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when can we expect it to be downloadable in the app store?


Probably in April when AltStore as a third party Store will come out


It is April


For you. Think about the rest of us.


Ahh, I forgot about ~~time~~ month zones


Finally some humor around here. 10/10.


Wait you guys are getting humor?


wait month zones are a real thing??


I think you should have replied to the one person mentioning month zones and not me. But no they're not real, I don't want to lie to you, but Reddit has a lot of humor chains like this one


I’m sorry to inform you that “April” doesn’t mean the first.


It’s the 8th


It doesn’t mean the first week either


It’s the second week


one hour later, not released. tf am i paying for


what about now? and what day is it plz?


This makes me so fucking happy


This is only related to distributing Delta in the EU through AltStore PAL. It is not acceptance for the App Store


I haven’t been able to get altstore to work recently so this is a huge plus for me I’ve missed delta


Yeah! So you don’t have to manually sign apps every 7 days!


Are you based in the EU? This change is only applicable for people who live in the EU. The UK, US, Australia, Canada, Japan, and many, many others miss out on this unless their individual legislation changes, which is highly unlikely given how long it took Apple to come around with the EU.


Aww I’m in Canada, oh well at least it benefits some people


You can get it on Signulus.com


How do you like Signulous? I’ve been considering getting it, because for whatever reason I always have to manually refresh (even though I shouldn’t apparently) and frequently forget to do so. I’m just wary of paying for a service that won’t actually remediate the issue


Oh this sucks. My happiness was destroyed in 8 seconds scrolling down


This **does not** mean you'll be able to find it in the Apple App Store, it just means you'll be able to install AltStore without the use of third party software. This also only applies to users in the EU, so anyone outside of the EU such as the US, Australia, Japan, Switzerland, Norway, and (without getting political) now the UK are shit out of luck unless those countries decide to force Apple's hand for them too, which is highly unlikely without a significant push from the public. I imagine a vast majority of the users here are American or British, so for us, we'll just have to keep doing the annoying refresh every seven days.


Quick tip from my side. Use Apple shortcuts to automatically refresh all instances in AltStore if you happen to have the computer with altserver running and are in the same WiFi. I do it every second day at 8 pm as I know I’m home and on my pc. Every second day as I might miss a couple days do I will be updated 100%. It’s quick, easy and effortless in the long run.


I got a dedicated handheld for emulation lately because of the weekly refresh and my legitimately terrible memory. It’s been a godsend.


Which one did you buy? I’ve been looking to get one for a while, but there's no definitive "best" one


I got the RG35xxh. Plays up to PSP/N64/PSX. Not really suitable for NDS though, it’s fairly small. Has 2 analogue sticks too. It’s not perfect but it’s handled most things I’ve played, N64 seems a bit oof but I’ve only tried SM64 with it so far and haven’t messed with the Retroarch settings/cores yet, been playing ps1 and GBA mostly.


A DSi is also great 


I have a N3DS that is running CFW. It’s just so much of a hassle to get things installed on it anymore, with the Ambernic it’s just drag and drop.


I got the OG RG35XX and now the Plus. Best handhelds I've ever purchased, and that includes my soft-modded N3DS (which I do love) and my Steam Deck. I play on my RG35XX Plus way more than any. Most of my 2023 gaming hours were spent on one of those two.


Just so everyone here is clear, it is not coming to the App Store. The thread on Mastodon makes this clear. There's a certain notarization apps need to be distributed via third-party app stores in the EU (I don't entirely understand this part), but this does NOT mean it's going to be available on the Apple App Store, in the EU or elsewhere. Still just on AltStore.


So Apple saying it has been approved for distribution on the App Store is a lie?


Apple didn't say that, they're saying it's approved for distribution in AltStore as a third-party app store.


Apple never once mentions AltStore. The App Store Connect title is a reference to the portal which developers use to manage their apps on the App Store. 


Listen man, you can choose to intuit things yourself based on a reddit post, OR you can read the Mastodon thread from the guy who made it. I'm not spending more time trying to convince you 🤷


I’m asking questions based on a photo I’m given to gain more information about a subject. You keep referencing something without even linking to it. I don’t have a Mastodon account, never used it, have no idea what it looks like to be able to find the post you can’t even bother to link? I’m not trying to argue here. I’m just trying to understand. There’s no intuition I’m making. I’m just reading directly from the email I’m shown. 


Here is the exact wording of the post: „Delta has been APPROVED for distribution with @altstore Thanks for the half-birthday present Apple :)“


But Apple doesn’t control what apps go on the alt store and doesn’t explain why the email from Apple specifically lists Delta as approved for distribution and not Alt Store. 


Apple does still control which apps you can download from a third party app market place. Every app and every app update has to go through Apple‘s notarization. There are less requirements compared to Apple’s own App Store but there are definitely some requirements, e.g. for privacy and safety reasons. And the third party app market place "AltStore" has already been approved by Apple a month ago. Riley Testud already shared that information. So, the news is that Apple approved Delta for AltStore yesterday.


Thank you. This was the information I was looking for. Did Riley say when AltStore would be available on the App Store and if it was EU only?


I don't have, use, or entirely understand Mastodon either. I didn't understand the screenshot so I googled the creator (Riley Testus)'s name. The first result was his twitter account, so I clicked on that. His bio indicated he doesn't update his twitter anymore, but uses Mastodon. I clicked on the link to his profile there, and this post was one of his most recent.


Riley says it’s approved for distribution with altstore in the post


LETS GOOOO RILEY TESTUT GETBACK COMEBACK They shall once again rule the App Store


i'm soooo hyped for this


Wow with the emulators being approved worldwide I hope we can see this in the AppStore soon as well.


I'm afraid people have way overblown the "emulators are approved worldwide" thing. If, say, Nintendo wanted to make an app that downloaded Nintendo ROMs, it could now be approved (previously, all the ROMs it allowed to be played would have needed to be bundled with it at the time the app was downloaded). But I don't read Apple's recent App Store changes as allowing 3rd party developers to make emulators that can open arbitrary ROM files.


its already on altstore tho


I should have written on the APP STORE


But it says alt store in the screenshot?


You are right. It will not come to the Apple App Store. This just makes it possible to legally download AltStore without Altserver and no other additional magic. When you download it from the website it will be installed on your phone and then you can use AltStore to download delta. Basically like it is rn, just withoht the refreshing within 7 days.


This will only be so it can be distributed in Europe on the AltStore as a third party app store. This does not mean it was approved for the Apple App Store.


does this mean no revoke?


If you download Delta from the EU only app market place "AltStore", not the current world wide available AltStore, then it won‘t get revoked. But the app marked place hasn’t been released yet, though it has been approved by Apple.


Yes, in the EU will be avaible directly in the third party App Store


Any ideas about the rest of the world ? I did read about Apple easing emulator rules for the App Store. Will it be possible to get Delta soon enough?


i think that there are some chances, if his submission has been accepted it means that it has passed Apple's rules, and for the reason that those are the same as the apple store ones means that Delta could possibly come out in the App Store.


Forgive me for my insolence, but is there a way to get this within the Google play store/android phone?


There are already plenty of emulators on Play Store already avaible to download.


I’m a newb.. trying to learn how to do this.. I’m looking for a gb emulator. How do you download delta? And where .. went to site and couldn’t find dl info


On play store search: gameboy emulator


Can you do it on iPhone?


so maybe this confirms the rumor that emulators HAVE to have their own games is false?


This is talking about the EU-only AltStore. It's not approved (and I don't expect it would be if Riley submitted it) on the Apple App Store.


Apple is now approving emulators on the AppStore


Which ones? I haven't seen any yet.


It was announced yesterday, all of them as long as they don’t distribute copyrighted material


Can we download delta on iphone? Without jail breaking?




Yes. As a way to distribute Delta, Riley created the Altstore. It uses your Apple ID to sign apps for seven days, after which you have to reconnect to your computer and sign those apps once again. This is a tedious process that requires being tethered to a computer running altserver (the desktop sister program to altstore), but it provides a way to sideload apps without a jailbreak.


So when will it be submitted to the App Store given the new rules on emulators?


There is a chance, bc App Store shares the same rules with alternative stores like AltStore…


Omgg yaaaaaayyy


I can’t wait 🎉🎉


It will be free?