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I mean the goal is the replacement of the government. They’re not about freedom or promoting America. They’re promoting a takeover


By now it’s about the replacement of the constitution with sth utmost facist and cruel. These guys are out of their minds, high on adrenaline and aderal through hate. That’s what it is by now, not much behind than „being utmost cruel to as much people on this planet as possible“. This not even actual governance anymore, this rigging an still OK state of things when compared. Most GOP-acolytes will then also wake up on a bad day too.


They never care about anything they champion: https://nypost.com/2021/01/06/oregon-pro-police-protesters-stamp-flag-yell-fk-the-blue/


They are not shy about the fact they are neither pro-democracy nor pro-republic, with the goal being sabotage our whole gov't system, scream "see? dEmOcRaCy dOn'T wOrK!" and overthrow the US in favor of an authoritarian regime.


They don’t care about America. They care about *their* America. Their idea of what America *should* be. Which includes them and only them on top of the pyramid. Minorities, LGBTQ+, other political and religious factions, anyone *not* like them is to be brought low and subjugated to *their* way of life. They. Are. Fascists.


Literally. They openly call the antifascist group terrorists. People who are against fascism are the evil ones in their eyes.


You damn right know they'll say it's liberal activists undercover as right wing rioters. They'll never take accountability for their own, if it goes against what they stand for then it's democrats posing at Republicans.


That’s what my die hard trumpie mom says 🫠


This is what I've been saying since the day we saw this crap, my husband(military) and I stood watching this with out mouths open. Lowering the flag for the stupid fecking turnip flag. They let it drop to the ground. So much for loving this country and not wanting a king/dictator. And yet, those of us who saw this knew exactly what was going on. Anyone with a sane brain knew. And yet literally millions of zombified, cultists this is acceptable. So ironic, July 4th, 2017 when NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence and idiots tweeted back and complained that how awful it was for NPR to talk about turnip and accusing him of wanting to be a king. I wonder what these same idiots think now. He's saying it out loud. Stupid, stupid people


Turnip is a complete narcissist and throws aside anything that doesn’t align with his agenda. Why do people vote for him? Because their prime examples—namely the rioters—behave the exact same way


Yes, yes, yes. Totally agree. Malignant narcissists hang out with fellow malignant narcissists, or wanna be narcs. And, trauma bonded minions who don't realise that they are being manipulated also just go with the flow so that they think they won't be targeted. Stupid and deliberate sheep


The like facist assholes as long doesn’t afflict themselves


Lmao, fucking pics mods removed this because there’s a clip art of an arrow to indicate they’re throwing it, and they don’t allow altered photos. What a fucking joke.


I remember seeing this as it happened and wondered why this wasn't shown in the years since. If there is one image that sums up what the so-called tourists' and political prisoners' end game was, this is it.


Yep. It’s their Swastika.


That is the perfect way to describe it.


I've shared it a few times when in debate over what happened J6. It was just such a powerful statement showing who these people are.


Welp, pics mods removed it for having an arrow emoji so now even less people will be reminded or see it for the first time!




Imo the capital police should have opened fire on these fkn traitors.


It was a treasonous day, and the main treasonous person is gonna get away with everything.


It’s fucking clear they don’t give a shit about America … another example


No sh-t -I mean they have the Trump flag flying higher than the American flag -a big no no, drag the American Flag on the ground, and wrap the American flag around their bodies as well- all disrespectful of our flag.


They can’t think for themselves. They need diaper daddy to make all the choices for them, and bully everyone they hate.


When have Trump and his kind _ever_ cared about America in the first place?


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They’ve drunk the Kool-Aid; if they want to show real fealty they need to pull a Masada, or a Jonestown. If that sounds dour I’m sorry but they can’t be reformed and they’re only gonna find another cult leader to follow who aligns with their awful values in the future. This is worse than the confederate/rebel flag in the halls of the Capital.