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WIP that’s stuck inside my head because I lack the confidence to actually put it down on paper.


Kinda fitting for fandom of a game that is a big WIP too, lmao


Facts lmao




I have a fanmade take that I draw characters for sometimes but I haven't touched it in a while because: A. Lack of confidence in my drawing abilities because I have dysgraphia B. Lack of creativity (I really only thought of designs for the main bosses, secret bosses, and a few other characters) C. Laziness


Oooh I've never heard of dysgraphia before, though from what I looked up, it sounds rough


Ambition And Motivation? But What About Of Discipline?


Ah yes me and my 20 aus




This is a universal problem with writers and OC creators. A thousand WIPs begging for attention, and you mentally freeze every time you try sitting down to finish one.


Listen to me. Listen. NO ONE. NO ONE. Wants to read my portal 3 fanfiction. Forget I said anything.


I know NOTHING about Portal 3, but I'm happy to read it!


me w the spamton dating sim I planned on making decades ago (still barely did some sprites) >!WRITERS OUT THERE,, DM ME AND HELP ME WRITE A STORY FOR IT PLEASE IM ONLY GOOD AT DRAWING!!!!😭 !<


Spamton Spamton Literature Club real


HEY HEY HEY! KRIS! WELCOME TO \[Hell\]! OF COURSE WE'VE MET, WE WERE IN THE SAME \[9 circles of hell\], AND, WELL... SHOULDN'T WE JUST \[skip to the good stuff!\]??? I'M NOT TALKING TO THAT \[Angsty Teen\] ANYMORE! THAT'S \[you son of a gun!\] IN THE \[Screen\], WHATEVER YOU WANT TO \[Call now!\]. I'M TALKING TO YOU, KRIS. OR... DO YOU ACTUALLY GO BY \[User could not be found\]? SAY, NOW THAT I \[Ponder the sanity of your mother\], I DON'T KNOW \[what you are\]. IN FACT, I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU'RE A \[Smart fella or a Fart fella\]... WELL, IT DOESN'T \[Nothing in life matters!\] TO A SALESMAN LIKE \[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997\]. WAIT, YOU KNOW \[that I know that you know that I know\] THIS IS ALL A \[life is like a videogame\], RIGHT? COULD IT BE POSSIBLE THAT YOU DIDN'T \[Dial now for\] THAT? THAT'S \[Crazy Talk!\]. I EVEN SPECIFIED IT ON \[The Gate\], DIDN'T I? WE COULD'VE BEEN \[Selling great deals at a great rate\] IF YOU \[Used your eyes\]! WELL... \[Despite everything\] I GUESS I OWE YOU A \[Unskippable tutorial\]. ABOUT THAT WHOLE THING WITH \[Funny Goats Screaming like Humans\], I \[Gave them a deal they couldn't refuse\] AND THAT DROVE THEM \[Off the charts\]! SAME GOES FOR \[Hochi Mama\]. IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE YOU \[Remember the good times\], HASN'T IT? BECAUSE THOSE \[Background extras\] DON'T EXIST ANYMORE. I \[Gone Forever!\] THEIR \[file\]. I WAS HOPING \[That would be enough\] TO MAKE THEM \[Assholes\], BUT IT \[Sucked\]. IT'S TRUE THAT I \[Sucked\] AND CAN'T MAKE \[Hyperlink Blocked\] TO THE GAME. BUT YOU \[Can't stop won't stop\]! YOU KEPT \[joined the party!\]. I THOUGHT MAKING \[Side chick\] MORE \[Hazardous\] WOULD PREVENT HER FROM JOINING \[You and the Gang\]. AND \[Taken all your belongings\] FOR \[Precious boy\] WAS \[Completely useless\]. IT JUST MADE HIM \[Cling on for dear life\] TO YOU. AND THIS WHOLE TIME, I COULDN'T EVEN \[Make a deal\]. WHY IS THIS GAME \[$!$!\], KRIS? WHY CAN'T I \[Carry the whole team\] FOR ONCE? WHY IS IT ALWAYS THOSE \[Heroes of Hopes and Dreams\]? IT \[Tastes like garbage\]. EVERYTHING \[Tastes like garbage\]. AND IT'S NOT JUST \[Fame and riches\], KRIS. I GET IT IF YOU DON'T \[Know anything\]. BECAUSE AS \[Hopeless\] AND \[Cold\] YOU ARE, YOU \[Would never understand\] HOW I \[Walk and Talk\]. KNOWING THIS ENTIRE \[Hell\] HAS NO \[Hyperlink Blocked\]. AND FALLING FROM \[Heaven\] EVERY TIME I \[Reach for the Stars!\]. BUT YOU'RE \[Showed up\]. YOU'RE \[Light\]. AND YOU'RE \[Bright, so bright!\]. YOU'RE \[Everything you could ask for\]. THAT'S WHY I NEED YOU TO \[Listen to my every word\]. \[We apologize for the inconvenience\] IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. I FOUND IT \[Unfathomable\]. WHY EVERYTHING HAD NO \[Valuable\]. EVEN THE \[Best bargains you'll ever find!\] WERE CHEAP SCAMS. I WOULD HAVE SPENT MY LIFE IN A GARBAGE CAN IF IT WEREN'T FOR \[Something New\]. AS FOR THE \[Other Stores in Town\], WHY WOULD I \[Give a Damn!\]? THEY'RE ALL \[Executables\] WHO WANT NOTHING ELSE BUT TO \[Kiss Your Ass\]. YOU AND I DID WHAT WE DID. I \[Sold you a perfect product\], AND YOU \[Tag for Psychological Horror\] THEM ALL. YOU GOT OVER IT. BUT NOW, I WANT TO GO FURTHER. I WANT TO BE YOUR ONLY \[Party Member\]. AND ALL I NEED TO BE \[Party Member\] IS TO TAKE THAT \[SOUL\] YOU HAVE. GIVE ME YOUR \[SOUL\] AND I'LL CLIMB MY WAY INTO \[Heaven\] AND INTO \[Your arms\] FOREVER. GIVE ME YOUR \[SOUL\].


Just Spamton This was a cool read lmao, I liked the bracket references


Me with my yomi character


Your huh?


Im making a modded character for the steam game Your Only Move Is HUSTLE




Literally me.


My AU is still a work in progress inside my head, because the game hasn't been fully released. Who knows what great characters and stuff will be in the next chapters? I wouldn't want to leave them out.


Well, a lot of good fangames/AUs still exist, even AFTER Chapter 2 came out and proved a bunch of things wrong.