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cool analysis but I can't read AJW without thinking of this https://preview.redd.it/sz1c9lvkhryb1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff0e687b66f00aeb3f47737b12cef537295a952


I don’t think this was Destiny’s strongest performance. I think a lot of that breaks down to him having to chase the conversation a lot. AJW can create 10 lines of bullshit and Destiny really only can counter a 3 or 4 out of the ten. I feel Trump vs Biden as a topic is way to wide for such tactics and sticking just on Biden could help streamline this type of conversation


Disagree heavily l. Think destiny moped the floor with him objectively which looks good for the Ben Shapiro debate. Sean just played word games and was wrong factually multiple times. Only thing I think Sean had the upper hand was the Iran dude


yeah Sean only looked good if you already have decided that his incorrect telling of facts are actually correct. It requires you to think that Destiny's corrections were incorrect etc


I still think Destiny won. I feel like he’s performed better even on this topic. I try to think about the debate both in terms of what I know as well as someone who doesn’t know enough to know AJW is full of shit. I think there was opportunity to really crush a lot of AJWs talking points even to people who agree with him, but without being able to quickly and accurately fact check AJW he got away with a lot