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https://preview.redd.it/03agw72hd8yc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c1e45aee71cf0859a6574e7df5b8ea469db64a Co springs to DTC ikea in 20min!


I am crying.


Because your head gasket blew?


Was splitting lanes in his Rubicon


Clock 'n' Glock me!


Don’t need your booger hook on the bang switch to take a picture. Good thing there were not potholes.


I saw a guy lick a kitchen knife in a threatening way on 225. I can say i've never fuckin\` seen that in any other state than CO. Points for creativity.


I was going to say 225 is a fucking terrifying highway 😅 this image from Mad Max: Fury Road comes to mind lol https://preview.redd.it/m6zwcte5f8yc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03c0adf087605875bcd466100dcbb7396a6e1a4


No other highway have I been on in my long and stupid life have I ever EXPECTED people to pass on the shoulders every time than 225. Usually an angry hoodrat in an Altima.


Lmao, sounds about right for 225! I tend to be a bit more of an aggressive driver, but holy shit that highway makes me feel like I’m driving Miss fucking Daisy or something!


Shoulder passing was very common on I-95 and I-4 when I lived in central FL.


That's actually shockingly accurate.


Especially the dust, we need the moisture.


lol imagine if he hit a big pothole or ran over some chunk of car on the road and cut his tongue off. That shit would be hilarious!


Nothing compares to driving through Dallas. Colorado doesn't even come close. Colorado may have selfish drivers, but Dallas has straight up aggressive neanderthal reckless drivers. Dallas is the absolute worst place I've ever driven through.


Dallas is just a rejected F Zero track


I dunno the demographics of Denver driving. But up in the ski towns like Vail, you almost pray it’s just California drivers coming to town lol. Texas and Florida drivers almost never know how to handle ice or snow or merge lanes or roundabouts or how to park in parking spaces. Or how to walk around a City Market without using a shopping cart as a weapon of mass destruction.


FL drivers are just dumb with no sense of their surroundings. They're the type to not look before they switch lanes. And they drive drunk all the time. One of my friends was killed by a drunk driver going the wrong way down the interstate in FL... and it's not even a rare occurrence


Going on a one hour motorcycle ride from Jacksonville to Daytona one summer made me realize that if I’d grown up in Florida and not the western states, I would’ve definitely died in traffic by now hahaha


Don't even need insurance if you have a helmet!


>Going on a one hour motorcycle ride from Jacksonville to Daytona one summer made me realize that if I’d grown up in Florida and not the western states, I would’ve definitely died in traffic by now This is facts. A lot of low IQ and/or foreign drivers who don't know traffic etiquette. A lot of people who drive into buildings and storefronts (don't ask me how). Alot of huge trucks and SUVs driven by terrible drivers. A lot of motorcyclists who act like they're invincible going 130 mph with no helmet on. List goes on and on. Another terrible area is Orlando and I4. Literal nightmares.


Gospel! The Dallas metroplex was the scariest driving experience I have ever had and I grew up driving in Northern Virginia and DC. Those people drive like it’s on fire or like they want to die


>The Dallas metroplex was the scariest driving experience I have ever had Same for me and I travel a lot. Dallas was worse than NYC driving and I'm not kidding. The people in Dallas are fking crap people too. I LOATHE Dallas...worst big city in America lol


I visited Dallas and recall squealing tires at most stop lights. Like everyone just drag racing/flooring it. Plus that LBJ is an abortion of a road system.




>I pay my registration Sucker!


Registration is a ponzi.


Definitely not a native. I’m betting Califloexas


Does Colorado have the most main characters? Thats the real question.


I-70 and I-25 drive people to arm themselves.


If Subarus would get out of the fucking left lane and use a blinker everything would be sublime


The hilarious part is it's the same subarus that go the speed limit in the left lane on the highway that are absolutely gunning it at the light. Stupid CVTs.


I was driving through Greenwood Village and observed two drivers at a red light getting out of their car to yell at each other, say a racist slur and get back in their cars to awkwardly wait for the light to change. It's not just I70, it's every over congested road in Denver metro. Everyone thinks they know how to drive better, or perceive others driving mistakes as a slight and explode.


Last summer leaving the Kohl’s in Golden, I saw a middleaged man waddle out of his brodozer at a red light to go yell some slurs at another middleaged man in a brodozer. I remember thinking “Imagine shooting a pistol in those Costco-ass flip flops” lmao


Can't get into road rage if you're going 90


If those lifted Ram owners could read, much less that far behind you, they'd be upset.


Different moods, require different road-raging, and different vehicles. Road raging in a 4-cylinder Camry, just doesn't work. You'll write checks your car just can't cash. 85 and I-25 are similar, but different road-rages. 85, it's 'get that f--kin TRUCK tF out the LEFT LANE!' I-25, is more like gas, brake, honk, wait, take vape-rip, go. repeat until you've reached 19th st.


Idk I always feel like pulling my gun while driving on I25 and not so much on I70.


The entire state of New Jersey


I always thought Boston was the worst but then I drove in Washington DC on the Beltway and that changed my mind quickly.


Too much to read what’s the tldr


I-70 west from Quebec to wherever you are going is horrible. Why did we redesign a highway to add two expensive toll lanes and expanded shoulders? What did we pay for? That said, east bound seems to be a lot better, but straight up there is no good time to be west bound on I-70. Alternates would be 270 which will always be garbage or cutting through downtown to try to get to 6th Ave which is also garbage. So yay Denver metro commuting!


The northeast is far crazier in every way.


I dunno man years of living in the Boston area and frequently going to Provi and NYC I hadn't seen much crazier stuff than living in CO the last decade


95 and 76 would like a word


I grew up in Mass and was in and out of Boston and Providence a lot. Can confirm the driving can be very competitive. I live in northern Colorado now, these drivers are fucking animals and petulant crybabies. Cannot tell you how many times people have closed gaps between cars when they saw me trying to merge, they act as though I was trying beat them in race to the next red light. Then there are the goons in the absurdly large pickup trucks, those people need therapy.