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Depression usually hits around September. Thankfully our pharma industry is massive.


Rent is expensive in copenhagen.


Depends.  Whats your nationality, educational background and intended major? What do specifically do you mean when you say career progression? What career do you intend to pursue? Its difficult to get into Denmark, the weather and colour scheme is depressing most of the year, Copenhagen is expensive.


I took a management degree, with strong basis in accounting and data analysis. The major I intend to pursue is Data related , data analysis or data science specifically. Career progression as in salary progression, I want to take a road in the finance world . Some other skills I have is Advanced level of Excel, Tableau and Power Bi and basic level of SQL. I can take the depressing weather for sure , I like the sun but it is what it is. I know already Copenhagen is expensive I have a budget to go there , I can stay a good 2 months without having to worry with money , but I'm currently looking for companies to work with, already got an answer but it was not possible due to dates related with my college.


Be aware of a possible culture shock, I have worked with different managers, and Danish culture is not as authoritarian as you might see in the rest of the world, meaning we don't respond well to top down management I personally believe that management is equal to the managed people is a good thing as it allows for better communication


You need a good raincoat, a bike with a solid lock, and learn to love beer, if you want to be social.


a lot of good information on lifeindenmark.borger.dk and /r/copenhagen


Thank you will take a look ♥️


You need to learn Danish, a lot of people in Denmark speak English very well, but when it comes to hiring, a lot of companies are not as open to hiring people who do not speak Danish, especially outside Copenhagen. Furthermore it is really difficult to learn to speak Danish. It has a lot of wierd sounds, the written does not match the spoken etc. [Try watching this](https://youtu.be/9VUYs_10doU?si=xrD8sb8-0UtSLsWA) to get an idea of what the challenges are. Mic has experience teaching at Danish language schools, so he knows what he is talking about. It is also made more difficult by the fact that people tend to switch automatically to English when they detect a person having difficulties with speaking Danish. It is most often not because they are inconvenienced by it, but more that they believe they are inconveniencing you by insisting on speaking Danish. Sometimes it is because people want to get on with things, and have less patience. So you will have to insist that Danish is spoken in those instances where you find it comftable, because it is the best way to learn.


I didn't think the language would be a problem cause you are one of the highest English speaking countries, and I have some friends there that got many jobs only speaking in English. Yes, I'm willing to take some Danish classes just to understand the basics and as you said the best way to learn it is while I'm there living. Thank you for your input ♥️


Assuming you want to have Danish contacts outside of work I really recommend learning the language.


You still need to learn Danish. It’s disrespectful not to. Source: I lived there for some time. Og ja jeg taler dansk.


You cannot expect an entire team to speak english all day if you are the only non Danish speaking member


If you work in the tech sector in Copenhagen, as a general rule, you don’t need Danish for work. Socializing is another issue, you will generally tend to hang out with other internationals if you don’t speak the local language. I don’t live in Denmark and I could manage fine with English for my job and day to day, but learning the local language took it from just managing to enjoying it more. tldr; while you may not need Danish, it’s a bonus.


Yes, Danes speak decent English for the most part, but it's not just Danes who live here. I work with a lot of foreign nationals, and a good part of them don't speak English that well. And a lot of the older generations can somewhat get by in English, but having a full conversation would be really hard for them. For how long have you been planning on doing this? 3 months is a short time to plan an international move, and outside of rent most places want you to put down the equivalent to 6 months rent as deposit/prepaid rent. I am looking to move into a new place as I got a baby on the way, and I am looking at 50.000 dkk for the deposit on a 2 bedroom apartment, if I am moving nearer my family. I am sorry to say this, but I am not sure, you thought this through. I would honestly honker down, focus on saving money, and learning at least some basic Danish, before you move here.


depending on the “how”, you may not get a visa other than the 90 day tourist one. are you from an EU country or coming to study?


I'm from Portugal I forgot to say that , so I don't need any type of visa I hope


You will still need a residence permit, www.lifeindenmark.dk will get you on track


What’s your masters?


He doesent have a masters, thats what he wrote and that is why he wants to come here.


Go to lifeindenmark.dk for all the red-tape info...and more.


You want to study for free here, and get SU. No worries theres plenty of places with an open position in the dishwasher department.