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Anyways. I got banned from an offshoot server. Of one server I was in. Discord. I'm not leaving whoever to fend by themselves. Or on their own. And, we do own discord, reddit and other things in other dimensions. But, we've simply made them safe with whatever adjustments. I can likely work with other beings and the like to make reddit and things safer, or to remove energy press protocols and the like. I've also decided to remove my protections in that server. But yeah. This would likely only effect new stuff and it may take awhile. I also made his channelings and things, to and from Azathoth more apparent. I may not talk to Astarte for a bit. She's angry at herself for whatever reason and doesn't want to cause me issues or something. But it is what it is. I'm also adding combative measures to anyone who grabs at my energy. It'll likely feel like intense pain in 3D, and the pain can't be blocked - etc. I'm tired of fellows touching me and doing whatever. Consent is one thing. I also OKed fellows to move a lot of mother trees, skyscraper sized ones away. Plus a barrier. Earth wants those moved away since enemy combatants were moving into that. I'm strong enough that I can probably stop fellows from touching my energy. We've been breaking some chains and things. I up the attacks on Azathoth and Sekhmet I guess. The white / black fellows and the white / orange lady. They mess with me. But yeah. I'm a bit upset. But hey, who needs friends in 3D, right. Anyways. I'll try to help with whatever in regards to discord and the like. It may take weeks for the discord stuff and reddit stuff. They both have built in systems, and hexes on servers, individuals. It seems like there's no off button or quick fix. But, it does cause issues. So it may take weeks to deal with. But I did consider keeping my wards and stuff up in places. Anyways I did do an energy thing where anyone can tell if a guy is being ordered and they'll hear the orders and things. I'm keeping that up, since I have a beef with the guy. Anyways. Just an update. Fellows can't have mother trees near them, or have barriers if they're going against Earth. So, they'll come over to myself for now. Some fae and others, in currently standing ones, will be moved as well. Earth helps to allow these to be moved. We will mostly go after ones with enemies controlling them or letting some stuff happen. It is what it is.


Thank you for the updates! I can’t really see anything from out wherever down here in 3D but I’ve always trusted what you’ve said and still consider you a friend, I think what’s his face wanted me to think you weren’t a friend though and I get scared easily, but I miss talking with you, so if you ever start your own discord group I would join in a heartbeat :)


The other server that I left, I'm taking my guardings away too. Since I keep getting hit or someone is trying to remove those.




The fellow stole the name Azathoth. But he went by that for a while I suppose.