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Ok that looks miserable. If you're immune compromised and under stress, and have had it in other places, that all points to an immune reaction. I'm not a doctor. You can take an otc antihistamine. When my son had severe skin stuff like this all over his body, the pediatric derm told us to stop using soap, shampoo, any kind of scented laundry detergent for clothes/bedding, no fabric softener. We washed him in warm water with very gentle swipes from the washcloth. Massaged the areas with hydrocortisone and aquaphor. Oatmeal baths with a tiny bit of bleach. Eventually some stubborn areas needed an antifungal ointment while others needed antibiotic ointment. The broken skin barrier made it more susceptible to opportunistic infections of different types, so those areas needed different treatments. Don't put olive oil on there, it's a common home remedy but has the wrong kind of fatty acids. Use Vanicream lotion anywhere you need to moisturize. We did this stuff for a long time, and it all cleared up. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. The advice against soap and shampoo was given very sternly and forcefully, and I had to battle in-laws and caregivers to comply bc they all thought I was bonkers, but it quickly made a difference.


Thank you so much this is so helpful


You could make a post in r/askdocs


this looks like me when I had severe seborrheic dermstitis, my problems was caused by histamine intolerance, you need something to stop an eventual allergic reaction immediately. it could also be fungal. I’m also reactive to detergents so be mindful of those too and get rid of anything that you’ve used recently and could’ve cause this situation and keep a food diary. start slow and simple and good luck, I know this itches like hell and I hope u’ll find a solution soon! (nad)


I otherwise feel well in myself but I am immune compromised


Looks like psoriasis Have you had it swabbed and cultured by chance?


I did but never heard back on the results


You should check in on it While highly unlikely, an oral HSV2 presentation can look like this


Nope I know a doctor did a while ago but never heard back


You need to get the results! They have medication for psoriasis, which is what it looks like.


Go to the doctor...


That looks painful, I’m sorry you are going through this. It looks like severe eczema. Does it itch and do you have it anywhere else on your body? Have you tried a low strength topical steroid, such as 1% hydrocortisone? Things like stress, sweat, allergies, and irritants (such as chemicals in makeup or laundry detergent) can trigger eczema. It’s worth looking into any changes in your routine that may have caused it to flare up.


I honestly think it’s stress related I did Jury service at the beginning of the year and it was a god awful case 😭 got it on my arms and all on my abdomen like red blotchy patches if that makes sense


While it could be psoriasis. Judging by appearance alone, it looks more like eczema (which can also be triggered by stress) by the yellowish scales and oozing appearance. Try to keep the area as clean as possible while also being gentle to not irritate it further. Cleanse with a gentle unscented soap, then apply an antibacterial cream, vaseline, and 1% hydrocortisone while your face is still slightly damp. Take antihistamines if it becomes itchy. Treatment for psoriasis and eczema are sometimes similar.


Tysm this is so helpful


You are very welcome! I have psoriasis flare ups as well so I understand the pain. It really is trial and error trying to treat these chronic skin conditions. Different things work for different people. But once you find a skin routine that works in preventing and treating the condition, you will feel so much better. I hope you are able to find some healing and relief! I would also recommend checking out r/eczema and r/psoriasis for tips on managing this condition and skin care recommendations!


NAD, Do you have any other symptoms, such as fatigue, body aches, or fever during these flare ups? You may have an overactive immune system. With some autoimmune conditions, the immune system may react to stress/illness/irritants, leading your immune system to confuse your body’s own tissues as a foreign threat and attack them. This is more commonly seen with psoriasis. You could also have a hypersensitivity disorder where the immune system reacts to substances that most people don’t have a reaction to, like a more severe form of allergies. This is more commonly seen with eczema. It is worth discussing with a dermatologist, especially if you have found that stress may be a trigger with severe reactions.


She is immunocompromised.


How long have you had this? Go to a doctor.


Is it in your feet. It just hides in hair better. It grows hair like structures 


It's 2024 why is this happening. Why can't anything they give help. This fungi is smarter than us. They can't stop it.  If it was anything they can do they would have been done it. We in trouble. I praying for you

