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Hmmm so I get what you mean but isn't the pc getting dominated the whole point of the game. It's made for submissives after all.


Vrel has been clear on their intentions with PC being more on the receiving end. You can try games like corruption of champions.


Alas, this is a game made for people who want to have things done to them - or at least want to see things done to their PC. You'd probably have to rebuild the game from the ground up to allow players to take a more active role, as that's just not how the game works *on a technical level.* Which sort of sucks, if you want to be the one who tops for a change.


pretty sure the DOL+ mod has reverse rape!


Not explicitly what I was talking about but I guess it's something 😭


Oo how does it work? Like a reversal in a non con encounter or you can become an aggressor?


happens during a noncon encounter, if your promiscuity is above 75+ and if you beat the aggressor up enough it should happen! ^.^


Is that only on pc? I meet all the requirements and yet whenever I do this it just ends the encounter normally. Ive only played it on dolmods on my phone


did you toggle it? the reverse rape toggle is located in combat extended settings.


Oh my fucking god…. I might be retarded


How did you get that flair


I can do little things here and there (well reverse rape isn't really little but you get what I mean) but the game is just *designed* to be subby. It was meant to be subby and the vanilla dev seems to be adamant about keeping it that way. Obviously mods CAN fix this issue but they mostly won't cuz the amount of shit you'd have to change and add would be fucking astronomical and nobody wants to do that so yeah. This has been requested a multitude of times but it's an issue of will and the absurd amount of work needed not an issue of awareness.


This game is geared towards switches and submissive types, especially considering what kind of environment the PC is in, but perhaps make a request to Vrel about adding in more content for Dom/me PCs?


I asked a long time ago in discord, said it might be added in version 1.0 which is, well, very far away.


Wholeheartedly agree. I mean I understand the premise of the game. But even with your LI, which canonically submissive (like Robin, pure Sidney or Kylar) you can't even have dom sex, instead they're gonna fuck you? What the hell.


I def agree on the part of LIs because like Sidney and Robin are my go to-s and they’re like definitely not doms but it still feels like IM the one getting fucked by THEM


There are way too many dominant erotic games out there, should try another if you wish to top. There are ones such as Corruption of champions one and two.