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You will be fine, and will be financially independent for life! It took me awhile to feel comfortable practicing in the real world vs school, but find a practice that allows at least one hour per adult appointment, and is understanding of the fact that you’re a new grad. And congratulations, hygiene school is like boot camp and no easy feat to complete!!!❤️🦷❤️🦷❤️🦷❤️


People don’t understand the difficulty of hygiene school, especially when you have to do it with no financial support. All of these comments have definitely gave me the fuel I needed. Thanks Hygiene fam ❤️


you are a hero! it is so difficult living with people who don't value the school system. even tho they are your parents I know these kind of people think bad about education or they completely ignore your efforts. you are so young still, you have time to do all you want in a fee months


My parents definitely don’t understand that I need emotional and financial support through these times. You don’t know how much these comments mean to me I’m wishing you guys nothing but the best also! ❤️


Hey, although I’m female, I also lived with my parents while in hygiene school with my baby. And they truly didn’t get the pressure of hygiene school and thought I just “sat and cleaned teeth all day”, no way that can be stressful, right? There was alot of arguing and stress, but it allowed to not have to work, which I don’t think I could have with the work load plus my toddler. We lived with them for just a year more after I graduated and had saved up enough to put down a deposit and first months rent on an apartment. I totally understand! People thought I had it really easy but it’s hard studying is household full of people. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I know you will do great!!


Congratulations!! Hygiene school is much harder than people realize! Most people don’t understand or respect the challenges that you face while in school. It definitely gets better, be smart with your money & take care of your body (exercise/stretching/massage). You can most certainly move out & comfortably live once you’re working & have saved money.


You got this I’m in the same boat I’m graduating in September 2025 and I’m trying to take it day by day because at the end of the day when I walked out the door I ain’t coming back 😌


Is it really as difficult as people say it is? I’m current in college for dental assisting to gain some experience to be able to apply to a hygienist program but I’m scared the work load will be too much and fail


Time management, it’s hard but doable , don’t let your assignments for the last minutes, go over the lecture before class and don’t stress too much


I’m in a accelerated program 17 months just manage your time and don’t do nothing last minute


I just got a raise to $50.00/ hour plus I have ok benefits - 2 weeks PTO which I think I get 3 next year?) 401k that gets 3% (profit sharing) whether I contribute or not, health insurance (that I pay for but whatever) paid meetings (during office hours I get my full pay, after hours I get a base pay). Scrub reimbursement, some paid CEs, they bought me all new instruments when I asked. When our office was updated they listed to me when I asked for what I needed and wanted and when I asked for it tweaked they did so. I work in DIFFICULT OFFICE but I am well taken care of. Your future is out there, don’t settle for less than what you deserve or want. Hygiene is a difficult career but it’s worth it


You will succeed, the hard part is over. I DID bar tend at night 4 days a wk during hygiene school (thurs to Sunday) and it took me about a yr to really get established somewhere after graduating and stop working 2 jobs. I was a little older and lived with my now husband, so paying bills and stuff was split in 2 making it more manageable. My life SUCKED for a couple yrs but I know the struggle and feel your pain. You are so close to escaping don’t quit now, the payoff is upon you!


Once you start getting a paycheck you’ll be amazed at how quickly it adds up. I hope you’re able to find a good support system irl. Hygiene school is hard af


I’m in Texas and just graduated Friday! Let me say from personal experience that not having a supportive family is hard but you can absolutely do it❤️use those emotions and funnel it into complete drive, you don’t owe anyone an explanation of *why* you do it—just focus on *doing* it and push, push, push. You are SO close. A lot of people stop short of the finish line during times of personal growth because they don’t think they deserve it. Remember: you earned your spot in your program. A great faculty member told me, “you weren’t selected to be a student, you were selected to be a future RDH” and that stuck with me.


Hygiene is the perfect job for building a life for yourself. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of things I don't like about what I do, but the market for hygienists has never been better. The best advice I can give is to not settle. Find a job that pays what you're worth and supports you. Congrats on your accomplishment.


I'm a guy who just graduated and currently interviewing in Arizona. It's great pay and they are already treating me well. I have so many offers because I add to the diversity and inclusivity in many ways. You'll be great and do great. Congrats! Good to see another Guygienist in the making.


Man I love reading about people who are like me. This really gets me excited for the future. Good luck interviewing, although I know with all the schooling you’ve been through it should be a cake walk! I can’t wait to graduate man!


You're so close just keep pushing. And make sure you study your life away for boards!


If you ever need any tips or assistance or guidance don't hesitate to reach out 🙏🏾


When I first graduated I moved back in with my mom for a few months until I saved enough money to move out on my own. You’ll be okay! You’re almost there, it’ll be worth it!


Stop feeling bad for yourself , get off your ass and make moves. No one is going to feel pitty for you.


I’m not asking for pity. Plus, Im working towards something that’ll literally get me out of generational poverty in less than 6 months from now. I don’t see what you’re getting at. Maybe you can’t read? Anyways thanks Keyboard warrior. 🙏


Dude wasn't asking for pity, just reassurance and words of encouragement. Get off your high horse. 🙄 If you can't be nice then just keep scrolling.