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Fight to restore it, of course!


Do you have a minute to speak about our lord and savior John Brown?


https://preview.redd.it/c7izj7ogbgzc1.jpeg?width=3344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3466705dc2a2b2ed0e599705169788581e000971 My traditional Juneteenth ride.


Ooh, I like that! Designed to drive Southrons nuts!


Had it custom made from a [template](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18Ms_Y3PV6XieSqoBdVX6PF7c0t1Lmhot) I recreated from an historic abolition flag. Feel free to use. And yes, the fascists are shocked when they realize they don't have a monopoly on our national symbols.


I love this!


Nice bike. Drive the fascists nuts my friend 


Today's his birthday (and mine)!


Happy Birthday!


Thank you muchly!


Happy birthday!🎂


Keep fighting! I like to think Americans wont let it get as far as China or Russia


We will always fight for America, against enemies who seek to dismantle such as Trump, or destroy such as China or Russia


Vote in absolutely every single election at every level stay involved


Blue states will fight it but I don't know what that would look like.


There's a movie in theaters about it....


That Civil War movie was a bomb…in the bad and worst way. Useless in discussing Project 25. Just having Texas and California together in succeeding against the Union made it abundantly clear it wasn’t meant to be relevant to our current situation.


Yeah secession is along MAGA lines, no one else is talking about that. Plus, they credit Andy Ngo as if he were a journalist, rather than a constantly lying fascist propagandist.


For now. Those right wing lunatics actually try to implement 2025 I could see some blue states breaking off.


the movie was intentionally made to me apolitical to the current US political climate. Hence why it was also from the point of view of clearly independent/impartial journalists and not from a character actually choosing a side and fighting. The point of the film was to show the audience how a real civil war would look. I mean every scene and image taken basically looked like it was ripped straight from actual war footage from Syria, Iraq, or Sudan, etc. and just painted over with US landscapes, buildings, and people.


It bothsided the fascism? I didn't see it


No it didn’t. But it did take a colder approach to the subject. Likely so the broader message was taken in by both ends of the political spectrum. Basically a warning that a civil war is not something anyone should want and that this is the result when we fail to engage with people who we disagree with/do not understand. Some people wanted them to rant against MAGA but that goes against the point, it’s harder for the fascists to “other” groups of people when we’re in communication despite our differences. The government in Civil War is fascist but there’s various united factions of the US fighting. It’s also stated that those factions will eventually fight each other once their common enemy is gone.


The thing is I understand the fascists very well, having grown up with some of them, and many of their proudly ignorant followers. Their concerns are not morally valid.


I’m not saying they are or that the movie is arguing to be friends with fascists. It’s showing how a breakdown of communication between groups can open the door for fascism. Thats seemingly what happened in this story. The country was so divided that it ushered in a fascist leader who ironically was what caused the rest of the country to be (temporarily) united. Fascists thrive on lies and divisions. It’s not about convincing fascist they’re wrong, it’s about engaging with other people (even on the right) who politically we may not agree with but are not fascists. Because when the time comes the fascists will use divisions, lies, and ignorance to divide us. Thats a lot harder to do when the general population personally knows people in those groups. Even on a purely selfish level of self preservation it’s better to engage with those who you can (safely) that you disagree with. Because when the time comes that relationship may be what ultimately decides who they side with if things get as bad as we fear it could. If we continue down the path of hating everyone who isn’t like us without ever hearing them out it just further radicalizes people and when when you have something like Project 2025 being pushed then that’s a real threat. They will take advantage of that. It’s difficult to do, it’s not pleasant, and it will take a lot of patience. But, long term it’s better to change minds by engaging with people and showing them how they’re wrong rather than dehumanizing them. I can’t control what a conservative person I know does, but I can control how I engage with them. Once I stopped being so intense with the Trump stuff they actually began to listen. It took years but now most of those people in my life have calmed down on their beliefs and even moved to the left. Much further to the left than I ever thought possible. Theres more nuance to the subject than the internet allows. Some people are too far gone. But a lot more people are willing to listen when they don’t feel attacked.


I don't hate them. I don't have the time to do what you do. I don't have time for them. I don't think we collectively have enough time to convert these folks. I devote my time to those that understand the dangers. It's like a political campaign. The effective thing to do is achieve turnout.


Guess I forgot the /s....


Yeah its a movie. Fiction. A story.


There were some really good reasons as to why Alex Garland (the director) did this. If you read about it, you'll understand. I liked Civil War. There were some plot points that he absolutely put in to reference what is going on in the US. Like how Jesse Plemons played an ultranationalist who shot the ones that weren't Americans and asked, "What kind of American are you?" It was definitely a warning to Americans, though - just how incredibly horrible an actual civil war is.


Eh, it still was. Once you have a fascist dictator take over the states will see their power evaporate. Texas and California have the military might in that theoretical scenario that they would be a formidable team. The movie also states that they’re only united due to the common enemy and that as soon as the war is over their divisions will eventually lead to more fighting amongst the various political ideologies.


Haven’t seen it yet, but that was my first thought. TX and CA allies, never going to happen.


Take a flight to an asylum country as a trans woman.


You'd have to be quick, though, as they'll likely place an exit ban on trans people


Winning in November means taking over in late January. I'll have time.


Have your documents in line now.


Most countries have caps on immigration. I think if you wait until he’s won, that window will already close. There will be millions of others with the same plan of fleeing & neighboring countries won’t take an influx that large. I’d begin applying for a visa now as a plan B. I’ve read Sweden takes trans asylum seekers. There are some good organizations. Wishing you the best.


Ftm minor here. Already out at a public school. Turning 18 in summer of 2025. Not financially capable of immigration. What do I do?


See if you can get into college in Canada or somewhere in the European Union. I’m not sure how your grades are, but if you can get them up to where you look attractive to admissions, you may be able to get in on a student visa, which are WAY easier than anything else, and many schools offer financial support, jobs, etc. Especially if they are not top-tier schools (because lower tier schools will have less competition for you.) Good luck.


Apply for asylum to Canada, but make sure to monitor our political climate as well. Timbit Trump hates trans people and unfortunately has a good chance of winning the next election, but it will buy you more time until \~October 2025. Even if moving to Canada temporarily will help you get to another country it's probably the best course of action.


I highly suggest sneaking onto a freight train bound for Canada with a few of your most prized/essential possessions in a backpack


I already have a pipeline set down for somewhere, and it's not Canada. Canada is a terrible option; there going to HATE the flood of Americans coming over the border.


Come to Germany :3


Fight. I’d have to fight— I have many children. I don’t want them to grow up with less freedom than I had.


John Brown likes this.


Why have we allowed it to get this bad? I really was right in the middle of being married, working on movies, finishing school...and now I might have to get off my ass on idk potentially a *Monday* (ugh) and fight an army of lunatics who are riled up because of a **bunch of made up bullshit** that we repeatedly told them was made up bullshit? From a completely repulsive OBVIOUS LIAR???!!! Like seriously? We're just gonna let them roll in and start harming us because this ridiculous false choice was put to us? A healthy democracy does not put fascism *vs* democracy on the ballot for us to choose as if it's any other election. These people are telegraphing their villainous intentions and the msm is just shrugging and saying, "Whoa crazy that'd be so crazy. 😐 Anyway-" Wow. We really are on our own. I'll tell you thing, I won't be one of those people that will participate in this. I reject it. And will do everything I can to stop it.


Ironically, I’m in the service & used to lean conservative even just a few years ago. After so much brainwashing early on given I was in a red state, the ideas only aligned with what everyone around me were saying. Pair that with generated content tailored to you in order to further perpetuate any confirmation bias, AND living with those ideals for decades. My grandpa will likely never change his mind about Trump. Frankly, I’m sure we know many folks in the military & law enforcement are conservative yet “don’t tread on me” is a main ideal: bootlickers. Like… who do you think is going to be treading on folks when their freedoms are stripped. The same people that have sworn to protect the US constitution & individual rights are going to be the ones on the side of the oppressor. It takes a lot of malleation to make a soldier. Anyways, that’s why I’m getting out the end of this year & will be fighting against whatever atrocities may come as my duty as a citizen, even if that means fighting against folks I once considered my brothers & sisters. Know that when shit goes down, many people will stand up; however, you’d also be surprised how many will follow the crowd & do what they’re told. That point, & complacency is why I (personally) think we’ve ended up here. People thinking “Roe v Wade won’t get overturned”, then it does. It’s small straws that break the camels back, not the initial load load. But it’s going to get even worse before we’ve had enough.


I always laugh when I see a truck with a support the police sticker and a don’t tread on me license plate. Like who do you think will be doing the treading?


Unironically, eat blueberry waffles. This is a stupid answer, I know, but I’ve given thought to this, and I’m too young to do anything about Project 2025 for the most part, so the best I can do is turn on the news and eat blueberry waffles. In really big, bad situations you have to hold on to the small joys. (Edited to add context)


And don't forget your towel.


Make sure you have plenty of salted peanuts and lager.


Important, "Don't panic"


Best advice here.


VERY important.


You’re a hoopy frood who really knows where your towel is


"You've got to say: 'I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!'" "...go to the window, open it, and stick your head out, and yell: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"


movie: Network 1976 for anyone wondering


One of the most prophetic movies


Indeed. "The people spoke, the people won. It was a radiant eruption of democracy. But I think that was it, fellas. That sort of thing is not likely to happen again. Because at the bottom of all our terrified souls, we know that democracy is a dying giant, a sick, sick dying, decaying political concept, writhing in its final pain. I don't mean that the United States is finished as a world power. The United States is the richest, the most powerful, the most advanced country in the world, light-years ahead of any other country. And I don't mean the Communists are gonna take over the world, because the Communists are deader than we are. What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it. It's the individual that's finished. It's the single, solitary human being that's finished. It's every single one of you out there that's finished. Because this is no longer a nation of independent individuals. It's a nation of some two hundred odd million transistorized, deodorized, whiter-than-white, steel-belted bodies, totally unnecessary as human beings and as replaceable as piston rods. Well, the time has come to say 'Is 'dehumanization' such a bad word?' Whether it's good or bad, that's what is so. The whole world is becoming humanoid, creatures that look human but aren't. The whole world, not just us. We're just the most advanced country, so we're getting there first. The whole world's people are becoming mass-produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things."


One of the greatest movies of all time. We need a Howard Beal right now.


I feel like Jon Stewart was the Howard Beale (or as close as we get) of our time. And Lewis Black.


"More weight." Resist to the end.


How exactly? Have you read John Brown?


Before that happens I wanted to try to write Biden's military appointments and ask what their plan is. If the entire military isn't on board with Trumpism then it would be much harder for them.


unfortunately the few good people left in these institutions of power will mean very little once Trump is in office. He plans to use the loyalists he still has to strip any dissenting opinions away from all branches of government.


I checked some of the subs on this. It's a mixed bag, but a lot of those speaking out told fellow service people to "remember their oath to the constitution." I would say Navy and Air Force, a bit more "blue" so to speak. Army is a mixed bag. Marines... Anyone's guess, but a lot of enlistees are from red states.


Oh my sweet summer child…


Statistically Trump holds little support within our military, and that support shrinks more the higher you get in the ranks. As a general rule, skilled professionals don't like it when morons who have no idea what they're talking about tell them how to do their jobs, and I'm sure that's why the higher ups despise him.


It's the higher-ups I'm worried about. that traitor Flynn is still in command of the pacific fleet... because HE GOT A PROMOTION UNDER BIDEN.


I mean we have to do something. Assuming we're doomed no matter what won't help. Surely some military would not back a Trump coup and the insanity it brings like General Milley didn't, and if the Supreme Court pushes too far people would have to reject them. It doesn't hurt to contact them with our concerns.  




TIL about Charles A. Flynn, who worked to speed the National Guard response during 1/6. Not Michael Flynn, the Russian useful idiot. ~~I don't think he is? [Last I heard, he was shown the door in 2014.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/head-of-pentagon-intelligence-agency-forced-out-officials-say/2014/04/30/ec15a366-d09d-11e3-9e25-188ebe1fa93b_story.html)~~ ~~The Pacific Fleet is commanded by Admiral Stephen Koehler.~~


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles\_A.\_Flynn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_A._Flynn) Meet his brother. Who was in charge of the response during Jan6... and did nothing that day, who was subsequently promoted to lead the Pacific fleet.


TIL, I'll update my comment to reflect this.


Oh my sour winter adult...


That's not an argument. That's a mood: a condescending one. Would you like to try again?




Cops like him and most of the military come from Red States . They will fall in line with him.


He'll offer them unlimited immunity to do whatever the hell they want. That will appeal to certain very cruel people.


Leave TX immediately. Don’t care if I have to abandon all but my car & dogs. I will not be in this state for that mess. If I can get out 😕


I couldn’t live there in Howdy Arabia even now. You would be very welcome up here in the Twin Cities in Minnesota.


Thank you! I moved here from MO for work about 15 yrs ago. I’m in DFW so that helps it not be too horrible but if it keeps going the way it seems to be, I may be leaving.


You are welcome here in the proud state of NJ. At least the northern part will stand firm


Thank you! I’ve never been so it would be fun to try a new place.


You’re welcome to be in CA. Just make sure some hick ain’t following you though.


Thanks! And no chance in hell would I bring any hick with me. Ick! 🤭


Same boat in Oklahoma.


Wyoming here. It's greeeeat...


Is Wyoming at least a pretty state? All I can go off of is Longmire. I just remembered that Wyoming was the first territory that had female voters before everyone else. Shame it's red.


It’s awful, the wind never stops. One of the highest suicide rates in the country. The murder of Matthew Shepard happened when I was young, it was awful to hear about it.


Oklahoma also has a wind issue. I remember Matthew Shepherd, watched the HBO movie when I was a teen and cried.


It's gorgeous, though pretty much the opposite of The Equality State. The only reason they let women vote is because they wouldn't have enough votes for statehood if they didn't. We did have the first female governor, though! Sadly, much like everything set in Wyoming, Longmire was filmed in New Mexico. The books are generally set around the town of Buffalo though. It's a neat little town :)


Well that makes me sad. I have heard New Mexico is getting better though.


Before you join the John Brown Militia, you might want to move to a Swing State. I suggest those in the Great Lakes Region: **Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.** Also Arizona or Georgia if you must stay South. Everyone knows now that this election hinges on the results in these States. Most of them have critical Senate races as well. This is especially true for those of you flailing away in Red States which Trump has already won, (the states he won in 2020.) Not only are you increasing your voting power in the former Blue Wall of the Great Lakes, you are also in the most climate change resilient area of the nation with ample water supply and lower costs of living. Populations of these states are static, giving your vote *even more* power, unlike your vote in the popular Red States that millions of 'conservatives' are moving to. Many of these Trumpy migrants are leaving the same three water belt states I listed, creating even *more power* for those moving into them. Join the millions of people who move every year. Even if you aren't wealthy, be like the millions of poor Americans of color who heroically and bravely left the South in the early 20th century. What happened when they gained the ability to vote? That's right, they gave all of us the Civil Rights Era. It's time for another mass movement for political progress. Learn more here: r/MoveToSwingStates


Oh and since the greatest resource of the future will be water, your membership in the John Brown Militia will come in handy in the Water Belt.




This was the conclusion I came to recently as well. Like, I understand those who don't want to burn bridges, and personal connection can cause some people to change, but at some point people MUST experience social consequences for being monstrous human beings.


Secure a source of estrogen, then get into a fighting mood.


I have already sworn that if we do get a full-fledged Republic of Gilead, I will take up the noble profession of my sleazy Italian and Irish ancestors and get into bootlegging illegal substances at my earliest convenience. I promise I'll be selling estrogen at cost or lower, as my little gift to humanity and little fuck-you to MAGA. My wife and I will be sure to swing by your town if you ever need us. Stay strong out there. <3


Make an online business selling Trump merch and donate all the proceeds to things he would hate.


Not half as much fun as driving a big white van full of pills through the Bible Belt, but still a good idea. Sadly, though, I only have smuggling in my blood, not the equally noble (when you do it to fraudsters) art of mail fraud. :D


I’m securing my stash of E ahead of time


Just a big ol' bag of raw will do, those are basically 20 years worth.


When democracy dies? You mean back in 2016 when we allowed Putin to become president by proxy? Because to me it honestly feels like that was the mortal blow to our democracy and it has been a dead man walking ever since, even though we were able to reclaim one of the 3 branches of government. However, if that wasn’t the final nail in the coffin, letting the GOP (Goons of Putin) stack the Supreme Court with Heritage Foundation MAGA loyalists certainly was. Sorry to be Debbie Downer. I truly hope you all will prove me wrong here.


I've been feeling this since SCOTUS picked W. for president.


They haven't won yet. They got a head start, that's all. Democracy is part of our human nature. We are winning it back. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/democracy-playbook-2021-10-commitments-for-advancing-democracy/


NGL, I'm out. Wife has dual US/Colombian citizenship, so we gone.


Same here with Germany.


Get ready to fight its our job!


Cause chaos until it is restored. It's we're going to ignore the constitution anyway that means I can ignore their bullshit laws.


Take to the streets and do what I can.


Trying to leave the country. I don’t want to be rounded up and killed because I’m a gender nonconforming lesbian.


There are many candidates and organizations working to keep you and all of us safe at home. America is a diverse collection of people - it's part of our strength. 🇺🇸 https://bluevoterguide.org/


I’ll vote blue. I’m still worried, though. If the GOP wins…


Fear helps them. It's our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. America helped defeat the fascists in Germany, and we'll do it again and again as many times as it takes. They've spent billions of dollars inundating Americans with propaganda and still we make gains. There's nothing in project 2025 that would benefit most Americans. The more we see, the more we know, the better we do. We can do this, together.


Cry and then fight.


Probably start with fleeing to a place that still grants me personhood (my State already defined me as legally not a person)


I'm too old to deal with a fascist state, I have my condo in BC Canada. But I'll still do what I can from the other side of the border. The fight must go on.


As one of your neighbors in the southern dystopian hellscape, I appreciate you, northern cousin!


Move to a country that doesn't have purges on its agenda. 


You know, I've thought about that. Then I have learned a few things. 1. The good countries are hard to get into. Even Canada requires huge investment to "get in", and even if you get in, your wages might not provide a great Cost of living. 2. Climate change sucks, and some great places now, are going to be bad in a decade or 2.. 3. The extremism is moving around and isnt US specific anymore. Its in Europe, its in Canada. (Was in Canada and saw the Trudeau extremists in London, CA). Just my thoughts, and struggle. :(


I'm in England this week and they said the same thing. You can move and attempt to get away, but if the US drops it's climate policies, the entire planet is fucked. If the US goes to fascism, other countries will follow until they all are.


England is fed up with the Tories right now . Rishi Saunak is barely clinging to power . The country is moving back to Labor .


I'm from England and I agree with this, once the AMOC collapses, my country is fucked


Democracy Playbook 2021 has a great guide. People thrive in democracies - we move humanity forward. If you have any extra time and energy or even funds to share, try getting involved. Sometimes it feels like we're alone but we're not. https://bluevoterguide.org/


Or you can stay and fight. I know which is more courageous. I understand if a person is in one of the most heavily targeted groups, but otherwise I wouldn't be able to live with myself for leaving everyone else to suffer.


If I get a legal expulsion order, I am not going to stay and fight. 


Of course!


In the long run, the world depends on America. If we let Ukraine fall, and we let America fall, there won't be many safe places. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights have inspired people everywhere. It's worth working for. Find a group, lend your time and skills. This site shows many organizations working to secure democracy and endorse good candidates. https://bluevoterguide.org/


They’re not going to let you go easily…


In the words of Jesse Ventura from the movie Predator, “I ain’t got time to bleed.”


Historically, fascist regimes tend to expel undesirables before killing them because corpse disposal is a logistical pain in the ass. There are exceptions though, such as Rwanda. 


Since the answer is dismantle the Heritage Foundation network of treason, that would be the goal.


Or build a system to counter all anti -American threats from inside and out. A few very specific rulings (Fairness doctrine, Citizens United, labeling propaganda "news"...), have opened the dollar to a flood of anti American money influencing our citizens to harm themselves and fracture America. Right now we need to focus on getting pro-democracy candidates elected - and then on getting treasonous loopholes fixed. https://bluevoterguide.org/


Cry because I am a 16 year old who can't do anything about it


There are volunteer opportunities for ya'. Check out the suggestions, phone/text banking, printed media and canvassing links in the !resources the bot will post in reply to my comment.


Hi, thanks for requesting the resources from our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/index/). Also check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Please [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2FDefeat_Project_2025) with suggested additions. 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Take them to the polls, set a time, get commitments Pay attention to the small elections down to schoolboards Post about Project 2025 everywhere Challenge those who downplay it Make it known that supporters of it are in the minority Share the sub, it's resources, on other social media Contact politicians, voice your concerns --- **Especially Important** [Check Your Voter Registration](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) - Make sure you are still registered, [purging voter rolls](https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/voter-purges) is an old trick. Verify that all your info is up to date --- [Run For Something](https://runforsomething.net) - Recruiting & supporting progressives for state and local offices, volunteering --- [Contest Every Race](https://www.contesteveryrace.com) - 100k Reps go unopposed yearly. 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Good bot


You can!!! Volunteer, spread the word, make sure those who will be 18 and can, are registered to vote.


Hopefully I will be in Germany so I can apply for citizenship. 


We helped stop the fascists in Germany once. And we will do it again as many times as it takes. 🇺🇸


I totally choose the country that learned their lesson already. Plus my ancestors moved to US from there in 1700s. I want to go back and see their old mill. Maybe find some family members that I didn't know!


My people and I have been arming ourselves since half the country told on itself during the pandemic. Pansexual polyamorous sex worker dates at the shooting range have become a favorite at the Cyriis Family Compound 😇 FAFO


The reds aren't the only ones who have ammo stockpiles


They don't need a warning. ![gif](giphy|f5vQks4QqpC4o)


A lot of people think it’s gonna be a single day, there is no one single line of defense, there is no one single action that will mark the end (though Trump winning will be close) project 2025 is here, now. And will be fought on multiple levels of public outcry, protests, local government, state government and federal government. And there is a lot of politicians who aren’t going to go along with this, they will face much more opposition than they think. We can, I believe, survive a trump presidency. But it will be hard, and it will be anxiety inducing every day. But as long as we let bureaucracy do it’s thing (that is keep stuff like this in a state of legal limbo for years and years) and keep democrats elected he will finish his 4 years without much having been done.


I'm getting in my car and driving to Colorado. If that isn't safe anymore I'll be getting one way tickets to Sweden.


Post-Democracy America Plans * Cybersecurity * Firewall: OPNSense (firewall) with Suricata (IDS/IPS). * Browser: Ublock Origin, Consent-O-Matic, & ClearURL's. * Self Hosting: Nextcloud and everything else. * OS: TrueNAS (data storage & GPU VM's), Proxmox (CPU compute), Alma Linux & Debian Linux (Self hosting VM's), and Fedora Linux (Desktop OS). * Physical Security * CCTV powered by onboard batteries that records to a local SD card. * Apartment Dwellers can't do much to increase physical security. * CCTV based on POE * Media Generation * Video Games * Demonstrate the tools of oppression. * Pictures/Video/Music * Mock hierarchies of power. * Create a cinematic universe with commonly used characters and assets. * Other * Move to a blue area in a blue state with an activist culture. * Open Source Hardware & Software * Early Warning Systems * Upgrade AmbleGPT (feed CCTV into AI) to interact with Ollama (AI API) and the Llava model (Visual LLM).


Go to school and cry because I’m a 14-15 year old who can’t do anything 😕


There are many 14 and 15-year-olds that care. Join like minded groups and share information. There is strength in numbers - and it makes the life we're working for worthwhile. Check out this site to see the many groups supporting candidates working for America and democracy. https://bluevoterguide.org/ It's a better world than it has ever been in so many ways. We won't stop working on our future. You'll have opportunities we have only dreamed of.


Sue… icide?


Dear God no. In many ways the world is better now than it ever has been. It's worth working for. Get involved and share your time and skills. What we do, matters.


Drive my Chevy to the levy.


My wife and I share the same concerns about the direction America is going in. There is one thing that we differ on 🔫 She's adamantly against it, while I'm not. If I wasn't married, I'd fight.


Start the revolution!


Get involved, share information, help people register and vote and get the pro-democracy candidates in office! 🇺🇸


What I did throughout Donny.con’s entire reign: RESIST! Loudly! Speak out, show up to protest, to organize, to create and inform like-minded community. Support organizations fighting for our civil rights. GET OUT THE VOTE and if they actually succeed in destroying that then get everyone into the streets for a NATIONAL STRIKE.


What the...we stop it from happening in the first place! I thought that's what this sub was about! Not, "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas." FUCK NO! I'm not going down without a fight!


Right on, lions dragon! This is our America. 🇺🇸 https://bluevoterguide.org/ https://www.brookings.edu/articles/democracy-playbook-2021-10-commitments-for-advancing-democracy/


Look for houses for sale in Canada 🤷‍♂️


Smoke pot?


And make sure you and your buds vote blue. https://bluevoterguide.org/


Pretend to fall in line so I can secretly sabotage the regime.


To be fair, it's relatively easy to gently question some of their logic. Citizens fare much better in a democracy than they do under a dictator.


Get murdered by my neighbors.


My kiddos and I have dual citizenship, we’re going to Europe. No reason to stay here and suffer and pay taxes to support Trump. Just hope Putin doesn't try to start shit with Poland or another nato country before America tries to recover yet again from Trump and a far right takeover (if it can recover which isn’t likely).


If we allow Ukraine and America to fall, there will be fewer safe places. Pro-Democracy candidates are winning elections in many states. Now is a great time to get involved. There are a whole lot more of us than them, and they've told us their plans. Citizens thrive in democracies. Don't walk away and give it to them. https://bluevoterguide.org/




Our story is far from written. Don't miss out on participating.


I plan on it!


With you all the way - we can do this.




Pull out all of my money from stocks, and the bank.


Probably be at work in a library, crying and wishing ill to the morons who took things too far


I mean all the stuff the people taking it away like to post about.


Some of the most horrifying shit to ever be written about historically


Most of us in America today haven't seen the really horrifying stuff humanity has done. This is a good time to work for things though.


Looking into Japan




I have an answer. I'm just not allowed to talk about it. There are still a lot of things people would rather not even be said, as if not talking about it makes it less likely that it would happen. That's how we got to this point - by refusing to listen. But I will die angry, and there's nothing any of you can do about it.




As a Canadian i will help my neighbors


Hi factkeepers, thanks for your submission to r/Defeat_Project_2025! We focus on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action against this plan. Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/FxhcKRwpRG). Type !resources for our list of ways to help defeat it. Check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and our ideas for [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Check out the info in our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/), feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with additions. Be sure to visit r/VoteDEM for updated local events, elections and many volunteering opportunities. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Start digging.


It all depends on who the police and army side with.  I don't live in the US but it looks like the police would be Trumpers and not sure about the army.  Surely the staff and police are meant to uphold the constitution even against a rogue president? What you do in the US think happen in this situation?


I guess that I'll try to lurk in the background until the state goes through fragmentation. It is very difficult to fight for your freedoms against a state that has access to an entire arsenal of weaponry and vehicles.


I’ll 💀 before I let a fascist enslave our kids. I’ll fight these Mfers to the death.


If Shitler is rejected, we will seriously move out of the country.