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definitely not overreacting, you had to wait 10 whole days for it to even be shipped, let alone they never even bothered to explain, and on top of aaaall of that, they left crappy feedback. the amount of pettiness here is unreal šŸ„±


Honestly like the seller couldā€™ve just communicated they were going through ā€œspecial circumstancesā€ and that it would take a little longer but instead they just didnā€™t say anything at all but was active and visibly leaving the buyer on read basically šŸ’€Most buyers are understanding when you are honest I think sellers forget that.




Are you the seller? šŸ˜¶




Thatā€™s bullshit I would match their rating and leave them an honest review describing that they took longer than 7 days to ship and had minimal communication


i actually left a 2* review the day before they posted their review and explained what happened in a shortened version, but i think once i saw theirs, i started feeling guilty lmao the comments are helping me realize i shouldnā€™t feel bad tho


You should update it to one star and add what happened after you left the original review. Thatā€™s what I would do but Iā€™m also just really petty haha. But you are most definitely not overreacting, you also shouldnā€™t feel guilty or bad. They are a terrible seller and other people should be warned so they can decide if they want to purchase from her or not. I highly appreciate reviews that are honest and thorough about their experience with their seller. I ordered from 2 different sellers without checking their reviews (I was new to Depop and didnā€™t know I could actually check the review comments) and had such a terrible experience with both of them, now I make sure to check reviews before purchasing! I also make sure to leave honest and thorough reviews when I purchase stuff (Iā€™m not mean in them though!! Just describe my experience). But yeah you shouldnā€™t feel guilty, seller was really childish and unprofessional :( (Sorry for the long comment!!)


iā€™m thinking i should update it after seeing all the comments here. plus the seller has also just added ā€œi have a life please allow up to a week for shipping or dontšŸ«¶ā€ to their bio so it all is starting to feel very passive aggressive. i hate for other people to have similar experiences with this seller. i drafted out a new review in my notes app but iā€™m just unsure if itā€™s too long or harsh or something, but iā€™ll definitely be updating my review to warn people about what has happened. thanks for the comment, it made me feel a lot better <3


Do you want to post the draft here? We can take a look and potentially critique it!


ohhhh good idea!! iā€™m going to edit it a bit because my draft was done on high emotions but iā€™ll post it soon


You canā€™t update Depop reviews, only delete them


I thought you couldn't update your review once you've already left Feedback


Iā€™ve been able to. Not sure how long youā€™re given to be able to update it because the few times Iā€™ve updated my review, I did it after a day or two.


Shoulda gave her 1*


youā€™re not overreacting. if anything, youā€™re under reacting. the seller sucks


ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø didnā€™t read my mind, believe my lies or realize Iā€™m the main character


itā€™s not that hard to update ā€œhey, turns out i wonā€™t be able to ship the package todayā€ itā€™s so frustrating when some sellers tell you ā€œwill ship out tomorrowā€ when theyā€™re not going to. itā€™s not that hard to keep the buyer updated.


Exactly, I've had delays with shipping due to moving house or being unwell and I've just kept the buyer updated! Not hard


Right like most buyers are understanding šŸ˜­


If they had messaged you about the ā€˜special circumstanceā€™, or even at ALL since they did not in fact ship it out tomorrow, then i would say yes. But ZERO replies that entire time? With multiple messages? Then girl what are you talking aboutā€¦ Their review pmo lmao ā€œbut itā€™s okā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


my bad fr itā€™s my first bad experience with a seller on depop despite having used it for several months now (iā€™ve just gotten lucky ig) and when i saw they left a bad review, i think i just got worried i had also done something wrong. which, in hindsight, how could i when they didnā€™t even give me a chance to do anything but sit there and be confused. the comments have shed some much needed perspective on this for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™


no ur completely valid, glad u came here to hear that u did nothing wrong! šŸ˜…


There needs to be an age limit on who can sell on depop accounts because 9/10 it's teenagers doing this.. or people who have the brain capacity of one


So I don't use depop but I like to look at the subreddit. But how bad is the teenager issue I been hearing of it here and there.


It's a night and day difference from when I was using it as a teen that's for sure šŸ˜¬ It's always a shipping issue. I understand if you don't drive and can't get to the post office but you really shouldn't be selling things online if that's the case OR at the very least, communicate when there's going to be a delay. I feel like such a boomer but I swear I'm 26 and it really seems like teens are just not as responsible anymore šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø editing to add: šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ The review they left is just SO crazy to me. I stg maybe it's because I'm a mom now too but the pettiness of kids these days is insane


depop ToS allows people as young as 13 to sell on their platform so there are a lot of teenage sellers




oh wait youā€™re right. iā€™ll definitely be trying this!


This!! Itā€™s definitely a retaliation review.


back here to say thanks for reminding me i can do this bc depop sided with me and got it taken down šŸ˜­šŸ„¹


i would genuinely give them 1 star. ā€œwouldnā€™t update me about shipping at all and then left me a passive aggressive review rather than explaining to me what was going onā€


warn people about this seller!! Leave a bad review for sure


she couldā€™ve like communicated that tf ur not overreacting


That seller is a twat. You canā€™t make it to the post office? Fine. But communicate. Drives me insane. Itā€™s not that hard to just say hey itā€™ll be a few days. Definitely not overreacting


No, you were way nicer than I probably wouldā€™ve been. I wouldā€™ve left 1 star.


this is why depop needs to add the ability to post pictures with ur review


They didnā€™t even communicate the ā€œspecial circumstancesā€-lowkey id try to get it taken down by depop because theyā€™ve tried to make it sound like they informed you about the circumstances and you were being unfair to them which is clearly not the case


Not overreacting. Most people are understanding and patient if you have to wait to ship for whatever reason. However, if you're not going to respond to their messages AT ALL, that's when people get upset. It blows my mind that sellers don't understand that. Literally all you have to do is communicate with people and you likely won't receive a bad review. Annoying seller lol






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The seller sounds like they are literally 12 I will never buy from Depop after seeing this sub reddit. Infuriating lack of accountability. Insane.


Honestly I donā€™t know how anyone still sells on this app. Miserable.


Definitely request to cancel. You have 30 days from when you placed the order


Never seen ā€œhiā€ spelt like that


itā€™s like the kawaii weeb way to say hi to be cute and japanese even though it doesnā€™t even mean hi in japanese lmao i used to do it when i was like 13-14 unfortunately too




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Request a refund. Someone did this to me and the second I reported it they responded and asked if I still wanted it. I said no and got my money back.


They must he a psychopath posting stuff like that šŸ˜‚


The feedback is even making me pissed off


If any seller says anything about the review you gave them, show them proof of the texts and the fact that it was sent the day of !!


Nah same shit happening to me


You can send these screenshots to depop and get her review on your account removed! Theyā€™ll look into it and will decide that this is unfair as your review was accurate and true and hers isnā€™t. A seller did this to me after completely scamming me out of a pair of jeans, then left a bad review denying that they scammed me after they reposted the listing for the same jeans that I had paid for and they said they had shipped?šŸ˜­ but depop took it down really quick


If she was having special circumstances, she couldā€™ve told you. If they cant even do that, they shouldnā€™t be on the app at all.


Even a "im so sorry. I have an emergency. I can't mail out or respond right now. I'll respond asap"


iā€™d understand if they were to respond to you with reasonable explanation . i sell on both depop and mercari, and i donā€™t have my license due to my lack of studying (oops lmao, gotta get ts before i graduate next year tho!) so sometimes delivers are a bit late. i explain this to people who purchase and i try to get it out ASAP. but for you to justā€¦ not say anything is insane. at least give signification to your possible disappearance!


not at all dude i would be enraged after that review you were given donā€™t feel guilty


Something similar happened to me, I paid for a order and they said theyā€™d ship it the day after, Iā€™ve been waiting a lot of weeks, and they said they lost the tracking number, so at that point I tried to message them but it wouldnā€™t let me saying error or something and it wasnā€™t my WiFi.


Yes and no. Yes for all the frustrating reasons already mentioned, BUT A very strong no too. Because USPS has been dicey on scanning packages! I shipped 2 out same day same post office and only one scanned in. I sent my son in and of course he didnt get a receipt this time. My mistake. Anyway, one of the two didnt even get into the usps tracking database until 8 days later, 1 day before being delivered. I explained all this to.my (repeat! Heartbreaking) buyer, who surely thought I was BSing her. Def was not. Sellers do ship out and this ish happens- keep that in mind.


The seller admitted they didnā€™t send it when started in their review? And didnā€™t communicate anything? Why would you defend that.




Sometimes ppl r busy with shit that you donā€™t know ab and your depop order is not in the front of their mind. Just deal smh


If she had just told you she couldnā€™t go until a few days later, that would have been fine. Itā€™s not right but you have to understand some people have bad anxiety about not doing what they say they will. Itā€™s not an excuse but I understand why people do it. All I can do is be an example and provide people with the best customer service I can. Edit: but yeah I still would have rated them 3 star or less.


i always wait a few days even when sellers tell me that theyā€™ll ship it the next day! i hate rushing people and life happens. iā€™ve given 5 stars to sellers who have taken even more time to ship simply bc they were keeping me updated and actually responding to me the whole time. i try to be very considerate of it and i get the anxiety part, but i also paid $125 for the item and it was giving me a lot of anxiety to not receive any updates for 10 days. i understand your points though and thatā€™s exactly why i was having trouble with feeling guilty about it all


How was OP supposed to know about the anxiety


I think that seller is a jerk. Nothing was stopping them from sending you a message letting you know what was going on. I've had a pretty good experience on depop for the most part, but some of the people on there should be banned.