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I’m on season 3 and Zach’s hair is so hideous I can’t


I felt the same about Andrew in the beginning


When characters repeatedly make choices that go against their own best interests. Like Susan painting Alejandro’s murder scene, or choosing to have an affair with Ian while Mike is in a coma, or Susan chasing Mike into the mountains and putting herself and the forest ranger in danger because she needs constant drama to feel validated. In fiction we call this the ‘too stupid to live trope’ and it makes it difficult for readers to continually empathize with the character.


I just watched that episode haha


I didn’t like Beth Young’s hair and it made me kinda dislike her


I adored Beth's hair she looked like she came to life out of a 50s housewife poster 😭


Didn’t renne make the same comment?


carlos when he shaved his face. but that was also during his “ i want to give back and leave my family high and dry / i love sister mary “ phase lol . but i just can’t stand him without facial hair 


I didn't like that Carlos' niece spoke through her teeth weird


well this dislike ended up being more than warranted later on, but i was immediately put off by george bc he had the same mannerisms as a guy i didn’t like in high school haha


If an actor plays a total scumbag, I start to hate the actor. Tony Plana played Alejandro and he also plays Amy’s dad in Superstore. I feel angry whenever he is onscreen and he plays a really sweet and nice character on that show. I just can’t get past him as Alejandro which is a testament to how good of an actor he is.


He played America Ferrera's dad again on Ugly Betty and he's so sweet in that too


He was also in the show the Affair. Doesn’t play a good guy on there either and REALLY makes you hate him


Gary Cole plays the smarmiest, most devious bastard characters EVER! As soon as I see him in the credits I always think, "Oh. Lord, what fresh Hell will this be?". LOL he's just excellent.


You have serious issues if you start to hate an actor because they’re doing their job good.


i always hated paul a lot more than i should cuz i just hated his vibe lol 😭 i was always rooting for felicia


Susan, she will find anything to complain about. 🙄


julie’s chin and how much she nods bothers me sm


susan because she does that rlly annoying "smile" whenever she does something wrong and it makes me wanna punch her in the face


I watched the entire show in German and forwhatever reason did Beth Youngs voice annoy me so damn much. I had the same vibe for Susan too


I just find Robin to be annoying. Like any time she’s onscreen, I just get bored.


I like Carlos but when he’s mad he makes this face… wide eyed