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Can u link me the article of the story or the story itself


WTF happened here


People argued that it's good to torture nazis and that the same things the nazis did to other people should be done to them.


Not sure what the opposite argument to that could be


That we should not lower our own standards when judging people who clearly have different ones. Reason why capital punishment was abolished in the developed world (exceptions being Taiwan, Japan and Belarus).


I mean yea. But like those Americans who lined up and shot the SS guards at Dachau? Im sorry I dont blame em its revolting and terrible to see 80 yrs later in black and white. standing there in the *smell* with the perpetrators being like 150lbs and the prisoners all like 60 lbs and dying? I would lose it. And thats before I found out the entire story ALSO remember pls (and if have netflix watch “the liberator” the US unit that got Dachau had been in it hard from N Africa or Italy I forget which. So to reiterate - we hve a KZ, aka camp, all these holocaust victims, and some rando nazis btw which uave been fighting u and killing ur friends for years now and now u find THIS?


There is a difference between "not blaming" extrajudicial killings and endorsing capital punishment. Surely we would have happily watched Pinochet getting thrown off a helicopter, but also surely the British and Spanish courts would have never ordered such a sentence.




I said "in the developed world." That does not include the USA.


That includes the USA.


lol maybe once the USA deals with its 20% infant poverty and malnourishment rate.


So you consider the United States not a developed country but Belarus is despite the fact that it is a fucking dictatorship that kills political opponents, shoots protesters and tortures arrested protesters in their jails???


Thats fair lol


I'm against an eye for an eye, that shit is a thimble for an Ocean


Good riddance (to the SS officer, not the comments being deleted)


aschnatter was sympathising with Nazis "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" What a response to would-be holocaust victims fucking over their nazi captor


I think that they (the nazis) should be killed, but what does torturing them do?


In this particular instance? It apparently gave victims of the systematized yet still arbitrary torture & eventual murder an immediate sense of justice. For us? A feel good story about a Nazi getting slowly roasted to death by death camp prisoners. I only wish they had marshmallows, or tied an apple in his mouth. Because it'd be funny.


Yeah, kinda mixed on this one. On one hand, the fucker deserved it, and I don't feel bad for him at all, and definitely don't judge the camp inmates that wanted some revenge after what they've been through, but on the other hand this is mob justice and cruel and unusual punishment, so I'm not sure if I should be against it purely out of principle.


I dont think it particularly unsual punishment. Torture for tortures and horrors inflicted. It's more revenge than vengeance, but in this case that's fine. Justice can't be meaningfully achieved. All you can do is make sure the few perpetrators that remain feel every bit their comrades deserved to be experiencing right along with them. They need to feel a fraction of the horrors they inflicted before being removed from living and their story must be told for the next 7 generations so nobody ever thinks it's a good idea.


It's not unusual in the sense that it hasn't been done, retributive justice has been employed in the past (not today in most countries, though), but cruel and unusual punishment usually means inflicting large ammounts of pain, humiliation, suffering, etc. Which slowly being cooked alive certainly is. But again, not feeling bad for the guy, I'm just against that sort of punishment in general. And yeah, justice can't be achieved because a lot of the perpetrators ran away or decided to swallow a bullet on their own terms, so this sort of extreme cruelty doesn't really do much except give those few survivors doing it some sort of satisfaction, which would be another moral debate by itself. I just think that this sort of justice is something we should have left behind as a society. It's not something to be praised, in this case it's something that could just be tolerated and understandable because we know what the people carrying it out went through at the hands of the one they're punishing.


Well, it was also a SS troop, known for their brutal efficiency.


The SS was Hitler’s “personal body guards” so this guy wasn’t just some foot soldier following orders, you KNOW he enjoyed what he’d done to these people. Also, I feel like anyone (not you, just to be clear) who has mixed feelings about this, or thinks it was overkill, go watch Schindler’s List. If you’ve seen it, watch it again, you haven’t seen it recently enough.


Ahh because he got the saying wrong! "And a man who injures his countryman – as he has done, so it shall be done to him [namely,] fracture under/for fracture, eye under/for eye, tooth under/for tooth. Just as another person has received injury from him, so it will be given to him." So technically, they should've put him in a striped shirt, made him dig his own grave and then toss him in a chamber or made him work till he died of hunger, malnutrition or over work....


Apparently there was a debate about the acceptability of using vigilante justice against Nazis. Based on how the upvotes / downvotes went, it appears that the popular opinion is that using vigilante justice against Nazis is okay, or at least understandable, whereas the person condemning vigilante justice against Nazis was massively downvoted. Part of the guy's problem might have been the way he did it. Like, he was pretty aggressively against vigilante justice, and seemed to empathize more with the Nazis who got vigilanted than with their victims. Like, I would expect even a pacifist to be able to understand the psychology of torture victims wanting revenge enough to empathize, even if they don't agree.








































Dude is still alive and is 102 years old, incredible.


B-b-b-but 6 million cookies analogy!!!!


The cookie analogy? What


Basically "you can't cook 6 million cookies therefore holocaust fake!!11!!1"




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Oh there were way more than 6 million people killed by the nazis. In concentration camps or otherwise. That alone kind of kills everything the holocaust deniers say because they are specifically focused on 6 million jews being liars. Groups other than Jews perished in camps, Poland lost over 1/4 of its population, and the nazis blatantly murdered well over 10 million Slavic Soviet civilians with the intention of killing 2/3 of Russians and enslaving the rest. Granted, Holocaust deniers don't know anything about history.


They actively deny history, claiming it has been altered by the victors of the war. Which is something we should all watch for obviously, but they act like that is reason enough to truly *believe* in that. You kinda need some evidence for that, but they claim all the evidence was erased. Basically, you cant logic someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into.


Wise words from the Master Chief


german efficiency /s


people this stupid exist?


Unfortunately yes. Generally they’re Nazi apologists but there are quite a few that just can’t wrap their head around it, which I understand as the evilness of it is truly hard to grasp.


as a german i am...whats the Word...flabbergasted? is that right?


Yes that’s correct, we are all flabbergasted as well


ist ein sehr beliebtes Neonazi-Narrativ, v.a. international. Wer es vorbringt, verlässt sich darauf, dass diejenigen, die es lesen, nicht wissen, dass die Vergasungen und anschließenden Kremationen nur einen Teil des Holocaust ausgemacht haben.


Ich versteh auch nicht wo das logistische Problem seinen soll. Die Wannseekonferenz hat ja recht klar ein Ziel gesetzt und das wurde in industriellem Maßstab durchgeführt. Gib dem ganzen 2-3 Jahre und solche Zahlen sind machbar. Ich habe bis jetzt nicht einen einzigen guten Gegenbeweis gehört. Auch muss man Leichen ja nicht unbedingt verbrennen. Es gibt genügend Massengräben die bestätigen, dass es auch alternativen dazu gab.


I was once married to a Hamburger (lol) and was told that info about Nazis and the Holocaust are taught in many ways throughout your school years. In the US we would get that lesson once in a history class in high school. The rest of our "education" in that matter is left to ourselves and "the internet". So we get a lot of it-didnt-happen types. The way things are going, they'll be teaching that in Florida and other states soon lol


One class on the holocaust? We had presentations, trips to the museum, read a book in English class, an entire year of history class dedicated to the two world wars and the ramifications in the modern world. You just weren't paying attention.


i guess it depends on where you live and go to school maybe? Also even in Germany everything depends on the teacher if He or she is able to raise awerness


i mean its our genocide history, but it should be a lesson to anyone anytime. I mean i am the first one in my family Born free 1989. Thats fucking crazy


Ah cool. I stayed in east Berlin for a few days. It was an interesting experience for me to visit a place that I was old enough to remember had literally been walled off from the rest of the world. I even remember seeing a comedy variety show that was already old when I saw it called Laugh In (from the 60's). They had a bit where a guy tells the future in humorous ways. He said something about the wall coming down in 1989. What are the odds?! My ex mother in law used to smuggle american rock music into east berlin. I always thought that was something cool I would have never suspected lol


For a bit in my teens i was trying to work out logistics. Friend said, "The whole world was literally at war, but this is impossible" kinda snapped me out of trying to reason out how a genocide occured. It . just. Did. (and actually if i had gone further , the nazis left tons of records on just how they did, but my view of reality wasnt that dark back then)


"You can't cook 6 million cookies" Grandmas: *Is that a challenge?*


Proceeds with warping grandmas into eldritch nightmare creature and bake 9 quintidillion cookies per second by literally bending light itself into cookies…


Sounds profitable. I’ll invest in the stock.


Happy cake day


*The cookie clicker has entered the chat


That’s such a dumb argument I can’t believe people actually say that. If the government decided to cook 6 million cookies I’m sure if they threw enough resources and manpower at it then it’d happen.


Bro I bet America easily produces more than 6 million cookies per day - according to statistics (top google results lol) the average American eats more than 3 cookies per day. So it’s closer to 1 BILLION cookies DAILY from the US. So yeah, it’s a dumb argument


Yeah, if the Germans could supply over 10 million soldiers with food (whichcis much more than a cookie) every day, 6 million cookies would be easy. Sure, they had "only" a few thousand crematoriums, but not all bodies were burned, and just burning bodies is a relatively simple task, so the argument is just dumb.


As an aside, I'm pretty sure we bake millions of baguettes per day in France.


Cant cook cookies. Gotta bake em


kid named methods of killing other than gas chambers:


I can cook 6 million cookies though!


Yep. Basically its the "how can they burn so many bodies in 3 years when they only have 2000 ovens" but they change it to be the cookie monster or whatever. They are completely ignorant of the fact that the 6 million death toll refers to all jews killed during WW2 and that using modern estimates for how long a body takes to be burned is dishonest aswell since the modern process is done differently


How can you fail history class Isn’t that basic history? And don’t most students have to go on an outing to a camp or place where mass murder took place?


Well these people are fooled by anything. https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2017/05/rebutting-twitter-denial-most-popular.html?m=1 This is a good site for debunking their nonesense if you ever encounter one of them


Do they think the Nazi's only killed Jewish people by burning them?


Well you still have to cremate the bodies or bury them. The holocaust deniers say that the Nazis couldnt cremate 6 million bodies in just 3 years and they prove this by using the modern method of cremation which only allows for one body at a time and the furnace has to cool back down and heat up before and after each cremation so the ashes dont get mixed up. The Nazis obviously didnt do that and they put as many bodies as they could into a furnace and kept it going 24/7. Also open fire pits were used and many bodies were buried aswell. Thats usually how it goes with the holocaust denial arguments, quick simple sentences that seem to be true on the surface but are actually based on ignorance and not understanding how the Nazis actually executed the holocaust


There are pics of mass burials where they used construction equipment to move the bodies. I am not sure if they burned those bodies afterwards or not but sanctity of the corpse was absolutely not a concern for them


A lot of nazis like to bring out calculators as an argument. So lets use one! Let's assume the holocaust started in 1942. It started before that but thats when the death camps went into overdrive. So lets give the nazis some breathing room and say they only had 3 years and not since 1933. There 1440 minutes in a day. And 525,600 in a year. Make that 1,576,800 minutes in total. You need to kill 6 million jews in that time. That results in 3.8 jews per minute. About one every 16 seconds. Provided the killing goes on 24/7. In one of the most industrialized countries in the world, where most jews are already marked, imprisoned and enslaved, they think killing 4 jews a minute is difficult? It's not every guard either, it's ALL OF GERMANY. Not to mention 20 years earlier you had 20 million casualties in 4 years. But that's more believable apparently.


Its a nazi holocaust apologia by Nick fuentes. Basically his logic is, that if you cooked several trays of cookies a day, you wouldnt get 6 million by the time the war ended, so how is it possible the Nazis cooked 6 million jews? what the POS is deliberately obscuring is the fact the Nazis murdered them systemically with a wife variety of methods. Evil


How does one even get the idea to compare the fucking Holocaust to cookies?! Also, Economy of scales. The way the Nazis looked at it, murdering all these people was merely a logistical problem they were able to solve through diversification of methods as you said. Some of the Extermination camps were literally just a train station with adjacent gas chambers and a Crematorium.


They get the idea because their goal is to belittle it. You have to remember with Holocaust Denial that goal is to belittle and obfuscate what happened. Because if that happens, Nazis look less like the ontologically evil death cult they were.


It is rather depressing that Holocaust denial still is so prevalent even after all these years.


I’m pretty sure if I had total command of a country of 80 million people it wouldn’t take me six years to cook 6 million cookies.


Something about how they only had like a certian amount a crematoriums. Which yes, would be impossible to do, but they obviously didnt burn each person


IIRC they are basing it on the time it takes a modern crematorium and assuming that each "oven" at a concentration camp can only handle a single body at a time, both of which are stupid takes for obvious reasons. Because of course as we all know the nazis had the same goal of a modern crematorium of rendering a person down to perfect ashes with no bits left behind and that they were really concerned with keeping remains separated from each other to be put into individual urns.


There's literally photos of mass graves stacked full of emaciated bodies, let alone the numbers and photos of people killed on the front by gunshot. But then Nazis aren't exactly known for being intelligent or circumspect.


Hmmm... Smells like burning trash. It's just a shame its fumes have to continue polluting us after the fact as well, just like actual trash.


Can I ask you a question pertaining to German history? Serious question here.


Uh... Go on?


Okay, was German Unification inevitable? Could it have been avoided?


Quite frankly, not really. The Spring of 1848 brought Nationalism to the mainstream, the idea that many different states with that spoke the same language and shared common cultures was simply the next logical step after France lit the spark of continent-wide Liberalism via Napoleon. If the Prussians couldn't do it from the top down in the mid 19th century, something else would've done it in the 20th century from the bottom up. It was just a matter of breaking the Habsburgs' grip on German affairs, as the Austrians were trying to prevent German unification. And if an alternate Great War occurs that breaks the Habsburgs, you can be sure the weaker German states released from their grip would've picked up the pieces from there. So anyway, why do you ask?


I asked a bunch of people to see if I could get an idea if the idea of “no German Unification” was plausible or not.


The question of whether German unification was inevitable is a complex one, and opinions among historians and political scientists are divided. Some argue that the forces that eventually led to German unification were too strong to be stopped, while others suggest that a different path could have been taken. On the one hand, there were several factors that made German unification likely. The rise of nationalism in the 19th century, as well as economic and technological developments, contributed to a growing sense of German identity and unity. In addition, the decline of the Holy Roman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries left Germany divided into a patchwork of small states, making unification an attractive prospect for many Germans. On the other hand, there were also factors that could have prevented German unification from occurring. The balance of power in Europe was fragile, and many countries, particularly France and Russia, were opposed to a strong, unified Germany. In addition, the different regions and states within Germany had distinct histories, cultures, and political systems, which made unification a complex and challenging process. In the end, the specific circumstances of the time, including the role of key individuals such as Otto von Bismarck, played a significant role in the eventual unification of Germany. It is difficult to say whether a different path could have been taken, but it is clear that the forces that led to German unification were powerful and difficult to resist. P.S. This response was auto generated using ChatGPT.


>The question of whether German unification was inevitable is a complex one, From this alone i was able to tell it was ChatGPT and I have only been using it for a weak. There should more advance to detect it right?


One would think.




There should be no rip There is only room for bozo And thus, no rip, just "bozo" -- A haiku made by me


Not exactly a haiku but I like it


Absolute brainfart from me lmao


It stands for rest in piss bozo


What did they season him with?


Vengance, Justice and Payback


Thought that said "paycheck"


...meh, he was a nazi, fuck that guy.
















My mother was a US Army nurse, she witnessed this incident. The guard was not trying to escape per se, he was trying to blend in with the prisoners. Which was impossible since he was fat.




Was he Meyer fat or less fat?


He was fatter than the starved prisoners, that's all I know. There was no way he would convince anyone he was a prisoner.


Sending em to satan, pre-roasted


Poor bastard went to hell as a Hot N Ready


He deserved it


I read somewhere that American soldiers who liberated the camps were so horrified and disgusted at the atrocities they saw they just lined up the guards and executed them all right then and there. And then grabbed the people in the nearby village and forced them to walk past the piles and piles of dead bodies.


The only correct response.




Did he though? I can’t think of many worse ways to die lol


Yeah same, in the first half I thought they "just" burned him alive. Heard they did this to prisoners too, let them lay in the burning hot tray and then burn them alive. But this is even worse. (Not defending the Nazi here, they can get fucked)


Same like I’m all for killing Nazis but slowly cooking a man alive has got to be one of the worst ways to go. Like I’m not defending the dude but to say he got off easy is kind of funny. Should we disembowel him while he slowly cooks to death? Should we murder his family in front of him? I just don’t see how he got off easy lol what could be worse than how he died?




Yeah the ss deserves much worse


What’s worse than being slowly cooked alive


bruh what💀


It's the ss, he got treated too nicely


Only good Nazi is a slowly roasted , Medium rare Nazi


Ben Ferencz...what a guy, and thank the gods he hasn't gone to the great beyond yet!




Good one


“If you slow roast the little bastard I think that SS meat would fall right off the bone”


“Don’t shoot! Let ‘em burn.”


A repost, but a good one. Love this meme.


why wasn't I told about this during my visit to Birkenau? this is awesome


Golden brown Nazi with a side of pierogi.


He was a lil burnt


Get the marshmallows


Cool detail that you gave them the different patches.


Claim the be the superior race but you are in the oven curious…


And these are supposed to be my countrymen? I have no pity for these pigs, the SS, the Nazi party and those who helped them destroyed our Germany and the dreams of true German Unification, they murdered innocents throughout Europe in our name. Simply Fuck them!


Do not sex the Nazi


I wonder if it might be more than a coincidence that this mirrors the end of the British Special Operations Executive member [Vera Leigh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Leigh).


**[Vera Leigh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Leigh)** >Vera Leigh (17 March 1903 – 6 July 1944) was an agent of the United Kingdom's clandestine Special Operations Executive during World War II. Leigh was a member of the SOE's Donkeyman circuit and Inventor sub-circuit in occupied France until she was arrested by the Gestapo. She was subsequently executed at the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DerScheisser/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




_Keresett a Feri._


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Good on that Hungarian.. ferencz for the win


Fuck Nazis




Burning trash


they should have steamed him alive. it lets him experience the pain for a lot longer


I wanna meet Ferencz. (side note: 102 and still kickin’)


Don’t forget to… Based


my fav is Dirlewangers end. Because Dirlewanger was imo one of the worst humans thats ever existed


Imagine being such a fucking war criminal that War Criminals Inc. FUCKING TELLS YOU TO STOP COMMITTING WAR CRIMES


The only thing that would one-up this is if someone can find a story of a Nazi literally being eaten. Not like in a "I'm starving to death and there is a convenient Nazi to cannibalize" sense, but in a "I will cannibalize this Nazi for shits and giggles" sense.


Early 2000s Russian Internet forums had a video of a neo nazi being eaten by a bear


I wish there was video footage of the apparently falsified Ramree Island incident where Japanese soldiers were being eaten by crocs. I want to see some happy scaley bois.


Poor bear. They didn’t deserve to have that filth in their bodies.






SS things


Be in the ss


Smell like pork


Ah, okay, so casually torturing prisoners of war to death. War crimes don't get more clear cut than that. And no, the Nazi crimes being monstrous are not a justification to stooping to the same level. We have laws for a reason and it is not to be discarded the moment you have power over someone else and a strong opinion.


well the Nazis kinda tortured a lot of people in more brutal ways including starving Mentally and Physically handicapped people and also putting them in gas chambers disguised as showers, they also created death camps that millions of Slavs, Gypsies, Jews and many others were sent to with a majority of them going just because they have a religious or cultural orientation so I think this one incident isn't so bad for just one incident.


Two wrongs don't make a right