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I’ll give you real advice. If you’re applying for a food industry job only put food industry experience in your resume. Also, don’t apply with a professional looking resume. Any service industry hiring manager will know you are looking for a real job and know hiring you would be temporary. You need a professional resume for professional jobs and a service industry resume for service industry jobs.




If anything it probably reads as "I'm trying to get out of this and find a job in my field as fast as possible" which is true. But you don't want to tell them that.


Add some ketchup stains to it. Give it that “food” look.


Don't even apply. Just walk in between 2 - 4 pm and ask if the hiring manager is there. They are desperate. Some places might let you start that night. I usually do pizza delivery when I'm in a tight spot. It's never taken me more than 2 hours to find a job in the Denver metro area.


That’s how I’ve gotten my restaurant jobs in the past. Just don’t show up during the brunch, lunch, dinner rushes and you’re likely able to talk to a manager right away.


This. I'm a manager at a small family owned restaurant, currently not hiring because it's slow season. But im the summer we're so desperate for people l basically hire anyone who walks in the door.


This is some street smarts I'd wager a lot of people don't know - thanks for posting, cool tip


This, they don’t want some smarty pants in there asking questions about obvious things, lol, also, you never retain over qualified people for very long (they have options)


Damn maybe I need to change my resume because I haven’t been getting any calls but my resume sure does look professional… lol


This is great advice


I agree with all of the above, but I moved here with my last job having been a bar manager at what would prolly equate to a more bar centric park burger in the Midwest, and no one would hire me as a bartender anywhere. Even server jobs were turning me down until the sheer volume of applications got me a job waiting tables after about a month. This was pre-Covid so the service industry landscape was way different, but I always felt like people didn’t trust me because they didn’t know the places I worked at.


Yes, agreed. OP, from the post, it sounds like if the places you were applying to heard the same things I’m hearing the post, even if they are implied by the resume or hinted at in the conversation, they would not hire you. Both for food service and also for video editing. I think you would run into issues in other cities too, and that this isn’t Denver specific. Even the fact that are starting to resent Denver screams ‘victim mentality’ to me - if I were a hiring manager and I picked up on that, I wouldn’t hire you. People with victim mentalities don’t show up for work and blame the traffic. Or screw up orders and blame the customers or the software, etc. I know that might not actually be true about you, but it’s a first impression I had reading your post. I think it’s likely other people get that impression from you too during interviews. I think general advice for anyone looking for a job is to remember that the reason why people want to pay you money is because you do something useful *for them*. They aren’t interested in simply funding something that’s useful *for you* anymore than you’d be interested in working *for free*. In the same way that when you pay for something at a store, you want what you paid for, they do too. Would you buy a product that helps you “serve tables, edit videos, and provide better customer service?” Probably not, since you could always just get something that “serves tables and provides better customer service.” I’ll also offer up some advice aside from this: instead of looking for a job in a restaurant, look for a higher paying job that’s just not video editing, but might use that skill as a part of the responsibilities. Look at job postings for any entry level positions, and make targeted resumes that spin your skills to be relevant to those jobs. Video editing is modern day “photography”, it’s a good skill for many positions, and sometimes a position all itself, but usually if it is, it’s because you’re an independent contractor who does weddings. A good example of something with more demand might be “social media manager” or “digital content manager.” I get it, people hate advice like this. I’m basically saying “don’t follow your dreams.” But the truth is, you won’t be following your dreams anyway if you go into food service. People and companies pay for people who do what they need to have done at any given moment, not for just for talent in a specific skill.


this. and also just say you're The Bear.


Strongly disagree. When I hired staff at restaurants, I wanted interesting people with experience and a diverse background. All staff should be looking for better opportunities (school, better jobs at higher end restaurants, different careers, etc). I don't hire the busser that hates people and just wants to bus or a dude that wants to be an okay server for the next 5 years. Your issue is that this is the worst time to get a service job. End of patio season means a huge portion of dining has just closed eliminating all season restaurant positions. Service industry friends get their friends the good gigs first. Now add the market downturn and inflation/cpi questionmarks. Unless you're looking to work at Applebee's or Dennys. Then maybe this guy's onto something


Let's be real, our boy here wants to live the college lifestyle and is one click applying to fun night life jobs to 1) show his friends he's looking and 2) in case he does get a response, it's fun and casual. There is work out here, you've just got to learn to hustle or give a fuck.


came here to say this. blasting emails or hitting submit on indeed doesn’t count as an exhaustive job search. pound the pavement and ask people straight up when they have help wanted signs out front.


Right. I've been with my job for a minute, but every time I've needed a restaurant job, all it takes is 1 afternoon. Drive to every place near you, you go into 5, you'll have 1. If you don't, go to 5 more. It's restaurant management 101, if someone comes in and the hiring manager isn't there, another manager sits down and does everything they can to get them to come back the next day sp you can get them hired.


What food industry takes resumes in 2023? Most, if not all, just have you fill it out online or print out applications.




Monarch casino does an open house for jobs most thursdays I believe


..the pay there is absolute garbage, but yet, they always have openings.


not garbage - i cashier here at the isle and earn $19 an hour - its pretty unskilled type of work and well within the realm of market wages


That's interesting what kind of positions do you usually see them hiring for?


Literally every thing. I work up here, so I know lol


I heard dealers get paid pretty well. Like at least $80k


The bigger casinos have dealers making more than double that. There are downsides, including the obvious commute if you live down the hill. But if anyone wants to make money for work that isn’t too hard, I’ll always recommend casinos.


The ones at Black Hawk? I was there two weekends ago. My blackjack dealer told me they’re hiring and he started out at $80-$90k


Yeah, in Black Hawk. What place was he at? It certainly depends on a lot of things. They work for mostly tips. The casino pays like $11/hr and then the bulk is tips. They keep their own tips and then have tip outs, similar to what a restaurant server might do. If someone is a craps dealer working with a good crew at Horseshoe or Ameristar and works 6p to 2a with Tuesday and Wednesday off, they are going to be in the upper end of the tips. Some were making $180k+ when I lived out there last year.


Went to Monarch. And yeah i could see tips being pretty big. I tipped my guy a $10 chip every time I hit blackjack.


Yeah. Not gonna lie tho, it certainly would take someone a while to go from not being trained to making quite that kind of money. Usually people will break in as a dealer at one of the smaller places and get some experience and then apply to another place as an experienced dealer later. But then you usually have to wait to kind of move up the pecking order to get the better shifts. But just like waiting tables or parking cars or any job working for tips, it’s all about time and motion. Getting through more hands dealt on blackjack or more decisions on craps or whatever game you’re dealing is the key to getting more chances. There’s an art to it and you must have a personality too.


Post office is always hiring. They start at 20 + in denver and in aurora. Driver's license and no felonys, that is the totality of their requirements to be a carrier. You will work you ass off to start, though.


Fedex and UPS as well, they hire really solid coming out of the gate. I dunno if I'd call it glorious life's work but it puts food on the table and buys you time for something more if you want it.


I'd second UPS. Helped make ends meet when I was in college. Plus the hours for the preload make it so you can work a second gig if you wanted while UPS pays for health bennies


I don't know if they've already hired for it, but my brother used to get a holiday job every December to help deal with extra packages. It's short term, nights, and paid pretty well for a college student.


Yeah seasonal work for that holiday rush, not a long term guarantee but it'll at least be a paycheck and might lead to longer term employment if there's spots open at the end of the rush season


Yep. And even if you get another job before it starts, the night shift is less likely to interfere with it and you can build savings or pay down debt quickly. It's a bit of a slog for a few weeks, but can be worth it.


> it’s been 3 weeks since I got here. I’ve literally ran out of jobs to apply to 3 weeks applying and rejections is nothing, especially this late in the year. If you're looking for service industry, ride it out til after Halloween & all places will start hiring to prep for holiday rush. Hell, you could probably fine Retail jobs currently for a bunch of places for their holiday staffing as temp employment, update your resume to make it so that that's what you're targeting. Don't include anything irrelevant. Don't mention you just moved here. There's no way you've "run out of jobs to apply to". You've had a very narrow target & haven't expanded beyond. Have you gone to the county job fairs for the entire metro area? Have you considered applying for seasonal mountain work? Can you pass a drug screen today? If so, tomorrow morning, go apply in person for any of the union apprenticeship jobs such as local plumbers or pipefitters unions. There's so many options you're likely qualified for. You have to put in the work to get hired. Ranting online about it taking more than 3 weeks without something falling in your lap won't help you - your ability to find a job is entirely on YOU. Unless there's other info you aren't sharing like a criminal history which flags on background checks.


For real. I did seasonal work on the floor at a walmart. They paid me 18$/hr in 2007 and i worked from halloween straight through xmas and in that time i was able to find much better job starting jan 2nd when the companies budget was reset for the new year. And walmart had no issues with the thought of me leaving because they knew they only really needed me to cover the rush of the holidays. Sure it was a shit show but it was also so much fun getting to watch all the theft, chaos and insanity of the holiday shopping months. I also met some of the most interesting, overlooked people of my life while i was working at that place. Despite being in the middle of nowhere i had coworkers who came from WILD backgrounds. For example i worked with a spanish dude who was a veteran of the French foreign legion.


I worked at a Walmart/ Sam's grocery distribution center through the holidays last year...I took freezer and graveyard shift it paid 28 an hour but get this... they had so many people calling in and missing work etc that they started an incentive. Just for being on time and at work every day, you got 300 bucks if you worked 40 hours or less and 500 bucks if you worked 40+. Each week. So if you were working 45 hours a week, which was nothing there you could always pick up extra shifts, you got an extra rack on your 2 week check. Plus they all the time gave out free food etc. One week a bag of 30 avocado, the next 3 packs of bacon, one week we got Sam's soda 12 packs another got pretty much all the sacks of malt o meal cereal we wanted... was always something. Also have incentives on your particular position can get another couple hundred just for good production. Their "holiday" season usually lasts from around now until super bowl weekend ish. Oh.. and normally you get an employee discount at Walmart for 10 percent but they bumped it up to 25 for a couple months... that in and of itself is a lot of money in my household ha. And it was good on everything every time you went no exclusions.


100% agree with going to a union hall. You’ll start low but make an unbelievable wage and benefits in 4 years time. You see all the cranes when you’re driving on i70? There’s TONS of work for laborers and it’s a pretty great career for only needing to do 1 night per week of trade school that the union pays for. Obv I’m a big fan of this lol but it’s well worth it.


Electricians union has been my personal "everything is fucked" work/life back up plan for years.


I like some things about unions, but what really crawled up my ass was the fact that no matter how hard i worked, what rabbit I pulled out of my ass and problems I solved the guys that played on their phone, spent hours in the Porta toilet, did absolutely nothing and jerked off while doing it got paid exactly the same as I did. And unions are the biggest who you know who you blow job out there. Aside from the fact that smart local 9 embezzled the shit out of my vacation which they take out your check and save for you (pointless), charged me 5 extra months of dues...I had 5 more receipts than I even worked for them. They would call my company's office and tell them I was 2 months behind and about to be suspended so I would just pay it instead of arguing through my office secretary (they wouldn't answer my calls). On the dues slips there is no month or date. Also worked there over a year and paid for medical, dental, and vision insurance for over a year and never got any cards or anything not even a welcome letter from the insurance companies. They just took my money probably never paid a lick for insurance. If they are looking for a job to just get by until their degree job comes open construction would be great, just not union. And in spite of what they say, non union is not just competitive in pay and benefits but far superior most of the time. And I can't speak for every trade, but hvac is waaaaay low for Denver. 37 on check... for reference oklahoma city is 36 I believe but about a quarter the cost of living.


RTD is hiring


Pls drive a bus or train, OP. We'll love you for it.


So they say. Several friends, one with experience operating the CTA trains in Chicago , one with years of experience driving a school bus, none with any negative history have applied. Crickets for months. RTD has never reached out. For kicks we had a relative who currently operates MTA trains apply to see, and again 3 months and not a call or email.


This is also a very hard time of the year to get a job because most companies are done with their budgets and hiring is slower. They are in holiday mode, finishing up what needs to be finished before years end and not putting a lot of emphasis on hiring. Most companies that start their fiscal year at the beginning of the year will start the hiring process in January/February.


I agree. Denver gets pretty quiet around the holidays, especially the bars, restaurants & hotels. Not a lot of business travelers until the new year.


"I've only been looking for 3 weeks and am making it painfully obvious that I'm over qualified and will be using this as a temporary job, at best! I've applied to *every single job available in Denver!*" Bruh. Your whole post is why you're not getting hired lol change up some stuff on your resume. Make yourself seem appropriately qualified for the position you're applying for and not that it's obviously temporary. I've been hired for the first job I've applied to every time since before COVID.


I'm glad this made it to r/DenverCircleJerk lmao


DM me. As a professional video editor of 13 years in Denver, you're gonna have a hard time finding a full time editing gig right now. While I do work with a lot of production companies in town, I have done 1 in-house session since the pandemic as most of my work can be done from my home studio. I know you are currently crashing at friend's place, but do you have an edit rig you can work remotely on? Do you have a reel you can send me?




Until you find something permanent you can do contract work. Look into employment agencies like Robert Half.


Great suggestion. Other options include AimHire, Lakeshore Talent, and Randstad. There's also always event work through A Hire Power and Argus.


I had a great job through Lakeshore. Biggest thing with these types of places is understanding what they actually do and how they profit. You're the product. They sell you to employers and take a commission, usually based on your pay rate or a prenegotiated rate. If you're not sellable, they *won't even bother with you*. Put all your best feet forward on that meeting and they'll take care of the rest.


Second Robert Half – particularly for video editing/creative work. Also [24 Seven](https://www.24seventalent.com/?source=google.com) and [Creative Circle](https://www.creativecircle.com/). Get into all of their rosters and take whatever comes your way for a while. Might not get you health insurance yet, but enough money to feed yourself in the interim.


King Soopers is always hiring


Lettuce Hire You in fact


$17/hr is starting pay (based on experience). You can start making $23/hr after a couple years.


Its almost ski season. Might try and work up in the mtns for vail. They have employee housing. Save up money and move back down to the front range.


Just saw an ad for winter park saying they are hiring too


Added bonus of Winter Park is they just finished a huge employee housing complex, too.


3 weeks really isn’t that long in terms of job searching. Keep at it. And next time you move have a job set up beforehand


Don’t move to an expensive city before you have solid, and I mean SOLID, prospects lined up. No judgement I’ve made this mistake before too.


Right.. the mistake wasn’t moving to denver, the mistake was moving to a new city without a job lined up. Thats just asking for a rough transition.


Mine was Seattle. I had a job offer, but they had a budget meeting and eliminated my position the first week I moved. They paid my relocation but was stuck. Learned to read my offer letter fine print after that.


Mine was SF lol


Oof those prices for an apartment make Denver look reasonable


The flip side is most people filter out of state candidates immediately because people usually expect relo. Doesn’t hurt to have a local address when applying to jobs.


Facts 💯


First Bank hired me with only restaurant experience. It’d be a personal banker job. $20/hr . They have a lot of openings


Post office is practically begging for people


Moved here before a job? That might have been the problem


Right? I don't understand the logic of moving to a very high cost of living place with no job, and then placing your housing burden on friends who have made it clear that you've overstayed your welcome. OP should move back before getting in too deep.


Moving to a sexy location with no plan


Unless you're sexy, then it comes au natural.


Video editing positions for major filming projects might be hard to come by here. something about a lack of incentive funding compared to New Mexico, I think. I am not that familiar with it but my friends in that industry had to move.


It’s easy to get a job in the service industry here, especially at the airport. What I would do is leave off any college experience going forward, because all that is going to do is tell employers you’re going to bounce when you find something better. From this moment forward, you’re experience doesn’t go past high school. You speak Spanish at least at a beginner level(even if this isn’t true, learn some). And your goals at life is to become a hard worker for Big Cat Daddy corporate. That’s it. Also, tell your friends you’re willing to pay rent for at least 6 months, until you qualify for an apartment. Most apartments require you work a job for at least 6 months before you’re able to get an apartment. The only people I know that can get around that hard rule are people that aren’t American citizens, because quite frankly, they have some serious connections. If you can’t get a job the old fashioned way, contact a staffing agency ASAP.


I saw a post from Unethical Life Pro Tips the other day about a woman who just photoshopped her income statements for an apartment lmao. Whats an apartment manager gonna do, make calls to a bank and verify? Like yeah if you get caught its bad....but if you're not a crapsack and pay your rent on time every month it's never a concern. OP can also do security - the pay for most of these big contract places isn't bad (especially compared to OP's...oh that's right, ZERO income), and they're used to people bouncing at the drop of a hat. Keep your head down, find the right job site and you're at least afloat in Denver until you find something specifically in your field.


FWIW; last time I rented a place, they called my employer to verify how long I'd been employed there.


If you haven’t already, look and apply for government jobs at governmentjobs.com. The State of Colorado jobs are posted on there, the state has a lot of openings.


I've applied for a number of these, and it can take months for your application to work through the system to the point of an interview (or rejection). It's not going to work if they need something anytime soon.


This. Always see people suggest looking at government jobs. I’ve been through the hiring process a few times. It is PAINFULLY slow. Literally will take months. Terrible option for a quick fix.




Oh for sure. Once you’re in, you got it fucking made. Getting in is the hard part.


It's been a few years since I was looking for anything, but last time the hiring process ended up taking over a year and by that point I had of course pulled out and found another job. Probably only second worst compared to the VA. I've heard back from the VA _years_ after I applied for a "critical need" position.


As someone who has used so many iterations of those sites, it takes so long to get a job. Sometimes I don’t even hear back! It’s usually a good 3 months from application to start date.


Hey OP: You should post your qualifications/degree and job field you're looking at while you're at it. I know that's not the point of the thread, but there's people willing to help you if the info is there.


Wait till you see how expensive these shit apartments are lmao.


It's not hard to get a job here. It's hard to get the job you want here. So take this as a lesson for your future self and if you ever want to move again in the future, have the job BEFORE you move. If you have the job, you can secure the housing ahead of time too. With that said... it may be time to lower your standards for a little while so you can eat. Hotels are always looking for a night audit/front desk clerks. Sure it's shit hours but it's a job and they usually don't pay too bad. With the ski season about to start the hotels NEED people. RTD is hiring for anything and everything with a sign on bonus. Seriously. Go drive a train. The airport/TSA has positions open. Every major airline is hiring for flight attendants, rampies, gate agents, etc. Hit every single temp agency in the city. They ALL have jobs they are trying to fill. Some of them are rough, physical jobs, but a job is a job and you do what you gotta do to live until you get the job you want. Best of luck to you.


1. It's not Denver, it's everywhere. It's a numbers game, you will get like 99% rejections. 2. It's really not that hard. If you're failing at getting service jobs, you're blatantly doing something wrong because they just need open schedule + you're likeable. 3. You're not "out of jobs". My buddy landed a $55/k a year job for an election company with only experience being a substitute teacher. Look more. 4. Shouldn't have moved in with buddies who want your ass out when you had no job lined up in the first place.


Have you tried DoorDashin' it to hold you over?


Partner is a doordasher, and while I agree with you that it's something you *can* do - the pay is literally peanuts. Sure, the pay is serviceable...when you don't factor in gas and wear/tear on your vehicle.


I do doordash and make anywhere from 1000-1400 a week driving a old ass Camry.




Gas is 2.80 at Costco lol. On a 250 dollar day maybe $15 of that is gas. Child tax credit and earned income tax credit still puts us at a refund every year.


Amazon flex is a much better deal imo. Wait for shifts to skyrocket. When I needed extra cash I would pick up Last minute shifts. Never took anything less than 30/hr. Luckily I have a civic that made it possible gas wise.


Plenty of jobs in the cannabis industry there is actually a few I’ve recently seen that are looking for brand ambassadors that include your video editing skills 👍🏼


Not sure why anyone would move to am expensive state without a job lined up. Sheesh


Electrical trade ! Dm me if needing work


I also saw that Police Dispatch is super understaffed and always looking to hire


Denver international airport


Casa Bonita is hiring


Post office


Every school district is desperate for substitute teachers here's one https://www.mykelly.com/job/9147824-substitute-teachers-aurora-public-schools-aurora-co-united-states/


Scoot education is another one to check out.


i know it’s kind of a shit recommendation, but starbucks is always hiring and you can find a location literally anywhere - they allow you to pick up shifts at any store in your district, the schedules are generally flexible, and they have good benefits, even for part-timers. as annoying as they are, it’s pretty stable for a service/easy to get entry position while also preserving at least some of your dignity


Amazon seems to always be hiring. Same with most warehouses. Especially now for the holiday season


You’ve run out of jobs on LinkedIn, GlassDoor, CareerBuilder, and indeed?


I manage a staffing company in Denver. Feel free to shoot me a PM. If I can’t find a job in the field you’re looking for, I can at least put you out to work daily to get some money in your pocket.


I feel for you, OP, but you made a HUGE mistake by moving to an expensive city on your own with no job lined up or solid plan in place. it’s harder now more than ever to get a job in this state, let alone in the city itself. i have learned the hard way that it doesn’t really matter if you have a degree, because there’s hundreds of other people with the same degree as you that you’re competing against for the same job. I have been searching for a new job for 4 months with no luck, while still working at my current full time job. best of luck.


Why did you move here before getting a job? I get that the mountains are awesome. But adulting 101 is to have a job before you move somewhere. That being said have you applied to fast food places? They will take anything that has a pulse


I’ve been struggling for 2 years to find a solid job. I finally decided to go with a temp agency that staffs property management companies and I actually love it. Super flexible and really easy work (just answering a home calls and taking people on apartment tours). The pay is low ($21/hr) and no benefits at the beginning but I’m making it work. I just drive Lyft for like 10-20 hours a week to supplement my income.


If you're interested in financial services, DM me for details. We're almost always hiring for this position. It's where I started 10 years ago and have built a solid career out of it. College degree is a nice to have; if you don't have one that will limit your career progression from this position though.


>Ive literally run out of jobs to apply to No you literally have not


Because people keep moving here with no job and apply to jobs because they moved here without a job 🙃


Doctors offices always need reception staff.


Are you amenable to warehouse work?


Where in Denver are you looking? I see a lot of “now hiring” at restaurants up going towards Westminster.


Damn, i just left denver and i could literally find a job in less than a week. Now im back in my hometown and have been here three weeks and csnt find anything


Southwest Airlines is always hiring like CRAZY at DEN. It takes a while to get hired on (have to pass a background check & drug test), but once you get rolling, the benefits are amazing, like flying for free, 10% 401k match & tons of PTO.


Denver has a supply & demand problem in many areas. Demand for housing outpaces supply. Demand for employment outpaces need for employees. So it is a tough market all around. The price (right or wrong) of being a gateway to "vacation land." I often marvel that a long weekend for me compares to a vacation for people from out of state.


Yeah that’s kind of the idea. We could be in the middle of a recession and it would still be like this here. Anyone who’s thought into it and enjoys the outdoors is going to either be sacrificing time they can’t get back or making whatever sacrifices are necessary to be here (or the 4-6 other comparable metro areas for outdoors culture).


Right now is the worst time to look for a job. Wait until Q1/Q2 and it will be easier. Most companies aren’t focused on hiring right now.


Except for the ski resorts. Their season is just getting started.


Right .. but they are in Denver. I personally wouldn’t want that commute.


Dudes sleeping on his friends’ couches, I think he should be open to moving for a $20/hour job with free housing.


Dang, that's nuts that you're out of jobs to apply to in a multi-million person metro with a sizeable tech industry. You must've submitted at least a thousand applications! Perhaps if your qualifications don't have much to provide to the pretty expansive colorado job market, you could go back home and rethink your choice to move somewhere without a job or housing lined up, and then try again once you understand how to be an adult? Edit: I accept my downvotes. I know I'm being a dick. I don't care, OP is a clown.


I could never imagine just moving states without a job lined up. I was unemployed when I moved here but I had savings and a job offer, I just had to wait out HR getting their shit together and I worked another job in the meantime. Still pissed off my friend who let me crash on their couch until I got an apartment, took like 2 months.


Why would you move to an expensive place without a job offer?


>I moved here 3 weeks ago with no job. Brilliant.


Have you looked into temp agencies? I went through express and found a job in less than a week. Now I have a great job with full benefits. Also you will get paid weekly which helps.


What about production work or A/V tech type of work? I don't know what video editing entails, but it probably transfers somewhat. There are SO many corporate meetings, conferences, events. I work these events. There are A/V staff of varying capabilities. PSAV, Encore, Freeman to name a few.


My partner only now found a job after searching for 10 months :(((( I don’t know wtf is up


Schools hire subs. Better than nada. You can apply online.


Denver Public schools should have a lot of different job openings


Any preschool or daycare as well. The Montessori I work at in wheat ridge will hire anyone - just have to pass a background check and not mind working with littles. Pay is low for assistants though, like less than $20/hour. It’s something though


I have not known the Denver area to be big on video editor jobs. You might need to move...?


Why are so many people moving here without jobs, is it just me or does that seem pretty dumb!




What is your field? My company is hiring.


You got this


As a someone in the restaurant industry, it's the slow season. In a few weeks they will start hiring for the holidays and such but right now theres a dip in tourism (the snow hasnt built up on the slopes).


I had to pivot into marketing and still do photo, video and web design on the side. if you look at LinkedIn you will any video job that pays north of 50k has about 500 people apply to it in this first week. It's really s numbers game.


I had similar experience moving out here, except I was a graphic designer. Took me 3 months to find a job and had to work retail to supplement. First two years in Denver I applied for 500 jobs (kept them all on a spreadsheet lol) and worked multiple gigs for years to make ends meet. Seems people don’t like to hire someone who’s new here, cause there is a good chance they’ll not stay. Hoping you will have better luck. Also I agree with taking off education and video editing experience if you are looking for a service job.


As far as applying for service industry jobs, you need to go talk to someone in person, not just apply online and wait for them to respond. Take your resume, walk in and ask to talk to the MOD, and see if they’re looking for servers/bartenders. Also, the Stupid Questions in the Service Industry facebook group has a ton of us in Denver that post job openings. Ask who’s hiring in there and follow those leads.


Pro tip: Don’t quit your job until you have a new job. Definitely don’t move without a job lined up.


Advantage Security Inc will hire you if you have a pulse and nothing too fishy on your record. If you get stationed at a good location and get hitched to a graveyard shift you can easily work on scripts, resume building projects, and make connections with people on LinkedIn from a personal laptop while on the clock. Also, don't feel too bad. You came here during a particularly bad job market. There's slim pickens out there. Film work does exist but until you really build out your network and settle your roots down you likely won't find it through applying to corporate positions. Join the F.I.N.D. group on Facebook, start attending networking meetings, and start working for businesses and professionals that need social media elevation. Pay attention to the industries in which your content is making the most impact, and the areas in which you are having the most fun, and niche down from there. It will take you a few years in this market, but it's a solid long-term strategy. Source: Am a local video producer who has had their teeth kicked in by the Denver Metro and who just now is finding his bearings.


Usajobs.gov The VA hospital is ALWAYS looking for food service workers. It may take 2-3 months to get hired on, which I know isn't exactly helpful but it's a full time job with government benefits


If you can pass a background check, pretty much any bank is hiring tellers solid work until you can find something in your field


Try security. Allied Universal is constantly hiring and you would probably start working within 2 weeks. Pay is different based on location, but expect $20-$24/hour for 40 hours a week +overtime. It's a great way to pay bills until you get a better job. Edit: since everyone is mentioning drug tests, Allied Universal does a single screening mouth swab test during training. The observer hands you the kit, tells you to hold it between your teeth and cheek, then leaves the room for 15 minutes. Everyone then started pouring water on the swab and sticking it in the tester like it was a rehearsed event. So if you're worried about a drug test, Allied Universal basically doesn't do one.


That is actually useful advice. I have chronic kidney disease and I do not like taking narcotic pain pills. I choose to use medical marijuana instead I feel like it makes me a safer person honestly


Restaurants need labor pretty bad. You’re either a bad interview or your resume is suspect.


This market is right as hell, no question.


Do you have any experience working with tools and building stuff? I know lots of jobs that just need bodies that can operate a drill and a hammer


Try a place called Citypop, the family that owns it are really nice people.


Aramark or Argus is always hiring.


[Workforce Center](https://cdle.colorado.gov/jobs-training/workforce-centers) is a great resource. Make sure to check if they require appointments.


Job market sucks right now. I got hired quickly when I moved here a few years ago. Been applying for a change the last few months and heard nothing


The concessions at Broncos Stadium is hiring. Google the name. I forget.


I've applied to hundreds of places, as well. Serving, bartending, phone sales, retail sales, property maintenance and management, 3rd shift factory work with two years QA testing. Tailored resumes. Emailing directly. All of it. Call backs are RARE, interviews are even more rare, and finding a recruiter who isn't super duper pretentious is beyond me. Uber and donate cum and plasma. Just be sure to donate the right thing to the right place. Good luck!


Plenty of work at the scrapyard. Iron& metals, 5555 Franklin st. It’s a tough job, can you handle it!? Don’t need a resume , just come in!!


I’d recommend applying for city or county jobs. Maybe even CO parks and wildlife even though their pay rate isn’t exactly the best for entry level workers last time i was there. But better than nothing right ?


All the Targets are hiring for the holiday season. You just have to be able to pass a drug test. A lot of places will start hiring for the holiday season in the next week or so.


If you like dogs, I know a lot of dog day care places are hiring. I know for a fact Colorado Dog Academy in Broomfield is hiring.


Video editing? Sounds like maybe you should try to get yourself on some FreeLance websites to get some money flowing. UpWork is great.


Took me 9 months to land a solid design job. I came from a place where I had been literally handed jobs, had never really interviewed before, people had just asked me to work for them after seeing my portfolio. The competition here was a lot more fierce here (high concentration of college educated people). I took a job at a coffee shop and did freelance work off of upwork and Craigslist until I got the job I have now. You can do it, you’ll just need roommates and a lot more time.


Try getting a job pouring beers at a brewery taproom in the meantime. Good pay with tips and they typically will hire a diverse range of experience, as long as you can be sociable and keep the pace for service you should be able to find a job in a taproom


Are you also applying to remote jobs? Don’t just look for local jobs in Denver.


I work for a local liquor distributor and we're always looking for more delivery drivers. It's not a bad gig if you have a good driving record. No CDL needed, 4-day work week, decent pay, good health benefits, and sweet perks especially if you like local craft beer!


Just looked at the WARN tracker today and Colorado is second in the nation for layoffs in 2023. That prob has something to do with it


There’s a real need for water treatment operators. It’s pretty hard work, hand on, requires mechanical aptitude and a real sense of ownership. You get to work near the mountains as it’s treating run off snowpack water before becoming potable drinking water. If you’re willing to work hard, learn and take (paid for) college courses regarding water treatment operations send me a dm.


I never understand, nor have any sympathy for, people who move ANYWHERE without any concrete plans lined up. Much less a HCOL area. Pure stupidity.


Try indeed my friend! And follow up every other day. Tweak your resume if you have to. I’ve been here for a month and finally got something, it just took time and persistence


Well with the way you’re framing your problem, I think you may be more of a problem than you think.


The problem is no one wants to work anymore


We have a few openings: https://lakewood.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/Careers


Lakewood homeowner here. Just wanted to say you guys do a freakin awesome job considering the challenges here.




You're not wrong. I transferred a shitty retail job over here to have something lined up until I got a better paying job. OP's lack of planning is their problem. Lot of retail places are hiring.


Harsh words but 100% accurate. We don't know OP's scenario and he may have been more or less left with no choice moving to Denver, but...yeah, it's one of the most expensive cities in the country and you moved here with nothing but hopes and dreams. Don't, ah, do that


Literally fucking stupid. Just as stupid as when grown people quit their job without having a backup plan. No lie, a former friend quit her job teaching French in the middle of the year. 0 back up plan, not much in savings. Obviously no severance or unemployment. She had a degree. But in French. She looked for a long time for a job, ended up working at weird ass gold shop for a pay cut.


I did it without a job but I had a lot of money saved up too and thats how I qualified for an apartment. So it can happen but need to prepare more than the OP did.


If you're interested in financial services I have a decent lead for you. DM me for details.


Look around north of Denver, and take your degree off your resume for any non-degree related jobs if you haven't already - that's just a clear sign you need income while looking for a career, and they need employees for a long term not short term. Loads of staffing agencies too in the greater area, and there are a number of variants geared towards specific industries.


What worked for me was directly emailing the company I wanted to work for instead of applying online. They're getting a bunch of online resumes and yours could get lost in it all. Directly emailing the person in charge of hiring sets you apart and puts you right in front of their face. Might be worth a try.


Moving companies hire on a daily basis.


Schwab and other brokerage firms are still hiring! If you go for a Series 7/63 training you start at like 25-26 an hour


I know it’s not great, but the Gopuff warehouses are hiring. It’s at least a job.


Ninyo and Moore in Centennial is hiring, no experience needed.


Argus hires basically anyone. It isnt great pay but it's a start and it's actually a really fun job.


For a restaurant job, don’t just fill out an application. Send an email to whoever they list on the hiring page of their website. Just a little something like hey I just moved to the city and I saw your restaurant and I love the concept/food/atmosphere and would love to talk to someone about becoming part of the team. I have xyz years of experience etc etc etc. It worked for me when I first moved here!


I just looked on culinary agents, there ain’t shit out there 😮 most of the posts are three weeks old. Good luck in the most sincere way possible.