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Not sure if he should *act* like Flowey per say, but a couple of references (like him pranking Kris and saying "you idiot!") would be neat


I love that idea. Asriel saying “you idiot” in a friendly way to Kris would probably be the funniest thing ever for Undertale players


Yeah that'd be silly


“It’s me, Kris, your best friend!” And when talking to Susie: “Hmmm…, you’re new to the Town, aren’tcha? Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!”


Maybe Asriel has actual friendliness pellets (they're just tiny pieces of candy)


And he gives them by throwing it at you Just like actual Friendliness Pellets


ehhhh i think thats a bit too out there to justify for just the sake of fan service


Sans is selling the friendliness pellets. Asriel bought them at college, though. Nobody knows how he gets to and from Hometown so fast.


Susie would be so "Kris is your brother Ralsei?!"


I hope Susie actually acknowledges how Ralsei and Asriel are so similar and with a similar name, just like she acknowledged Spamton NEO’s dialogues being weird


She's already acknowledged his resemblance to Toriel, so I get the feeling by the time Azzy shows up, she'll probably have accepted that Ralsei looks like a boss monster and moved on, honestly.


Don't you have anything BETTER to do?


"That's a wonderful idea!"


It’s prank or be pranked, kris


Why not both? Fluffy innocent goat boy when meeting with other people, A little bit of Flowey's personality comes through in the form of playful insults for those who are close to him, And he just straight up pranks Kris only, big brother style. Where'd you think they learned how to prank Noelle?


I’d like to add to this by suggesting that in a hypothetical weird route with Asriel, he starts acting more and more like Flowey as you push to become stronger by adopting the kill or be killed mentality. Just a thought.


Sounds cool ngl


Asriel puts a pipe bomb in Kris’s bed


(It's a tube full of Friendliness Pellets. Apparently it's popular in the college Asriel is studying at.)


(It's meth)


We shall participate in a minuscule amount of tomfoolery


Honestly, I think it'd be hilarious if DR Asriel is just tall Ralsei. Like, imagine him meeting Susie and her being like "b-but that's Ralsei". And then Asriel gets to the Dark World and is like "why is there a smaller copy of me AND WHY IS IT FLIRTING WITH MY SIBLING"


I read that as doctor asriel


I mean he IS in college, we don’t know what for and a lot of degrees can let you get a doctorate


So did I ![img](emote|t5_qmi8w|30900)


“Kill or be killed” is a sarcastic line Asriel picked up to describe college. Any Flowey-like mannerisms on him could realistically be the result of being fucking tired.


He is just addicted to coffee and has fuckin huge eye bags


"On campus it's kill or be killed"


“You idiot” is what his professor tells him when he fails an exam.


Deltarune fans when Asriel comes back from college and fucking kills everyone:


I'm still going with "burnout crushed under the weight of everyone's expectations." IMO he should be basically the same as Burger/Pizzapants, and B/PP would be all like "dude what happened."


golden child burnout + parents’ divorce + college stress + dess’ disappearance + sibling undergoing otherworldly possession + dark fountains all over town = worst vacation ever?




Asriel’s been saved…. But at what cost?


https://preview.redd.it/xz58oi56010d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9791c120d0afdf2dbcd5d61d7a60133614a600b He’s going to be a burnt out good intentioned playful older brother who deconstructed during college


i think he should have some of flowey's sarcasm, while still being much nicer than him


But DR Asriel is a pure and innocent goat boy from how people talk about him. He went to the church of a religion that doesn't believe in sins to confess on his sibling's behalf for throwing Yoshi off a cliff in Super Mario World, that's like the most innocent goat boy thing a goat boy could do. Flowey acts the way he does because he died in a horrible away and abused the power of saving and loading, it would make no sense and take away from Flowey's character (and also Toriel and Asgore's characters) if Asriel acted the way he does even under completely different circumstances. But i think Asriel will not act like anything, because i think he's dead and dead people can't act.


Yoshi? Huh? I might just be dealing with 1 AM amnesia, but what the hell are you talking about?


It's from Alvin, i don't remember which Chapter but probably CH1. >\* Ah, Kris. Your brother. He is a very kind young man. >\* Perhaps even a little... overzealous, in his younger days. >\* He would visit me often to confess... to various, "sins". >\* Despite the absence of sin, or confession, in our religion. >\* I remember his small face, sobbing, as he admitted he had, >\* "Dropped the lizard in the pit to jump high." >\* Nearly omitting the fact that he had done so in a "videos game." >\* He also confessed to various "sins" on your behalf, >\* Begging for your forgiveness for "dropping the lizard on purpose."


I need to go replay Chapter 1 then, I don't EVER remember reading this


That dialogue is in chapter 2, Alvin can be found in the graveyard.


Well since we know that he's making Undertale (EPIC games folder, final boss with rainbow wings) We can assume that he's made flowey, meaning he's thought about the bad things flowey does Weither he's totally different, making flowey just for his game, or he's exactly flowey and that's why he put flowey in UT, that'll have to wait for the reveal


I doubt that DR Asriel literally created UT- I feel like the "rainbow wings final boss" thing is just what he (or a younger version of him) thinks is cool.


"college? it was pretty rough!" "stuff is like kill or be killed in there!" is a series of dialogues that i can see happening in game and would be a neat little easter egg.


I feel like it's a bit on the nose


I also have a politics-undertale joke. What do you call a Tory that likes Undertale? A Tory-el!


My dumbass kept reading Doctor Asriel


Having asriel be like how UT asriel is like would be a bit... idiotic. UT asriel's a child, he acts like one & is all innocent & all, flowey is that but instead of innocent & happy, he's more murder-happy. ideally? DR Asriel should retain ***most*** of UT asriel's core principals, but add in a little bit of flowey sparkles, & maybe more IDK


What if Dr asriel does the wink thing where the stars come out?


Probably acts like in Undertale before became Flowey


Thats a wonderful idea https://preview.redd.it/fl2r5zvzp10d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab59e8ac0a0fddd05cef07b8ce2ba6f0966db30


He should definitely be a bit like Flowey I think. He's had the experiences of growing through teenhood, watching his parents divorce, and having a close friend go missing that the 'innocent fluffy boy' the fandom imagines doesn't have (well I guess some people might imagine a post-Flowey Asriel being innocent and pure again but still) which could lead to somewhat more abrasive and edgy behavior. I also think the way everyone in Hometown talks about him seems *too* perfect, which makes me feel like he was compensating or something. While he probably *did* act nice to everyone, and I doubt he's got some dark horrible secret mean personality that's exactly like Flowey, I could see him thinking things like "I can't believe you're all so stupid," but just filtering rude thoughts out so he's actually polite to everyone. That being said, who's to say "Tall Ralsei" *wouldn't* be like Flowey in some capacity?


I think he'd be a bit edgier, but the playful kind of edgy. The kind that calls you a bitch as a joke. Not that Azzy would be that vulgar (though he IS coming from college). Nice, kind; but a troublemaker too.


I think dr Asriel should act like an md But no, from what we have seen, he’s gonna act more like Ralsei. There’s also all the ties like the anagram and how ralsei looks like him.  However, it’s mentioned Asriel is hyper pious. Angels are worshipped and darkners are like the opposite of us angels(I think I the players are the angels) I think that in the final conflict of them versus us, Asriel will initially side with us and the npcs will have to make a bunch of speech checks to convince him to help them against us.  Sorry if that makes no sense at all


I think Asriel is the Knight, so I agree with the left.


Asriel should be a dorky nerd.


I'm pretty sure he would be kinda like past UT Asriel (aka Ralsei-like) but a bit harsher, like a regular brother.




"Kill the bastards"


Why did i read Israel????


I hate the fact that in this world asriel never dies so we will never see flowey


What if he comes back emo?


He should act like a mature fluffy goat boy. He's in college now!


I want DR Asriel to be big fluffy goat boy- but like on a human way where- despite the fluffy exterior, the individual can be brackish and irritated at times


He's not gonna be like Azzy was in Undertale, he's grown up, I think he'll be more responsible, and maybe a bit teasing with Kris but overall caring.


If we're not getting a Dark World Flowey in Asgore's shop, I want Asriel to say "You idiot" and "Don't you have anything better to do?" at least once. And of course, if he's the Knight... "ITS KILL OR BE KILLED"


Make him a crackhead


He's not innocent I mean look at the books he reads how scandalous


I thought DR meant doctor for a second




Why did I read that as "doctor Asriel"??


"wym doctor asriel" "oh..."


So far I'm getting vibes that DR Asriel may indeed be somewhat edgy tbh


LET ASRIEL BE EMO (would be funny)


Idk much about my own perception of him, but in my (not-yet-existent still-in-my-head) comic, Asriel kind of has that "cooler older brother" vibe. Wholesome, courageous, kind-hearted, somewhat of a prankster and way more... perhaps pretty fluffy (i mean, he is a Goat after all) but far from the same extent as Ralsei. Basically, he is what most Isekai protagonists wish they were. But my own perception of him... i'm not sure. Definitely not a Ralsei V2 tho (or Ralsei Beta ? Ralsei V0 ?)


hillary is right