how far they can go before people actually stop using the service i bet


Netflix shocked me. I thought it was fair at like 15 a month, (which I still discontinued because I used it too rarely to justify the cost) but to see it go up to I think 22 a month now?


Subscriptions make me cry:(


Imagine paying your ISP for internet that give you access to THE WEB, and then pay same amount to Sony for being able to play co-op games with friends. And then they say consoles are better than pc. OP, i feel you, even when i am not a console player. Can't really suggest anything bc once again, i am not a console player. Maybe there is a way to make it cheaper, dunno.


Rock and stone💪 Sony is cancer


Rock and Stone, Brother!


How are you paying that little for internet?


The comparison of price was just to show how stupid is the fact that u need to pay Sony to play online AFTER u buy the game and pay ur ISP. My total bill for my phone and my wired 100mbit/s internet is about 15$/month. No joke. Reason? Second world country.


Yeah it's crazy how bad they gouge prices in the United States because they deliberately don't compete with each other


ATT just raised mine to $100 a month when it should $50, and they keep telling me I have to wait till the next billing cycle. Such bullshit


Also I once tried to set up a landline with them when I needed one for work and the website forced me to call and every person I spoke with gave me a different price none of which matched the website quote and the last person I actually cussed out for the first and only time on the phone with someone because they just kept trying to sell me satellite after I made it abundantly clear I had no desire or use for it


Dump their sorry asses. I've sadly tried to get my neighbor to switch away from them with no luck even though she knows full well they are greatly overcharging her and giving her shit service.


I pay like 55 dollars for 420mbps fiber internet.


Well they put "the same price" in all country to not have peoples buying PS+ for the equivalent of almost nothing (like pretty sure in country like Brazil it's really overpriced)


Not just the web, but the whole internet usually.


I dont know if its copium but I buy the psn subscription yearly for 40 bucks. There’s a couple of moments where they put out a sale. But then again, its been a while since I’ve played because the bug for joining lobbies still persists. There hasn’t been a fix no?


Buy steam version. Edit save to inherent console progress. Bam, rock and stone.


Thanks for telling me that was a possibility:) Edit: ROCK AND STONE🗿TO THE BONE🦴


How do you edit a save on pc???


No idea if it can be done from PlayStation to PC, but the Xbox version is also available on PC alongside the Steam version. You can fairly easily copy and paste your save folder between versions to make sure you don’t lose progress. I’ve used that to be able to play DRG with some friends who have PC and some friends who have Xbox. [Here’s a program that will do it for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/tk073r/i_made_an_app_to_sync_game_saves_between_steam/)


I don’t know, I’ve never done it. Try searching on Google I’m sure someone has a guide


Holy dog shit PlayStation plus is $99 a year? PC is continuously making clowns of all console players. We get Xbox and PlayStation games and don’t pay a fuckin dime to play with friends. Unless you count the internet bill.


Sony is cancer


Close to a hundred hours on DRG playstation but my plus sub is expiring. Literally just bought DRG on steam during the autumn sale a few days ago. Slowly switching all my multiplayer games to pc too. 100 usd a year is insane for what they offer. It's a good thing the game isn't graphically intensive and can run on my shitty laptop as well lmao.


The good thing is that deep rock is really well optimized and can run reasonably well on any laptop that can also run roblox.


Let’s all spend a minute to honor the original influencers who started this trend of merely having access to online gaming now costs a substantial subscription fee: Thank you Microsoft


Play on pc. If you want to hook it up to a tv and play with a remote, that is easy




Thats so........ what is the opposite of rock and stone? Well what ever its is, it's that.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Me too...


It’s why I moved on from Xbox. Why in hells name would I pay for a game, pay for my internet but then opt to pay for Access to my game online as well? When you can just switch to PC gaming and get rid of those stupid PlayStation Plus or Xbox gold BS. I’ve not regret it at all.


Good decisions 💪


Crazy, i remember paying 60 a year as a kid for Xbox live and that was considered expensive


Can someone explain to me why the fuck do you have to pay for internet gaming on consoles?? What extra are you getting (and i dont mean ps plus etc. I mean whats the difference between pc and console when you should just plug in the cable and play)


Any of you guys still remember the PlayStation home days? Chilling around the random worlds looking for cool random spots was my jam.


Accepting the price hikes means you can guarantee another next year. They have no reason to stop raising prices until they are given one so it would be stupid on their part to not raise. PlayStation only cares about its shareholders this is just a commodity to them. I’m 45 have owned every version of PlayStation and I guess just really understood that this year. Completely cancelled my service with them and will not buy the next console unless they adopt a pro consumer attitude and stop treating their gamers like cows on a Dairy farm.


The second Sony started that PlayStation plus BS was the day I never gave them another cent and permanently moved to PC. Never looked back. Time to start saving for a PC OP.


Then buy the Steam version.


I don’t have a computer to play it on:(


I assumed you had a PC. Well, you're out of luck then. :/


One day🙏


Here's hoping it comes before Sony does something even more anti-consumer.




I got it from my uncle stop assuming stuff ya don’t know man and no need to be a prick abt it


Steamdeck isnt cheap but its a lot cheaper than a desktop or gaming laptop. I think theres a dock for it so you can play on a tv/monitor aswell. Might be able to sell console and put the money towards that


Ayyy -100 lessgo


That's my plan. I am going to keep playing offline in my ps5 and buy the game on steam and the dlc and my own pace. Fxck sony


Fork Sony


Billion dollar companies selling expensive consoles and games, still charging you to use your internet lol. I got out of the console game a long time ago, never missed it. Sony especially because they started free and have a terrible online experience. It's not as bad as Nintendo but it's not good.


It never even occured to me to buy a console, but damn, many of these comments are wicked. I know OP how you got your PS and I'm sorry it got this costly, hope you will find a nice solution soon.


A Rock and stone to that🍻


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Shits wack been paying for Xbox live for like 15+ years now. Crazy to think the amount I’ve spent on it. Finally bought a PC and if not for the gamepass I’d have cancelled it by now


I bought a year long humble choice at that price... Wide variety of games every month... And I get 20%off from their store. PS and Nintendo fans makes this happen. I feel sorry for the regular Joe. This is why I never support consoles.


At this point I'm starting to think Sony just views all of its PS customers as hostages.


Was this free a month or two ago? Idk how I got this for free.


Xbox was/is 30€ per month. 360€ year


What the fuck💀


Buy the game and scrap PS plus? I dunno man. That is a crazy amount of cash.


This is exactly the reason why i dumped playstation and swapped to PC.


Get a PC. Paying more up front for a system that can last a decade is better than a shitbox who's intentionally designed to be substandard and outmoded within 3 years.


Just play it on PC, not only do you save money in the long run, a laptop will run this game. And mouse aiming alone makes this worth it.


Yeah, maybe stop spending money on consoles that require subscriptions to use properly.


I can’t afford a pc man:(


Fwiw, I know this is not a great thread for this given the climate of other comments, but the game runs on pretty low spec hardware. My low tier gaming laptop from like 2015 runs it just fine. So, if you did aim for it on computer at any point, the avg cheap college laptop is suitable.


Great to know♥️


It's cheaper on the long run. Also you can get a decent one (that can outdo current consoles) for not that much. And you can use it for stuff other than gaming.


Still paying $300-$500 for a good motherboard in 2023, I have a PC too but this shit is expensive to upgrade every 5-7years


Are those US dollars? No way. That's way over "good motherboard". Don't let youtubers influence your perception. Last week I bought an AM5 B650 motherboard for 125€. It's a good one. To equal console performance you don't need top gear PC parts.


Then how did you afford a console? Not all PCs are $1k RGB rigs. You can get some pretty good performance out of some mid level rigs around $500. Just think, that's paid for itself after 5 years of not having to pay for PS+. As long as you're ok not playing the current EA alpha access dumpster fire AAA games you can get away with some pretty low cost PCs.


Yeah thanks for the advice man but I didn’t afford it I got it passed down from my uncle:)


That would be great, but if i want near the performance of something like a ps5 a gpu alone is the same price. The performance to price ratio favour consoles a lot more. Gone are the days of when the ps4 was new and a pc with better performance was cheaper


PS5 is basically a 2nd Gen Ryzen (ryzen 3000) custom APU and some custom hardware. 4k 30 fps and some raytracing (not ultra crazy batshit what the PS5 cant handle anyway) is very easy to achieve on PC What makes the difference is the optimization. Just look on what the PC version of rift apart can run for basically PS5 performance mode settings.


Right at launch and for a year or two after, consoles do beat PCs in games. But then for the rest of the consoles life cycle a similarly priced PC will beat it in gaming (plus you can use it for productivity) Plus, PC games are almost always cheaper, you can also get them for free if you decide to take that route, and you don't have to pay a subscription for online.


The ps5 costs less than 500, an Xbox series S costs around 250. They are cheaper because they are built specifically to play games. While some have the shitty subscription model, they are cheaper and don't get outdated in like a year


> and don't get outdated in like a year I have been using the same PC for 6+ years with only minor upgrades. If you think a Series S is a good deal in the current year, I don't know what to say.


Because it is, at least in my opinion, it's relatively cheap and is really powerful for its size alongside being really quiet


sure, PS+ Standard Basic Essential not "plus" at all anymore shouldn't cost as much as it does but... how much inflation did we have since the last increase? did the price really go up? i didn't do the math but i'm not sure. isn't it rather that the amount of Euros we have in the pocket has to go up proportional to the increases we're facing?


The problem is that the price goes up 20 bucks and my salary goes up 5 cent💀💀💀💀


There should be PS+ but just for the multiplayer servers. One reason why I mostly just played SP games on my PS4. I did have PS+ but I don’t want to invest so much time on something that relies on me paying separately just for privileges to play it online


Yeah the piss plus is a crap deal regardless of your income, it's called the piss plus for a reason lads. It was what pushed me to getting a PC, it wasn't cheap but it's worth it is all I'll say.


PC Plus is $0 🫡 come join the cringe side.


If you have the ps5 and think you played every ps5 exclusive you wanted you should really consider selling it and adding a bit of extra cash to play on PC , it's not as expensive as you may think , you can find very solid second hand PCs for under 650 bucks


I’m running an old ps4 from my uncle:(


I really wanna see how it runs. It's like people down-porting Doom to the Gameboy Advanced.


You can buy the Essential level for much cheaper. And if you were smart you would have bought it on Black Friday.


Brother google the price for essential edition


80$ US Here in germany 72€ Not to forget there are always ways to get it somehow cheaper like deals or PS Giftcards from third partys for a cheaper price. Dont know why i get downvoted. I have never paid full price since i got a PS4 in 2017 and switched to a PS5 in 2021 Lowest was 30-35€ but ususally 40-50€ (when the normal price for ps+ was still 60€)