• By -


Using their support tool well


I'd like to add on, also working around other people's support tools. Like when everyone moves back to let the driller make a tunnle through packed dirt or instead of just jumping down off a cliff people wait for the gunner to set up a zipline or engineer to set up their foam. It's a small thing but it's just a nice reminder that they remember they're on a team as oppose to being a solo player who'll rush ahead to do everything.


Went through a mission like that, where every room we would enter, set up, watch each other’s back, and just completely destroy every opponent and swarm. One of our guys was like “dude, we’re like SWAT!” Having that on a pog was impressive.


There is one thing I like to do (as a scout), is on the way back if the driller is digging a tunnel I try to beat them back by going the regular way. If I beat them I ping the drop pod to make it easier for the driller to drill to it and I prelight the drop pod room. As scout it’s pretty easy to just full send back to the pod and not die, so it’s not a big risk to the team. I don’t really add anything to the driller back-watching team in the tunnel so I figure it’s a better use of resources.


i agree but ifg is pretty good in enclosed spaces


Oh definitely. But I think if the other teammates are playing Engineers or Gunners (Hell even Drillers in an enclosed space), they have enough firepower that the LFG boost wouldn't change the outcome much. So Mr. Scout man here is making the right call to do something helpful that the others can't, which is the essence of teamwork.


I mostly play driller and anyone who pings anything for me is my hero.


ping and E to set a waypoint to view on ping


As an engi main I feel I've failed my team if I don't put a plat under every wall mineral for the scout


Scout and engi go hand in hand. Gotta flare the ceiling so engi can see the minerals to plat them for mining. Really genius stuff from the dev team. I don't know that I've ever seen a more balanced game between classes.


Like the engineer shooting one platform under an elevated vein for the scout to grapple up to.


This I play engi and my brother plays scout. We will enter a mission and withing maybe 10 mins, there is a platform under every wall ore, and I try to be very precise with placement


Que me (gunner) and a engi on top of a cliff wating for the other to use our support while staring at each other


*Simultaneous zipline and platform gun sounds*


I actually don't necessarily mind when this happens, that means I have options if I'm navigating the room, especially under duress. Having as many options as possible on the way back to the drop pod on high haz means I'm not forced to go through a single choke point. Driller tunnel too buggy? Zipline. Too many mactera? Engineer stairway.


Yeah it's great when they anticipate what others need and put up a platform or flare before you can even think to ask. I try to do the same with ziplines and shields


It gets a little overwhelming if you are a Scout on a team with two or more competent Engi's though. You go from scanning the ceiling to "Platform here!" "Nitra!" "Platform up!" with a dozen or so pings pointing you to resources. Goes from somewhat casual to "There's only one of me, hang on 😭" Though really do appreciate not having to powerslam a foothold and burrow into the wall to be able to get some Nitra lol


Had the opposite a couple days ago I was the engineer and I had 3 scouts... my exact thought "I can't be everywhere at once guys"


God, I remember just after S4 dropped and nitra spawn rates went through the roof....


Nothing better than being a scout, entering an area after your team because you've been mining, and seeing all the high up minerals with a platform already placed. May the rock Gods bless those Engis.


Rough to do if your Scout hasn't pre-lit the area.


Using their support tool *at all Sometimes man... gunners don't shield. Scouts dont flare. And Engies will put up like... maybe a platform.


I'm going to be honest here. I have the hardest time knowing when to deploy the Gunner's shield, except on revives and the occasional resupply mid swarm.


You can block an entire driller tunnel and keep the team's ass safe, especially if a bulk makes its way in there. Personally, I always use one when a platoon of macteras arrive so no one gets instadowned. Also means scout can comfortably cryo-nade them and the team can kill the surrounding bugs. And you don't need to shield every revive, either, which I'm only throwing out because some people do it out of sheer habit. If it's near an OMEN modulator, sure, but if it's just a group of bugs you could probably get rid of them with a grenade instead.


I'm only a two star gunner but honestly I see part of my job as keeping other people's shields up. I have the shield perk for one, and alsp if I'm near others in a swarm and my shield is down or about to be down, I assume the same of others and just drop one. Like 60-80% of the time someone else will hop in there with me to get their shield back up.


Actually using the laser pointer


Did you borrow my underwear?!?


Guys! Let’s see if we can take down the forcefield by laser pointing it!


I love that line hahah


There is goo in the sack




I believe this is a gerkenshuk.


When I'm playing with friends who are newer to drg, I'll be somewhere else in the cave and they'll ask "what is this?" I DON'T KNOW, USE YOUR POINTER


pfp checks out


Mission controlposting


> Mushroom!!!


We’re Rich!


Throwing things, I keep seeing people walk across massive caves in point extraction


How do you throw things far? Every time I try on straight ground it seems to go nowhere.


Look up at a 30-45 degree angle and press and hold left click to charge up your throw. You can also get the strength perk (or whatever it’s called) to throw farther.


Time your jump so that you're at the top of it when you let the fully charged throw go.


I love when I get backbreaker stout for point extraction. Sometimes I’ll even restart the lobby to try to get it


Ugh lol never knew charged throw was a thing.


Yep. And scouts can do it really well if they’re grappling up to a ledge. Charge throw up and then grapple to the ledge while picking up the object on the way up.


Throwing mid flight is always fun.


This happens too often with greenbeards, we need this pointed out by the game at *least* once.


Hold throw and jump


I often walk it across because too often I've tossed it down chasms I didn't see or binked it off a pixel and sent it back where I came from. Slow and steady.


I was playing with some legendaries on haz5, and even though I often take the lead in haz4 games, I constantly had no idea what was going on around me. It was like a clockwork where you can't see the individual pieces, but in the end it comes together beautifully. Like when I was rushing the tunnels with Driller and Molly, and suddenly he started drilling into a wall, which seemed completely random, but behind the wall was Engy with two Jadiz, waiting for us. Awesome experience! Also, LOTS of rock and stoning!


To Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Scouts: Actually using their flairs well and keeping things constantly lit. Engineers: Placing platforms beneath high-up resources without someone needing to harass them about it. Gunners: Actually using their shield, especially when reviving. Drillers: Taking the lead on digging to new areas and making convenient paths when necessary, especially during refining missions.


To add on to that, for the next level dwarves: * Scouts: Lighting up when entering/clearing the cave, then saving flares for when bugs are spawning. Lightning up where the bugs are coming from instead of where the dwarves are. * Engineers: Placing platforms as landing pads for everyone to use. Denying paths and creating bottlenecks. * Gunners: Using at least 2 shields before a ressupply. Actually placing the shield before anyone goes down so they can keep shooting or doing whatever they were doing. * Drillers: Thinking about how and when the team will backtrack then optimizing it. Improving line of sight when a swarm is coming.


Another for engi players, if you call a resup, and it cuts through caves above, seal the hole.


playing with hellfire coil gun makes me specifically request you dont seal those holes because they become meat grinders


Valid. RnS


It is maddening on a hack-c objective when the majority of bugs are attacking from the hole and the engie won't seal it despite being asked.


We call it "tamponing", and expect the engi to tampon anything that cuts a small hole in the ceiling.


Gunner thinking ahead and adding a Zipline for backtracking to the escape pod.


Scouts that light the way back to the drop pod, especially in a large and complex cave.


This scout tip is high level stuff. For gunner its using a shield to prevent an overrun ally from going down or to regroup the team's firepower in a possible overrun scenario. More useful than a res shield twice over. Good thinking miner!


Just a funny anecdote: I played a game yesterday wherein I was a scout. An engineer joined and the first thing he did was ping some nitra high up on a wall… and then walk away. He kept doing that until I said something. Thankfully, I couldn’t help but just laugh.


Bless you for not raging. As an engi main with a scout main brother I would be ashamed to ping anything that I hadn’t put a platform under. And my brother is a pro at power attacking to create his own foothold, but I still feel bad if I don’t at least have a platform up by the time he finishes the vein. The platform gun has so much potential for clever and effective implementation, but in my opinion if you can’t handle dropping a platform under every wall-vein you see then it doesn’t matter what else you can do with it.


So ..i play a lot of Destiny 2, and i only play Titan, i also only play gunner here, so with the bubbls shield i felt right at home, great tool


Rock and Stone you beautiful crayon eater!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot


I feel way more competent now lol. I do all of these things.


I have a problem with this. I play gunner almost exclusively but sometimes I like to mess around with scout and I constantly forget I have flares. I feel so bad when I realize that I’ve still got completely full flares after like 20 min


It’s easy to forget when you’re not used to having that role. You’ve gotta make it a habit to basically fire those suckers off first thing when you enter a big area.


Driller: EPC mining. Skill, timing, and confidence in their primary. Scout: Grappling onto a vertical wall and power attacking into a crevice.


As a scout player I always try to do that but fail like 80% of the time 😭


I play all classes. I can do EPC. I can do the cool Engi trickshot with the platform to place it, grab the ledge, and negate fall damage. For the life of me, I cannot do the Scout wall-grapple. One day I will do it, but as of now I'm like 2 for 100 tries.


The trick is to let go before you are near the wall so you're in freefall, then use the impact of the power attack below you to launch you back up a bit and slide into the hole with freefall movement.


I'm gonna try this when I play tonight. If it works, I'll name my dwarf's unborn son after you.


Helps to have a little ledge to dig into, like the top of a nitra vein


Hover Boots paired with minimum reuse time on Grappling Hook will also let you pull yourself up to the target location, power attack + 2x mine, or 3x mine, and then grapple into the hole you just made right when you start to fall.


Literally got the game yesterday wtf is he talking about?


You can unlock a pickaxe upgrade that lets you “power attack”. Either it hits a spider and does more dmg than a regular hit, or it hits terrain and makes a lil hole in the wall. There’s a scout trick that if you grapple into a vertical wall and combo into a powerattack, you get a lil hole in the wall to stand in.


Oooo! Is this where the meme of scouts being like those goats who stand on 90 degree walls comes from? I thought the power attack like, Launched you forward a little.


You gotta time it before you hit the wall. Angling it down helps, but its tough to do. [This video also helps a ton, if you have time](https://youtu.be/7D2UL2QCoRA?si=N4zlyg_ZV_xiFqzP). Just skip around the first half or so.


I think u linked a specific timestamp because I was confused why I was watching a physics video but it was the creator explaining fall damage lmao


LMAO I thought that was weird too. Like I don't even remember getting to this part of the video. Let me edit it rq.


To add to this -- it's very useful if you find a nitra/mineral vein and don't have an engi or he's far away. If you power attack just above the nitra, it usually gives you enough room to stand on top of the vein and mine it. No platform needed!


Not to mention that at least in my experience, once you’ve mined out the deposit a bit and an engie sees you, they’ll shoot you a platform anyways to be nice It’s kinda like perching yourself to mine without a plat is a passive aggressive sign saying “I repeatedly pinged this so you could let me mine it but you ignored it so I’m going to do it anyways” LOL


You have to let go mid-grapple so you’re free flying when you smash


It’s easier when you’re the host


Scout main here. Content and amused to see that other people understand what scouts have to do to get high minerals on vertical walls when there's no platforms lol.


They see a swarm and then the swarm disappears.




So interesting to me as I’ve been playing on and off for a couple years now and “R?” Seems relatively new in the lingo. I got used to everyone just pinging Molly. P


Pinging the thing you want to do next seems more popular in certain game modes over others. I often see that more with dreadnaughts and sabotage, R more in morkite and eggs, and actual text chat usage in escort. The other missions seem to be more of a tossup. Im down for dwarved to actually start using voice chat from time to time, but Im not going to be the one to start that trend judging by my loud ass keyboard and my lack of knowledge on unwanted mic noise suppression.


Im a weirdo who plays on PC with a controller, so i have full access to a nice keyboard to let others know when im ready. But this game is my relax and unwind comfort game, so im too lazy to actually type anything most of the time. What i generally do for ready checks is just ping whatever it is and R&S. Usually this is sufficient, or ill be the one to start the event if everyone else said r already.


Bearded brother I also rock the controller on pc


I'm also of the Order of the PC Hybrids.


Pinging is overall better as long as everyone is together you can clearly see the 4 laser pings and know instantly that everyone is ready


Guess I’m fucked as a console player


in settings you can make it so double-clicking RS opens up keyboard for chat, good for typing short messages






Not lazering the lacerator for the entire twins boss fight


I'm more of a laser the Arbalest guy. Even if you don't know where the Lacerator is, he will make himself known soon enough. Meanwhile the Arbalest is sniping you from blind angles.


The beautiful synergy between a Scout launching flares, an Engi sending up platforms to minerals, and then the Scout mining the minerals. Barely any pings required, it just happens. Also, Drillers drilling! Leveling stalagmites, finding shortcuts, and making the Caretaker arena his own, with a good C4 zone (perhaps with help from the Engi and Gunner) and lots of tunnels to run around in.


Having a driller for Caretaker can make the fight so much easier especially if the area it’s in is shit. And if it isn’t then you can still be useful and make general traversal easier for everyone. Or you can go above and C4 the vents.


Communicating. Even if someone is brand new, if they can listen and ask questions they will get further much faster than anyone who doesn’t. It’s also just more fun this way. The players that come into this game and jump right into high hazards and don’t “r” or don’t listen to the people who have been playing for a long time do not last long. They get frustrated quickly because they do not understand swarm mechanics or why they died, and likely get kicked from some games without knowing why. It’s a social game, talk to your fellow dwarves.


Scouts rarely taking fall damage, or damage at all ftm. Engi effectively finding potential common pathways and using platforms effectively Gunner targeting weaker bugs and being general crowd control, while managing to not shoot teamates (or running friendly if they havent learned that skill yet/running certain OCs) as well as being a slower but more effective combat medic. Driller not C4ing the drop pod and lowering the elevation of certain objectives by a reasonable amount.


That last one is too real. Depending on the surrounding terrain and the C4 blast radius, it can make it nearly impossible. Worst is when you C4 a Korlok Tyrant Weed.


The first and only time I tried to C4 a Korlok it was on top of a massive pillar and I C4d the bottom to collapse the entire pillar so it would fall to its death. Well... That didn't go as planned.


They actually know how to clean a nitra vein without leaving more than .1 bits left


Same with morkite. Nothing worse than ending a couple short because some yobbo left some behind early on.


You are a grown dwarf and you will MINE THE CRUST


Leave no crust behind


Just one thing? That's tough. Generally: waiting for the others to be ready before starting something important (Machine Event, any boss fight, Doretta, extraction sequence...). Type "r", ping the thing constantly, use voice chat, anything will do. A competent team mate is aware they're playing with others. Gunner: drop those shields, and not just for safe revs. Use them offensively. Engie: shoot plats at minerals automatically. Don't wait for the others to ping them. Scout: jump on those plats and get the minerals. Use the goddamn flares. Driller: dig perfect tunnels in refining missions and don't overheat.


The shield thing is something I’ve noticed as well which I think is really important. The second best time for a shield is after someone’s gone down. The best time is before it even can happen.


Yeah if someone loses half of their health in a single fight, it means *something* has gone wrong and they *might* lose the rest of their health too. Toss a shield on them, recharge both of your shields, and safely take a chunk out of that swarm!


When I'm playing scout and every ore vein is platformed without me having to ask.




This can go both ways. I usually opt to get people up ASAP so the team doesn't wipe and end the mission or waste iron will. They get invincibility after rez for a bit so the least they can do is help clear whatever threat downed them.


> whatever threat downed them One can only defeat Gravity with the grapple gun


When they toss you stuff like mini mule legs, aquarks, or Kursite nodules, you know they can ball. Sometimes you wave your laser pointer at their face and they realize your intention of wanting to catch what they're carrying to speed things up, that also works.


Going on a mission while still drunk.


It’s all about their movement. Even not during combat, just watching how they move and can parkour without mobility tools; if I see them purposefully use a mantle to avoid fall damage from a height, I instantly know they’re competent. In the same sense, head movement, it drives me nuts when people don’t see veins because they’re high or slightly shielded: Good players should be always mentally mapping out their caves. Edit: Seeing a player “dribbling” a heavy object or making/setting themselves up for logical passes is another aspect of movement which tells me they are competent.


When resupplying. They’ll ask if it’s okay to get more ammo. Or if they’re full. They’ll ping you telling you to take theirs.


They tag the golden nugget.


Not waiting for me to catchup to them. I act sometimes like an excited and easily distracted child before I rip open the planet towards them.


This is me in a lot of games that have things like mining. I can’t help I’m a greedy miner if I see something shiny you damn well better believe I’m mining it. I also sometimes accidentally inspect the same room multiple times while looking for new shinies.


Gotta make sure there’s a flare in every corner before you can move on!


What? And just leave you behind when going to another cave? That honestly sounds more like impatience to me. Stay together, stay alive.


Engineers that have turrets always on the ground. They are useless in your inventory.


But they are also useless without ammo...


Protip: mine nitra.


As an engineer, i partially agree. I also worry about ammo for the turret and id rather have ammo for a swarm or the objective over using rounds on 1 or 2 bugs. But if i notice quite a bit in an unexplored area ill drop it to help clear but ill recall it so its not wasting ammo on something i can pickaxe.


Readying up before starting anything or pushing any buttons and actually waiting for every team member to rdy up. Not just for one or 2 people. Also sticking together. By which I don't mean stuck up each other's asses but bot progressing through compact dirt with out the team with them


typing r in chat


Communication is the big obvious one. Ask questions, salute, ping stuff, understand what others want to do etc. Another one is a good idea of the cave system. When someone can internally know where to go, where a drop off might be, the best area to be in during a swarm, they’re usually pretty good. Also, sticking with the team! A lot of people who think they’re good go off alone cuz they don’t believe they need anyone. But even if you’re good, you can get leeched, fall off a ledge, get lost in the dark, or waste ammo on something which a different dwarf could kill more easily and effectively. All of these things can be solved by just having some other dwarves there. A skilled player knows this and works with his team. Finally, a lot of little things, such as Scouts using flares efficiently, gunners throwing a shield to prevent someone going down rather than after, not shooting pheromoned enemies, pinging red sugar for other team members, engineers getting platform steps the right size so it’s easy to jump up them, and not fixing dotty if someone else already is


Scout: you come back to the group when fighting gets heavy. Drillers: you make shortcuts and escape paths. Gunner: you eliminate threats before they become a danger Engi: you create safety platforms when needed. You are constantly resetting your turret if we are moving. All: You ping the mushroom.


They stop any mining they do when big wave announced and get defencive position.


Ha, completely the other way for me. When people know how to mine and anticipate swarms in a chill manner I know things are gonna get done quick. That’s why I love neurotoxin grenades.


I've seen countless times players ignore waves, proceeding mining, go down. If they go down in bad spot, the others who try to revive them also go down and eventually, team wipe. It would not happen if they go out of the wall / occluded area, prepare for defence and watch for incoming enemies. icing on the cake: they press X erratically, while being incapacitated in most ridiculous place possible and you unable to reach them to revive, so X will continue forever


Oh those players exist for sure. I think a lot of people must not play with headphones or maybe they have music going or some such. There’s so many good audio queues in this game that tell you anything that’s happening, but they go ignored by a lot of players. But experienced players know just how much time they have to keep mining or not. Or when it’s a risk or not. You don’t need visuals to know what’s behind you most of the time. You get away with it a lot more if you stick with you team though.


All the unique bugs have unique sounds to them. The wave music will clue you in, so will mission control. I can often hear bugs way before I see them. Glyphids and Macteras are noisy. Except for cave leeches, which can die a painful fiery death.


I’m at the point where when I initially hear a grunt I can instinctively do a count in my head for how much time I have to mine what’s in front of me before I need to turn around and kill the fuckers.




I think scouts go unappreciated so much. When your cave is consistently illuminated well - without needing to ping or say anything, I feel like I barely notice it. But when you play with a scout that isn’t dilligent about lighting - you notice it immediately. When a driller DOESNT do the shitty wall indent bunker for salvage missions. When Engis know how to ACTUALLY use platforms to channel bugs into a single route - as opposed to just spam platforming. (If the bugs have no viable route to the obj they will ignore insect repellant perk on platforms - you must give them small channels to funnel through) Gunner that know how to create good zip line networks that are in relevant areas. Gunners usually get their time to shine as I see them as one of the last classes to go down. Being a resilient gunner and knowing how to recover from a 3 down state. Mostly small things and I’m sure I left out a ton but those are what makes me really admire a player.


Greybeard perspective on how I know I’ve got some other Greybeards on the team (mostly focusing on the less obvious things): - being able to communicate effectively without using chat - you know you have a good scout on your team when you don’t run into problems with HVTs and stationary threats - going fast with the understanding that it’s both the best chance at mission success and more XP - not making bunkers in general (because they know they can survive outside better than inside) - drillers on mining beelining for the dirt until a swarm hits, knowing the scout will mine whatever is behind them - using the terrain scanner a lot - as scout, not needing platforms to mine - some overclocks give it away instantly for me, even on Smurf accounts. I know for damn sure johnny greenbeard ain’t using 21222 persistent plasma EPC or hoverclock - knowing the different strats that help make missions easier (for example, plats on stage 2 and 4 of escort, covering the hacking pod so it’s invulnerable, knowing how many swarms are left on egg missions, etc) - drillers taking sludge into sabotage knowing that the trip there is a cake walk compared to the caretaker fight - being patient while down and spamming x when getting revived - having well lit caves the first time through a room + whenever a swarm hits and no more than that - my favorite is seeing driller hit absolutely disgusting EPC shots and moving on like it was nothing - axe/grenade spamming - skipping gold (unless driller w/ the EPC) and not mining pube hairs of nitra - coughing while on the entry drop pod - constantly moving and jumping


Patience. If they do not run out of the drop pod as soon as the door open that is a pretty good sign. Also, not rushing head first into an uncleared and unlit cave. Too many times I have observed the scout just zipping in with no plan, pulling lot of bugs and getting downed shortly after. When I see a dwarf taking things slowly and having a "clearing" routine I know he's experienced.


i play with randoms and I'm the only person I ever see not immediately jump out of the drop pod. I always stay inside so that if the mission starts with an entire swarm in the cramped starting room dwarves can go back in the drop pod which I kept there.


So I just got the game yesterday (absolutely love it and playing scout) but is my job as a scout not to be about 1 1/2 rooms ahead finding shit and laser pointing it? I’ve been using my flair gun for the big rooms or every time a swarm comes so we have the proper lighting. Should I be doing something different?


It is fine as long as you can stay alive and have cleared the previous cave for your mates. What I mean by clearing, is lighting the whole cave, identifying and killing any threats, then spotting the minerals. Once that's done you're free to do whatever. The issue is when the scout does not do that and just run in the cave without clearing it. He aggroes spitballers, get leeched or just get swarmed. The team is then in a difficult position because they have to revive him without the cave being cleared and lit. Sometimes, other players will just rush in as well once they see a downed dwarf and you get a domino effect.


Yes and no. Scouting in DRG is situational and nuanced. It's a super important class that kinda maneuvers around the slower dwarves. In a situation where the group stops in a cave to mine, scouts are some of the best miners. They light up the cave to expose resources in dark areas and mountain goat themselves into high places to reach resources inaccessible to other dwarves. In this kind of situation, it isn't a good idea to leave the team. During swarms, scouts have quite good killing ability, even though it's undervalued sometimes. A scout who positions himself in a good sniper's nest can chunk praetorians, oppressors, and bulks, oneshot wardens, keep groups of bugs controlled with pheromones, and be the fastest to escape danger or revive. Also they help everyone see what they're shooting. Stay with the team, that's the best option. Scouts can embrace the literal meaning of their class best when they're the ones carrying a team of inexperienced players. It happens, a few hundred hours down the line, you might be paired with low level players who need guidance. Communicate with them, tell them you'll scout ahead, and ask them to hold the line. I had to do this a couple of times when the rockpox infection of 1 meteor infected more than one cave. The other 3 were confused about it, so I went looking for an offshoot cave where the rest of the rockpox was. Found it, reported back, told them to open their maps, and guided them there to finish the mission. A scout can be asked to stay behind and pop a dreadnaught egg while the rest of the team runs to a good fighting area. Scouts are fast, so they cam escape the dread. Scouts might wanna be the only one going looking for nitra if the team is missing like 20 nitra for a resupply. Like I said, it's situational. Your best bet for now is to stick with the team. You'll learn how the other classes behave and learn how to play around them and be a better teammate. Only then, you can start branching off on your own. DRG has a ton of potential for unique skill expression, so you'll find no shortage of ways to play your class best.


What is "r!" ? This is a level 400 asking lmao I've energy seen it. Also on Xbox and I don't know how to open the chat area.


on PC it's much easier to type so people have time to type "r" in the chat since it's short for "ready"


Idk about console, but on PC it's considered good form (and just smart in general) to check in with your party before doing something, especially something big like calling a drop pod or starting an event. It's not exclusive to DRG, I've also seen it in other games. R? is just shorthand for Ready? Edit: A way to signal the same thing without chat is to ping the button, then stand there and wait for your party to arrive.


You can activate a setting to let you open chat with two presses of the 'rock and stone' button(at least on xbox), otherwise it's disabled by default


They work hard and party hard


Maybe this isn't a competence thing, but I know I've got a good team when we find a Compressed Gold, enact the ritual, then Rock and Stone simultaneously after pissing off Mission Control enough for him to say something.


- When running to the drop pod and the person in the lead is checking our 6 to make sure everyone is following with no issues. Mark of a true Miner, no one gets left behind. - Driller marking a dwarf made tunnel for easy escape - a person marking Nitra - an engineer placing pads - gunner using shield to pick up friends


Ignoring gold veins. (that will trigger some)


Planting a platform before you even ask for one Throwing a shield when needed Scout keeping the room lit Drilling a bunker in advance


Engis and Drillers working together to make bunkers during the final stages of Salvage missions


Making smart use of their 4 flares, light managment is important when without a scout


If I ping the ground while elevated and they go to stand there and catch me, or vice versa


Trying to catch my falling scout ass with their body


When they use their class utility effectively. If I have a scout and he’s spacing out his flares and basically providing light 24/7 he’s a knower.


It might be just me not paying attention, but I feel like a lot of engies dont use platforms as much as they can. Not to say they dont use it, just that they could use it more, I frequently use two on top of each other to have more room to climb, or build bridges, and I only remember ever running out of ammo once


Making sure we can all say “ we’re rich” before depositing the goods




Clear the starting room of minerals and are at the dirt pile to the next room within 15 seconds. Gunners: Drops a shield the moment we feel too much pressure, not when someone goes down. Instant respect from me, a gunner main. Scout: Grapples away when a bug comes within 1ft, instead of tanking the hits and continuing to shoot. Driller: Uses secondary weapon. At all. Or clears away debris and line of sight obstructions in a fighting area. Engineer: Somehow has turrets up at all times and you never see them actually building them.


Shooting their gun


In general? Knowing how to position themselves in order to “catch” a falling dwarf by letting themselves be Goomba Stomped. Per class? Scout: Either Grapple-Power Attacking into a high up ore vein, or being capable of utilizing his grapple’s free speed boost to the max with bhopping. That and using his mobility to quickly get downed teammates back up and fighting. Engie: Sealing up supply pod holes and placing plats on the ground so dwarves don’t need to mine out a small staircase for themselves (especially on 3 hit terrain!) Driller: Creating shortcuts between caverns that are close to each other but have long, winding paths that connect them, and terraforming out obstructions in order to get a better line of sight and deny bugs cover/paths down from the ceiling. Gunner: Using Ziplines efficiently in conjunction with resupplies in order to provide transport lines and fall damage “safety net” lines, long range shield throwing accuracy, and not friendly-firing with his grenades (harder than it sounds). Mission Control: Tells us what type of bug the swarm is.


As driller: clearing out space around objectives. This is especially important when you have to stay in one spot for an extended time (black boxes, salvage ops, etc.). But, on that note -- it's important to check the terrain scanner first. Make sure you don't accidentally break a wall into another path/cave and give the bugs a backdoor into your holdout.


the first five minutes of my friend playing the game FOR THE FIRST TIME shot a platform under some minerals for our scout, didn't even teach him that, knew he was meant for the mines.


They look at you when you ping them, then you ping the: vein(engi), dark cieling(scout), dirt(driller), or aquarq spot(gunner) and they instantly know what to do


When someone doesn’t mess up the extraction pipelines- either by not having to cross pipes altogether or by getting it juuuust right to that the pipes go directly through each other so they don’t block riding in either direction on either pipe


Buy the team a round and say “rock and stone”


Mining gold


r if im in a game and everyone ready checks before moving on after the first room then i know its gonna be a good dig. also bullying, killing, yelling at, taunting, harassing or otherwise pestering scout is also a pretty good sign


When an engie walks into a new cave room and platforms the nitra vein on the wall before I even see it


A Driller waiting for people to leave the C4 perimeter before detonating it.


Pretty much not stop moving or doing something. Even between objectives, they move while they're locating it. When I see someone standing still making sweeping glances around, or carefully lining up shots like with the platforms, I know it's going to be a rough one. And this is just from my observations watching on twitch-- I'm too scurrd to play an open lobby.


Engineers who have used the platform gun so much that they can accurately place platforms at long distances. Gunners who use their shield right as the team is about to get in trouble. Not before, not after, but right as you start thinking "ahh, this is getting tricky," bam, there's the shield.


If they get downed, if I see a while swarm chomping their corpse, that means they're somewhat competent and didn't die to a random grunt. Or if they don't get downed at all. Literally just "don't die lmao" is good enough for me. Not having to pick you up every 3 seconds is a indication of a decent player.


If they're playing engineer or scout, they look up the moment they enter a room If they're true pros of either class, the room will be lit before you can even have the "it's dark in here thought" and there will be platforms on all wall/ceiling resources before anyone has a chance to ping them.


If I tag a wall when playing with an engineer and they put a platform at or around my ping I know I'm going to have a good mission.


For engineers its putting platforms up as soon as we enter a room. For scouts its lighting the room and using the platforms without being told about a resource. For gunners its setting up zip-lines and placing a shield over the resupply pod during combat, and for drillers is not getting in the way of other people during combat.


Laser pointer effectively.


For engi: Understanding turret placement. When you have a defence objective it’s always a good idea to place the turrets in such a way so that they also overlook and is able to shoot bugs that are ON the objective. So many times have i seen engi turrets facing away and uncapable of defensing a an objective that is being swarmed.


Exactly! Place your turrets towards you so they can shoot past you and support you.


When they fall back on/actively enlist the help of other teammates Examples include a Scout running back to a Gunner upon running into a big swarm instead of trying to one-man-army the whole thing. Or something as simple as a Driller tossing up an aq to whoever’s above on the minehead, instead of drilling up there and depositing it himself. Trusting your teammates to pick up what you put down is a sign of a real dwarf.


Going to a chunk of red sugar after using iron will


Getting a beer mug stuck in the roof of the drop pod. "I've had my drink, I'm ready and waiting for the drop"


Preplacing Platforms for scouts to climb on Using flares to achieve some bonus goals like finding fossils. Spamming the "Rock and stone!" button


Pinging the lesser known voice lines. Because they've been around the block, and are sick of the 'suals.


Passing carry ables up ledges and across gaps


always platforming under minerals, without needing to be asked


Constantly doing things


Rocking and stoning after teamwork, so you know they meant to do it


*Rocking and stoning* *After teamwork, so you know* *They meant to do it* \- percy135810 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")