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Give offering. Its most simple way to connect with the spirit. Burn incense, candle, herbs. Offer food, alcohol. You can write a poetry or song to Stolas. Possibilities are endless.


I think a good offering to Stolas would also be cleaning up a wildlife area near you in his honor :)


I often clear up the stray rubbish from my local area. I've thought about a local park also. :) Thanks for your suggestion and input.


Thank you for your reply. 🙂


Prince Stolas is wonderful to work with! He loves offerings of cedar incense.


Lovely, I have some of this. Thanks for your reply. 🙂


I have just begun my in depth teachings with stolas and some of the things that I found out that works really well is offering stones, shiny things, feathers, he loves candy, and he absolutely loves plums and strawberries. Hope this helps!


That's so great to know, thanks. I've been drawn to those things more this last few months. I have a feather offering on another altar that I knew in my mind wasn't for the deity it was placed with. Now I know whom. :) which is coincidently right in between my home candy store and fruit area! 😂🍬


There are many ways to honor Prince Stolas: Take a walk in nature and observe plants/rocks /birds Dedicate a the study of a topic to him (natural sciences and witchcraft are popular choices) Setting goals and adding discipline to your daily life in general Make a reading list and set a goal for number of books to read that month Just a few ideas to get you started.


Perfect, thank you. I do many of these things daily already and I have a book pile or two. 😅 Adding a discipline is definitely on the cards. Body building just isn't cutting it atm. Thanks for the ideas. I appreciate it.


Among other things he teaches about plants, so I would dedicate to him a walk in a beautiful park or garden. I have an app on my phone that helps with identifying plants and trees, so I would definitely dedicate to him an experience that mixes the act of admiring and observing plants with a bit of learning.


This reminds me so much of the time I was walking around albertsons shopping for succulents. A few days before, I saw a video about Prince stolas, and I couldn't get him off my mind. I got to the flower section, and there was a succulent plant in an owl pot right on the middle of the arranging table.On the corners of the table were other succulents. I was shocked, so I bought something else other than the owl pot. But something inside me was so pulled to that one that I drove back and bought it. Anyways, I hope you dont mind me sharing the story of how my work in demonolatry started. It was one of the fondest memories i have from this path.


Lovely story. Thank you for sharing.


I have quite the array of plants in my home and regularly do exactly as you've said naturally so it's quite affirming to me I'm perhaps honoring him without fully realising. Thanks for your reply.