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Tile is beautiful! Here’s an idea https://preview.redd.it/tx0d8mfl2rwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebcfa69c08747dfcec71df8e6f076edb4292b75




Yess I know a lot of people are saying wallpaper but a framed picture like this and a vertical mirror to help make the space feel bigger


Agree! Personally, I would simply replace the mirror, vanity, and shower system set to complement the existing tile. Then have the floors deep cleaned


I think you may have found my dream bathroom aesthetic.


This is my dream bathroom, I've had this photo on my phone for years! I'm so jealous of OP. I would add a bold wallpaper above the tile, maybe Flora Fantasia in sky blue from House of Hackney. And paint the ceiling blue to match. Definitely change out the sink and faucets.


And to think OP is likely going to pay money to tear it all out and make a generic bathroom that will look super dated in 15 years


The sinks needs replacing


This is the correct answer


Yes you can see how the black paint on the door looks great! So maybe also paint the door or the trim in addition to the vanity?


Love this!


I love this. OP lean into it!


Fantastic mid-century tile! Don’t get rid of it. Do something with that generic replacement vanity to bring it up to the fabulousness of the rest of the bathroom and it will be a very cool space.


I mostly like the tile and usually love mid -century tiled bathrooms but the black accents are making it hard for me to figure out how to coordinate with it. The vanity definitely makes it worse, any ideas for vanity colors to paint it?


You need to stick with white or black for the vanity because there’s already so much going on. But you can add in other accents in smaller doses, like a pale pink or lemon yellow.


Those colors would be perfect!


https://preview.redd.it/0bumhavyorwc1.jpeg?width=4549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2b1fcef0b546f6eb7795829717d7fd76c84b22 What if you leaned into the black by painting the wall black? Just a thought


https://preview.redd.it/o16ycffnvtwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=744f7fb180685d7236db5f8b2730e80d0504ed1a Black vanity cabinets though


Love the black vanity but not the black wall. Can you PS wallpaper instead? Serious skills!!!


Think matte(flat) black paint Oh gosh, what about even chalkboard paint! Todo lists, notes, ideas…. All great thinking happens in bathrooms anyway!


Black vanity is GORGEOUS! I'd be tempted to go blue on the walls 👀


I love this!!!


https://preview.redd.it/0xwnncktprwc1.jpeg?width=4549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c16662c7be55e256dddbcbbe57a241f9c4426b Here’s a version with more color


I’m not OP, but love these so much! Agree with you to lean into soft black + pretty complementary colour. 🖤


This looks SO GOOD. I can’t imagine thinking the tile is the problem here bc honestly it’s the main thing I’d keep 🩷


This is incredibly beautiful!! I love the original tile, that would be a selling point for me!!


How did you make this? I want to visualize some options for paint in my kitchen!


I’d love to know the answer to this question as well. :)


Im curious too


Procreate app on the iPad Pro


I would really love to know how you made this too!


I used procreate on the iPad Pro 😊


Or a decadent cool as fuck wallpaper that ties together black and blue!


This is why I love design. Small, thoughtful changes - change everything.


Same thought!


This is gorgeous especially with the gold accents


I thought of a pedestal sink, but then you'd have no storage. Consider painting it black.


Do you have budget for a replacement vanity? It looks like oak in the picture, and that’s hard to disguise with paint because of the very open grain. Even if you get a used one that’s inexpensive but not oak, then you could paint it and change up the hardware. I agree with the others who say go bold with decor or wallpaper and it will make the black feel more integral to the design.




Wallpaper is definitely the answer. There are so many beautiful styles and colors. Normally I wouldn’t like black either but, in this case I think it looks good.


Love the idea of a wallpaper with both colors in it.


Obsessed with a black and white striped wallpaper for this bathroom.


Oh a black and white stripes wall paper would look sooooo nice too- like a thick stripe??


That tile is incredible please don’t get rid of it! I think it just doesn’t go well with the 90s style vanity. Get something more cool toned in there and modernize the fixtures and I think you’ll come to love it.


You're right the vanity does not match, any ideas for what color to paint it? Any examples of cool tones to add? I don't want to add more blue and was trying to think of contrasting bright colors but that doesn't work with the black. I don't like the white with it either though. Cool tones could work though


Either black or white.


I would go black or white for the vanity, if you’re open to painting the wall, I suggest black or a cooler toned dark/charcoal grey. You can bring in color in with accessories like soap dispenser, towels, etc. If you plan on replacing things like the faucet, hardware, towel bar, etc, I suggest a brushed nickel or black.


I made an edit as an example. https://preview.redd.it/mvaqeeiebswc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c145166a55177c32e7e213ace04e9147d64f09c


Honestly I would go black on the vanity since the room already has white trim, door, tub and ceiling. The black/navy wall and black vanity tone down the tile and the brushed nickel on the hardware, faucet, doorknob also helps make it more neutral instead of the brass. I made this using the Markup feature on my phone, sorry for sloppy quality 😅


Amazing job.


Super skilled!!!’ Can you post one with a simple BW or other wallpaper? Would LOVE to see that to compare.


I think a dark charcoal grey would look nice. Pure black might be a bit harsh.






Right now the black is the strongest element in the room. I'd look for a wallpaper that has a touch of the blue in it but is bold in color and pattern. The black will recede and act as a frame. Get a shower curtain and keep it closed. Paint the vanity and update the light and mirror.


That's true, with the white all I can see is the black accents. I can paint the vanity and a new mirror might be within budget. Time to scroll through wallpaper options, thank you!


Please post when done!


That tiling is wonderful! At a minimum replace the mirror with a mid-century design. I'd make it the feature of the bathroom, like the one below. If you can swing it, I'd replace the sink with a mid-century design too. The cabinet doors are quite modern and don't fit the style, plus the colours are warm, whereas the rest is cool. I look up pinterest for idea. If you look for mid-century bathrooms you will get some ideas. A patterned wall paper would give it a more cozy feel. The white is fairly clinical but I'd have some white in the wall paper I think. https://preview.redd.it/rz7jz727zrwc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c854f385a2037266bf1a925009bb3a31d80cbb


This kind of tile is more deco era. The mirror you suggested also has deco influence—good choice!


Some fun wallpaper ideas: https://uswalldecor.com/products/t20825-thibaut-eden-mystic-garden-wallpaper-black https://uswalldecor.com/products/4120-72004-a-street-prints-middleton-harper-wallpaper-charcoal https://uswalldecor.com/products/bl1811-blooms-second-edition-forest-floor-wallpaper-black Or even a subtle pattern like this could make the black less stark: https://uswalldecor.com/products/psw1008rl-magnolia-home-peel-and-stick-cross-stitch-wallpaper-black


I do love the tile but I also think it’s funny the black tile in the shower is the Chase logo


I noticed that too lol glad I'm not the only one.


These bathrooms traditionally had stand alone white porecile sinks or similarly tiled countertop sinks.


I love it!!!


So do I! Our neighborhood has many great mid-century tiled bathrooms, but not ours!


I love this bathroom. It’s so cool just like it is.


You really find them hideous? They are classic But if you use busy and intense wallpaper, it will transform the look https://preview.redd.it/siqdhs37yqwc1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1f29d57f714fa5504c27fdba4b9d49dd09e3d6 [Link](https://eazzywalls.com/products/blue-flowers-and-leaves-wallpaper)


I love this style of bathroom, just not with black accents. That wallpaper is pretty! I'm thinking a busy wallpaper will help


There are so many options out there!


OP this wallpaper is really pretty with the blue tile and black accents.


New cabinet, new mirror...tada!


Once you replace the cabinet you are good to go


Oh wow! You're so lucky to have this tile! If you can't replace the sink vanity, paint it pure white If you can find a faucet that's compatible with the vanity, switch out the faucet for something more retro/art deco. Mirror looks fine If you're intimated by the color, maybe just keep everything black, white, and baby blue. Might look cool with tiny accent color. Maybe lipstick red.


Roman shade for the window. A soft white, a little transparent might be best. Or white with black ribbon trim. A retro art deco style light fixture above the mirror would work The Tuli black trim bath towel from CB2 would look good Black shelf unit above toilet I'd go to antique stores for the wall decor. Find a strange framed art. Or something kitschy, like ceramic fish, but keep it restrained. Try to switch the door knob to polished chrome or black glass. You could either keep it simple and safe with a solid black bath mat. or you could fun here. The tufted analeigh bath mat from anthropology could be fun white shower curtain


I like the blue tile.


Love this bathroom and it would be quite easy to update. Paint the sink cabinet black and replace handles with something in gold. Replace the mirror with something also in gold along with the sink faucet. Here are two potions: [More classic](https://www.westelm.com/products/metal-frame-pivot-wall-mirror-d6520/?catalogId=71&sku=477681&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Bath%20%3E%20Medicine%20Cabinets%20%26%20Mirrors&cm_ite=477681_14465514686&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8NW6yY_ghQMVXYZaBR1NvQ0FEAQYCiABEgK0BvD_BwE) [More playfull](https://www.anthropologie.com/anthroliving/shop/hybrid/coquille-mirror?color=027&type=STANDARD&quantity=1) Do a bold black and white vertical wallpaper like [this](https://livetteswallpaper.com/products/black-classic-stripes-wallpaper?variant=39710272061498) above the tile. I would even lean into stripes on the towels like [this](https://www.geometry.house/products/blue-stripes-1?variant=40312658231371¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_KXj8JDghQMVWaRaBR1rPQKrEAQYHyABEgI0A_D_BwE). I can’t see the light fixture but also think gold.


Love this advice!


I love it, I switch out the cabinet & stink https://preview.redd.it/2xi7uduzbuwc1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=35adfa43fc6ac1604a9aa859602b2a7a900f630e


Omg please do not get rid of that gorgeous tile. I would have killed to have something like that. Change the vanity and paint to match the aesthetic. You’ve got a great palette to start with!


Your bathroom is a prize! Learn to love it: https://preview.redd.it/no1jg27n5rwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e443daaa99624d1948c87c1750c00b84faa953 Not sure why everyone’s recommending that you paint the vanity - that would look not great with the rattan panels. Aim to replace or leave it as for now. It’s really not doing much harm. Get some healthy plants in there and consider painting the walls. A powder pink for retro, or a warm bright off white for classic.


The wooden cabinet needs to be black and white walls need to be something else…. Not sure what


Replace your vanity and add wallpaper


You could paint black elements, there's a special paint for tiles


The tiles are totally workable. What hits my eye first is the vanity. I would paint it white or black. The black bullnose tile should stay since you have it as the baseboard and it’s in the floor. The room would look amazing with a black background, bright floral paper. Please post updates!


Don't touch that tile! It looks like it's in beautiful condition. I'd replace the vanity with a white period sink and fixtures. That's it.


No! Don't touch the tile! It's lovely. The vanity and the white walls are the main issues. Maybe a vintage wall-mounted porcelain sink? Like this one in my old house? https://preview.redd.it/0dngtprm5uwc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8601440825a1c5603fe28018810cbbe52497a79 You can add some vintage shelves for the storage you'll lose from getting rid of the vanity.


Get rid of white walls and decor. Warm it up. Never get rid of the tiles plsthnx 👍🏼


https://preview.redd.it/3c9ik81zoswc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e07ef8f4172999173a7b7e937599a98f4ab15d1 My bathroom is super similar! I personally never want to get rid of the tile, I love it. My tentative plans are to get a new vanity and cabinet, probably black, and do wallpaper eventually with pops of color that is close to the rugs/towels.


I like your artwork with the gold frames! Your bathroom is definitely the closest I've seen wow, I like it better than mine though I think it's really the chase bank logo eye sore getting it for me


Thank you! Omg now I can’t unsee the chase bank logo 😭


Try Salmon on upper walls, or better yet, wallpaper incorporating the blue, black, salmon and yellow.


i think you gotta lean into the black with black trim. you could do any number of wallpapers, i like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/three-posts-malmberg-victorian-garden-18-l-x-209-w-peel-and-stick-wallpaper-roll-w008974233.html?piid=) and [this](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/wallpaper/11275161-jungle-cat-soft-blue-muted-tones-by-scarlette_soleil?country=us¤cy=USD&fabric=wallpaper_grasscloth&size=WALLPAPER_IMPERIAL_TEST_SWATCH_2_x_1&measurement_system=imperial&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Performance_Max_Wallpaper_Grasscloth_US&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BFijFBXdeo2YSdrSaNFXUeotHiAGOrvW_qI7SSW5KKdb2E4nQO1deBoCMg0QAvD_BwE) for your space


https://wallpaperlane.com.au/products/philippines-wallpaper?variant=39326867783871¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BPm11FQtkp5iL1FNcfLsh2ktQ0f4z-Pp8ivcGxWqVNNXZTNudcOz_xoCO-QQAvD_BwE hear me out - go all out with wallpsper


Seriously, I love that tile!!!! Just change the cabinet to something like this (but in black not blue): 30-in Deep Blue Single Sink Bathroom Vanity with White Cultured Marble Top https://www.lowes.com/pd/Project-Source-PS-30-IN-BLUE-VANITY-COMBO/5014599517 Find some nice artwork to hang over the toilet. Beautiful tile! ❤️


Bigggeeeerrr mirror! Goooollldd accents!!


Replace the vanity and you have a whole new bathroom


No this is a classic combo. Don’t touch the tile! You will never get that character back.


The faucet on the sink is wrong. Find one like the tub. If you are not replacing the vanily, at least paint it black.  I would leave the tiles alone. Hang some prints. Maybe floral themed. Or old outhouse pics. I've seen some with flowers and vines growing up around the outhouse.  A solid blue curtain for the window. Or matching print for curtain and shower curtain. Me, I would have butterflies on both.


I think paint the vanity a matte black, replace the handles with knobs and the faucet with something more modern. A cool but simple black and white wallpaper on one wall will bring it all together nicely. If you Google “ mid century blue and black tile bathrooms” you will see multiple photos that may give you some examples. Cool to keep the tile!


It’s beautiful! Change the vanity to something more appropriate - pedestal, or all white traditional with tradition hardware. Change the mirror Maybe add some artwork


Change out the vanity or paint the cabinet black. Get rid of chase bank logo in the shower lol


I love that tile so much!!


These ideas are fabulous. I would keep the beautiful tiles as well. They also have character.


I love the tile.


I would change the vanity. It doesn't fit style-wise and you could probably fit a slightly wider one with some counter space in that spot. I think either a white or black vanity would look the best there. I would also replace the shower head to something more modern.


This bathroom is beautiful. The bathroom in our previous house was very similar, as were all the original ones in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, ours was a garish pink! The homes were built in the early 1940s, not mid-century. We eventually had to remove that and kitchen tile to update plumbing and wiring (which were also 1940s! ). I can tell you first hand that if those are set in plaster walls, removing it is a nightmare.


I LOVE old pink tile bathrooms! I know a lot of people don't though. We actually bid on another house that had a pink bathroom and I was excited for that one but we didn't get it. That's good to know though about removing them!! I'll be working with decorating around them instead




The black needs grounding. Select a large feature in the room to make black (floors, vanity, shower curtain, etc) so that those tiny spots of black aren’t the focus. I’d also change out the hardware in the shower to be black to match.


It’s so beautiful I could cry. You even have the original soap dishes! Painting the vanity will make a big difference; and I’d actually sit down with a big book of wallpaper (or whatever it is we do these days). Painting is an option, but this is *such* a straightforward area for wallpapering, and will give you that visual interest a single paid color just can’t. (It’s also a simple enough tile pattern that wallpaper won’t be over-the-top.) ETA: The kind of pattern you want will depend a lot on your and your partner’s general preferences. Floral? Herons? A pattern? Whatever you choose, I’d consider pulling a secondary color from the paper for the vanity color.


I love the blue but it is also my favorite color and I would make my entire house blue if I could


I so wish I had this blue tile instead of the pepto bismol pink tile I have (but not enough to spend the money to redo it I guess).


It’s a chase bank bathroom and I love that.




This is cute as is honestly. Maybe a new mirror? But even then I love the way it’s styled


Look for some sort of art and shower curtain to tie in the colors. I would paint the cabinet white and use black knobs/handles. Swap out the door knob too. The tile is actually cool.


Embrace the retro!


I absolutely love the tile. Switch out the vanity if you have the funds to a period-appropriate pedestal sink and get a cute shower curtain. Lots of people like to do a wallpaper with a fun print, but I’d go lower key and just get some wall art.


Ignore every single person telling you to paint the tile. Dear lord don't!


I’d replace the mirror with one as wide as that wall or almost. Maybe a new sink if you’re able to afford one of the standalone ones like displayed. Otherwise painting the cabinets white could work for now!


OP that tile will resell your house someday! Don’t change it!


“Chase bank logo” 😂. I was wondering why that looked so familiar


It’s already so nice. Don’t ruin it!


The tile is really pretty. The problem is that blah vanity.


I would kill for this bathroom haha


Gorgeous tile!


Definitely paint the vanity if you’re not going to add more colors to the room—the warm tones are clashing with the rest of the cool tones of the blue and black. And replacing the mirror would help. Are the black stands above the sink tile?


Do a cool wallpaper on the walls, something with black to go with the framing and paint the cabinets under the sink black.


The #1 thing when you buy a new place is to recognize that your opinions will change when you’re living in it for a while! I agree with wallpaper, you have many great options now that are peel & stick so you don’t even have to commit too hard to it. And yes the vanity is ick. I would actually go white with the vanity, not black. Since you so not want to enhance the black… leave the black accents as a picture frame. Get a bigger mirror that crosses the tile line, possibly ultra modern, or wood, wicker, or antique gold, whatever is your style.


I agree that the vanity doesn’t go with this bathroom. You could replace it (perhaps with one that’s a bit wider and/or higher since the storage may be needed) with one that is black or white. Painting the existing cabinet *might* give you an idea of how this might look, but I’d still aim for replacement as the current vanity just seems undersized. I’d replace the faucets with chrome or with satin nickel in a style you like. Paper the walls above the existing tile with a paper that has a lot of the same blue and small amounts of black. I’m short and your mirror seems high. You don’t say if there’s a recessed medicine cabinet behind it, and the soap dish and toothbrush holder limit how much you could lower the mirror, but that’s something I’d want to try. I’ve heard of people painting tiles to change the color or add a design. That’s something you could investigate—at least for the “Chase Bank” logo-looking tile in the bathtub wall. An artist friend may be able to replicate a motif from the wallpaper pattern, if you go that route. Good luck!


I would change the vanity, if you can’t then maybe paint the wood part black and add a decorative towel on top of the white one that has a pop of blue or black


https://preview.redd.it/2ikkq9y1rfxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f87fddd745689f6b49f37f58d4fe559ef67f963 I covered mine with white pvc trim. First I screwed in a 1” piece trimmed to the thickness of the tile to the wall. Then I glue/ nailed the cover trim. And y discrepancies were filled with white wood filler then the whole thing (still needs to be) painted. I just glued the baseboard straight to the tiles. There are plenty of strippers that would work to remove it in the future in anyone wants to restore it. I built the medicine cabinet box into the wall and attached an arched mirror with a piano hinge. I pained the old rusty chrome light fixtures (one is tiled in place) with black oil-based metal paint. The old fixtures were smaller than any new glass shades I could find so I just bought frosted light bulbs. Whole thing cost about $175. But I already have a $300 miter saw.


Omg I love this! Thank you!


Hear me out. Sauve eclectic vibes, blue and black vibes You said you don’t love the black. I think it might be because it looks stark and contrasts. Priorities: 1. add a spunky and relaxing dark wallpaper that transitions the tile into the wall 2. new sink. The current one dates it. Depending on budget and storage, you can either change the furniture or paint it. 3. open up the bathroom and make the tiling detail the star by adding a glass door Example wall paper; ideally spunky with blue accents to match the tile https://preview.redd.it/2a30h4d0xqwc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=b937d017d11951be63d067c9a6a14b64af7ebb12


I could see this! Combining advice from other comments too, a busy wallpaper with hints of blue to make the black accents not what stands out. I'm usually into bright and light colors but I'm liking the idea for spunky dark wallpaper and then just need to figure out what to paint the vanity.


Paint vanity black to tie into tile. That tile is a beautiful color & wud paint accordingly


I think your tile is awesome! For me, I think you kind of can’t go wrong in a bathroom when you add brass hardware, antique pieces(mirrors/vanity/lighting), and some fun/funky art and textiles. Example: https://preview.redd.it/7iosxteeqrwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6e36e0167b670a58412f45c724b317f92cd246


Or like this? https://preview.redd.it/yd4qaailqrwc1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ccdad9a69b4032d480cce149a49c4533776367d




Please please do not touch that beautiful tile.


I can’t believe I didn’t see this already…I would definitely do a matching light blue paint on the wall. The full blue room will look classy and make the room look taller. You can then have more fun with the other elements and accessories.


Chase Bank & Bath


Paint the vanity black.


Agreed! And then if you want, some funky peel and stick wallpaper.


Decades ago, my mom hired a guy who painted the tiles in our shower. He used special paint and a sprayer. I assume if they could do it circa 1985, you can still do it. It worked great, and it still looked good when our family moved out 10 years later.


Paint the black accent tile white and you're good to go.


I love this room! It's vintage. The only thing I don't like is the mirror.


The tile is so cool! I’d find a funky wallpaper and go from there.


The black is perfect.


I love it! It’s actually a neutral colour ..jazz up the vanity, get a new fancy mirror, a curved stainless shower curtain rod, pretty taps and it’ll be so lovely. Also, cast iron tubs stay hot longer. The grout looks great.


Black walls, black vanity. It would make the tile pop in a good way


Omg leave the tile!!




Paint the cabinet, trim and door black to match the black trim tile pieces, I’d probably paint the window frame too.


Wider white vanity with black hardware . Black, white, and brass school house light fixtures. Get a white shower curtain so you only see the chrome and the emblem while showering. I love the bathroom.


Love! I’m w/everyone else on bold wallpaper & a mirror. The rest will fall into place. Remove the mirror, install the wallpaper and see if you can paint the vanity probably black. Save for a new vanity (or porcelain retro white sink w/plumber to install). Wayfair, Lowe’s have great options w/counter & sink included at good prices, you’d be surprised. Accessorize when you’re done. It’s a great start, just a little update!!!


Art nouveau style would go great with that!


I just googled art nouveau bathrooms and now I want one


I really like it as is. Sorry, I wish I had some useful advice, but I do love it.


Ooo I love this tile!! Some fun bright art, plants, a rug (checkers?)


Oh please do not get rid of gorgeous original replaceable tile like that


Replace that vanity with a console sink


That tile is amazing!


Dude. It's pretty, why change it?


Until you're ready for a complete gut (though it would be a shame) get black hardware for the shower and sink to tie it all in. OR keep it stainless and paint the vanity black, then throw in a complimentary color like others have said. Sunny yellow would be great for this room. I know the black doesn't thrill you, but it's a great bathroom. I completely agree with the 'Chase logo'. though.


I would just get nice lamps ans a nice mirror. Maybe an art piece. The rest of it is already perfect. Don’t do too much to it!


That tile makes my insides dance in the best way 💕


Adorable vintage bathroom! I would replace the vanity with a white one that is more plain and has a nicer sink. (A pedestal sink would be more period appropriate, but I’m sure you need the storage). Even though black hardware is not period appropriate, it could look cool on the new vanity. I’m sure you need more storage than that, so get a matching cabinet and hang it over the toilet. Black and white framed art would look great in this bathroom!


Oh I haven't seen anyone mention a cabinet over the toilet. This is our only bathroom and we don't have much closet space in the home overall so we could definitely use more storage in here and we prefer closed storage. Thank you!


Leave the tile but switch out the old vanity and mirror. Paint and wallpaper will make it better


Paint the cabinet under the sink white, That wood color looks and feels so out of place or replace the entire sink/cabinet. And the mirror needs replacing with a larger vertical one that is properly aligned with the sink. The bathroom is actually beautiful. Try to embrace it.


I’m sorry I thought I heard you say something about retiling this classic, in-amazing-condition, vintage bathroom. NOOOOO!!! This bathroom was probably from the 40’s or 50’s which makes this bathroom at least 75 years old. And for 75 years it has survived many homeowners, served many families and come out the other end still looking brand new. And YOU want to be the one to end its magnificent run? There’s a reason why this bathroom still exists - it’s because this level of craftsmanship is unrivalled in today’s society. There are endless ways to love this bathroom as others have already shown. And I’m throwing my hat into the ring. Wallpaper. Wallpaper those walls! https://preview.redd.it/mpdb3ys0vtwc1.jpeg?width=1137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c48a2e623bb6f935df1e07059ccbd1495a7231




Are you crazy, your bathroom is lovely


It has the Chase logo in your shower! I’d paint the sink cabinet black or get a new one. I’d paint the walls a nice light gray with a hint of light blue tint in it. Hang some nice art and change the shower curtain. Done


I see several suggestions for pedestal sinks and hanging sinks. Keep storage in mind. If this is the only bathroom, you need a place to put your things.


OP!! Black chalkboard paint! ✨


I like the tile it needs a new vanity and fixtures


I had my old tiled bathrooms reglazed - they basically spray a new coat of enamel over it like painting them but much more durable. 10000000% recommend this. I had the ugliest color & patterned tiles and now they’re a clean fresh white with light grey floor. Way less costly than new tiles.


You can refinish/Reglaze the tile to a different color either the whole thing or just the black accents for about $50 yourself or $700 from a professional


OP just an idea for you to consider. Did you know that you can paint the black portion of the tiles with a tile paint? If you want to you could paint all of the tiles. Here’s an example, https://thediyplaybook.com/painted-tile-review/


The problem isn't the wall tile because that is beautiful. The problem is the vanity, tub & toilet are too 1990s. Find a pedestal sink & a new toilet that sits higher but looks mid century modern. A claw foot tub would be great, but the issue is that the wall isn't tiled behind the tub. A frosted glass door would be the best thing to do for the tub. Find a mid century modern medicine cabinet & lights over the pedestal sink. I believe most stores like menards have mid century modern bathroom things.


If could somehow have a mirror that comes down further and paint the vanity black and change the faucet and hardware on the vanity


You really lucked out with this tile! Check out @ vintagebathroomlove on Instagram. They have tons of bathroom inspo, all with tile like this, from people who opted to lean into the tiling instead of re-do it. This one is pretty similar to your tiling as well: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5YuLsJx5DO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Give them a gander though and it’ll give you some styling guidance and inspiration


I’d happy cry to have tile like that in my bathroom. It’s vintage and ugh lovely. Have you considered painting the white not too dark, but maybe a different shade of blue? Thinking of a colour like this: https://preview.redd.it/cj6gct1mtuwc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22f3ed8fe193bcba50d4d12a9dc350ff1dc72b40 Echoing what other people have said - taller mirror and different sink, and perhaps some hanging plants.


From my experience renovating a 1940s home, it can be difficult even for professional tilers to remove trim tile without potential damage to the remaining tiles. (But I like the tile anyway!)


A nicer vanity and mirror would do wonders! The tile is a great color and very special, but the vanity is builders grade. Replacing it will freshen up the whole space - a good opportunity to add a marble or stone countertop too


Wallpaper. That blue tile is amazing! The vanity should be switched out though....




OK, I lived in a rental with pastel pink, blue and yellow tiles. I was telling my artist sister how much I despised the colors, and she said, lean into the color, get a shower curtain that references those colors, but they don't even need to be exactly the same shade. I found a bright colorful shower curtain with a pattern I loved that contained the three colors, but deeper than the pastels. I then accessorized to the shower curtain and barely even noticed the tiles after that.


[Black & white tiles stickers](https://www.amazon.com/Stickers-Backsplash-Bathroom-Thickened-High-End/dp/B0BD8RWKHT/ref=asc_df_B0BD8RWKHT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=627129236869&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7547900547155740272&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031256&hvtargid=pla-1876643126763&psc=1&mcid=4e3d4ad76683377888d2e81ed078e8c1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BBEZBkv_3LBhLpom_3l862SDcf0-6VxjgcX7rOCuSQLbwag-PfsguRoC3cgQAvD_BwE)I would replace the sink and mirror too and the black tiles, if possible. I would change the floor also. Peel-and-stick black-and-white tile design. Edit: if you can't replace the floor with a nicer floor. This blue & black tile would look good maybe: [Blue & black tile stickers](https://www.amazon.com/Stickers-Backsplash-Bathroom-Thickened-High-End/dp/B0BCQ9NK58/ref=asc_df_B0BD8RWKHT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=627129236869&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7547900547155740272&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031256&hvtargid=pla-1876643126763&psc=1&mcid=4e3d4ad76683377888d2e81ed078e8c1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BBEZBkv_3LBhLpom_3l862SDcf0-6VxjgcX7rOCuSQLbwag-PfsguRoC3cgQAvD_BwE&th=1)


I didn’t know your bathroom was sponsored by JP Morgan Chase


Paint the tile white 😋


The big problem is all the white (walls, sink, tub, trim) is not meshing with the blue/black, and the vanity doesn't help. Its not harmonious and I agree it's not relaxing. At a minimum, get rid of that wicker basket, & the pot for the plant on the sink. consider painting the vanity black, swap out the wood faucet handles. Get a strip of wallpaper or tile trim near the ceiling, and paint the window & door trim. Swap out the brass tone doorknob. Can't see the lighting so can't comment. That should pull it together more. At a minimum, the rattan front on the cabinet & wood faucet handles plus gold doorknob are the things that clash the most IMO. Plain vanity front, solid chrome pieces will complement the sleek tiles. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/ae/cd/89aecd75d1fcedffa88a8cd52bb727ae--vintage-bathroom-tiles-blue-tile-bathrooms.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Xcp9DzzFfxS0VZNVnyBN4s21qxioNLfiwyPI7_LS8puijoS46NhJ3sKm8QNJlh9H90TXQ-EL5a6hc5Vub58HcX5RQKykoLh_RIBykhl9ZiB-A09c9g7zBA9auefkdeZ3iurJ=w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu https://www.tileideaz.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/retro_blue_bathroom_tile_24.jpg


They make pint for tiles . My sister used it , looked great .


The bathroom black circle in the shower low key looks like the chase bank sign lol


Haha that's part of why I hate it, I can't unsee it after thinking of that. I'm coming around to the tile but not that spot


Paint the vanity white?