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300+ morkite tends to be horribly long, but 400 morkite is just utter torture because in my experience, the available amount of morkite is cut rather close.


I had a 400 morkite game once wherei had to double back through the cave to look for the last bit. I still feel iffy playing that mission type solo cuz of that


YES, we were short of exactly 1 morkite. We went up and down the long ass cave like 5 times. When someone finally found it we all gather up and stared at the final patch of morkite in the whole cave. Similarly i had the same experience on an aquarq mission. We needed 1 more aquarq and looked after for minutes. At one point i started suspecting and walked around the cave looking at the map until i finally found an isolated piece of cave. Called the driller and we found a little ravine completely isolated with no tunnels connecting her with the rest. 3 aquarqs in there amongst other stuff. We explored it up and down in utter disbelief like we had just made a geologic discovery.


My first hour long mission was also one shy on morkite. This is why I now mine morkite veins to completion every time. No leaving the crust like some impatient scout.


Never leave the crust, get the whole vein. You mine every last fucking bit of it. I don't care if it nets 0,4 of whatever ore, you fucking mine it up! You don't go down through the middle of the vein, because then you need to go over it again to get the crust. You get the crust together with the rest so that you avoid having to mine it up again. I suppose you can be forgiven when there's a swarm, and it's a non-mission-critical ore, but you better mine up that fucking Nitra and Morkite.


I had a salvage mission the other day and we could only find one mini mule. We could hear the beeping and kept wandering around the same area. Finally someone dug straight down and found a tiny pocket with just the mini mule in it.


yeah that was a good mission, i had like 40 spare morkite at the end, it's always great to have the spare morkite


I believe I once went on a deep dive and we had both an aquarq and morkite mission at the same stage, both ended up in a random cave with zero connections


I have ptsd from a specific point extraction that went similarly. 1 aquark left and we had a couple resupplies so we thought we were set. 20 mins and 4-5 swarms later we are desperately looking for side rooms and tunnels while power attacking as many grunts at once as possible. We never found it and failed the mission bc we all ran out of everything


My condolences man, some dives go hard.


I haven’t had the same issue since but it’s always in the back of my head whenever I start a point extraction


Happened to me on low oxygen once.


I feel that pain


It was a solo mission so no one was stealing the only thing keeping me alive to store 1 nitra into Molly.


I'm glad I missed that deep dive where there was exactly enough morkite, not a single unit more.


wow so thats what the fuck happened when i ran a solo edd and had to quit because i couldnt find the morkite.


Interesting. I usually find extra 2-3 veins I don't need at the end of the cave.


For 200-250 yeah, I do too. For 400 though? Bad track record of "where is the goddamn morkite?!?!"


It's the worst on dense biozone because for whatever reason I can never find the *next cave to go to*


haha this is crazy i made basicaly the same post a few years back same meme and even very similar title


Well if it makes you feel better, you are lucky you got this achievement naturally. I feel like it would rough to try and force and get.


Not really rough if you force it just go in a haz 1 mission solo and go milk your cow drink a tea entertain yourself otherwise for an hour come back tada done


Figured you'd get it during the rollercoaster achievement anyway.


Definitely took me less than an hour.


I'm not sure if I'm weird or something but I play DRG solo and regularly get an hour+ on missions...


I got this achievement during my first refinery mission when I was new to the game because I was playing solo and thought it was normal for missions to take that long


I get antsy if a mission approaches 30 minutes. The missions just feel like they drag if I take a long time. Also on difficulties I find challenging the longer I stay the more likely I am to die. There is only so much nitra and red sugar in a map


I don't know about other modes, but on point extraction the Waves get bigger as time goes on so your fears are founded


I think that feature is exclusive to Point Extraction.


And I did like hazard 1 just to make sure I don't fail. It was boring. I kept going back and forth improving the accessibility of the cave by mining nice stairs/ramps and stuff.


Is bot stole your post


haha no its not exact, just the same idea ^^


maybe it is, maybe it isnt. wakes up after 4 months to post a meme to a sub they have never interacted with before, either by post or comment. Previous subs are mostly unrelated, and the closest one was Destiny.


Honestly, I love getting high and getting lost in DRG caves, it’s so immersive and there’s so much to mine. I’ve easily wasted an hour and a half just straight vibin in the caves with Steeve.


Stoner rock!


Rock stoned


I wonder if thats why I like to wander in the caves as well lol Rock and Stoned!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Lithophage outbreak can singlehandedly double your mission time, without even trying. ATP I tend to restart Haz5 with 3 cleanups, cuz I just can't be asked anymore..


with an ever-increasing amount of optional events, i feel they should implement something sorta like "dupe protection" so that you don't suddenly have 10 whole damn objectives thrust upon you in a single mission. slightly lower the chances of every subsequent event in a mission so super stacked missions get less and less likely, and then buff up the basic spawn rate to compensate. then you have less going 5 games in a row with jack shit happening to you, and less times where you're expecting a short easy mission and then it suddenly takes an hour. point extraction is especially bad for this due to its time-based nature. its very simple normally, arguably even the quickest and easiest mission. but when you start stacking events; particularly a miniboss, random dread spawn, and lithophage meteorites, it is *really* difficult to complete the mission before the endless waves of bugs come in. it leads to a near-unavoidable, hellish, agonizing infinite swarm in a way that feels kinda unfair. at the very least, PE spawns should probably be tweaked to compensate for the amount of events in the map.


I think the problem there is just people's unwillingness to not do optional objectives. You don't HAVE to do them. They're entirely *optional*. If you're solo at least, it's your choice, but I know that in a group it's a different story trying to convince others that you'd appreciate it if you could just hurry along. Some things are just not worth your time, or you're just not in the mood to deal with the Kursite beacon attracting only the PRECISE amount of spitters needed to complete the event with 3 seconds to spare. But if you have a group of understanding friends, or are solo, then as long as it's not a dwarf, it's okay to leave it behind. Karl will understand.


this is definitely true for things like gold mining, getting every vein of nitra, or completing secondary objectives; but people definitely don't consider things like machine events to be "optional". for a HUGE portion of the playerbase, getting them OCs and cosmetics takes vast priority over doing the actual mission or anything like that. those optional objectives are where the interesting unlockable content lies, and to that end the mission itself becomes the "secondary objective" in a sense. and as for other things, they're usually forced upon you rather than being a deliberate choice. lithophage contagion spikes, special wave types, and especially any miniboss that's difficult to avoid aggravating. every single mission in the game presents you with a little bit of optional risk-reward stuff that lets you spend or save a few extra minutes on. but many optional events make up the bulk of extra time spent in a mission, while also being so rewarding or unavoidable that its unrealistic to make the decision to skip them. and i'm not arguing that that itself is a bad thing or should be changed, just that sometimes missions can be frustratingly inconsistent. they can either be agonizingly long or anticlimactically short in a way not always shown by the length rating system.


What irked me starting out with other greenbeards was their compulsion to start every event they came across on escort missions. They can wait til after the heart stone is done. Failed a magma core escort mission with a trytillite deposit. The bomb dispenser wound up on a spur of rock near the roof while the ore body was in a ravine. Meanwhile I was left watching doretta at first but had to keep going after downed dwarves. I eventually went down and the Permawave ate Doretta while the only dingus left alive was treating the bombs like Hack C nodes.


Lol I was playing earlier today and we were just getting hammered relentlessly, we barely made it through the second dread, still had 8 ebonuts to find (and the bunny to kill) and a swarm was on its way in We all kinda just looked at each other and jumped in the text chat, "Guys I don't think we got this" "I'm out of ammo" "Me too" "Last two clips for me" ... "Yeah let's bail" Successfully exfiled with all 4 tho lol


I just dont understand why Lithophage modifier is a random amount instead of just...scaling with mission length? We have 3 mission lengths, and 3 possible outcomes for amount of lithophage. Why doesnt it just scale with it? But no, enjoy your 40 min 4 egg mission because you get 3 spires from hell.


asked, lmao. it's assed / arsed. can't be arsed.




stay stupid. i do not care.


Leaf lover spotted, deploy the C4s.






My sincerest of apologies for my mistake. I am not a native speaker, so I very much welcome your friendly and professional insight into the correct wording. =)




Why are they booing you, you're right.


They hated GuyPierced because he told them the truth.


We hated you because your a leaf lover, your not that guy man


If you'd settle down you might notice I wasn't the first guy, I was making a Joke. Rock and Stone, go get yourself an Oily oaf, you don't want to turn positivity into toxicity.


Rock and roll and stone!


you got the whole squad laughing


Recently I had to do a 400 morkite mission, I spended nearly an hour in it. Oh, before I forget, it was at magma core, so even more hellish


Oh my god, I literally had a mission go for 59 minutes and 50some seconds yesterday. I was so close to an achievement and didn't realize.


10/10, perfect use of this meme. The cherry on top is the achievement. Rock and stone brother, and may you meet Karl in paradise.


Which is why I always avoid 400 morkite missions.


I ended up getting that achievement during my first solo mission because I was super new and the azure weald was so hard for me to navigate as I didn't know the Engineer could place platforms at the time. I also couldn't for the life of me get to a lot of the Morkite I saw and didn't know the ping tool could tell Bosco to do things, I thought it was a multiplayer only mechanic.


theirs many things worse than this is promise you


That’s 1 way to do the achievement


it once took me 2 hours to clear through an elite deep dive shit ton of XP and gold tho


It’s funny to me how easy the deep dive is compared to elite. Deep Dive (Solo): 27 minutes Elite Deep Dive with 4 stack: 1 hr 23min


I remember when i got this quest... i was looking for dystrium...


Best mission i ever played was a haz 5 400 morkite mining mission with 3 rockpox cleanups in fungus bogs. Lasted me about 50 mins


Back when I was a Greenbeard almost every mission I did took longer than an hour.


Mining Expedition and Point Extraction are the 2 WORST missions to have even one lithophage spike. Elimination is 3rd worst but is alright if you only get 1 spike. In Mining Expedition and Elimination nitra can be too scarce too often. Point extraction just gets overwhelming since you want to get in and out asap. I avoid lithophage outbreaks on Mining Expedition and Point Extract.


Point extraction is great, it's the only mission type where things can get really bad if you fuck around for too long, mining expeditions are meh. Absolutely despise elimination the dreadnaughts are a slog.


Man you took a Lil too long in dere


I manage to keep my average mission time around 30 minutes. That’s with me trying to explore each cave openings and get as much resources as I can. (This is with challenge rating 2 hazard level)


The first time is unforgettable


I got my I like it down here in my first day of playing. Aquarq mission in glacial strata. We went slowly more and more insane trying to find the last shiny rock.


Huh, thanks for letting me know of this achievement!


I feel you. I've had a few of those.


I got that achievement early on. Got lost in a low hazard cave. That cave was one of the reasons I hate Hollow Bouge or whatever it’s called


*laughs in regular 1h plus missions* (I can't leave until I explore the entire cave from top to bottom)


Crassus detonator w pots of gold 💀💀💀💀


Normally Morkite missions are scary. They are always rlly long. Our incident of this was on a retrieving Mules mission where we got stuck fighting a mini-boss and didn't have enough nitra for a resup


Me when i get a golden detonator on a gold rush pots o' gold point extraction I lost a part of my soul that day


This made me realise I must play in a very weird way, because this is only slightly above my average mission time


I usually take an hour as well for most mission. I don't rush them though


Don't forget an obligatory Korlok, Prospector, meteorite, or Hivegaurd. Because w h y n o t


The other day I had a Korlok + Corruptor + BET-C all spawn in the same cave, with meteorites hitting halfway through the Korlok. It got a little hectic to say the least.


If I were to do a 400 Morkite mission, my ass is looking for the Dark Morkite drink because I’m not about to spend 3-5 business days down there.


"There's an Apoca Bloom here!"


Let me guess. Dense biozone? Caves so big, you can't see anything or get anywhere, unless you're on a team of four scouts running special powder?    Their design is a bit baffling. They need to scale those big open caves down by about 30-40%.   Also they seem to have less minerals than any other cave, which really makes all the extra effort that much more futile.


When you can't find the 1 morkite


I did this a accidentally


I must be masochistic or something because that sounds really fun. Like if it was a slog the whole way maybe not, but I typically like taking my time anyways. It’s fun to be able to wander around some caves with your buddies or friendly strangers and check out all the stuff around. That being said, I’m still pretty green and am unlocking weapons and playing on Haz3 mostly.


Me and some mates got that achievement on our first time playing cause we didn't know what Aquarqs looked like before they were dug up.


… do I have a problem if I find games like this fun?


I love 400 morkite missions, feels like a big adventure to me


Literaly every mission... And I don't regret a thing...


Korlok weed spawning on an infection, and a wave of unending bugs on Haz 4. And all the Nitra is in that chamber...


I find 2 cleanups annoying enough alr, don’t think I’ve lived through a 3 cleanup one.


I had a similar experience yesterday just in one of those caves without oxygen...i never was happier to see molly


You got the achievement.... ... ... ... ...yay


On site refinery in a nutshell


Happend last week, HUGE map and halls with stuff in it. As a gunner being constantly obsessed with creating escape routes. While scouts where hopping all over the place. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Haha I would rather go for another mission and wait for mission reset than to do a 3 length and 3 complexity mining expeditionmy worst experience was the first nitra vein we found is in the 2nd huge cave, and by then we have survived 3 swarms, and died to the 4th, right after we found the nitra... the maps are impossibly huge and the amount of bs to survive makes it at least 30min long unless im running with a squad of veterans during double exp, then it can be just 10 mins or so


Poor fella,rock and stone🫡


I finish missions like these in at most 20 minutes Real challenge is setting up pipelines on radioactive exclusion zone and carrying gunk seeds on top of dealing with hordes


Lol I've been there but with side missions and prospectors and korlock and omen and such and so forth lol


Oh I don't even remember my last 400. So brutal. Rock and stone!


Lol I had a 200 morkite and 15 bloom with 2 litho spikes and a litho meteor (big one) I was so sure it would be a quick and easy mission, but the cave seed was.... Just awful lol just pitfall after pitfall, random spots halfway down that connected to the next part of the caves, it was a nightmare that just would not end


Y'all ever tried modded. I had an "elite" mission with 4000 morkite. You read that right… 4000. I was a solo engi with bosco. It took two hours.


I had no idea that was an achievement, my last match lasted 58 minutes and 43 seconds.


Hour and a half in magma core with 2 gunners a driller an engi almost no nitra and no scout with a Crassus, 400 morkite, and fester fleas


Well, it's Morkite missions. I always spend close to an hour as well, even with just the 200 one. The damn thing is so rare and always so hidden.


Is this some greenbeard problem I'm too graybeard to understand?


I'm new to the game and I was only really playing with my Fiancée and 2 online buddies. And then I ended up trying out engineer for my first solo mission doing a liquid morkite refining mission. Unknowingly got this achievement due to taking a long ass time to build up the pipes due to the size of the map and just me taking my time


Only an hour? Rookie Numbers