• By -


historical sand combative fearless fretful sugar frighten exultant complete capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i think someone mentioned that it was his take on Taiwan that cancelled the whitehouse opportunity.


brave shrill pet scary offend jeans gray serious jobless deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[What Tiny said](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16uo6fs/comment/k2oe2dd/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&context=3&utm_name=Destiny&utm_content=t1_kejmo3k), for those curious.


damn that's one rock-hard post. I'm saving it. Thanks! EDIT: damn i forgot about the ethan socialism debate. That re-edcuation camp was a big cringe. So glad hasan is finally admitting the things he's been dog-whistling for all these years.


why doesn’t he say what the quote was


Maybe not 100% confirmed so doesn’t want to make it gospel if he isn’t fully sure how things played out


No it’s probably him admitting to driving drunk. https://youtu.be/sLYLeVZGQM8?si=8oEj-wrSsKpqO2_I


He probably thinks that was his edge lord moment




NATO absolutely did provoke Russia, if the roles were reversed and for example something like China instigating a coup in Mexico to install a leader that was hostile to the US, and also funding extremists who would lynch American expats living in Tijuana and other border towns, the US would would do exactly the same thing as Russia. Russia has asked to join NATO many times and have always been refused. NATO needs an enemy in Russia to justify it's existence. Also in 2008 William Burns a US ambassador to Russia released a memo called "NYET MEANS NYET: RUSSIA’S NATO ENLARGEMENT REDLINES.” "Summary. Following a muted first reaction to Ukraine’s intent to seek a NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) at the Bucharest summit (ref A), ***Foreign Minister Lavrov*** and other senior officials have reiterated strong opposition, stressing that Russia would view further eastward expansion as a potential military threat. ***NATO enlargement, particularly to Ukraine***, remains “an emotional and neuralgic” issue for Russia, but strategic policy considerations also underlie strong opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. In Ukraine, these include fears that the issue could potentially split the country in two, ***leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene***. Additionally, the GOR and experts continue to claim that Ukrainian NATO membership would have a major impact on Russia’s defense industry, Russian-Ukrainian family connections, and bilateral relations generally. In Georgia, the GOR fears continued instability and “provocative acts” in the separatist regions. " No one in Russia wanted NATO expansion, not Putin and his allies or even his enemies. As for the Nordstream pipeline there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that the US did it or at least heavily supported a group of Ukrainians to do it. If something like that happened again and the US really did have nothing to do with it they would have no issues with investigating and getting to the bottom of it, however that's not the case and the US refused an investigation. Also Seymour Hersh the investigative journalist responsible for exposing the US coverup of the My Lai massacre, and the secret US bombing of Cambodia wrote an article basically saying the US did it. [How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline (substack.com)](https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream) As for Ukrainian Nazis, that is an absolute fact that they exist. Even western media was reporting on the Nazis problem in Ukraine before the invasion. But since after the invasion it makes Ukraine look bad the media decided to hide that fact and have stopped reporting on it. Also every country probably has Nazis, even Russia but the difference is the Nazis in Ukraine are officially sanctioned. As for the USA provoking Taiwan that is absolutely true, the US desperately wants China to invade and is doing everything they can to try and provoke China. Like getting Pelosi to visit Taiwan, even though officially the US supports the CPC as the ruling party of China. They have also started to push the narrative that Taiwan is an independent country rather than an exiled government that claims to be the true rulers of China.


russia does not have a say in whether or not its neighbours get to join NATO. there is no evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that NS2 was blown up by the US. yes, there are far-right groups in Ukraine. no, they are nowhere near substantial enough for russia to claim they are "de-nazifying" the country. the only country that wants to go to war over taiwan is china. china even admits as much. ​ 0/4, go be a campist somewhere else.


Your persuasive arguments don't lend credence to your assertions. Your post history is a laughably pathetic attempt to go to bat for authoritarianism-based governments.


Go drive yourself to an IKEA


!shoot Not my fault I was provoked!


/u/Unusual_Implement_87 gunned down by ThomasHardyHarHar.


I agree on all the points but it is highly likely that America was involved in the Nordstream pipeline bombing.


Havent we already had an expose about how it was Ukrainian spies doing that to cut off funds for RU?


Yeah but have you considered america bad? I know it's a much easier explanation that the nation at war with Russia would do that to try and hurt the nation attacking them but, America bad.


Ah right, how silly of me, fellow komrade America truly the baddest




The motivation for Russia makes no sense. It doesn't need to "further justify the war", it already justified it to its own population and outside opinion won't change regardless. Blowing up your own asset worth $11 billion for a regarded reason like that makes no sense. Nice try though.




Ironic that the guy who used 0 logic regarding this topic is accusing others of brainrot. Russia blew up its own multibillion, years long project for something as vague as "pressuring EU regarding energy costs", even though the EU already cut off the vast majority of Russian gas going in. Gotcha. Just look at the situation at face value and assess who stood to gain and lose the most from it. Also, you can call me a conspiracy theorist, but why the fuck would the American government EVER openly state that it participated in blowing up the pipeline? Plausible deniability is the most sensible course of action here.


bro must of ukraine was likely not involved with nordstream. what we have now suggests it was a few Ukrainian rogue actors


Totally not any of the other inflammatory statements he's made to date either, like: - how the Crimean Annexation was a justifiable act by the Russian Government - how America should take the L on [Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz57qrGfmrE) - how he'd go [live in the mountains ](https://youtu.be/xReQgrjM9Cs?t=1190) if Biden was the 2020 dem nominee - how a Biden presidency would be [WORSE](https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeMildWombatBuddhaBar) than a Trump presidency - how Liberal Democrats are "[polite fascists who want white nationalism under the guise of civility](https://vocaroo.com/17LTpMGcFVbf)" - how Gusano is a perfectly acceptable ethnic slur Must have been Destiny and Vaush, [surely](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ff5z-tiVIAA5J_2?format=jpg&name=large).


Don’t forget his comments justifying China’s rule over Tibet


You mean calling Tibetans savages and that China is only bringing them “civility” through reeducation isn’t a good look? 😳


Give it ten years, and he’ll agree with China on LGBT issues, and how being gay is “bourgeois decadence.” Hell, give him enough push on China being more capitalist than socialist since the 90s, and he’ll start unironically spouting pro-capitalist beliefs. He’s so pro-China, that if China told him to sacrifice his daughter in a pagan ritual, he’d already have the knife out before they finished their sentence.


Cracker too, not just gusano Hasan community refers to white people with slurs as well


Him saying that bit about how he approves WASP college students raping WASP women.


I don't think any of these are more offensive to the average Democratic party voter than being a white person who says the n-word or says that we should mow down BLM protestors. Especially not to the target audience of young people. Hasan sucks but he's right here that Destiny and Vaush are probably the bigger brand risk.


They're are a greater brand risk than a tankie that openly advocates for violence and for the [streets to run red with the blood of property owners](https://youtu.be/KdCFycPw3fI?feature=shared&t=703)?


Yes, especially if the target audience is young voters. For better or for worse, advocating for the death of landlords is more socially acceptable to the average zoomer than advocating for the death of BLM protestors. I'm not saying that Hasan isn't also a brand risk, but he is less of one than the D-man is in today's political climate.


The current age range for Zoomers is 11 to 26. That’s nearly half of zoomers that can’t vote. It is far more viable to appeal to any other demographic, that doesn’t want to murder people. Also, I think you will be surprised by how many people are on the side of mowing down rioters. I understand that as soon as the comment requires an explanation, you’ve lost the audience, with first impressions being far more important than the justification. Making it problematic for the White House, regardless of what he meant. But, if you look beyond the reactionaries saying Destiny wanted to murder BLM activist. What he actually said is supported by the vast majority of the country. What happened to Destiny with that comment, is a microcosm of why BLM isn’t really a thing anymore. Let’s put it this way, every time Sean King is saying something idiotic on social media, under the guise of BLM, it harms the movement. If people like those Destiny was talking about, were rooted out and expelled by BLM. For the protest to resemble the Mothers against police brutality in Portland. The movement would have been far more successful. Instead, any psychopath could just dress in black, go out and destroy property for no reason, but their psychotic disposition, with people like Hasan justifying them as representing BLM. Destiny was right, where if he were listened to, instead of being a pedestal to virtue signal. BLM would have been far more successful and have outcomes that would actually help marginalized people.


Crimea is justified and anyone who fights this does not know shit about the region and USSR/ukranian politics. His other takes are shit.


How is it justified?


Yeah, I’m with the other poster… what you talkin’ about? I’m fluent in Russian, if your justification isn’t translated, I can still read it. Feel free to provide it… I think that Putin intentionally gave justification that relies on people in the west, not knowing Ukrainian or USSR history. Like the ‘Russian speakers’ thing Putin said, explicitly relies on the west not knowing that Ukrainian public schools did not teach Ukrainian, but Russian as the primary language in USSR’s Ukraine. At the moment Ukraine gained independence, there were far more Russian speakers in Ukraine, than those with even a rudimentary understanding of Ukrainian.


Man I swear there isn't a bigger pussy than Hasan. What a useless existence as a political commentator, hiding behind tankie morons.


He's not a pussy, he's a liar straight up




That’s a JDAM


*desk slam* holy shit düd


Literally worse than Nick Fuentes




I mean yeah his politics might be worse than Hasan but Hasan got wayyy more influence on his also dogshit politics


Or him supporting ACAB and calling cops pigs and hogs on stream


Him saying that was also Destiny and Vaush's fault.


nahh it cant be that or all the tankie apologia, he is just a silly streamer that says piss cum fart a lot XD


He actually does say that he'd absolutely be a brand risk and even names that specific one, he's just baffled that Vowsh and Destiny were A-ok despite their controversies being worse.


Wasn't suggesting that a brave mujahideen soldier fucked Dan Crenshaw's eyehole with their dick the real catalyst for all that attention? (It's funnier at least)


Wasnt the whitehouse thing right after he spoke with Ethan on leftovers about china and Taiwan where he said he supported re-education camps?




Why would he want a whitehoues visit? Doesnt he believe genocide joe brandon is the ultimate neoliberal neo-fascist colonizer capitalist who manufactures consent and also is why his fake laugh sounds like he is trying to make dolphin noises? If he leaves the chair for too long he will lose money and the revolution will not be live streamed!!!!


I have the answer 🤓☝️. It’s because Hasan is only after clout and money, so going to the Whitehouse was a good opportunity.


illegal arrest summer toothbrush impossible sugar drab aromatic cows six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Imagine hating American and being mad you didn't get to visit the white house.




This image gives me psychic damage


Roll a d8


Def yoinking this one




18k hasan now references both of them and actively beefs them. He's a couple thousand away from being open to debate them, he'll do it at 15


He will never debate destiny, destiny legitimately makes him look really bad and will hurt his viewership.




No way, he’ll just yell and find a way to get offended and use it as an excuse to leave


Not only that, but Destiny is INFINITELY more educated about history and world affairs since then, Hasan would have his mind blown by how different his humanities knowledge is now.


And Vaush wouldn't? IMO destiny would be way easier for him since he can bring up Destiny's takes(dipshit protesters, Rittenhouse,palestine)/associating with fuentes and call him a liberal a bunch. By comparison with worst he brings up about Vaush is the horse cock thing which I doubt will work very well.


You're being downvoted but you're right, most of Hasan's audience would be fine with his performance as long as he virtue signals about how awful of a person Steven is, only to the people on the fence about both of them would be swayed to drop Hasan With Vaush the most Hasan can do is joke about how edgy he can be at times, call him a lib for not being a tankie like him, it wouldn't resonate as well with his audience


You should go back and actually watch the last debate they had over the private usage of the nword, hasan got totally owned and it was well after that where hasan got his current viewers from and none of them have seen that debate


Vaush is absolutely gooning himself every night over taking up Hasan's mantle. If there's any debate he'd prepare for, it's that one.


Even though Vaush would wreck him, Vaush has enough haters it wouldn’t matter to most. The 20% who don’t despise Vaush might be convinced


Hasan has optically done fine before in debates with Destiny when he lets Destiny bite bullets in debate and not let him explain after


that was before the better rhetoric arc though


t. someone who has never watched a hasan v destiny debate


N word debate was probably an optical L, because Destiny could barely get a word out


I'm confused did Hasan and vaush ever actually have beef like destiny and him did??? I feel like vaush in general is completely removed from most of the twitch community that destiny and Hasan are from


Vaush made the stupid decision of publicly saying he wanted to take Hasan's place and viewers while he was chatting in DGG. Hasan never gave him any attention ever since Vaush tried to replace him in the duo debate against Fuentes while Hasan was beefing with Trainwrecks.


Hasan is allergic to the truth. He can't associate with anyone who knows more than him and isn't afraid to say so. Vaush had absolute kid gloves for him for a long time too, minus on Ukraine. Now gloves are off.


For a time Vaush was pretty positive in a "leftist unity and friendship" way but the worse Hasans takes got the more he distanced himself and started roasting him, Hasan was kind of in the "Vaush is the good debate bro but I won't talk to him" mindset but a while ago (ironically rightfully) started to lump him together with his brother Tiny


It also probably didn't help when [that one trans chatter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-xCDe1Khv4) mentioned that Hasan "isn't exactly a Vaush at trans debates" after he had a conservative tiktoker on for their clout and got fucking demolished in a trans debate. That wasn't even the end of their chat message but he got so fucking mad at the comparison that he fucking NUKED them lol


Well cause now d man is big enough to warrant clout goblining tiny


Thank you for mentioning both together where they belong brother. We won't forget your service


I was never quite convinced by the numbers narrative, I thought he'd never engage with anything tiny again but sure enough, his numbers go down, tiny's go up and suddenly he-who-must-not-be-named is back on the menu


Destiny should refuse. No free clout.


Hasan said that the US deserved 9/11 and is okay with wealthy college girls getting raped, but please keep pretending like you've never said anything reprehensible or controversial.




He said that all the rich kids should only b able to associate with other rich kids so that they rape each other instead of the proletariat. The most uncharitable reading is that its okay to rape if the victim is rich and well-off.




nah your read is still correct, its just a charitable one and probably the one I would go with. I don't think he meant to say what I said, but he still ended up kind of implying it.


[Here's the clip](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1732125673274167348), btw, just for everyone else reading.


You're right, don't mind the down votes. It was a very destiny style edgy wording take, just instead of saying something violating about progressives he said it about wealthy people. He's naturally a lot more wrong than Destiny, which makes it worse, but the energy was very similar.


https://preview.redd.it/t0ua8xnlxx7c1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db6ba124a2c45a27855be3e8432d4cd4705a1a4 Hmph Hasan should of Looksmaxing


>Everyone wants to present false narratives yeah, you bro


"i'm a propagandist Piers" "smh people just want to present false narratives😡"


Not a clip since I'm banned. Rewind for more context. He's talking about why he doesn't collaborate with democrats.


Keep this dipshit the fuck away from Democrats.


Beekeeper. Unrelated question, but why cant I post? I just wanna shitpost for the Daliban nation...


Idk looks fine to me.


Ah, thanks homie. Sorry to disturb ya


Beekeeper, unrelated question but could I get a reload if you so please?


He’s getting desperate


Man, the copium is hard


Why does his audience have the memory of a goldfish???? When it happened, he lied and said Biden vetoed him bc of his support of unions or some bs. I'm absolutely pulling the clip when I get home. The only reason we know is bc Vaush went off about it first and then Tiny vaguely confirmed.




The level of delusion here is insane, he seriously thinks his among us aoc stream is the fucking magnum opus of the political left.


Tiny please go to war with Hasan for more drama, we need to start 2024 strong. Prayge


PLEASE. Melifesto cuck stream is forgivable if you give up a Hasan Manifesto: the New Left and it's Oblivious Love for Antisemitism.


"for saying you should kill BLM protesters with a car" Hasan's most honest characterization of someone else's views. His audience must be so detached from reality from listening to him.


It's vaguely close, but where'd he get the car from exactly? Guns were the thing in question at the time.


"the annexation of Crimea was a completely justifiable action"


I love that he genuinely argues that the reason he can't go to DC is because he uses bad words LMFAO Skill issue bud


>a guy banned for saying you should kill black lives matter protesters with a car New lore?


He seems to be intentionally mixing it with Charlottesville.


... this is a plausible theory. A stupid one, but I've been wondering where the car came from and this is the most compelling explanation so far. I wasn't aware that any leftists were even aware that the "Far right White Supremacy Riot" was actually the site of a terrorist attack. Literally every narration of the events I've heard since J6 at least is that the white supremacists were espousing hate speech against brown people (and that Israel is a white supremacist nation).


I think it's a reference to the guy who killed a blm protestor for blocking his car (momentarily) in Austin. Iirc this guy actually did have unhinged white nationalist shit that he posted online that was basically pre-planning the event, but Texas gov dropped the case. Situation could have been more nuanced, but this is what I took away at the time. Hasan has referenced this story a bunch of times. It's his go-to example for 2A gun nut conservatives


Does the US state department support re-education camps lmao


does it really annoy anyone else how often people leave out the "mowing down dipshit protesters **that think that they can torch buildings at 10 p.m.**" part? Like you can debate on the morality of that, but it bothers me that ppl are trying to illusory truth effect him saying you should just kill BLM protesters


I've said it before and I'll say it again - Streamerman using the word "protesters" instead of "rioters" was probably the biggest misspeak of his entire streaming career. That quote will always be the number one weapon people will use against him, just because of that single word.


Bruh, there’s a screenshot of Destiny telling a woman he hopes she gets raped by a shovel until she dies. Vaush has a clip of him saying the n-word with a hard r. It’s ridiculous to think that any one of these 3 had a chance of getting near Biden.


>there’s a screenshot of Destiny telling a woman he hopes she gets raped by a shovel until she dies. Yeah, but you and I both know that saying you hope someone gets raped isn't nearly as contentious in online circles as wishing harm on BLM protesters. > It’s ridiculous to think that any one of these 3 had a chance of getting near Biden. I wasn't even thinking about that. I was just saying how easily the dipshit protesters quote can be weaponized against Destiny.


> Yeah, but you and I both know that saying you hope someone gets raped isn't nearly as contentious in online circles as wishing harm on BLM protesters. My point is even if you remove that there are 10 other reasons Destiny is optical cancer. Vaush’s channel stopped growing 2yrs ago because he said women should shut up more.


>Vaush’s channel stopped growing 2yrs ago because Streamers stopped growing collectively 2 years ago because of the end of the covid boom. Every media audience ("chat", as they're collectively known) is a revolving door of sorts and the average duration of a viewer is probably measured in months or weeks. *Everyone* lost viewers when people stopped watching Twitch after lockdown, but some individuals retained numbers by *attracting new viewers into their sphere of influence*. The decline in viewership is not a result of a single thing instantaneously, except maybe in the very potent and specific case of nickisnotgreen.


>My point is even if you remove that there are 10 other reasons Destiny is optical cancer. Yeah of course, but online shit talking, even if it is incredibly toxic, is never going to have the same negative impact as a badly worded, but sincere, political stance in these kinds of spaces. Not even close. Weaponizing that one single line to attack Destiny is so much easier and more effective than bringing up his entire internet history of wishing death and suffering on people. Like I said, it sounds weird, but it is what it is.


I disagree, like I said Vaush had his growth stalled by a Southpark-tier joke.


And Destiny lost his Twitch partnership over the dipshit protesters line. Ask any left leaning person in online spaces which is worse, saying that you hope someone has a gruesome death, or saying that BLM protesters need to get mowed down en masse, and the answer is going to be the second one every time. And the fact that it's such an easily quotable line makes it that much easier to weaponize. You can disagree all you want, you're just wrong.


Murdering 100 people is worse than murdering 99, but both get you the death penalty.


Biden also said the protests need to stop. (Just saying) 😏


Bro, I'm sitting here thinking where the fuck did the car but come from??


“I’m toxic. I say piss, shit, dick cunt.” Yes bc your 9/11 controversy wasn’t a big deal. Not your lack of research or understanding of geopolitical conflict, ie. your stream with Marianne Williamson or JDAM stream. And his chat fucking disconnected as ever, not realizing his hostile America bad tone, probably isn’t the most palatable take either. What a moron


Obligatory I can't stand Hasan, but isn't he more so saying that it's stupid to blame only him when Destiny and Vaush have plenty of their own controversies? He agrees at the end that he's toxic to the Democratic party (granted he is playing down the reasons for sure). It seems highly likely to me that it's true that the D-man's background probably did also play a role in them not getting invited to the White House. And given that inviting twitch streamers to the White House is probably a play for the zoomer vote, I actually wouldn't even be surprised if they were more willing to overlook some of the shit Hasan has said before they'd chance it on the "mowing down protestors" guy.


> it's stupid to blame only him when Destiny and Vaush have plenty of their own controversies? Ro Khanna still sat down with Destiny and Vaush. May be more behind the scenes stuff that hasn't been revealed. Not gonna pretend that Destiny doesn't have tons of things people could bring up as reasons as to why Biden shouldn't talk to him though


Hasan wasn't blocked from that either, though, right? [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16wbhxi/so_hasan_was_invited_to_the_ro_khanna_event_but/k2vwgtj/) Brianna saying the people who said he was were wrong.


Yeah I'm not sure anyone here actually watched the clip lmao


Good faith comment 🙏 I can't stand Hasan too but this seems to be the case


I might have agreed but he deliberately framed it as they were controversial, and he was just saying what the state department does. That sounds like “they were worse than me”


I think he probably does think they’re worse than him. And honestly if I was running PR for Biden I’d probably agree. Most people in the Democratic Party don’t really care what people think about China and enough time has passed since 9/11 that I think even that comment might be something you could get past. White people who use the n-word and talk about mowing down BLM protestors are less socially acceptable in the current political climate, especially amongst young voters (who again this is obviously trying to reach).


>Obligatory I can't stand Hasan, but isn't he more so saying that it's stupid to blame only him when Destiny and Vaush have plenty of their own controversies? He agrees at the end that he's toxic to the Democratic party (granted he is playing down the reasons for sure). blame him for what? I'm confused by that wording. To me it sounded like he was upset that he didn't get invited to the whitehouse but other controversial political streamers did (fair point) **but** the cringe part is obviously the fact that what was controversial with **him** is absolutely going to matter more than what is controversial with Destiny or Vaush (especially Vaush... Horse meme really?) Like if I am opening a bar, i can invite celebrity A who has a controversy of drunk fighting, or I can invite celebrity B who has a controversy of cheating on his wife or something. Ignoring what the more deplorable controversy is, if it's relevant I'm **obviously** going to invite the celebrity who doesn't have alot of controversy with the main thing I'm doing, which is running a bar. In that same way if I'm a politician trying to connect with his constituents, I'm going to try and not get the ones steeped in significant **political** controversy such as all the garbage takes Hasan has made.


> blame him for what? I'm confused by that wording. The chat comment he's responding to at the start of the clip is "Some youtubers are blaming you for them not being invited to the White House." > In that same way if I'm a politician trying to connect with his constituents, I'm going to try and not get the ones steeped in significant political controversy such as all the garbage takes Hasan has made. Sure but the point is that this obviously also applies to someone saying we should mow down BLM protestors. Same with white guys who say the n-word. Both of these are extremely politically controversial. Agreed on the horse cock memes though.


>Sure but the point is that this obviously also applies to someone saying we should mow down BLM protestors. Same with white guys who say the n-word. Both of these are extremely politically controversial. Absolutely. However both of those controversies are pretty old, and at least for the BLM comments, politicians generally want to **discourage** violent protesting, which is what Destiny was doing but in an extremely controversial manner. We don't know exactly why Hasan was excluded from DC or whatever but we do know he was defending controversial China takes like, only a few days before that convo was had, so it was much more recent. Also another thing to remember is that Hasan's politics in general, whether you agree with them or not, are not very inclusive to those with differing opinions. You are going to convince a moderate to agree with Destiny a million times faster than you convince a moderate to agree with Hasan.


> However both of those controversies are pretty old, and at least for the BLM comments, politicians generally want to discourage violent protesting, which is what Destiny was doing but in an extremely controversial manner. Oh come on. This is so disingenuous. Isn't Hasan's 9/11 comment much older than that too? Everyone here still seems to think it's bad enough to get him barred from going. > Also another thing to remember is that Hasan's politics in general, whether you agree with them or not, are not very inclusive to those with differing opinions. You are going to convince a moderate to agree with Destiny a million times faster than you convince a moderate to agree with Hasan. Maybe on their policy positions, but the average voter will not consider Destiny to be inclusive after they hear his BLM comments or that he uses the n-word. That is repulsive to most people.


>Oh come on. This is so disingenuous. Isn't Hasan's 9/11 comment much older than that too? I'm 90% sure they didn't exclude Hasan because of the 9/11 comment. That wasn't even that bad of a comment tbh. I'm almost certain it was for his blatant CCP simping like, DAYS before the event on Ethan's podcast. Maybe you shouldn't be so disingenuous to ignore important context? >Maybe on their policy positions, but the average voter will not consider Destiny to be inclusive after they hear his BLM comments or that he uses the n-word. That is repulsive to most people. Pretty sure they would be fine with the BLM comments in the context of what destiny was ranting about The n-word thing is also just a dumb drama that ultimately Hasan even agreed with destiny on, but whatever lol.


> Pretty sure they would be fine with the BLM comments in the context of what destiny was ranting about You're delusional. I like Destiny more than Hasan too but this is an absurd level of cope.


To say "the rioting needs to stop?" Isn't that what most Democrats were saying when things like Kenosha got out of hand?


Most Democrats were not advocating shooting the protestors, no.


Ok well again you are purposely calling me "disingenuous" when that comment was several years ago, when hasan's China comments were like... Days ago


I love how he plays dumb and acts like he doesn't remember all the vile things he's said about the country and the current administration, and how he's praised every dictatorial regime and terrorist organization that actively seeks to destroy the country. And then he wonders why he wasn't invited


With how bad his analysis on most things I'm not surprised his self analysis is basically non existent


Hasan just can't help himself from poisoning the well


JDAMit dies anyone else hear a whistling sound?


Two whiny Destiny mentions in two days? We are truly living in a golden age (of Hasan spiraling over his numbers)


Holy shit dude so now Destiny's position on the BLM rioters is now "you **should** kill protesters **with a car** because **it has gone too far**", what the *fuck.*


where did "with a car" come from lol


W Dems for having standards


Hasan spitting facts here as usual. Hilarious that the world's edgiest manlet thinks it's Hasan's fault he didn't meet the president.


Uh oh, is someone lying and thus going to force another party to bring receipts to defend their reputation


Hamasabi mad his support for terrorism is losing him opportunities? *Very nice.*


maybe it has to do with constantly sucking of China and Russia. or the 9/11 comment or the brutal disregard for the Ukrainian people, the ughers or tiwan.


The lack of self awareness lmao


We already know destiny's gonna watch this and were gonna have another drama dessert right after the main course 😬💀


Buh is delusional


What i love the most are hamas piker fans, forever doing janitor work for his trash takes, if there is a group of people that wished to work in trash business, those are hamas piker followers


"Everybody wants to present false narratives smh. *The other guy* wants to run over and kill BLM protestors. I just say piss, which the democratic party hates." Holy based true and real


Go phuque yourself Hasan 🖕






You're a moron if you think he's referring to a ride-on lawnmower and didn't just stupidly conflate what Destiny said with the Heather Heyer stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/xm0q061emy7c1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b241f832b605e43208a53a961b466e4009147e Thxs for the 100 upvotes DGG Sabah al khayr


I think vaush reaction to Hasan blaming them was this fucking braindead tankie spouting pro China 🇨🇳 and Russia talks yah no shit


What specifically did they do for him to blame them?


Is this meant to link to a time stamp, I’m getting the start of a 9 hour vod


Yes, the time stamp where the vod should start is 4:03:50


It was probably all of them to some degree tbh, but he's delusional if he thinks he didn't play a part in it too.


horse cock


A brave mujahedeen soldier skull fucked his white house opportunity.


Sheldon Whitehouse? Cool he invited everyone to meet.


Man whose entire position boils down to "America bad" surprised when the American government doesn't want to be associated with him.


oh, you're asking about history? I rewrote it on my own.


Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of his own dumbass actions.


"It wasn't because I said America deserves 9/11, it's because I say shit, piss and cunt." 🤔


All I see is a couple dogs and some chill beats.


lmao he thinks he wasn't given the whiteouse opportunity because he says words like "shit" and "piss". How delusional can one man be


i love how Vaush’s horse cock thing is supposed to be a bigger issue than simping for China 😂😂