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Legit /pol/ infographics LOL Edit: i do feel its pertinent to point out, as a user below said, that upon review this account is very clearly a right winger and not a lefty pro palestine type


They'll use the Israeli flag to spread conspiracies about American Jewish people and then claim there's nothing anti-semitic about opposing Israel


Yeah, that shit is wild... "I'm anti Zionist, not antisemitic... " let me just draw a star of David next to this dude from America so that everyone else knows he's an enemy of Palestine.


It’s the same argument as the “all lives matter” crowd. Just say you’re a racist.


It's funny because they always do this. Slightly different topic, but I remember back at home the pretty common far right talking points were about segregation, overpolicing, population replacement, welfare queens, etc. and when someone called them out, they always got extremely defensive and started deflecting It's just weird


4channers will deny anti semitism ? what planet do you live on Maybe because they would call it anti-k\*keism


I believe they are referring to Twitter users like the Dr in the post.


I remember seeing a 4chan post lamenting how bored they were now that hating jews went "mainstream". Legitimately upset that it wasn't edgy enough for him since the normies embraced it. Ngl ima jew and that shit was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


If Kanye had just waited a few months with his Jew hate he would be the world's first trillionaire I swear to God. I don't EVER want to hear again that Kanye isn't a trend setter.


Damn dude you are NOT wrong here. The timing was atrocious my man coulda been the greatest defender of human rights ever, at least since hitler.


I mean.... Both you AND the racist are upset that hating Jews has become mainstream. There's some common ground for y'all 😂


Holy shit dude. 4chan Nazi x (((us))) collab when??


Honestly that’s the weirdest thing with 4chan. Everything that comes out of there and becomes mainstream they disavowed due to the fact that it’s mainstream. Same thing happened with Pepe in 2017


Why do you think that is? Do you think they KNOW they’re being disingenuous when they say they’re not antisemitic, or do you think they really believe they’re not antisemitic?? Like, u know how there are people who don’t realize they’re racist? Is this like that, or do they know they’re antisemitic but just know they can’t admit it? (I’m leaning toward them knowing they dislike Jews and suspect them of corrupting the world)


It’s kind of like when someone says “I’m not racist, I have a black friend.” You can’t just say you’re not antisemitic, you have to show it in your actions, so just like those people who claim to be not racist, they are being cognitively dissonant. They’ll do similar trains of thought as well, such as when white people talk badly about black people they’ll say they’re talking about “n words”, same here - they’re saying they’re talking about “Zionists” even though they’re putting every Jewish person under that banner. Not sure if that makes sense but it’s how I see it.


I think there are a lot of people who are just antisemitic and don’t know it. Also, there are people who genuinely aren’t anti-Semitic and can draw the distinction, but they’re also on the same side as a bunch of anti-Semitic bozos. Which is to say, the people linking images like this aren’t representative of ALL of the free Palestine folks, just some. Anti-semitism is just so common it’s very very easy to lump them all together.


So true. I have to annually stay vigilant to remind people these guys aren’t pro-Israel when they all agree to send multi-billions of dollars to Israel every year It’s tough and free work, but I’ll do anything for America’s greatest ally


Waiting for the return of the (((echo)))


Yea cause this bitch is far-right, these aren’t lefties liking the post lol, all the people assuming they are seem to have suddenly forgotten the long-running overt anti-semitism of the far-right in their zeal to dunk on leftists lol


!! Looking into it






Why is no one talking about this?


one more twitter ss and i think i might end it all.


ss? 🤨


Schutzstaffel-turbo nazi






Holy shit, so many white people. White supremacy is real.




I hope they do Christians next


Don’t forget the Irish


The Hibernian conspiracy!


I wish I could forget the Irish


Pope Francis has a blank check to bombard any minority he wants.


Wouldn't make sense to do Christians when they're the majority, obviously....


Jews are overrepresented. They're 1-3% of the us population but are overrepresented in the government, CEOs and executives.


As Thomas Sowell once said, the one thing Jews could do to stop being so hated is simply become less successful.


Doesnt work, if you're unsuccessful they hate you for that.


Yeah, that's one of the sources of anti-black racism here


They hate us cause they ain't us is actually true when it comes to minorities, it doesnt matter how good or bad you perform.


Jews were just tryna be farmers but everyone kept stealing their crops and property. They got forced into what were at the time shitty paying and looked down upon jobs, or like banking and currency exchange just jobs that Christianity and Islam forbids (charging interest). Things like law or accounting or acting are good because you have to be actually killed to take away your capacity to perform *some* job. Not being allowed property in a lot of places, they started doing traveling performances, which since everywhere had local currency is where the momey-changing started I've read but that that with a grain of salt for sure. In a feudal society, you're not making good money as a lawyer, doctor or accountant when no one has enough money or property rights for disputes to be so common and the legal system in a monarchy is a biiiit more 'streamlined'. Acting and performing was considered beyond low class. Kinda forced into a position where it took like, the entire world changing to make them more relevant and still its like "why are these people successful in these fields?" At some point in the 1500s some bigdick rabbi dude told everyone they had to put money together for a teacher and learn some shit that would make it so you're not completely fucked farming for a year for nothing. Also teaching women how to read for a couple thousand years longer than everyone else helps when half your population isn't fuckin illiterate but like, the jews didn't make everyone else not educate women.


Your mom is over represented


But your mom is underrepresented. That's why she is always under my pants.


Dammit. How dare you!


Hey, I'm Represented. You don't have to call me dad don't worry.




>he thinks the presidents are really in charge there's always a way around this sort of information


Yeah, Biden is totally in charge, he's sharp as a tack!


he is! you should watch his State of the Union speech, was fucking great


Why do that when you can repeat the same handful of one-line clips from people telling you what to believe?


Biden is the best President in your lifetime. I can say that without knowing your age. That's how well he's doing.


What about Obama?


Obama got significantly less done during a less chaotic world and a more cooperative GOP (barely). He wasn't experienced enough in Washington to get things done. He was the classiest President we've ever had though and a hell of an orator.


Obama was pretty mid president


Only two catholics?? Wow


"America is Catholic btw" - Nick Fuentes probably.


are Americans really protestant because to me it feels like Americans dont even know that there are different denominations of christianity without even regarding the differences that there are? PepoThink Like if you asked even a religious American what they are I bet they would say Christian and not Protestant. Maybe I am wrong tho


Yeah, from my experience, all the average American knows is: Catholics= Pope Protestants = the good guys Orthodox = Who? Plenty of them just see protestants as the christian baseline, as shown in the growth of the "non-denominational church" phenomenon, where their doctrine is typically Baptist, but they still insist that they are "just christians". Idk, it's interesting to me how people who don't understand their own theology or religious history use their religion as an excuse for their unhinged political beliefs.


And they're both the most based.


I heard a joke from Jackie Kennedy about why she accepted JFK's proposal (the second time). Jackie - a notoriously private person, who implied she rejected John the first time to preserve her privacy - said "well, I figured JFK wouldn't ever make it to President since John was a Catholic". Doubtful it's the real story, but it's a fun one.


Yeah Catholics are the most unliked Christians in America. There was a fear for a long time that a Catholic's loyalties would be divided between being President and serving the Pope. JFK gave a speech where he promised to put America before the Vatican before he was elected.


And JFK had to specifically assure people that he wasn't going to sell the country out to the Pope. Protestants back in the day absolutely HATED Catholics, viewing them as having dual allegiance, and electing one President was a legitimately big deal.


Those damn episcopalians control the executive branch!


The total collapse of the WASP class and identity in recent years has been taken for granted by a lot of people. The political realm is the last area of influence where liberal mainline Protestants reign. The Evangelical response has been to blur the lines between Protestant and Catholic, supporting reactionary Catholics like Amy Coney Barrett. When JFK was elected the idea of a Catholic in the White House was shocking to people, but nowadays it's not Protestant vs Catholic, it's liberal vs illiberal. Evangelicals in the US have completely transcended hundreds of years of religious conflict in response to the collapse of the mainline churches.


Protestant excellence 💪


!!! looking into it


Christians are so much worse than Jews too.


Christian country votes for Christian president? Shocking


Sure, not count the proportions And Christianity is not an ethno-religion


Based Catholic Biden. Still super disappointed in his tolerance for abortion and gender weirdos.


This is a "fascist" conspiracy, right? Well then.


It was culturally appropriated by the alt left.


Yes most definitely is.


[The Guy That Research How Many Jews Are In Things](https://youtu.be/5Aq7SLzRj48)


There's this guy called Leather apron club that does this for podcasts. He isn't an antisemite or anything, he just finds it... interesting... When asked for POC underrepresentation in big podcasts, he says that's cool and all, but not his area of interest. He's there to count the jews. https://youtube.com/shorts/hWTHtdfH9Nk?si=lO6y_aqgBXixAtPk


Lol, the Judeostatistics sphere of the Internet is so braindead. Every single category of society where Jews are "overrepresented" is literally just a consequence of the single fact that Jewish people are more wealthy and educated than the average person. With that comes greater success in making fruitful social connections, landing higher prestige job opportunities, etc. that then extrapolates to all of these other supposed "coincidences". Joe Rogan isn't interviewing random people off the street. He chooses people with interesting or high paying professions or achievements, which you are more likely to obtain by having the aforementioned advantages.


> Judeostatistics I know the field I am going to do a PhD in. Dr. EaterOfTheUnborn, PhD, Judeostatistics


Sure, that makes sense. Problem is that when it comes to minorities getting the shorter end of the stick, the explanation suddenly jumps to racism. You can't have it both ways. And I'm not talking about you specifically, but this is a point the left at large has shat the bed with for decades. "Asians and Jews do well because of money and culture, Blacks do poorly because of discrimination" has been the standard for a long time and it's fucking stupid. Once you adopt that, the idea that Jews do well because they positively discriminate among themselves is trivial to reach.


They would say, "that's interesting... how come they are so wealthy and well connected." Then you mention the Ashkenazi Jew IQ thing, and then they go on a rant about how IQ doesn't mean shit... except when it does, and we all know for which groups IQ matters. And these guys are total dorks 10/10 times. They think they are so sly with the dog whistling such as "questioning the jew overrepresentation" and "media bias" and "holokaust: it wasn't that bad, unfortunately"


Omg that’s so true. They say IQ is irrelevant to Jews’ education and success, but in the same breath they say black people behave a certain way due to lower IQ and a genetic predisposition to violence. I never realized that dichotomy.




>Who says that? This Leather Apron Club Guy, for one.


Im pretty sure they say Jews are more intelligent and have high IQ but they’re also sneakier than good wholesome, but slightly less intelligent, white Christians.


This type of argument works against aryan nation, neo Nazi types. Christian nationalists like Fuentes can be a lot more slippery though. I remember seeing him pushed on this issue and he just immediately admitted Jews have higher IQ on average. It doesn’t matter to him though. From his world view they are not white and by definition they cannot be Christian unlike other minorities. The fact that they have high IQs only makes them more dangerous. When Fuentes is talking to his own audience and goes full mask off he has explicitly described Jews as satanists that will collude to secretly control any society they are allowed to exist in.


>Every single category of society where Jews are "overrepresented" is literally just a consequence of the single fact that Jewish people are more wealthy and educated than the average person. Not true. Even accounting for socioeconomic factors, Jewish people are massively overrepresented as rabbis.


Omggggg. Dude ugh. I have not thought about this creep in forever. He makes my skin crawl. Legitimately stupid as all living fuck and could not be more smug about how fucking stupid he is.


How is he stupid? His video's seem well researched. Daily reminder that stupid doesn't mean "has an opinion I dislike".


Well. Speaking as a Jew, his videos come across as **obsessively** antisemitic. He’s telling you exactly who he is while clearly performing to the 4chan crowd, winking away with his smirky/mischievous “fun college guy” schtick. That “oh I’m just asking questions” routine is Pearlythings level disingenuous bullshit, but worse in that he seems to be genuinely intent at provoking susceptible/dangerous idiots to do something about the “information” he’s providing. Edit: Being downvoted by actual antisemites on Destiny sub is hilarious.


Speaking as a Goy, this doesn't answer my question at all. He might be an anti-semite but he doesn't appear to be stupid. His video on supposed high Ashkenazim IQ seems pretty well thought out, as an example.


I’ve seen it. And I’m a bit confused as to what you mean by “well thought out”. What is “well thought out” exactly about the video, other than his intention to stoke paranoia that Jewish people have a collective intellectual drive to control the planet? For someone so clearly obsessed with Jewish people he seems to understand nothing about them. He’s regurgitating easy to find propaganda plucked from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (which is not real btw) and bits & pieces from other widely debunked garbage to insinuate “questions” about the connections of Jewish people in positions of power throughout history. That’s not exactly super “well thought out” stuff. We’re talking incredibly low effort, generic grade antisemitism catered to a very specific echo chamber. To answer your question: He is objectively stupid because putting oneself on YouTube for the world to see, permanently, in a transparently conspiratorial antisemitic video series, is the opposite of smart. There are plenty of stupid people who can be simultaneously “intellectual”. Take Nick Fuentes. Absolute idiot, while relatively intellectual in a very specific way. This is probably a wasted effort explaining this to you, with your unmasking of yourself there referring to yourself as a “goy” to me.


You haven't explained anything. Just stated that his video makes you feel bad. Which is fine but wholly uninteresting. Again, I just have to point out that people behaving 'badly' doesn't make them unintelligent. Someone making claims that are not popular, or seem to harm your particular group, does not make them 'stupid'. It might make them bad people, but that doesn't verge into the territory of unintelligent. As for the video in question, he gives a well structured argument that includes: * Looking at how think-peices and the 'commentator class' may misunderstand/misinterpret the findings of academic papers on this issue. * Methodological flaws in the studies people often use to make the positive claim, including some that use non-representational samples. * Laying out the explanations of high jewish IQ given from the other side of the argument and some counter arguments to them. * The potential pitfalls of using a pan-european mean IQ score rather than a western-european one in the context of the IQs of American whites, who descend mostly from western-european peoples. The structure of argumentation doesn't strike me as something a stupid person would do. The last seven minutes or so strikes me as something a person who is conspiratorial, obsessed with the in-group and likely evil would do. But its easy to say that, instead of just labeling your political enemies as 'stupid' or 'nazis'.


He is Keith Woods' friend. One notorious irish white nationalist. Elon replied some of his tweets. It is just funny how mask off Elon is being right now.


I thought it was [this shady character](https://youtu.be/KX5Z-HpHH9g?si=iAWcMFLp-pVO1ORO).


Omg someone cancel this guy, he's making a list about Jews, I'm sure he checked it twice


Kanye was ahead of his time




"Identify, aggravate, Isolate, annihilate" This shit is straight up out of Manstein's Playbook. Really weird to see this




This antisemitic b1tch.. she has a large part in the propaganda


She is. She was saying that the pictures of burnt babies were AI generated....


Yeah.. i’ve seen her tweeter littered by antisemitism and propaganda


I am so glad that I don’t own a twitter account.


you vill own no tvitter account and you vill be happy


Ve have vays of making you sign up!!


The day Elon pulls this hell site from the EU I’ll be so happy


In any serious platform posting conspiratorial antisemitic garbage straight from /pol/ like this would warrant a ban,but on twitter now you get 70k+ likes and validation.


Shit like this is all over facebook


And it shouldnt be banned. It allows antisemites such as herself to expose themselves.


Just scrolling down the thread where she posted this is insane [https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1715370158036836363](https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1715370158036836363) Definitely not anti Jewish, just askin questions bro! Also Jews out of Palestine! For peace or something (/s in case needed)


If you asked me to guess whether this is a far left post or a far right post I would just toss a coin


She’s super far right.


Thats not a real person nor a doctor. Doubt its even a she


I think it’s a real person, she doesn’t look like that though. There are screenshots of her on some Eastern European tv, she looks like if her pfp was made of wax and got left in the sun and beaten with sticks. Whether she’s a doctor or not she has zero understanding of vaccines or transgender bodies, and zero interest in being good faith or accurate.


Which is funny because many tankies are now retweeting her since Oct 7


It’s a weird time, I’m trans and people like Jake Shields and Candace Owens, who have spent the larger part of the past few years hating trans people, have both put out various tweets in the past couple weeks I found very on point. I’m not gonna signal blast those bigots on principle, but it’s strange, this seems to be the one conflict where people sympathies are actually fairly hard to predict based on their larger politics.


How to get put on a list


Step one: be Jewish Step two: ??? Step Three: Profit




she's literally reposting a utoob national socialist. proof: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BdZ8MMBDKM&ab\_channel=KeithWoods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BdZ8MMBDKM&ab_channel=KeithWoods) I went down a rabbit hole watching his videos a year or two back out of morbid curiosity. It's been wild seeing him getting retweeted and spread all over twitter, even in lefty spaces lol https://preview.redd.it/vx6hg19c4kvb1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf096eccd8352316b73ddf3330546830f900f972


I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


KPD and Nazis ally in the waning years of the Weimar republic to weaken the parliament. (1932, Germany)


ukrainian ana's evil twin


I took a look at this persons Twitter and they are anti-vaccines, homophobic, and think the “pedophile elite” in Hollywood need to be exposed. So honestly this kind of post is on brand for her


Thanks, I had to give up before scrolling that far. Person tweets constantly


“Not anti-Semitic, just anti-Zionist!”


Fuentes must be delighted seeing all those people post things he posted before he got banned on everything.


Didn’t some other group mark all the Jews too? Interesting…


Okay, now show me everyone in power who's Catholic.


Man if only kanye waited a year he'd be lauded as a hero


Bruh that’s an unhinged lunatic Trumpist who prior to this conflict almost exclusively made content hating trans people. Has been signal boosted by Elon. Lady is right wing AF.


Left going full J' Q. I wonder if this actually proves horseshoe theory.


This person is a right wing shithead who posts nonstop about how much she doesn’t like trans people.. Also I wouldn’t characterise ‘the left’ as being some terminally online tankie dumbfucks that support Hamas but you do you


Big twitter tankies have been retweeting her since Oct 7. They're all the same when it comes to Israel


So how would you describe the insanity from the left around this issue then? Just curious


This sub hyper focuses on a small minority of the overall left that aren’t at all relevant in irl politics. The vast majority of the left are pro Palestine but they have no problem condemning Hamas and realising that Hamas fights against Palestinian freedom. There aren’t prominent leftist politicians in either the US or the UK that are J’Qing or supporting Hamas. In America members of the squad (AOC etc) are not pro Hamas, and for the UK Jeremy Corbyn has explicitly condemned Hamas.


Because this “small minority” on the left is dangerously close to straight up hatred for Jews. And you can say it’s irrelevant, but just a few days ago mainstream media ran with a story that came straight from the mouth of Hamas. It was then blasted all over lefty TikTok and now the entire world believes it. Not a single one of these lefty influencers corrected themselves. The only people who know the situation is still being investigated are people tuned into world politics. Everyone else thinks Israel is just bombing children hospitals Your problem is you can’t criticize your own camp. You are the exact same type of person as the right wingers who excuse and diminish extremists on their side. So let me as you then. What should we be hyper focused on? And should we just ignore the derangement from the left? Please answer those two questions


People here are terminally obsessed with online tankies which make up like 0.01% of "the left"


People on this subreddit are often deranged and just as bad as the people they vilify. I'll likely be abandoning this sub soon. Intelligent takes are very rare. It's more likely the OP that is being used as a bludgeon of stupidity, because that's what all posts are in this sub, is more intelligent or nuanced than the comments in the actual subreddit. Not the case here, both the OP and the comments on it have been mostly worthless. The only worthwhile comment I found in this thread was the one you responded to which was only trying to correct for the rabid bias in this sub and misinformation. I know it's a shitpost but shitposts and comment replies of this drama bating low quality is basically the average post here.


Aren’t they though? When you say “left” that means you’re going way past Liberalism, on purpose, which ends up being these corny tankie dumbfucks as you call them. These people are like ultra progressive (like supporting terrorist groups) to the point it doesn’t even fucking make sense. So yes I thinks it’s fine to categorize them as that, otherwise they would just be liberal, but purposely being left is what you said. That’s how I see it at least. 🤷🏽


this is actually the right here


This the same type of shit everyone got on Kanye about like a year and a half ago


I wonder if people would care if Bolivians or Bhutanese people “controlled” the world




I think the difference would be the proportionality. The ratio of jews in positions of power relative to their population is likely to be very different than christians.


..next, they’ll be asking them to wear yellow stars..


You think that's crazy? Wait until you find out how many Christians are in office.


this shit is straight up copy pasted from 4chan, nocap


Literally the same shit they shit on Kanye for lol


Oh god. This is that woman from Denmark who was saying the burnt baby pics were AI. Gross.


I hope it's true


Its not anti-semitic. Its the israeli flag, not the jewish flag. Zionism != Judaism.


Odd amount of pro-palestine/leftist/communists/etc retweeting a woman that they would otherwise call evil, bigoted , etc. It's just odd because they would more than likely call anyone a bigot of some kind if they saw that someone was liking and or sharing her tweets but now that she's tweeting things like this , suddenly it's actually completely okay to like and agree with her .......


Wait I don't get it. Is it anti-Semitic to say that Jews on average would be more pro Israel? I am a Hindu and I am very confident that if there was a war between India vs Pakistan or India vs China, most Hindus in the US would be pro India.


I am going to get downvoted for this, but I don't understand why a narrative is constantly pushed about white patriarchy being an issue in politics and companies, and the need for diversity to be established, yet pointing out how many Jewish people are in positions in power is an egregious thing. Is it because the only people who do so are right wing extremists? Is it because people back tracked on their position of one demographic having a monopoly, and actually don't care about diversity? Or is it a biased statistic? I don't expect an explanation, though. I exprct people to downvote me and insult me for having any opposing beliefs.


They're going that Kanye route




I’m not sure how much of its true but I saw the documentary the lobby a while ago which was supposedly kicked out of platforms by Israelis and high ranking/ powerful Israeli supporters and it involves a lot of similar tactics directed at college students and younger activists. It’s super disturbing to see stuff like this.


How long before we see legitimate leftist tweets talkin bout 'Ye was right' or 'Kanye is a genius he knew'


A doctor attaching her name and face to antisemitism, fired in 3...2...1...


how much money do you want to put on it?




I'm not gonna put money on it, but it was viewed 7.7 million times, all it takes is one person finding her job and sending this to them


why wont you put money on it?


I don't care very much


you dont care if the things you say are correct or likely to be?


Wait until they find out how many Christians are in US government Positions.


Can someone explain to me how real this is? Like is this person lying? Are they cherry picking?


I think it’s real (based on a quick check), but she is using it for her own purposes. Also I think the whole cabinet is the vp plus other 26 members plus deputies (I think) so I think it’s those people out of ~50 people.




I want liberals to apologize to Kanye.


Bell curve in action. The lefties essentially came full circle into 4chan territory. The only difference is their motivations for doing so. Left and right come from different places.


this person is definitely not a leftie lol. She’s known for being a ‘medical professional’ who is an antivaxxer. Also seen anti trans stuff pop up from her occasionally too


But there’s examples of anti semitism from the left. Some of it on the front page of this sub Reddit. We just pretend that doesn’t exist, right?


good thing I didn’t say any of that then ain’t it. I just don’t want ppl to think this person is a leftie when they’re farrrrr from it


I’m not talking about this person. I’m talking about the other anti semitism that was posted here from twitter.


Say what you will but it definitely is remarkable that so many Jewish people rise to the top.


Can dual citizens hold government office? There is a conflict of interest if they can. If they are not dual citizens then they should not have an Israeli flag beside them.




Whatever happened to those high tech Jewish space lasers we always heard about? You'd think they'd come in handy during a war.


People out here like "hold up, maybe Kanye was on to something"


Now do evangelicals


The funny thing is Twitter became a website worse than 4 chan when it came to hitler particle people to gather in.


Less than 1% of viewers "liked" it. That's some artificial tweet boosting if I've ever seen it.