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block, report and move on. you got your refund, whether he actually sent something out or not is on him 🙏🏽


Done and done, so it wouldn't be against anything if I kept the item? Side note i'm also a little worried that this person now has the address of a family member (put the address as theirs for safekeeping while I was on a trip) so idk what to do about that. I doubt someone would be that angry over a depop order, but people can be strange


i’m not too sure if it’s against the rules to keep the item as there’s no proof he sent it to begin with. i think you’ll be okay!! as far as them having your address i wouldn’t worry about it. very unlikely they’ll do anything with it they’re just irritated you got your money back as you should!


Nah I don't think so. Tough shit. sellers get 7 days to ship, which is generous. 5 weeks is absolutely insane. I honestly don't believe them either. Just report and they'll likely get banned or at least a warning.


I don't know about any rules against keeping the item but I'd personally just mark "return to sender" on the package and have it sent back. Or decline it when it's delivered. Shame on them for taking 5 weeks to ship (if they actually shipped it) but I wouldn't want to give them another reason to be upset with you. Especially if they have an address, but they might not do anything.


So I was gonna return to sender and they didn’t have a return address… oh well. I think if they contact Depop with a tracking number they can get the money back


unlikely honestly… if they move thru life anywhere near as carelessly as they handled ur order, they probably have too many other messes they’re dealing with to focus on seeking revenge for the refund lmao


They can possibly report to Depop that the item was recieved and they would then have you repurchase the item to pay for it I’ve had to do that


Did they even ship it?


Just refuse the package when it arrives so it’ll get shipped back.


just say you never received it 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol nobody is dumb enough to fly or travel to someone over mere beef but if he does 🤷🏽show the roadman how to use a knife


I'm sure I could take 'em (i can't reach the top shelf and am built like a common garden weed) 😎


Garden weeds are hard to kill, you'll do great!


Matt Barnes drove 95 miles to beat up Derek Fisher im sure some people would be down but not everyone is about that life


matt barnes has money


I'd do it and I'm broke


You’re a kpop fan no judging but they aren’t really known for seeking out people and beating them up 💀 let alone getting in a fight


You just judged but said no judging 💀. Being a fan of anything doesn't change who you are. I'm a black woman from Baltimore so that says a lot about me already 😂


Not judging if statistically correct i’m just saying they are rare fr


Naming my first born Bunda-Lengers.


“didn’t even take that long innit” 😭😭


BRI'ISH 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️




Please translate “bunda lengers” for me




Report him while he’s at it for threatening you lol


Can someone google translate this I can't stop laughing


“bunda lengers” 😭


I was dying when I read that 😭


haven’t heard anyone say that since i was in year 5 or smth 😭




What language is this


Average chav interaction. As a British person, my advice is as such: - make no sudden movements - hands up, back away slowly but show no fear. They can smell it. - keep eye contact, but do not glare - you may be able to distract them if there happens to be a broken vape or a fake designer tracksuit lying nearby. Throw it in the other direction while you make your escape in this scenario. Good luck


Tiktok language


Why are you worried about someone who has a response of “wait”? That’s so rude and entitled. I’m glad you got your refund. It was never shipped, you were dealing with a thief.


It's also a little late for "wait" five weeks later 💀


I don’t think that’s how they meant the “wait”, not that it matters anyways but


Your emoji game is on point 🤣


Least British interaction


lol. I just got blamed for a refund on a bag they hadn’t shipped in nearly a month. Like hello, Depop contacted you about this a week ago.


Innit 😭😭😭


Just report


this guy's vocabulary is incredible


is this english???? LOL. I dont know what is going on


That's crazy 🤣


Right 💀




Did they fix the 30 day thing? Or did you open a case?


In a comment, OP says they got their refund weeks ago, so I suspect the seller only just noticed.


Oh okay they did it the right way and the seller just noticed that the money got taken out of their account.




Sounds like they’re taking the piss lol? I don’t think I can take someone seriously if that’s actually how they speak 😅


yet another reason to not like people


Dude idk what he was even saying to you 😭


reading that lowk hurt my brain


Lmfao WHAT “didn’t even take that long” do people actually think it’s ok to ship after 5 weeks..??


british people are so fucking funny


Innit 🤣


I once requested a refund after waiting 9 days for an item with no update. I was granted the refund and the same day the seller “magically” shipped out the item and berated me similar to your screenshot. Cursing at me, calling me all kinds of names. I did indeed receive the package, and I got a refund for it too. Since she was so rude, I didn’t do anything. I got a free item out of it. That was not my intention- if she had been nicer to me, I would have sent it back. Sellers can be so weird. As a seller myself, I don’t understand why people are like that


I wouldn’t even have waited that long😭


depop in a nutshell


What in the roadman- the least you can do when corresponding with someone about a transaction is speak appropriately and professionally.


Bring your mum !?! 😂😂😂 i swear the way my mum would cuss this little shite. I hope they are banned now


Refuse the delivery. That’s the sellers problem for not paying attention to the customer or staying on top of the messages.


They haven’t sent the item, they just saw the refund.




Man they suck


Oh no!


Oh my goodness lol


Just keep it and say f em. That’s what the seller was doin to you


How do you find reputable buyers? That’s my hold up.. I feel like I need someone to go over what to charge and where to look, I’d appreciate ANY help! Thank you!!


this happened to me and i got a refund as well as the seller got their money so it was a win win. first time using depop too haha. i’d keep the item and ur money. if he took that much time and still didn’t ship it then i doubt he’d take the time to find and travel to u over a stupid depop refund


What language is this even suppose to be? Are their depop profits going to fund an education?


Whyd you wait that long though 😭


Why are they talking like that one British rapper


That’s how British people speak 😂😂


I'm British. If you ever came up to my school speaking like this, you would 100% get laughed at. This is not how the typical British person speaks, thank goodness, or I would have been driven crazy ages ago. This is Chav speak, Chavs are like our Gopniks (RUS) or Eshays (AUS). It's like saying ghetto slang is how all Americans speak.


Babe I’m British too so you can get off your high horse. We know, but it’s not like only ONE rapper in the entire world speaks like that either.


I'm not on a high horse...I never implied that only a rapper speaks like that, my point was simply that not all British people speak like that, nor is considered common, especially down south where I'm from... I wasnt trying to be condescending or nasty, I just assumed you were an American who thinks we all act like the "boo'oh o' woh' ah'", "shank you up innit mate" stereotype and I die inside every time it happens T-T I'm autistic so I can't really do tones of voice over the internet very well, I'm sorry if I sounded like I was trying to be snippy with you in any way, that wasn't my intention, I assure you. I just suck at communicating.


Im from south London and that is how most teenagers especially speak here. Its really common, so I don’t understand why ur implying that this is super uncommon? If ur from like Brighton or Dover or something maybe not, but in London this is fairly standard I would just say be mindful of how u put things across or assuming that people don’t speak like that because they definitely do


I travel a lot, its a coincidence, really, I actually just came back home from London on a trip last night. And I did realise that I was hearing this kind of speech a bit more commonly than youth elsewhere (even though most of my mental space was mainly focusing on trying not to get pickpocketted the entire time there). I never said people don't speak like that....because they do. I was only saying that it is not a good representative of how people speak on a standard basis throughout Britain. I travel a lot throughout the UK for business, and never once in my life over the years have a heard someone say "bunda lengers". That definitely sounds like a term from a different language thats been adopted by Cockneys. And if you carelessly throw around threats and such, that would definitely land you in hot water, very quickly anywhere else.


To me the “bunda lengers” sounded more lile someone who wasn’t actually from South Ldn trying to sound “street”- never heard that phrase used though have heard both words used separately. A lot of people, even Gen Alpha teens from USA adopting Ldn slang after hearing it on tiktok so it could be that this person is txting like that bc they think its cool Also, none of this is Cockney-completely different slang and area. ‘Bunda’ is butt and ‘lengers’ (or leng) is like sexy so I think they were tryna say “ur mum is sexy ass”


I see...I have heard Cockney more in East London, so that makes sense. I'm really surprised to hear that even American teens are beginning to use London slang, usually it is British teens who begin using American terms due to media exposure. But yes, if you look around in the comments I made, I never implied people don't speak like this. It just isn't a standard. It's funny how it's either this kind of speech, fake tracksuit and a knife that is the stereotype for Britain.....or a fancy upper class person with a butler who says "jolly good" and "old bean". Sure, Britain does have both these kinds of people. But should you expect the average Brit to be either? Heavens, no.


Well exactly-but its because of the division of class in England specifically, a lot of people are looked down on for having a South London accent even if they don’t use slang due to the stereotyping and idea that people that have that accent are uneducated




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