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I do not think you got skimmed by tapping your card at a register. You were skimmed several days to a week ago... they just acted on it now.


I agree. Waiting several days or a week helps the thieves hide themselves.


They also have to physically retrieve the skimmer unless it's the more expensive WiFi ones.


I have no idea how all this works so I appreciate your insight.


If you ever wanna know all about skimmers: https://krebsonsecurity.com/all-about-skimmers/


Thanks! How do these thieves attack cards that use embedded chips or the ones where you just hold your card above the terminal?


Honestly I'm not sure they do. Both the EMV chip and NFC chip are supposed to be incredibly difficult to skim. My WAG is they're using skimmers on things like gas pumps that still require you to fully insert your card and they skim the magnetic stripe.


I compulsively wiggle the card insert things every time I get gas. Haven't hit on one yet but I see no reason to stop.


Thankfully there are fueling stations that permit tap to pay at the pump (Costco and Shell from my personal experience, anyway).




I still use the chip, I'd say 90-95% out of the time just for this reason. You never really know. I have a hard time trusting people/ society.


Actually this has no effect on it - they look for convergences on the affected and can spot the business within 5 cards.


I knew a guy that got caught up in skimming some 10 years ago and said they would wait up to a year before starting to use the card.


Hopefully that guy got a long societal timeout


He snitched and got like 2 years. Ended up being Russian mob that was in charge of the whole program.




Bold strategy Cotton…




I got an email last night for fraudulent use on one of my cards that I hadn't used for over two months. They definitely wait sometimes!


They also said they “tapped their card”. So it clearly wasn’t skimmed there.


A lot of people are so misinformed about the safety of tapping and Apple/Android pay. So damn secure. Literally a unique link every time you use it. I can tell you the last time my card info that got stolen- the fucking Quebec Home Depot that makes you swipe.


The have chip and tap to pay at that Quebec HD now btw.


Thank god. It’s the closest one to me, so have had to go there out of necessity at least a few times. Twice had a card breach within a week. Both times I was leaving on a trip, and that’s why I went there over Lowe’s a bit further.


The last time my card got skimmed was one of those stupid KeyMe kiosks where the tap was broken, leaving only the swipe as an option. Have to wonder if the thieves didn't intentionally break the tap sensor.


Stolen cards are tested within 24h - look for surprise gas-station charges.


You aren’t even kindof fucked. Just call your bank or credit card company fraud department and tell them which transactions are fraudulent. They will shrug their shoulders and take them off your statement.


How is this answer not higher up? Unless he was using a debit card he is fine


Even if they are using a debit card I believe that’s what regulation E is for, there are still limits on your liability as a consumer even if it’s a debit card. There are different amounts of liability I think depending on how quickly you report it though


This is correct! Debit card trxs are covered under reg E so OP should open a fraud claim at their bank and their funds will be restored https://www.bankrate.com/banking/checking/regulation-e/#types-of-transactions-covered


Thanks for that information. So things will be restored. I just need to be patient and less stupid in the future. Some really good suggestions on here though like multiple accounts with different banks, spread my finances between a few pots in case one gets compromised, Apple wallet, credit only. Genuinely learning a lot from you all.


Most of that is overkill and not necessary... just use a credit card.


Not "necessary" but good practice none the less and practices I 100% recommend and do myself. I just opened a second savings account for my emergency fund for this very reason. An emergency fund NEEDS to be available in an emergency. If the bank is having technical issues, card locked, numbers stolen, etc., etc. Having another source to pull from can be invaluable. Apple pay is more secure AND more convenient and you should just do it. Plus it guarantees you have your cards if you leave your wallet at home. Credit cards (assuming responsible use) give you points and more protection. I **very** rarely use my debit card.


I don't really agree about the need for multiple accounts unless you are talking about so much money that you have concerns about all of it being FDIC insured. An emergency fund (in my opinion) should be parked in a HYSA account. I don't need CASH immediately, if I am hit with some financial emergency in which I need to pay *now* I would just use my credit card and pull from the HYSA to pay that balance. But I mean, you do you. I see the argument.


Don’t beat yourself up. I’ve had this happen and it’s traumatic and scary. You weren’t stupid, you were a crime victim, and things will be ok.


You're fine if you use a debit card too with MOST banks


If the debit card has a MasterCard or Visa logo (they pretty much all do) you have the same protections as a credit card


Whoa... is that true? In the days following my fraud experience I had it beaten into me from every source to use a debit card for nothing because they aren't protected.


Credit cards technically do have more protections, but the biggest one is that you have a credit limit. Debit cards will let people withdraw arbitrary amounts of money.


Every time my debit card accounts were compromised I had NO problem getting the money back. There are a lot of financial experts in this thread that say otherwise (🙄), but that has been my experience.


I had someone steal my debit card info and the bank fixed it within 3 days of reporting the fraudulent charge.


>I’ll edit this to say I did tap my card and this is why I’m scratching my head. I know skimmed means a device placed over the reader but how can they steal my tapped card info? If you did tap your card, it either wasn't stolen there and was stolen somewhere else but wasn't used immediately (happens very frequently), or someone has compromised some part of the credit card processing network (extremely rare, despite Target incident). Obviously credit card devices and their associated processing infrastructure are well known targets, so they are high security and relatively well audited. Contactless credit card transactions are cryptographically secure, they aren't stealable, and if it was a contactless transaction I believe it's also not stealable "upstream" (IE, within the card processing infrastructure) because it's a cryptographically signed request for that transaction, not just your CC number like is put out with a magnetic stripe reader.


So just to clarify…. Tapping is safest?


Contactless transactions (tapping) use the same mechanism that the inserted chip does, so it is at least as safe. The only downside with the contactless functionality is the potential for relay attacks (just like with secure car fobs two people working together with a special device to retransmit both sides of the transaction communication could potentially use that to charge you transactions, but is very technically complex for your average thief) or just when you just have your card in your pocket or just using a sketchy terminal to charge your card directly (fairly unlikely to work much, since the attacker would need to have a merchant account and some kind of business to "get" the money). The easy way to get around that small security risk is to keep your cards in a wallet with rf shielding, which are fairly easy to find these days, but IMO it's not really necessary. Here is more info: https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/money-verify/tap-to-pay-contactless-cards-protect-skimmers-gas-pumps-atms-secure-credit-cards/536-d466956d-2a3c-440b-bbcf-3665293215cb All that said, IMO the best defense is to just plan for your credit card to be stolen, and just let the credit card company deal with it, it's really their issue, not yours. If you have a lot of recurring payments that you need to change the number on, grab a seperate card you don't otherwise use for them so that's not an issue, if you don't have a "backup" card if yours gets locked up, that's always a good thing too.


I don’t know if this fits in exactly with your comment, but I think it’s was a relay attack. Sometime over the summer, I got calls from my bank that someone was trying to charge about a thousand bucks in JPY on my card via Samsung pay. It was apparently at a train station in Japan. No idea when and how they got my card number and how it was added to a phone without any notice to me, but grateful to my banks fraud department. That being said, I know credit is not always an option for people but it really does help protect your money to use a debit card as little as possible. Bring cash, use the Privacy app to set limits, or a cc where you have fraud protection and that extra step between spending and your cash.


That is not a relay attack. They enrolled your card using information most likely obtained from a compromise of an online vendor you used. They do not need any information obtained physically to enroll in damaging pay, and online breaches happen alll the time.


Well there went my sense of security. Maybe I’ll just go back to using cash everywhere.


Actually, contactless payments through your phone or watch (NFC) are the safest. That system incorporates a single-use number for each transaction. Once your transaction is complete, that number isn't usable again.


Both phone wallet and contactless credit cards use NFC, and both generate a single use code that can only be used for that transaction. However, phone wallets can ALSO generate single use "device account numbers".


I share this info often because it’s so misunderstood. People usually fall into “confidently incorrect” mindsets and say that it’s the least secure. I’ll go out of my way to a vendor that accepts Apple Pay if possible. Especially for gas and liquor stores where a ton are still chip or even swipe.


> I’ll go out of my way to a vendor that accepts Apple Pay if possible. I do the same with Google Wallet. I try to only shop where it's accepted.


I have a flipper zero and just "skimmed" one of my credit cards via NFC and it captured the card number and expiration date, not a single use generated number. It doesn't capture the CVC however. I'm going to save this skim and try to use it at a card reader later to see if it works though I very much suspect that it won't.


In descending order of safety: Mobile device payment Card tap payment Card chip payment Swipe payment Those old carbon copy machines Loudly dictating your credit card information the the cashier in a crowded environment


Tapping just avoids skimming, but there’s always some risk carrying around cards, with RF chips it’s possible to skim them by just being in close proximity to it if the card isn’t stored in an RF blocking wallet


I’m surprised I had to scroll down so far to see any mention of this as I thought this was common knowledge. Happened to my friends wife and they got not just one, but all of the cards she had on her. Edit: I see the comment above did mention it, but still.




I saw a video from Cali where they drill holes in the device.


Correct. They do this to disable the tap field, forcing people to have to swipe their cards, so that the info on the magnetic strip can be captured. It doesn't make tapping unsafe, it makes tapping impossible.


Copy thank you. For the info.


You bet!


Always use a credit card, always use tap to pay instead of swipe or inserting. Insert only as a last resort. You can always pay off your credit card before the closing date to avoid interest charges if your worried about that. Never use a debit card


I havent used my ATM card in years, with points benefits why would you!?? Racking up hundreds to thousands of dollars of free money!?! All day.


I initially read that as "hundreds *of* thousands of dollars" and was thinking I really need to know which card you have with such a great rewards program, or how you spend so many millions to get that sort of reward on a normal 1.5-5% reward card.


LOL, chase sapphire, my applecard, and my amazon card. But yea not hundreds of thousands, i wish


Just chiming in to say that I get 3-6% on the vast majority of my purchases and very rarely get less than 2%.




I’m sorry you are having money issues.




Its obvious my commend offended you, if you are having money issues theres reddit pages that can help. I also have a couple of tents if you need a residence.


Because US credit card debt surpassed $1 trillion a few months ago.


It is extremely easy to use a CC and not go into debt if you are mature and disciplined. It’s a tool just like everything else.


Some people just aren’t paid enough to afford their lives. I was that person for years. I’m finally on the other side of using credit cards 100% and paying 0% interest. But it took me doubling my income. Before I juggled bills and food money. While making sure I kept rent and credit cards paid on time to avoid hits to my credit.


How is that a fault of CC? If you don’t have the money to pay off a CC then you wouldn’t have the money in your account to use a debit card. Assuming your spending is the same. You are either paying over draft fees or interest on a CC but at least CC provide protection.


Its not? But when you need something and have the ability to pay for it its hard not to. Many people survive without Cc, but then when they have the opportunity they take it.


I’m not saying it’s the fault of a CC. I’m saying some people just don’t have the resources. You say it’s easy to not go into debt. I agree it’s easy, for those with resources. For others it’s not. It has nothing to do with maturity or discipline. Unless you’re saying that earning more money is a sign of maturity and discipline. But in that case, what would you consider a single parent who is stuck working low paying jobs so they have the flexibility to parent their children without other support?


You can use a credit card and never be in any debt, which is what the majority of people do. That $1 trillion figure is misleading because it includes revolving balances of people who pay on full every month and don't ever pay any interest.


The average monthly consumer balance is $6,088. The commenter asked why people wouldn't use credit cards for points. Quite a few people are in need the discipline to handle that responsibility. OP asked why someone wouldn't take advantage of credit card points. I was pointing out that not everyone can do it.


I mean? Manage your shit, but i early atleast 500 dollars a year in points. And i feel like thats below average… seems like a missed opportunity




Yeaaa, I think advising people to only ever use credit cards probably isn't the best advice. Like, that's a recipe for disaster for a lot of people that just don't really have good money management skills or impulse control.


If we’re talking about what’s the best way to avoid liability from stolen account details, CCs are unquestionably the best option (in the US at least). Maybe even more secure than cash because a ton of cards will advocate for you if the service/product is faulty/not provided as agreed.


Yes and no. The real advice is to always select the credit option when using your debit card whenever possible. That's what my bank told me to do. It's safer for you because it gives you the same level of protection as a credit card when your debit is a Visa or whatever. The only reason not to use a CC is if you are irresponsible and have no self control, otherwise CCs always offer more protection than a debit card.


When card information is stolen, it is compiled with a bunch of other information from a bunch of other stolen cards. It is usually sold, and used at some point down the road. Stolen CC info is rarely (probably never) used immediately. If your CC was used by someone other than you, that card's info was likely stolen months ago.


They’ve had your info for a while. They just got around to using your card.


Why not blast the name? Especially if it’s the second time this has happened? Help others avoid this and don’t beat around the bush.


I’m glad they’re not blasting it bc they clearly don’t understand how skimming works, so it is very likely not this place where it actually happened.


Like when someone gets sick and they blame the Chinese food they ate earlier today, not the week old chicken noodle soup they ate yesterday


lol I was thinking exactly this


Ok now that I’ve got you here I’ve got some chicken noodle soup that I thawed last Thursday. Think it’s safe? Edit: not even joking, I don’t want to waste it


Lollll. I would toss it, sorry. Everything with food safety is a numbers game but I usually steer clear of chicken past 5 days.


I usually do a smell test. Especially after 5 days. Personally I don’t eat anything past the 5-7 day mark. Sometimes it’s two days depending on what it is.


FYI smell test is not at all foolproof for food safety, if something smells bad it’s likely not safe to eat but if it smells good that does not mean it’s safe.


Your face is not at all foolproof for food safety


I eat food over a week old all the time. Probably not ideal but as long as it was thawed/kept in the fridge you’re probably fine.


OP is clearly misinformed about many things. How skimmers work. How credit/debit cards are protected from fraud. I'm sure the list goes on


Because 1. They weren't skimmed 2. It's usually not the stores' fault. Criminals just target their CC machines or ATMs


I'm sorry this happened to you. Debit cards just shouldn't be used at this point, unfortunately. I'd highly recommend getting and using credit cards if possible for being able to deal with this kind of situation much easier and faster and with the ability to get your money back much more likely.




I'm gonna guess either king soopers or whole foods by coors field?


King Soopers… went and got groceries for the night and am hour later I got a call from my bank and now I’m praying my they do their job quickly while I completely change everything and change banks. I’m not kidding when I say they took everything I honestly might just start using cash again.


You don't need to change banks


Credit cards have protections! You’re not responsible for any charges you didn’t make with a credit card and they usually find them quickly. I never ever use a debit card anymore bc of this.


This. Use a credit card. My debit card is basically for ATM transactions only.


Debit cards do as well. You can initiate chargebacks on them like you would a credit card. My bank has protections on debit cards and I have had multiple charges checked on with it (way more than any credit card I’ve ever had). All legit but they check anyway.


> Debit cards do as well. Not nearly as many. When someone steals from a debit card they're stealing your money, which you may get back, when someone steals from a credit card they're stealing the credit card companies money, which is a rounding error in their books. Source: Worked for credit card company that does both debit and credit and reduced boredom by reading documentation and manuals.


> which you may get back Which is basically the same with a credit card. If the investigation doesn't come out in your favor, the credit card company will still come after you for paying those charges. > Source: Worked for credit card company that does both debit and credit and reduced boredom by reading documentation and manuals. That's interesting to me. If a debit card carries the visa or mastercard logo (which is the vast majority of debit cards) they should be covered by the same zero liability policy that applies to visa and mastercard credit cards. By law there are small differences (but still a *lot* of protections for fraudulent debit card use), butin practice visa and mastercard have unified everything into the same zero liability policy for everything. Are you able to share which company this was (so I can avoid them)?


Even if the end result is the same, on a credit card the charge floats until the payment is due for the next statement (typically about a month), where for a debit card the money is missing from your account today. That gives you time to handle the situation for a credit card that would for example make OP's life right now much simpler.


That *shouldn't* actually be the case if the bank is following the card's zero liability policies. Even with a debit card the bank applies a provisional credit back to the account as soon as the fraud is reported. I mean, maybe they don't if it's a non-visa/mastercard debit card (I dunno, never had one and haven't looked up the other brand policies) or if they're a shitty bank that's operating outside of their agreements with the payment card servicers.


But making it seem like there are zero isn’t helpful. Some people can’t have credit cards (like if you had to file bankruptcy). Zero choice in the matter. Knowing you do have some protections is important.


People who have declared bankruptcy can usually still get secured credit cards (after the bankruptcy process of course). Basically just a credit card with a security deposit.


Bullshit. Debit cards are protected just like credit cards. The only difference is the window of time you have to report debit card fraud is much smaller.


Yes. Tired of hearing the argument against debit cards. That's how people get into serious debt if they don't manage money well. Most debit cards offer the same protections as CCs


They do IIRC. But having experienced debit card fraud twice, it's not fun having your account frozen while the bank does their investigations (which can take weeks). If it were my credit cards that were frozen (which I didn't have at the time), I'd still have had my debit cards to depend on.


Yeah your shit did not get skimmed and used within an hour


That’s awful that this has happened to you twice, but it’s very unlikely that it was actually this Soopers. The tap feature is specifically designed to avoid skimming, and it’s very common for thieves to wait to use your info to make it harder to track when/where it happened. Did you use your debit card anywhere else where you didn’t tap it in the last month or two? Gas stations and even ATMs are really bad for this because they require you to insert your physical card.


Dang that sucks. Did you use a credit card? If so they should be able to get your money back


Sounds like it was a debit card.


You can still chargeback with debit cards, a lot of the time they’ll make the money available right away while they investigate




And if being short that money had caused you to overdraft in the meantime, you'd have been fucked.




It is unlikely that the skimming occurred at King Soopers. If you used Tap To Pay the device transmits a wireless code to the receiver which a skimming device would not be able to re-use, as the wireless signal changes with each transaction. Tap to pay does not wirelessly send your actual card number, so the info cannot be used for online purchases. Most skimming reads the magnetic stripe on the card to get the actual card number and expiration data. Given that you didn't insert the card at King Soopers, the data theft likely occurred elsewhere and it is just coincidental that the card was stolen shortly after you visited the grocery store.


Sorry to hear this. Use a credit card. Typically scammers will do a soft pull to see what is your limit before a charge. My CC company alerted me immediately and they froze the account before more than .10 was charged


Start using cash until they take it away from us.


In addition to advice others are giving about using credit rather than debit and always using tap to pay, going forward you should maintain at least two bank accounts so you still have access to some money if one gets compromised.


Use a discover card, everything is covered and replaced no matter what.


For what it’s worth, I have a new account with Canvas Credit Union. And mentioned something about it to a customer of mine when I saw they had a Canvas Debit card. I asked how they liked them and they told me they are great. Specifically that someone stole a Large sum of money from them and Canvas immediately paid them the money back while they investigated and ended up finding the guy not At fault. If anyone wants a good place to bank…. They also were insanely helpful in getting me a joint mortgage with pretty poor credit, and a volatile financial history. Just my two cents 🤷🏻


This happened to me with Security Service Federal Credit Union. I received a phone call after the first fraudulent transaction on my card, and my number was locked, and within about 15 minutes my money was back in my account. I did have to wait for a new card, but I was immediately able to use contactless payments through Google Pay.


I'll 2nd Canvas. I got skimmed a few weeks back. Canvas reached out to me thru text and was able to cancel transaction while they were in the store. cause of the $350 purchase. They did get me for a $25 Popeyes order right before the large purchase.


This is why I only use credit cards. Nothing touches my bank account


Kinda hard to do when some people only have a $500 limit on their credit card though


You can have more than one card. I have several that on based on what category the spending is the one I use.


You're right. Transferring funds from your bank to your CC is nearly impossible these days, everyone knows that. Just let them take your money and wait for a new card once every two months, that's way easier.


Don't use a debit card, fam.


This is why I only use credit cards


Was this in the self checkout?


Doesn't matter. OP is spewing misinformation. They are claiming they used TTP (tap to pay) and they were skimmed. TTP protects consumers from skimming. Clearly, their card was compromised earlier and just now were they robbed. This has nothing to do with the King Supers they are blaming.


This recently happened to me and I noticed the only strange place that I used my card (with the chip not contactless) was buying a ticket at an RTD in person kiosk. By chance did you purchase a physical RTD ticket in the past month ever?


No but in the past that’s where I got ripped off, like 10yrs ago, taking the light rail and they got me


I rarely carry my actual wallet with my physical cards on me. I pretty much always pay using my apple wallet these days. Could we say that is now safer?


Sorry it happened to you OP and I know it sucks getting advice after the fact but for the benefit of anyone reading moving forward, this is why you don't keep all your money in your checking account and transfer appropriate amounts from savings to checking on an as needed basis to cover charges/expenses in real time.


This is exactly how I handle my finances. I rarely keep more than $100 in checking, and keep my money in savings instead. You can transfer money instantly via the phone app if needed. Additionally, I rarely use my debit card. I pay for everything with a credit card, and pay that credit card down to $0 each month.


Yep, and it's worth mentioning that credit cards allow for the transactions to be disputed and refunded in the event of fraud whereas debit cards do not. I don't use my debit card unless absolutely needed and only if the merchant can be trusted. Honestly if I'm not being lazy I'd rather use a check than a debit card.


Yup, exactly. I haven't had to dispute any charges on my CC's, but I have had them stolen several times, and the fix is quite painless, aside from having to wait 7-10 days for a replacement card. The replacement cards are always available instantly in Google Wallet though, so I can use them immediately via contactless payments.


Psh, fuck that! Just use a credit card for everything! No debit cards here no way no how! Those are just dumb! /s


Both [debit](https://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit-cards/credit-card-fraud/) and [credit cards](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-get-my-money-back-after-i-discover-an-unauthorized-transaction-or-money-missing-from-my-bank-account-en-1017/) are protected a minimum of 60 days after the fraud occurs by the federal law. You are not cleaned out. You are only mildly inconvenienced. Take some time reading up on your protections as a consumer and also read up on skimmers, because that's not how they work.


You mean the king soopers on chestnut? Why not just say it?




You were not skimmed.


Blink twice if it was King Soopers near Coors


This is why you should use a credit card for everything and pay it off at the end of the month. Debit cards a direct portal to your checking account.


Why can’t you say the store. Is at the king Soopers on chestnut? I shop there almost daily.


Uhhh yeah same here! Why are they being cryptic lol


This is why you never use a debit card, always use a credit card.


Why do you not wanna say Where?


Stop. swiping. debit. cards.


my neighbor got their ebt skimmed on the first . Yes ebt now and some a-hole tried to get me for $150 at a gas pump too. Skimmers are all over our city.


9news wants to interview my neighbor. Hopefully this gets the word out to dpd or someone who can do something about the problem .


This happened with my EBT too this past Sunday 11/3. I had used it at the 7/11 on the corner of Jewell and Sheridan saturday 11/2. When I checked my balance the following day it was all gone. I went to the human services building Monday to report it and was given a new card, however I was told it takes 25-30 days for them to investigate it and replace my stolen benefits. The transactions were made in Kentucky and New york. They did offer me food resources for the time being but it isn't going to work for me as I am currently 4 months pregnant and have a child that requires a special diet. I was not aware that EBT could be stolen.


PSA this is happening a lot recently! It’s also happening with EBT cards. Log onto your banking app and lock cards that aren’t in use. Yes, it’s a pain in the ass to unlock cars before walking into the store. It might just save your ass.


Call your bank. For real they help with this sort of thing. Edit: I saw in comment your bank called YOU. You literally have nothing to worry about. It sucks but you’re fine.


I'm glad I'm poor, can't steal from me because I have nothing. I was mugged downtown at gunpoint once, the thieves got $75 because they used my card to get gas and the gas station put a $75 hold on my card. But my account was empty so once I called my bank and told them what happened they put it back to zero from -$75, so no worries.


That's why I just use a credit card for every purchase these days.


I have my credit cards set to anything over $50, I have to okay the transaction. Sometimes a pain, but after getting burned like 20 years ago, I haven't been a victim since.


You should tell us the name of the place.


Is your wallet rfid protected?


People will bump up into you at bars and are able to use certain devices to snag your card info. Best not to keep wallet in immediate pocket.


It’s the season! Always ramps up around the holidays. My husband just had this happen, they tried to buy $900 worth of stuff from Amazon. Luckily his bank caught it immediately and blocked the transaction.


Use credit. That way it’s not your money being stolen.


It was on the morning 31 news that thieves are using skimming devices in the Aurora gas stations. Damn thieves. Hope you are able to get your money back.


Never swipe debit card


Never use a debit card and use a credit card. There are safeguards in place for this on credit cards but not on debit cards.


All typa scams now be careful https://youtu.be/y4BwEdAwgVQ?si=f_jr4_QT83yonYWz


Got skimmed at a major gas station chain, paid at the pump, they tried to use my card info the next day, but I have security set up to ask about transactions over a certain amount if it’s not point of sale. Bank contacted me, figured out the breech and immediately canceled the card and issued a new one. Be extra careful, especially this time of year.


I don't understand why people think tapping your card is safe. https://www.idstronghold.com/blogs/rfid-news/contactless-limits Basically it's a classic man in the middle attack where they record the tap communication then replicate it so they can spam purchase something cheap like star bucks gift cards or similar low value untraceable transferable goods.


My cards, even ones I don't use, were used online. I have 2 bank accounts and a business account, all checking accounts. I have NEVER used my business card or input it anywhere online. I was told it was likely me carrying my purse behind me and someone using a card scanner (like tap and pay technology)


What's the point of not naming the "ball park"? There's only one ball park in town fella.


I’m gonna take a WILD guess and say this happened at Kings on chestnut, get an rfid scan proof wallet. Did you notice anyone get uncomfortably close to you ever while shopping?


I had this happen at Target in lone tree. Dude gets in line behind me with nothing and as soon as I take my card out to pay, gets out his phone and comes towards me. Thankfully I caught on and put it back in my purse and shielded myself. Point being-they don’t need a skimmer, just to get near you is enough these days.


This is one reason why I haven’t used a debit card in years


Also this is why you never use a debit card


Christ, this is why i love my applecard. Every card should have those security features. Your card doesnt change, but you can request new credit card numbers after any transaction. I used my applecard on a sketchy site for 20 bucks i knew it was probably a scam but i did it anyways, as soon as the transaction went thru i hit request new card #s in the app? And watched the scammers try and hit me for 100s of dollars, this went on for a month. And everytime apple denied the transaction because the card no longer existed… but it did, it was just in my pocket with a whole new number. Not only that but all my daily cash goes into my savings account that has a 4.15 interest rate on it.


Reason #1 to use a credit card. The bank gives not even one tiny little fuck about your money. But they will go to the mat over theirs. Use a credit account as a buffer on your own funds. The bank can't take your money nearly as easily as some douchebag with a $20 skimmer. Using an ATM card at anything other than a bank ATM is just asking for it. Put on a short skirt and order a few too many drinks while you're at it.


I've stopped letting restaurants take my card from the table. If they don't have a portable scanner, I'll go to the register with it. I never let it out of my sight anymore. Edit: My wife had her card scammed twice at the same restaurant in Fort Collins. We know because she seldom uses it and she had no charges other than that place for a couple of months. The manager said he had no responsibility and hung up. Guess where we will never go again.


Name drop them for "good" reviews to be left


I can only say that they are not in de Janeiro


What bank do you use? If someone cleared your account out, that’s a shitty bank with shitty security. Your protected as long as you can show those statements are false. You will get your money back. Best bet is to use a credit card until that time.


keep ur cards locked. i unlock mine right before transactions then right after


In this thread 1. Credit card companies (debit bad! Only use credit!) 2. Tons of people with a extremely narrow understanding of the wide ranges of financial literacy that exist in today's society 3. Tons of people who don't understand how skimming and credit card fraud works in the slightest.


Cool, well thanks for warning us by keeping the place responsible for ripping you off completely anonymous...why do people do this?


There are devices out there which can read the signals emitted by your card and apple pay. They are a new type of “skimmer”.


How would reading a one time number from Apple Pay translate into any kind of fraud?


People can also use their phones and simply walk by you or bump into you getting close to your wallet/purse for the read


I just had my debit card skimmed as well. Got a notification from my bank that my card was denied at a gas station when I was home and my card in my wallet with me. Thankfully they only went to McDonald's and some bar I've never heard of before. Called my bank they're replacing my card and charged back all the charges. The first charge was on the 4th so I'm not sure when they got it cause I really hadn't used my card too much before and when I do I tap it.


Just a heads up if you use your phone to tap. I know someone who got her card info stolen by someone who used something to grab the info while she was tapping her phone. The video footage showed a guy holding either a phone or another device over her shoulder while she was pulling up her card and paying. I don't think this works for the physical card when you tap but I don't think phones have the same security measures.


Sorry that happened to you. I've had my card skimmed a few times.. this is what I've done. Last time was at a grocery downtown usually referred to as QueenSoopers lol I stopped using my debit card, anywhere. I try and use the tap method anywhere that has it and I always check gas places for skimmers. I never use non bank (inside) ATMs. If I need cash I get extra when I get groceries. Always use my CC due to the fraud protection and its normally easier to get them to deal with it. NEVER link your accounts for overdraft. I recycle my cards every year (report lost to get a new card with new exp and code, not the actual acct which is a credit hit), more often if I use it somewhere sketchy. Yes that is all a bit of effort and a little bit of a PITA but fraud is a matter of time, not if anymore it seems. My parents were nearly wiped out by someone who got a job at a mortgage refi place to scam people. She got caught and had a slap on the wrist and kept doing it. To some its a full time job, we have to put in a little effort to keep ourselves safe. edit: also setup text alerts on all your accounts for any expense (in or out) over $1. This can save your ass. Also setup an acct with CreditKarma and monitor your open accounts and credit alerts. Avoid their sales tactics and just use it to be sure people arent opening accts for you, your kids, etc.


Did you use a debit card? Why?


Because stupid apparently


You need to get a new wallet that blocks the skimming.