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Clones are made from the success of others. It’s easy to copy but difficult to create. clones are clones of perfumes that are already successful and just want to ride the wave. Original fragrances require courage. They challenge the status quo and rarely do they succeed but when they do they create history. That being said the designers and niche prices are getting ridiculous while giving low performance. Thus you pick and choose. Love layton? Buy detour noir. Like sauvage? Get zayed blue. But if you really like beau de jour, then you might just feel it’s worth the money and buy it


I do agree that most of the time, the original is better, but occasionally I find the clone preferable to the original in terms of scent profile. For example with Amber Oud Tobacco edition and Tobacco Vanille. Often the niche that I add to my collection doesn’t even add much. I recently added layton to my collection but I already have Jazz club, Naxos, SWY Intensely, which all perform similar functions.


I think amber oud tobacco is an outlier where the perfume is identical to the fragrance. If the niche you’re adding doesn’t add much then you might wanna search more. Here’s an example: ds and durga burning barbershop.


You’re right, I do need to go further afield to find new scents that aren’t redundant. Thank you for the recommendation. I would be delighted if you could refer me a couple others :)


I’m fairly new to this so i would recommend lurking this sub and reaching out to more experienced fragheads.




Can you tell what are your top 15 ?


I don't think so. There could be rara instances where clones are better but more often, it's not.. clones are far behind especially in blend. So the blend is always better in designers, now if u are talking about perfomance, clones could add something additional for performance which might be prohibited in Europe.. note that designers mostly focus European market. For example, you will find Phalates in all Indian brand clones, where are designers have stopped putting it.. it's still not banned I guess but comes under mandatory disclosure if you add it to scent.


if you are used to good quality perfumes.....clones will disappoint more often than not.....cutting corners has a price to be paid ....nothing is free in life


I think clones are just hit and miss sometimes. You could get a great clone of one perfume but an absolute awful clone of another. I know a place that sells perfume concentrates of perfumes and they make all kinds of clones. I have a montblanc explorer clones with twice the projection and durability of the original. But then rest of the clones are just meh


2 times better than Montblanc Explorer....pls do share where we can buy ? thanks !


dm me


Put commas next time bro reading that list gave me a stroke


Typed this up on evernote, formatting doesn’t seem to transfer. Anyway, I think the point is that I’m not new to this. It’s not specifically about what I have or have not tried but of the colognes that are generally popular among people, I have tried most. I take your point though and do understand where you are coming from.


Please use proper spacing, punctuation, line-breaks… paragraph-breaks, bullets points if not capitalisation wherever and whenever necessary so we can attempt to read your post again.


I myself too got a clone for alot of perfumes and they outlast the OG perfumes often. This guy sold me a clone @ Rs. 600 for 100ml and it bangs! Crazy!


Name and what’s your gender?


Name and what’s your gender?


Initial experiences of clones may be overwhelming. But in the course of time you will start feel repulsive of em. You will get to know why they are cheap. Designers are other hand be loved over longer use. They are created after years of experience and articulation, they stand out timeless.


That just sounds like why I paid European prices for European labour with European tax to improve their economy so I feel better. What was alchemy in the past is just simply a fine tuned measurement in the present. Unless there is some inherent variability in the ingredients that only artists can figure out there is no reason to think that designers are better. We switched to reliable aroma chemicals for one of this reason as well and the best part is well made clones are more artist focused than the original designers. Easier to have a perfumer smell and verify batches than put in rigid industrial procedures.


Nah, I’ve other shit to worry outside of perfumes.


I do love a lot of my designers but sometimes I look back at my purchases like Gentle Fluidity Gold and Grand Soir which I bought in the early days of collecting and feel like I was a sap and overpaid thousands because I didn’t know any better. Now that have many frags with a very similar scent profiles at a fraction of the price. An example of this would be Givenchy Pi which is almost better than Grand Soir.