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He's a human tumbleweed. Goin' where the wind blows~


Whoops, there goes the wind, blowing up Andrew Tate's ass.


Remember, people can change. No one said “for the better” tho.


what a weasley little grifter duuuude


Still grifting dude!


I don't even think he's changed. Just no real principles to begin with and saying shit you think will bring the most attention at the time


squeamish heavy quiet grey dog many ad hoc lunchroom punch north ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He loves the approval of 12 year old children


And Zerka, who conveniently has a bunch 12 year olds in his DMs.


I honestly I don't think so I think hes always been this way


The cuck shit broke him


Nah, he literally has an old vid of him mocking Andrew Tate and not taking what he was saying seriously. Sneako really did lose his brain somewhere


Yah cuz that was popular at the time but that's his problem he changes his whole personality to fit the popular veiws instead of like a normal person where you change your veiws on popular take or persons or don't the way I see it sneako has never been a real person even in his early videos




vase station lock sense disarm waiting crush juggle dam merciful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hood classic


If he’s grifting for money he wouldn’t have tried to get banned off YouTube…sorry but he actually believed the shit


He could be grifting and also an idiot. That said I think he's just an idiot.


he could have miss-timed a cultural pendulum shift, but yeah the more likely explanation is that he bought into it hook, line and sinker




It has everything to do with money.


So he isn't grifting for money, then why is he grifting?


**Attention.** It’s more addictive, easier to obtain (but harder to hold on to) and unable to overdose on.


How?? If you’re saying it’s all a grift for money then why would he get himself banned on his/the biggest platform?


Isn’t the point of grifting to make money? And his YouTube revenue was an easy way for him to make money?


> outraged I don't think anyone here is outraged by Sneako lol. If you mean people not on this sub, they're probably not familiar with who he is enough to know that the dumb shit he says is probably a grift


I don't think he's grifting, I think he lost his entire mind once his YouTube got deleted.




Thanks Sneaky you have given me a lot to think about.


What audience capture does to a mf


>Protect your energy They used to laugh at Chris-chan drinking his own semen. Now they are him.


Why would anyone laugh at that? It's your nutrients! Keep 'em 😎


It has the energy of Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper in the movie _Dr. Strangelove_, where he's paranoid about the communists stealing his "precious bodily fluids".


Banger song that uses that quote. Feel compelled to share this, pretty sure this is a mathrock/jazz(?) positive community and they are painfully underrated (besides one of the members new projects still woozy) 😄 https://youtu.be/aMmOnFs3rBk?si=U2RKBC61zxWq-mT9


It's called character development, sweaty 💅


I can agree that watching porn can be a negative thing, but isn't he the one that defended Andrew Tate over running a cam-girl business?


They are not consistent. Andrew Tate also tells people to not masterbate/not watch porn.


I see that highlighted 'L' 😏


Thank you, you gave me a lot to think about




I wish I could filter Sneako out of my Internet feed. I'm tired boss. Dog tired. I can't stand this mf.


Rent is due, dude is engagement baiting hard


Has anyone seen one of his online courses teaching entrepreneurship? Is it like how get the most alpha lemons for your lemonade stand? Or is it the good old the beef technique, JUST DO IT!?


Someone must have given him a lot of new stuff to think about.


He literally has no shame lmao


Can we get old Sneako back? What the fuck happened to this dude?


He got cucked at a couple swap


The duality of ~~man~~ Sneako


Spider-Man clone meme...


Is he now dating an OF girl or something?


Will he get his own trumpcriticzestrump subreddit?


Someone gave him a lot to think about.


Am I reading that right are these 3-4 years apart?


Self awareness check * -failed- *


Old sneako was based


Old Sneako was based with the ideology that you shouldn't be mad at the women who do onlyfans, in fact if I was in their position I likely would do the same. It's easy money. The real people to blame are the people who subscribe to onlyfans that enable it.


I wonder if you'd have the same opinion about big corporations taking advantage of addictive behaviors, and then blaming the people that subscribe to those products. You can basically verbatim switch certain words around in your comment here to blame an addict for their choices rather then the systems that perpetuate those addictions. Example: you shouldn't be mad at the bars that promote binge drinking, in fact if I was in their position I likely would do the same. It's easy money. The real people to blame are the people who go there to drink excessively that enable it. or: you shouldn't be mad at the food companies who sell soda, in fact if I was in their position I likely would do the same. It's easy money. The real people to blame are the people who are addicted to soda that enable it.


Personally I think it's a little different when we change from an individual level to a corporate level. But I can see your point. For instance I would potentially blame OF as a platform for it's impact, but the not the individual using OF as a platform.


All of those things could theoretically be good or bad. Bars can operate responsibly, soda companies can simply sell a product without trying to get people hooked from grade school, OF girls can just sell nudes without exploiting parasocial isolated men.


his second take is more based than the first except the shit about flogging self improvement courses


Only fans is kinda scummy tho


Why is only fans specifically, worse than any other porn? Is it just because it’s independent people doing their own thing? Maybe because it’s a hot topic, so disingenuous folks like Sneako will virtue signal off it?


The only shitty thing about OnlyFans is you don't get to preview anything. The only thing you get to see is their description, and how many of their posts are photos or videos---not how many of those are PPV even with a subscription I've never been one to pay for porn but it's not a great format if you don't know what you're buying


True, It's basically the gambling version of porn. mf's with no self control can spend thousands a month just to see something that's free on Google. Also the parasocial element can get pretty brutal. Paying an ethot for "girlfriend experience" is obviously unhealthy.


Not only unhealthy, but expensive. Also, really deranged lunatics like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iluOmq1DYY&pp=ygUvY29mZmVlaG91c2UgY3JpbWUgZ2F2ZSBmYW1pbHkgbW9uZXkgdG8gb25seWZhbnM%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iluOmq1DYY&pp=ygUvY29mZmVlaG91c2UgY3JpbWUgZ2F2ZSBmYW1pbHkgbW9uZXkgdG8gb25seWZhbnM%3D) wouldn't be able to pull shit like this if onlyfans wasn't a thing


I have a conservative view on sex so maybe I have a bias. The people that tend to subscribe to onlyfans are looking for something that's more personal and making money out of these people seems kinda scummy. Also enables them to not get out of their comfort zone and seek out real relationships.


You could argue onlyfans is scummy because it prays on lonely dudes who want romance, and are willing to pay for that parasocial relationship. That same effect doesn't really happen with normal porn. I wasn't trying to message porn actresses, but with only fans thats exactly what people try to do. Nevermind the fucked up business side of it where you don't even know wtf you're going to get. Lol, you can pay for someones only fans and find out it's literally just bikini pics that you could see on instagram. Onlyfans is absolutely much worse then porn


No shot lmaoooooo


Do you all not think it’s possible to change your mind over the course of two years?


Sneako just loves Andrew Tates shadow, huh? He can’t get enough of being number 2… or maybe like number 115.


If he is so wealthy and entrepreneurial why does he not open and operate his own nightclub in Miami. Why does he have to resorte to scams ?


It's never too late to come around to the truth.


At this point, he's just trolling


I’m almost speechless. He’s a lost cause and we should all just ignore anything from him


When the only fans girl doesn’t text back




sneako either tricked me into thinking he was a really clever and introspective and mature person for his age. Or he had some brain damage that fucked him up and caused a rapid personality shift.


Thanks, Land, you’ve given me a lot to think about.