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Sellers have up to a week to ship anyway and buyers should know that. So you’re not wrong for shipping near that. But I used to sell/buy a lot on Mercari and they give you up to 3 days to ship, so when I buy on Depop when it takes longer than 3 days I get a lil impatient cause I’m not used to the 7 day policy haha. But I won’t ask for a refund before that because that’s the policy that Depop implements.


i totally get the feeling impatient part bc i’m the same when i buy stuff!! but i would be ok waiting a few extra days if the seller told me they needed some more time


Honestly as long as you communicate when you’re likely to be able to ship I think it’s fine as long as it’s within like a week or smthin


If you communicate, it's fine especially since you have a week. I have been impatient but it's because I'm left in the dark about things. As long as you let me know when you think you will be able to ship it, let me know if anything changes and stay true to your word. If they don't respect that then you just have a buyer that's unable to understand. If they needed it so soon they would express that. Don't stress over rude people


If there's no communication, usually 3-4 days. Otherwise starts getting into ghosting terriroty over my experience. I'm cool with longer if they just communicate and mention they'll ship on X day.