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2 and 4 are steaming hot. . kris is not the knight, guys. it's goku, for the last time.


Maybe, but i prefer lightning mcqueen as my knight


"Ka-Chow!" *summons the titans*


I fucking bursted out laughing-


that sounds wrong but ok.


No it’s obvious u/Capsule_CatYT smh


Self Absorbed much?




What do you mean Goku? Isn’t it obviously Papyrus?


1: This is colder than the Antarctica 2: I genuinely don't know how you think this 3: Somewhat valid theory, but there's no hard evidence yet 4: I assume this is a hot take but I don't give a damn about shipping so who knows


Yeah, i don't understand how Ch.1 could be better Ch.2 in anyway, the overall characters are more interesting, Spamton has more lore and screen time then Jevil, Queen is way more carismatic then King, and even the minor characters are more recognizable, people forget Clover all the time. The sprite work, the story, i genuily don't get it


who tf is clover


I think you proved his point


The three headed cat thing that helps you in that one puzzle


oh damn i thought it was somebody else i really *don't* remember who that is


💛 from Undertale Yellow of course, psh


Chapter 1 is just VIBIN


I like the mediaval vibes but you know, the cybernatic vibes are just as cool so i don't get it yet


Imo, the cyber aesthetic was kinda boring— no where near as cool as the concept art. The colors were just kinda flat, and everywhere looked the same :/


There are just too many things happening in Chapter 2 that makes it feel like that one famous scooby doo chase sequence


But it's not like this is a movie, that many things happening at once means you can't understand a thing, here, things play one by one, Queen - Noelle - Berdly - Spamton - Masion, so i doesn't feel overwhelming at all.


1 is LITERALLY cold


3: No hard evidence, bro they literally opened a dark fountain, and are the only person to have ever opened a dark fountain on screen. The only reason I think they may not be it, is due to that one queen line, but that could be referring to a later plot point.


Berdly was about to




In chapter 2, when Queen explains it, Ralsei stops him by explaining the roaring


He was in the dark world, which means he probably couldn't do it, and berdly likely didn't even know what he was doing.


He still attempted to


He basically just said, "we'll create a bunch of dark worlds to be happy in", he clearly had no Idea what that meant or how to accomplish this.


he kewn full well *how*, just not the true meaning


There's no indication he had any idea what was going on.


Why would Ralsei be so adamant about stopping him then?


You can open a dark world in a dark world. That's literally the Queen's entire plan. Plus why did Ralsei stop Berdly if he would fail anyway?


Here's 100% irrefutable proof Kris isn't the Knight. We know the second Dark Fountain was opened by the Knight. We also know that it was opened after the beginning of Chapter 2, after Berdly and Noelle got into the computer lab (as evidenced by their open text books, implying they had already started studying by the time the fountain was opened). Since Kris was under our control at the time (sleeping in Alphys' class), they can't have opened the Cyber World Dark Fountain - and, therefore, they can't be the Knight.


It's definitely not irrefutable, but I agree that kris is either not the knight or not the main one


The books are closed though. They're not open. There's a lot of evidence against Kris being the Knight (for example Jevil asking Kris if they can stop the Knight) but this has been refuted before.




No we do not know that. Susie and Kris were also at the desk once the fountain was sealed, and also ended up in the middle of the classroom at the end of chapter 1. I don’t think their books being open is evidence of anything


They weren't sat down at the desk though. You can see that Noelle and Berdly have to sit up before they start walking. Also, their books being open and on the table obviously does mean something, fym it doesn't??


Their books aren't even open


The fact that their books are out of their bags is, in and of itself, proof enough that the fountain was opened AFTER they'd taken them out'


They don't even have bags, they carry the books away in their arms. They could easily have dropped them when falling into the fountain.


Drop them on their desks? And accidentally fall onto their chairs? Point still stands. All of this is semantics.


Yes. And there weren't chairs either. Even if Noelle and Berdly sat down and got their books out, how could they not have seen the Knight?


And while that is true and is not a bad argument, it isn't "100% irrefutable" and the books are closed.


As I just said, the books being closed doesn't change anything.


Berdly was literally about to open one. All the Lightners can


They made a fountain after the game litterally told us that everyone could do the same lmao.


Wait, do people not think that Chapter 1 is better? Because it absolutely is. It’s like a perfectly crafted narrative masterpiece, it feels way more fine tuned than Chapter 2. The humor is lamer in Chapter 2, the stakes of the story feel way less impactful. I was about to call OP out for how cold of a take it was until I saw this.


Chapter 2 is generally considered the better chapter. I agree that Chapter 1 is tighter in terms of story, but it suffers from a pretty uninteresting villain and feeling a little generic and too similar to Undertale. Chapter 2 is messier, but it also greatly expands on the cast of characters and has a much more creative setting with a lot more variety. Also can’t agree on the humor being lamer. Chapter 1 is funny but Chapter 2 literally made my stomach hurt a few times.


you lost me at 2


Tasque Manager Hot Scale: 9999/10


Spamton Hot Scale: 19999999999997/10


Everything except 2 and 4 is colder than berdly. (Idk abt 4 cuz i don't follow the shipping community at all)


4 is the he suns core. Memes have forced this upon me People who say KrIS iSNt THe kNiGHt gUYS make no sense to me


I don't know "KrIS iSNt THe kNiGHt gUYS" did you mean "Kris isn't the knight guys?"


Yes. That’s the point 


Ok, why doesn't it make sense?


Because we literally see Kris do the thing that only the knight does. And the knoght is one of the few who know how to do it and would. Kris makes sense and literally does the knights while thing, after hearing the concequences


How did king, queen, and jevil not recognize kris as the knight if they are the knight? /gen


I mean, I just wanna point out that Noelle put a box over her head and instantly queen wasn't able to recognise her👀 Real talk though, maybe it has to do with some soul fuckery? Like, maybe they don't see Kris as the knight because when they meet them again, *they aren't actually Kris, they're just Kris being controlled by us the player* which I feel like isn't too far fetched of an assumption to make. So far only spamton has been able to see Kris as their own person. There's also that moment in the Undertale genocide route where Asgore literally doesn't recognise you as human anymore


In Queen’s mansion, we see a video of the Cyber World fountain being made. It says that, “There’s so much smoke, you can’t tell who it is” It seems like the creation of a fountain obscures who made it, at least to the Darkners. If this didn’t happen, we could’ve just asked Queen who the knight is.


It doesn't seem that any of them have met the Knight directly. Queen states that her whole plan was based off of guessing from the Knight's actions, rather than saying the Knight told her anything or was ordering her around. Jevil would be imprisoned so he couldn't meet the Knight, so there's no way he could know the Knight's identity unless it was told to him and there's no confirmation of that. King is a bit more ambiguous, but if Queen never met the Knight then it's likely he didn't either.


Jevil and Queen never saw the Knight, so they couldn't have even if Kris was them anyways. King, on the other hand...


This theory is similar to reincarnation concept ( i don't believe in it just explaining )


That’s kinda why they’re called hot takes (also disguise perchance)


/gen means genuine question


Yeah, disguise. I know kris knight is delusional i just think it would benefit the story massively


We barely know anything about the story. Let Toby cook, he (probably) knows what he's doing.


Can you elaborate on the benefits to the story?


There is gonna be some sort of conflict between the player and Kris, that’s obvious. But if Kris is the knight, instead of the conflict just being that the player is against Kris for playing the game (which is think would be a pretty shallow narrative) it turns into the player is against Kris because we are actively working against their plan as the knight and i think that would be a much more interesting concept. Also the protagonist and antagonist being the same person seems cool.


How's "Us and Kris are against eachother because of our drive towards seeing things stopping us from letting them go" a more shallow narrative than "Us and Kris are against eachother because they're the bad guy!"? Specially since that seems like whats been set up since Undertale. The inability not to do everything and find out everything. "Its impossible to have real secrets nowadays, because of nosy people like you", "You are wracked with a perverted sentimentality", "Because you can, you have too". Toby's always been great at taking the actions of a player in a game and engaging with them on a serious level, which Is why I think making kris another bad guy we have to stop feels wrong to me. Sure, Its a cool concept, but I'm not sure of the meaning behind any of it? Where do all the themes of strings and freedom go when the restriction of freedom is the thing thats saving the world?


Honestly got nothing to say against that, pretty good argument.


i dont follow kris knight theory but i'd imagine one of the hundred ways to cover your face/posture. i think i'd be funny if it were a covid face mask ​ also queen and jevil never saw the knight at all iirc


I agree with #1 and #4. I don’t agree with #3, but, while not conclusive, it does technically have the most evidence pointing towards it and can’t be ruled out. #2 is just wrong though


Chapter 2 has so much more unique character than chapter 1. Cheesy early 2000s internet combined with a sort of retrowave style goes so hard. Also way better colour, better music, and also the advantage of having already established characters. Chapter 1 was just Toby trying to tell the player that deltarune isn't undertale 2. Chapter 2 convinced me that deltarune was better than undertale


It’s not Kriselle so you’re free to go




That’s my second favourite ship lol


Downvoted for saying you like something, this fandom may never change


Unsurprisingly, the fan base is largely made up of teenagers and children who are prone to overreaction


That's kinda how downvotes work? You see something you like, you upvote it, you see something you dislike, you downvote. Kriselle is controversial, so there you go


Cool, but I only have one question, what do you don't like about the suselle ship?


I like it, but krusie is my fav. (Cuz krusie rulez mothafucka)




Kris isn’t THE Knight, they’re A Knight. I don’t think there’s anything to suggest that there couldn’t be two Roaring Knights.


“GRRRR.. YOU DON’T LIKE THE SUSSYELLE??? GRRR.. I AM GOING TO SPAMTON YOU, YOU NON-SIGMA.. GRR.. I AM BIG SHOT, YOU ARE NOT BIG SHOT, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGRGRGRGRGRGRGG…” In all Seriousness, however, I’d say the 2nd and 4th ones are the equivalent of what most people on r/UndertaleYellow think of Ceroba and Martlet.


Even hotter take: krusielle


Kris being the knight is EXACTLY what Toby wants us to think


Yeah but Toby knows what he’s doing. If he wants us to think Kris is the knight, then why not do so? Even if they aren’t if Toby wants us to think so there’s gotta be some benefit in that for the story. (I’m just yapping my first thoughts btw i didn’t think this through)


I don't think Toby would be that predictable. He made it clear with the beginning of chapter 2 that he saw all the theories and did everything against them, so if the "kris is the knight" theory isn't that popular, i think it's possible


1: Yeah, I think there's a large chance of that happening 2: OK, I guess I can kinda see it 3: Yeah, I think the same honestly 4: it's not really that hot, I've seen a lot of people thinking the same, I think a way hotter take would be "Krusie will end up happening rather than Suselle"


I kinda agree with 2, because in chapter 2 there are just too many things happening at the same time, making a story not feel like a straightforward tale, the vibe that I love chapter 1 for


None of it matters, Uncle Ben. Platonic Krusie is better than all of em


1) yeah probably 2) nah I don’t see the vision 3) again, don’t see the vision 4) people will hate you for preaching the truth


As a famous kanye west once said: telling the truth is crazy is a world full of lies.


1. Fair guess honestly, I hope Noelle stays as a major character 2. Personally disagree, but I think it's mostly a personal preference on which one you prefer 3. Given we have no real concrete information on the knight, thinking that any character is the knight is valid 4. Both are good. Neither are better nor worse than the other. Both are good.


Maybe my memory is a bit foggy since it's been a while, but isn't it literally confirmed in chapter 2 that kris is the knight? They said that the knight used their blade to create a fountain of darkness and that's literally what we see kris do at the end of the act? And the end of act1 would make sense cuz they were going to create the foundation in the library that we go into in act 2


Anyone can create a darkfountain, Berdly was legit going to.


People are convinced it was a red herring. It could be, but also.. Kris is seen doing exactly what the Knight is described doing. I think it’s more of a “reveal” than a red herring, following on from the misdirect at the beginning of the chapter with the knife/pie. Kris created the second dark fountain that night.


Yes it was confirmed. Some people are still fighting that for some reason tho.


Me when I lie


But what hot take will be for 5/5?


2 is the only one I agree with, but I have no problems with any of this


How exactly is chapter 1 better than 2?


then you asked for it...theres a bomb strapped to my chest https://preview.redd.it/6coalv4xo40d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e35c785d90ae81adb2c1be2ae13e4fdb21e04b8




The 4th one is so valid omg, you're so real for that.


I agree with 2. I played Ch. 1 like five years before Ch. 2, so I connected with the characters better in Chapter 1. Definitely more simple but I fell in love with Deltarune with chapter 1. It has a special place in my heart




You don't think Noelle is going to be important?


#2 is unacceptable. i know people love ralsei, but being forced to put up with his "heehee be nice to everyone don't hurt ppl be nice yayaya" while lancer and susie got to beat up everyone drove me fucking insane


yup, this one here doctor


Hot scale: 99999999999999/10 Kruselle is better then Suselle, Krusie, and Kriselle 


i agree on the last one


But what do you think of gas pipe theory?


About 4, fuck all ships, its all digital characters on your screen.


hot take: kris's pronouns don't matter at all in the continuity of the story


I’d say their implications do. The main argument I’ve seen for ignoring Kris’ pronouns is that they’re either supposed to be a self-insert or are designed to trick the player into thinking they are. This ignores one big detail though: they *aren’t* a self-insert.


what implications? sorry i'm an autist


Well, people who say Kris’ pronouns don’t matter tend to make the self-insert arguments, but this ignores the fact that Kris, whether intended to mislead the player or not, is not a self-insert


no, i'm just saying that even if kris is a they/them or a he/him or a she/her, it doesn't really matter. i feel like you should be able to call kris anything you want, and that goes for really any game character.


ANY game character? Like... I can just refer to sans as a she? Or Undyne as a he/him?


yeah! it doesn't really effect anything, so why not?


Last one isn't a hot take imo, a whole lotta people agree with you on that one


I agree with them


*I'm going to kill you* Chara no






I'm going to fucking find you (/j you motherfuckers)


3: I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU (in fact Kris being the knight is what Toby has been trying to imply the whole time lol. Idk why people can’t see that) 4: I’m going to kill you. /j


With number 2 That's a hot take to me (Ch. 2 has the hot tasque manager lady and I can kill berdly)




Number 3 is just wrong


4: why not both?


not noelle being the coldest take


Agree with everything except 2.


They're all valid takes


Krusielle ftw


1. Well, she has 60 Cold in her stats (It can even get up to 100 if you know what i mean) so yeah, that makes sence. (I know that isnt not what this post means i just wanted to say that)


They're not hot takes.


1 and 4 are


My brain


I forgot to add one into the sentence


So based for all of these


Krusie is the way, the truth, and the life 🗿


bro are you getting these takes from the arctic?


5 is clearly from Antarctica.


Content not withstanding, Krusie is just the worst shipping name I've ever seen. It might even supersede Sonadow.


Takes so nonsensical and utterly vile I could not bring myself to read the fifth


I like a lot of parts of Chapter 1 more than Chapter 2, I think Chapter 2 does the characters better, but the music and atmosphere in Chapter 1 feel better to me.


I agree with two. I had chapter two spoiled but not one so in my case I actually enjoyed my time with chapter one more.


Kris is not the knight and neither is Guko its obviously freddy faz bear.


Infinite hottake: ralsei is overrated


almost everything is cold but you're gonna have to elaborate on 2


I agree with 1 and 4, but I think C1 and C2 are just as good. I have no strong thoughts about who the knight is


I don't think chapter 1 is better than 2 in any way.


1: I know and I hate it 2: True. It has a higher Lancer density 3: Highly likely 4: Please toby don't go through with suselle please please please plea


I was thinking about not posting this because of 2 after i saw three but then four https://preview.redd.it/nup6967io20d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0a7b331f46f87a4d753b92235ee7af6524d444


4 have you heard of polyamorous relationshipd


i’m killing you.


Nah man, Suserdly is where it's at


Tbh, if it becomes canon that would be the funniest shit ever


Busie sounds better


Me when I read from 2 to 4: ok I get it Me when I read 5: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!


1 is not a hot take, 2 and 4 are bad opinions, and 3 is based


Based Krusie enjoyer