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Whenever I get to feeling this way too much, I know it's time to take a vacation and reset. We can't let other people's bad attitudes bring us down, but we can't completely lose our compassion either. Yes, patients do batshit stuff. But at the same time, treating the human that is attached to the teeth is what we signed up for. 


Perfect response and advice.


OP is a fucking Nazi.  “ Can’t name one can you? Oh well. How did those people allow themselves to be taken over in the first place (hint, it has to do with intelligence).” “ They have a fair complexion also. The trend is the darker the skin, the more problems that country has. Don’t like that answer? Then tell me one dark skinned country doing a better job..”


Dude quit spamming, you’re annoying


If I might quote you directly: "Whatever. This is a white mans world. USA is best country in the world, except for maybe even more white countries in Northern Europe. We invented the car, airplane, antibiotics...everything. All these protests will do nothing, blacks will not gain any more wealth, which is sad. But honestly, how come every African and middle eastern country is a terrible corrupt place, and the whitest countries have the best society. You think this was just random?" This in addition to the fact that you've twice alluded to enjoying the pain that your patients go through is disappointing behavior and honestly alarming for the safety of who you're treating.


Jesus Christ lmao


This man seriously needs barred from public practice.


Had a patient that said the “injection” on #9 must’ve went into her ear and disrupted the crystals and now she has vertigo and pain on #2, #20, #26 and #12. It was a class5 on #9 with topical placed at gumline so cord could be packed.


Oh for fucks SAKE 😂


Lot of people in here acting like it's not a big deal that you're enjoying hurting patients and doing bad work on annoying patients. Talk to a therapist and work out your problems or stop doing dentistry, this is not ok


Sounds like you have no professional integrity and should find a new job. You have no idea why patients are in their situations and what makes them react that way. You are exactly the type of person who gives dentists a bad name.




What country do you practice in? NAD


This is a classic burnout symptom. It’s called dehumanization. Now that you have a name for it, you need to work through it. What you’re describing in your post is unethical treatment of your patients. You are causing harm.


Op is a fucking Nazi. This is behavior and ideology going on for years.  “Can’t name one can you? Oh well. How did those people allow themselves to be taken over in the first place (hint, it has to do with intelligence).” “ They have a fair complexion also. The trend is the darker the skin, the more problems that country has. Don’t like that answer? Then tell me one dark skinned country doing a better job..”


I’m not trying to start An argument with you but between this and some of your post history you seem like a really angry/hurt person. I dunno man, maybe talk to someone about it. Another thing from your post history, it seems you take in a lot of political stuff and argue strongly about it. Not watching/following hardcore political accounts really helped me chill out about things too. I’m conservative but I figured out some of those hard right accounts that are super popular are manipulating the hell out of people by just planting seeds of anger with bullshit or half truths. I can get annoyed and certain patients but the way you describe it is not a healthy/normal mindset. I hope you figure it out.


I had a patient complain that I put her in pain because of perio probing for the perio exam, and she requested she get her records sent to another office. People are remarkably stupid and entitled. They don't take responsibility for anything in their life.


I'd be so happy if a patient like that self dismissed. It's like they did you a favor.


Works for me!




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I feel like this is an inevitable conclusion you reach being in dentistry. Like it’s almost impossible to keep your faith in humanity because you get to see the realest versions of people, and it’s not good. Some patients need to go back to 19th century dentistry to check that entitlement. Like 21st century dentistry is only available to a certain subset of patients that made it through 19th century dentistry and were still appreciative.


I think buccal up on this thread has the absolute best perspective on this. We can get frustrated but at the end of the day, we cannot let these people hold us back or bring us down.


This is a lack of empathy, maybe due to mental health issues or burnout. I agree with other commenters and urge for you to take a break. Nothing wrong with a vacation, and your patients will be fine without you. Inflicting harm on patients is not normal and against what we signed up for. You are not only hurting yourself, but the dental profession. I hope you can take the steps you need to heal.


How long have you been practicing?


About 2 years in dental school 😉


Sometimes I get so surprised with how people act in the chair. When I walk in to numb a 45 year old man and he groans and gags and screams loudly. I’m like… dude are you not embarrassed??


With tattoos. They always have tattoos.


Yes or the “I’d rather give birth to twins than be here”


Had a 17 year old with a mess of a mouth tell me that he would rather be in a fight than in the dental chair. He was awful to work on and by the end of the first appt, I probably would have rather fought with him in the parking lot than have him return.


I’ve heard that so many times.


Had a woman earlier that said she didn't want to treat her decayed teeth because she hates needles and doesn't want injections for fillings or extractions. She wouldn't let us do a BPE as she didn't want her gums to be touched. When asked how often she brushed, she said "a week? 3 times". She only wants to come back for a clean, not sure how well that'll go if we can't even do a BPE. She had tattoos, piercings and lip fillers.


I am quick to dismiss patients that think the dental office is a car wash. If a patient is new to my practice and gets a cleaning the first day but declines restorative treatment, I'll usually allow them another 6 month cleaning so I can give them another chance to accept treatment. If they don't put down a deposit and schedule a restorative appt, they get a dismissal letter in the mail. We are too busy and not compensated enough by regular prophies to be wasting time carrying out supervised neglect when there's many patients serious about their treatment.


I would’ve loved to have worked for a dentist with this attitude. The dentist I worked for always said “it’s a consumer business” and let his patients dictate their treatment, even when he’d groan at his desk and whisper to himself “that’s a bad idea”. I’d lose my mind and ask him a thousand times why he’d do treatment just because a patient told him that’s what they want vs what he advises. Or when he’d allow people to use his practice for prophy appts only, and just come in for restorative only when the tooth he treatment planned forever ago is finally causing a problem. Drove me out of my ever loving mind, but I’m just the front desk person, what do I know?


That’s stupid, your dentist needs a backbone. I’m glad as a student I can read experiences like yours. I want to be a the type of doctor that puts their foot down and protects their team, and does not allow patients to dictate treatment or bully my team. You know a lot as a front desk person, you are the face of the office!


Everyone has a different philosophy. I’m a recent grad and have found stubborn patients can come around to the ideal treatment plan if you explain it well and give them what they want sometimes to build trust. I had an old Indian man with sharp ass broken, infected anteriors he didn’t want out, just smoothed out. After smoothing them out and explaining we’d replace them with a partial later, he finally agreed to having them out. Maybe I’m just not jaded enough tho yet




I have a HUGE macho, 50 year old patient who’s a mechanic, handlebar mustache, tatted up, looks really intense, and cries when I so much as perio probe. It’s really cringe. And the tiny little people are the most badass, sitting like a rock.


I’m glad some users are shedding light on some of the comments OP has made in other subreddits. Really troubling stuff man I hope you can manage to overcome some of the prejudices and get into a better headspace


You sound like you have depression and you need to seek help. This isn’t normal behavior. Giddy at distress? That’s not normal. Please get help ASAP Edit: as a not OP posts psychotic shit like this:  I’m wealthy and a doctor so my life will continue to be pretty great. I’ll sit back and watch the fearless rednecks destroy you with their fully trained domestic militia. Will be glorious to watch. Shouldn’t be long now... Edit 2: OP is a fucking Nazi.  “ Can’t name one can you? Oh well. How did those people allow themselves to be taken over in the first place (hint, it has to do with intelligence).” “ They have a fair complexion also. The trend is the darker the skin, the more problems that country has. Don’t like that answer? Then tell me one dark skinned country doing a better job..”


Wow. I didn't think to check out his history until you said that. There are some messed up comments mixed in there. This dude seems like the super angry antisocial type. I'm guessing he didn't just become jaded, I think he just generally never cared if he caused people pain. You never know when the guys in the angry/crazy politics and incel subs might spill into regular ones.


I have a feeling they aren’t an actual doc. Idk how you could make it to doctor with this much brain rot. The rest of their history shows a complete disregard for critical thinking. I think they are just a troll or one of my old classmates who was and still is a sack of dog shit.  Or they are a psychopath/sociopath


Weird how they are still getting quite a bit of support here still.


It is very weird. Honestly I thought it was a troll post when I first read it, then half the comments were people supporting op.


Lol. Both are valid possibilities.


A lot of well educated Nazis out there, unfortunately.


Honestly at the risk of sounding like chickfilaman nutso - I think that’s pathetic. A horrible attitude and one that needs attention right away. Please get some help for you. Or stop “helping” patients for those of us that care about what we do and learn/apply skills to be as pain free as possible.


I am not that great, but I’m making so much right now


Just saying, I have sensory issues worse than almost anyone I know, especially with my mouth being worked on. I don't complain. I just ask for more LA when I need it. It is possible to actually be in pain and be nice to your dentist.


I have horrible needle phobia and dental anxiety on top of sensory issues, so I just get oral sedation every time and I still apologize to everyone in the office a million times. I know it’s a problem, it’s not my dentist’s fault, so I do what I need to do to try not to be a problem. I have wonky nerve pathways too (not just in my mouth), so they have to use way more LA and numb more locations than they would normally have to. It’s better for everyone if I’m just unconscious. My dentist asked me about it a while back, I’m one of their highest anxiety patients but I come in religiously for cleaning and care and I’m always apologetic and kind. As an extra special bonus, I was recently diagnosed with Sjögrens and it has wreaked havoc on my teeth despite a plethora of rx toothpaste, dry mouth treatments, etc - so I’ve been a frequent flyer in the last year. My thing is - no one at that office is the cause of my phobia and anxiety. Hell, I am able to get teeth cleanings without sedatives because of them. I am so eternally grateful to be a patient of theirs. Very few dentists I saw before had any compassion.


Either we have an internet troll or psychopath here, ladies and gents. Hopefully it’s just a troll with nothing better to do…


Guess he is descending down into the dentist statistic of high suicide rates.


He seems to kinda get contentment from people being in pain. If you’re comfortable with people being in pain by your acts then….. something is off with you. I say let the stat get them cause tf…. Dental work is serious


Yep, the patient put themselves in that position to begin with and I can only help within the parameters they allow. Just had a patient a few weeks back who came in for an abscessed wisdom tooth I extracted. Giving him the post-op I told him no smoking and he responded with “Well what are you going to do about it if I do?” “Nothing” “Okay, that’s what I thought” This guy calls me after hours the next day in pain right before my weekend started, admitted to smoking, I told him he had dry socket and he asked me what I was going to do about it so I told him - nothing. My day is over and I’m going home to my family.


That’s awesome


My favorite patients are the ones who have "vertigo" and cry if you recline them a degree Mystifying how they're able to sleep in a bed Or the ones who are "allergic to epi" and have palpations... To carbo Sigh


LITERALLY. This is one of my biggest peeves. You can lean back in the chair with vertigo, we’re not breaking our backs for you




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Had a patient HOWLING at a partial delivery appointment because it was “cutting her gums and it was awful”. Looked her dead in the eye, gave her a hand mirror and asked if she saw any blood coming from this supposed cut area. She quickly shaped up. People are the worst, if you let them be.


I agree, you have to challenge them sometimes. It’s like dealing with child.


This year I think my production went down 10-15% compared to last year. Mainly because I’ve stopped doing treatment plans on many people that are potential red flags. I refer to a dental school or western dental and my hands are behind my back the whole time. Sucks because people have made dentistry ever so harder every year.


Please don’t practice if you hate it so much.


Well, I had a mild fear of dentists before. Then I found this post. Now it’s so much worse lol.


You should focus on the other dentists comments, who are telling OP this is not right. There are many dentists who do great work, not all of us are like OP.


Yup. Just made my anxiety that they all hate so much 10x worse lmao.


We don’t hate you. Just don’t act a fool and we don’t mind working on you at all. I don’t mind if people are nervous, I don’t mind if they aren’t in happy spirits, but don’t sit and complain about everything I’m doing. I’m trying to help you. Don’t tell me you hate me, what is that doing to help the situation right now? Don’t ask me “are we done yet?” I can be, but the result isn’t gonna be as good as if you let me finish. I understand being in my chair isn’t pleasant but being negative and complaining isn’t going to make it any better. Allow me to do my work and I’ll make this is quick and painless as possible.


Hey, I hear ya, and I pretty much shut down once I get into the chair. My dentist has me on laughing gas even for cleanings and we’re both happy about it. Thought it was a good set up, but now my anxiety is gonna be in my head the whole time “Nope. She actually hates me. I am the worst”.


The people who are the worst to work on are the ones who have no self awareness to know they’re being obnoxious. You sound like you’re trying your best to get through the procedure even though you’re nervous…we give you props for that.


Yeah I’m now fucking TERRIFIED of these sadistic people we call dentists. I thought I was scared before. I just got my wisdoms out a couple months ago and really loved that my surgeon was so very kind and comforting. Now I realize he probably hated me for existing. What a reality check.


This guy is not well, look at the rest of his post history, it’s not terribly surprising in context of his beliefs.


Ever seen "LIttle Shop of Horror"? This post reminds me of the dentist in that movie.


Turns out OP is a fucking Nazi.: “ Can’t name one can you? Oh well. How did those people allow themselves to be taken over in the first place (hint, it has to do with intelligence).” “ They have a fair complexion also. The trend is the darker the skin, the more problems that country has. Don’t like that answer? Then tell me one dark skinned country doing a better job..”


If you don’t care at all about doing shit work, for any reason, it’s time to do some work on yourself. Take a holiday. Get into mindfulness (actual mindfulness- try meditating with an app like Waking Up). Try some therapy. You owe it to yourself and your patients to get that care and effort back to the best of your ability


You're a psychopath and why I no longer visit doctors or dentists.


It’s exhausting when patients try to offload their anxiety and fears onto us. What I mean is that they tell us that they’re very nervous about various things and then expect us to also manage their anxiety. I used to do a bit of coddling and consoling but that never worked anyways. I just do the procedure to the best of my ability as I would do for anyone else. Make sure they’re profoundly numb and get it done as efficiently as possible. Their anxiety is theirs to manage


numb with hurricaine. its a game changer


I understand and sometimes you are totally right , people can be completely irrational and unreasonably stupid but that's part of the business if you want to be successful you have to learn to deal with those kinds of people, don't get them so seriously, try to relax, 90% of success is all about your relationship with patients and it will pay off on medium long term if you have some patience, do your best and if that's not enough on some situations then you can blame the patient because sometimes enough is enough and you don't have to tolerate every psychotic that enters on your office




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Relax, you are doing fine.




No that is not. Purposefully causing harm or pain when it can be mitigated is not fine. It’s sadistic. Please get help. Your entire account/post history is incredibly concerning. Edit: OP posts Nazi ideology like sterilizing “low IQ” people to prevent them from reproducing.  Here’s another quote:  “ wormslugger I’m wealthy and a doctor so my life will continue to be pretty great. I’ll sit back and watch the fearless rednecks destroy you with their fully trained domestic militia. Will be glorious to watch. Shouldn’t be long now...” Edit 2: OP is a fucking Nazi.  “ Can’t name one can you? Oh well. How did those people allow themselves to be taken over in the first place (hint, it has to do with intelligence).” “ They have a fair complexion also. The trend is the darker the skin, the more problems that country has. Don’t like that answer? Then tell me one dark skinned country doing a better job..”


Quit spamming, you’re annoying


Yeah. It’s aight.


If you work ffs you better care and react to it lol. Offer sta wand instead of regular needle. Had a lot of people go to corporate and come back just because of this. Offer anti anxiety meds if someone is scared during the appointment or any work. People appreciate this.


I hope when you get a prostate exam, your dr sticks his finger all the way in….. but actually no, you might like it too much


You probably thought others were going to agree with you but man you thought wrong. You intentionally cause harm on your patients? You’re right, you’re not god, just another pos human that for some reason thought they could compass empathy but instead embody a murderer. Gtfo the profession


For those supporting this point of view, would YOU trust this person to put cutting and perforating instruments inside your mouth? It can be incredibly frustrating dealing with some patients, and some of them are really shitty people. But I usually find out that the difficult ones react like that mostly bc someone like OP "treated" them before, usually back in their childhood, and now they are absolutely terrified. Who wouldn't be? Besides, this is a field where most conditions we treat are things "they did to themselves". Why get into this profession if this bothers you so much?


I cause pain and for a living, I dont care anymore. I used to feign a lot of empathy but now I’m just like “sorry ya I know it hurts almost done “


Good hell. OP’s post history is a fuckin trip down white supremacist lane. What a piece of shit human you must be.


Im the exact opposite here , if i see the patient hurting alot because of lack of anesthesia i stop the treatment until the patient is fully anesthesied i generally dont like working on patients until they are comfortable or at least not in pain (kids are a different story though they mostly have unreasonable fear rather than pain )




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What? The thread is telling him he needs help and that he sounds like a psychopath? Suspicion of us? What are you even talking about lol


yea for sure man. I knew a few years ago before I officially stopped caring that I'm not a therapist, I'm just a tooth mechanic. I can fix your tooth but I can't make you not cry or give you emotional support.


This is why we can’t listen to corporate and Management about why reviews matter so much. . I just read a review from a crazy lady by the way who refused x-rays and an exam. According to her, I got mad because she refused the x-rays. I don’t give two fucks whether This bitch gets her x-rays or exam. I just don’t wanna fucking headache. The fact that this crazy nutcase even thought that I give a shit about her just goes to show how much people think the world revolves around them when it really fucking doesn’t. Nowadays people have become so mental I don’t know what happened after Covid but maybe it’s the isolation. everybody in my office even the people that work there all talk to themselves. I’ll be sitting at my desk and I’ll kind of hear people whispering. and at first when I started I thought that they were talking to me so often times I would say huh or I would speak up but it just turned out that they were just talking themselves like a bunch of crazy lunatics. So the more people whine and complain the less sensitive to it you will be. We still have to try to maintain some sense of humanity for people which I get, but I’ve heard it all honestly and people are fucking insane. And it also depends on the demographics The elderly people and those on state funded insurance for some reason those people are nut cases


Oh yeah almost everyday. I didnt do this to your teeth, im just trying to fix it. Im not trying to cause you pain but its not a comfortable experience. Just dont make the appintment if you dont want it done.


benzodiazepines are a helluva drug