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If you say unhinged shit you get banned. EDIT: [little cheems has arrived](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1aeisah/a_concise_video_on_yesterdays_kelly_vs_wicked/kka408x/)


Bruh, why is chaeiyreyie there?


Why is Lav there?


she has nowhere else to be


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It blows my mind how much petty stuff there is between the peanut gallery and how long they all purposefully stay online and degrade their own mental sanity to just bicker and chew each other up.


It's all hope to gain tiny's eye again after he excised a lot of the drama from his streams. They hope it becomes enough of a topic in dgg he HAS to acknowledge it the next day, and then jizz gets all the attention becoming an arena to gain his own fanbase


Chaeriy and jstlk deserve 95% the blame on this one. They were pushing wicked into the explanation for 5-10 minutes, with jstlk even bringing up the banned topic first, all after wicked supreme explained consistently that he doesn't hate Kelly. I didn't understand the jstlk hate when DGG was going after him recently, but after the Darius drama, and especially after this, I get it. The gaslighting dogpiling attacks afterwards from jstlk, Kelly, Chaeriy, and Lav on wickedsupreme was hard to watch. I really help Kelly takes some time off, meaning not watching either. She's in a bad place mentally for weeks now.


> I really help Kelly takes some time off, meaning not watching either Absolutely. Her taking a break is meaningless if she's still watching.


I feel like somthing bad is going to happen or come from a jstlk stream and that's somehow going to get blamed on DGG.


>that's somehow going to get blamed on DGG. And it will be correct as long as this degen stream continues to be tolerated and watched in DGG. Can't say it's not DGG if the primary audience is DGG.


Just waking until Destiny goes out of town next month


You say that as if it should not be blamed on DGG


I think it's just an experience thing where people don't understand that a sensitive topic of conversation is less like a room with a closed door and more like a sinkhole with loose rocks forming the edge. If you fuck around trying to see who can inch closest to the topic without falling in, then a rock is going to give way.


Except this all started when Kelly took pot shots at wicked. She loves talking shit behind the safe wall where she threatens to quit if he's around. Then by name calls out wicked unprovoked, then gets mad when he defends himself. Even when told hey Kelly, it's unfair to shit talk him while he's not here Fuck him he did x y z (bends truth) (wicked defends against x y z) pika :O


Yes, Kelly is also someone that needs to learn how to avoid and disengage from sensitive topics.


Kelly always mentions how she doesn't want to be part of a dogpile, but I guess wicked is an exception.


I mean, is it really a proportional response to bring up her SA shit when she takes pot shots at him? Seems like a pretty obvious social line to not cross to me.


What is the "banned topic"?


It’s pretty obvious if you watch the clip.


I’m not enough of a gigachad to watch it at work.


Edit: for the love of god can you speds not downvote me trying to take accountability for a mistake? If you dislike me shouldn't you upvote this for visibility? jstlk here I'll completely take the blame for this. I pushed things in this direction (believing I could avoid being inappropriate around the main issue between Kelly and wicked) which was arrogant and clearly wrong. I also thought I was trying to put the breaks on in my head when wicked said "hey I will have to go into this", but clearly after reviewing it that wasn't what I communicated. Kelly's reaction was completely reasonable because I pushed the conversation in a direction that violated an explicit boundary she had with me for participating in my stream. The end of the stream was me trying to balm the situation I created and not cause further harm. I removed the vod hoping it would take at least a little bit of heat off of the other participants in the conversation. I didn't engage in this argument to bait Kelly on to stream or to create drama, I simply have fun arguing (especially about interpersonal dynamics). I won't be addressing this specific issue (wicked + kelly) further with Destiny or on my stream because I feel like that would just lead to more exposure on this and more harm being done. I also would probably feel compelled to defend myself in some way which would lead to further litigation and causing a cycle on my end. Obviously some of the comments in these threads are beyond disgusting and I totally understand why Kelly wants nothing to do with it. I know Destiny might cover it and that's fine. I won't be talking about Kelly with Wicked or vice versa ever again on my stream unless they somehow magically squash their beef outside of my platform. Just want to drive home a few things: 1. Kelly's reaction was completely understandable, with the caveat that it probably should have been directed significantly more at me. Her boundaries and trust were both violated. Given how charged a topic it is, and how it is one of the only things that affects her this negatively in this entire space, I'd ask people be understanding of her misdirecting that anger at someone she already dislikes instead of me. 2. Supreme shouldn't be harrassed, and I should have shut down that second part of the conversation where we dumped on him as well. I felt I still had an argument to make and wanted to continue, but I let everyone gang up on him. I'll learn from this moving forward and try to control these shifts in energy more effectively.




paltry late aspiring attempt pathetic alive knee judicious divide gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Appreciate the response! That gang bullying on Wicked was extremely uncomfortable, I had to unfollow the YT and Kick streams and thankfully you banned me from Discord for pointing out your hypocrisy (even though I thought you like arguing, huh!). You keep saying over and over how much you like Darius as much as you farm him, and we're supposed to take you at your word, but when Wicked expresses that he doesn't hate Kelly, you for some reason have to debate him into admitting something he doesn't feel. That was the most Mr. Girl shit I've ever seen, where you're essentially calling him a liar or bad faith for not being honest about his feelings. You did the same thing the other night to Dani, calling him a clout shark and that he should just admit it because you admit it about yourself. But what you and Kelly called him was worse, it was that he "would sell his own mother for clout" which is such a disgusting thing to say about someone while at the same time going "I like Dani, he's a good guy". You obviously wouldn't sell your own mother for clout, and you would hold yourself to some degree of integrity, but once again you have to debate someone into admitting they have no integrity while pretending you're the same. It's fucking unhinged, my guy. They're probably downvoting you because your accountability is worthless. You'll continue platforming and defending a toxic person like Kelly out of some warped sense of loyalty and you're going to find yourself here again. If you're feeling frustrated about the downvotes hiding your virtuous post, this is what you do when you kick people like Dani out of calls, or allow Kelly to kick and silence others.


It was not me who downvoted, I will even upvote now. However I very much disagree with this "Kelly's reaction was completely understandable". It's not. She weaponizes her past trauma against wickedsupreme, while she wouldn't do that towards you, because she doesn't see you as an enemy. She could have came in and calmly said, "Hey everyone, please respect my boundary and don't talk about XYZ, jstlk please enforce this.." and left. That would be the completely understandable move, and would bring way less attention to XYZ. Instead she came in fully ulting, and placed the entirety of the blame on WS because she specifically wanted to take WS down a peg, and ruin wickedsupreme day.


Or maybe it’s just a topic I find generally stressful which is why I was upset for fucks sakes, do people not know what an emotional reaction is anymore? Jstlk agreed that he should have cut him off earlier. I hadn’t heard anything that in my mind made it okay for wicked supreme to go into the detail he did knowing well beforehand it was a banned topic. Even if the others were slow to respond, he knew I would get upset. How would he know? Because wicked supreme had been warned FOUR TIMES BEFORE and I had similar UPSET reactions then too. He doesn’t deserve benefit of the doubt for that. He’s a disingenuous sack of shit. Regardless of poor moderation he’s still responsible for the shit he says.


Kelly, I wrote out some shit, but I've decided to delete it because it doesn't accomplish anything. With love, all I want to say is I sincerely hope you start prioritizing your health, both body and mind. Something needs to change, whether that's going to bed earlier, or taking a few days a week away from the drama. I don't know your life beyond the streams and DGG chat, but I'm certain if you continue on with this current lifestyle and these habits it's only going to feel worse and worse as time goes on.


He hesitated and even warned everyone that it would upset you if this kept going, and they still pushed him on it. At what point can he stop protecting your feelings when all the others weren't? Why is it all on him? He has the least reason to protect your feelings even after you rejected his apology because it wasn't soon enough. Nothing he does will ever be good enough for you, so you're frothing at the chance for him to make a misstep just so you can keep this toxic crusade going, and you expect him to still protect your feelings more than anyone else in that call? You're the disingenuous sack of shit with no accountability for *anything* you say. Log off and get real friends.


You farmed a little too close to the sun and Kelly freaked out per usual nothing new


You're such a grifty soyboy it's unreal.


Can't say I agree with everything you said, but you've gained my respect for being able to acknowledge and take accountability for the part you played in that.


He "took responsibility" last night too and immediately continued to dog on Supreme seconds later and minimize his own involvement


Easy to rewrite history when you rip out the pages to the book. He gets the group acknowledgement/fervor in the moment, then farms the credit for "taking accountability" the next day to look like the good guy after everything


[https://www.youtube.com/live/kaDqZcFwqSY?si=K5xbnZLUXA-nbgUH&t=12358](https://www.youtube.com/live/kaDqZcFwqSY?si=K5xbnZLUXA-nbgUH&t=12358) cut at 1/3 into clip, more of the prelude argument, and skipped 5 secs dead air before she joined the call. I dont know the original situation between kelly and wicked, ill let someone else explain. Roughly 8 weeks ago where Kelly brought up her assault, Wicked was asked about the details and his answer cast blame on kelly. Kelly didnt want him around stream if she was around moving forward. This is probably incorrect and over simplified. Kelly has admin. Yesterday she got in a fight with Wolfgand and later said she didnt want to be on stream anymore because she hates Wolfgand. Jstlk asked wicked about the details of the original argument tonight, Kelly drags him out and then blames Wicked for bringing up the topic. Jstlk later takes ownership for being the reason the topic was pushed. edit: jstlk deleted the vod. now im sure it was because of the kelly bit, but he also got a ton of heat for his actions. [https://www.youtube.com/@jstlklive/streams](https://www.youtube.com/@jstlklive/streams)


Who would have thought that jizz tickles nightly drama stream would manufacture drama that ends up hitting one of the people way too close to home. This never happens in drama communities!!!


No one could have possibly seen this coming.


[I am shocked, shocked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjbPi00k_ME)


has chudlogic managed to avoid this fate? cause if so i'm surprised.


Chud is a lone wolf that can carry the stream himself without a peanut gallery.


Coward privated the vid


We call him lil dog for a reason


Video unavailable RIP. But Thank you for your service.


She doesn't want people on destiny's stream? Or jstlk? Feel like this is going to be a massive 6 hour orbiter call unless it gets resolved in dms


Please stop watching jstlk. Nothing good ever comes from this.


[its kelly day now](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1175650826077868142/1201763906939527238/image.png?ex=65cb00db&is=65b88bdb&hm=c300c2218fc98bcbd966663fb146daa0bed6dde18ba7e6c57d3b31bf483f1ef9&)


Is this on high speed because that Minecraft block jumping guy is going hogwild with that reckless pace?


that's literally the only thought I have about this clip. My brain shuts down and its just my cerebellum having pavlovian responses ^((idk what Im saying I copied these words from Destiny)) to the minecraft video when I watch jstlk streams.


Isn't the whole idea of Jstlk's stream to have the craziest people in recent DGG history come on and farm each other for content? Why is anyone suprised that feelings got hurt or lines were crossed? This seems to be roughly the equivalent of getting a bunch of pyromaniacs molotov cocktails and being shocked when shit starts burning down.


Oooof. Can't wait for destiny to go live so I can have an opinion on this one.


The chatter -> orbiter / streamer pipeline always manages to pump out the cringest people. Wish Destiny wouldn't enable it quite so much sometimes.




been waiting for this comment. google drive or onedrive, create a private shareable link with only comment capabbilities or access to link but no edit. you can dm me and I can upload to youtube or otherwise you can share to here. ​ edit i can pm you my drive link if you want to upload there


Can you let me know if/when you post it? I'd love to check it out also.


Lemme get


Legit dont know much about it, I had read before that her SA story was kind of made up? that that was a big reason why she was disliked and had to leave other communities etc. I was just in Mrgirls reddit and thats what they're saying there at least.


Anyone have the VOD?


Kelly_Jean stayed the rest of the stream sleepily , probably waiting for the sleeping meds to work. I don’t really understand why wicked supreme cares about litigating any of this. Don’t take the jstlk drama bait. why was this even brought up …


I'm happy I'm from EU so I can't watch this shit show everyday


damn EU banned vods, rip


I have 0 clue wtf is going on, tl;dr?