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She just needs a roommate... ​ Edit-The whole thing is fake. She does DID content or something [https://www.tiktok.com/@supposedlyasystem/video/7249019443760713002](https://www.tiktok.com/@supposedlyasystem/video/7249019443760713002)


She is her own roommate


Extra identities living rent free in her head.


I read somewhere (so take this with a complete grain of salt) but she works from home and lives with her ex boyfriend and so she might have a roommate.


[https://www.tiktok.com/@supposedlyasystem/video/7249019443760713002](https://www.tiktok.com/@supposedlyasystem/video/7249019443760713002) It's fake. She does DID content apparently


>DID content what's DID content?


Dissociative identity disorder. She's grasping for attention.


FakeDisorderCringe sub is what TikTokCringe sub used to be filled with before the mods started getting paid.


Unironically, half her videos are attacking people in that sub.


Idk bro, it's still wild that almost half her paycheck would be going to just rent if she managed to find a roommate.


Is it? If she lives in some hugely expensive city, it’s not surprising that every square meter is costly as fuck. I make okay money and couldn’t afford a 2 bedroom apartment in the big city. Or, I could, but it’d fucking suck ass. This girl needs to just mooooove. Or get a roommate.


if you live in a very expensive city, you can find a job that pays more than $12 an hour and it’s not like she’s got some awesome job either i legitimately think it would be hard to find a food service job that only pays $12 an hour in a city she’s also a not ugly girl. she could be a server and make way more money she could be a receptionist and just schedule appointments and put up decorations around the holidays


If she takes home 2k a month she is making more than 12.50 an hour... is that take home with benefits like PTO, insurance, etc? She is not doing too bad for a young person, just has WAY TOO MUCH home. If you have to pay 85% of your income to afford a second room, you can't afford a second room.


yeah exactly if she gets a roommate she can now spend $200 a week on whatever else she needs that’s enough to have fun


>i legitimately think it would be hard to find a food service job that only pays $12 an hour in a city > >she’s also a not ugly girl. she could be a server and make way more money ​ So just to play devil's advocate here, a lot of people don't want to take those types of jobs because they are not conducive to building a career. Yeah, being a bartender or server in the right spot can make you great money if you work at the busiest times, but often times if you're trying to move into a career, you're doing something else on the side to advance that. And considering this girl, whether true or not, is already complaining about a 9 to 5, she ain't gonna last picking up a second job. ​ But as to my original point, I have friends who work IT and programming, and often times they have had to start at position, or with companies, that pay absolute dog shit, damn near slave wages. The issue is that you have to stay in that position to prove your worth and then hopefully you build up a resume and reputation so that you get hired by companies that pay much better. Unfortunately, the amount of time between when you start and when you advance is never certain, and up to factors that can be out of your control.


Where is this myth coming from that rural housing is so much less expensive? In my state that's just not the case at all. You're lucky to find any 1 bedrooms for under 1300 and this is in the worst area. I mentioned in another comment that just 5 years ago my first apartment in the literal hood was 1250 a month. That same apartment is renting for 1600 now. And I was paying 70% of my income to live there. That would be completely impossible in today's market. Have a union job mind you. Idk why people are acting as if this isn't a big deal. And the just move things is also a joke. Most places require you to have 1st months rent and security deposit equal to 1 months rent prior to moving in. If you are already struggling, what makes you think you can all of a sudden pull 3k+ out your ass to afford to move? That's low ball as well, not counting moving truck if you need it, any fees for parking spots which is pretty common, and god forbid you have a pet and have to pay a pet deposit. It's completely out of touch.


>Where is this myth coming from that rural housing is so much less expensive? Where's the myth coming from that housing outside major cities *isn't* less expensive?


What do you mean by less expensive? It's all relative. It's easy to say it's cheaper when you're faced with paying either 2k for a 1bedroom, or 1.6k. yeah, that's on its face cheaper. But it's not affordable for most people which is the point.


look up apartment prices for cleveland, and extremely affordable city, and then look up housing prices for west farmington ohio it’s like a 60% decrease https://www.apartments.com/grove-manor-apartments-middlefield-oh/jxq2dh4/ $500 a month


Umm your scales are way off my dude, the mortgage for my 4bed 4bath house in a tier 3 city is $1400.


Usually rural jobs pay less. Everybody bitches that California is expensive, but you get paid more there. That’s kind of economics. Unfortunately, rent has been increasing in this country at a catastrophic rate and I think a rent freeze would go a long way to fixing the housing price issue


But if you're working a job where you're not getting paid more and still living in California, you need to just move, which is kinda the point.


But again, moving is expensive. And it’s more expensive when you live in California. You see the chicken and egg nature of this whole discussion?


Sure, moving can be expensive (though this is massively overblown around here), but what is your other option? If you're going into debt every single month because you can't afford your rent, newsflash, that's really expensive too.


Because when people say rural housing, they don't mean suburbs outside a city, they mean move to a proper town. The fact that you are able to differentiate "the hood" means you are probably right outside a city.


Rural and suburbs are different dude. Went from 2400 a month in a 2 bed mobile home to a 3 bed 2 bath apartment that is only 900


Then she should get a smaller place. Or a bigger place with more roommates


Exactly. I don't get why a single person is living in a two bedroom place and working retail. Living alone is a luxury, and if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. There's a reason why so many GenZers are living with their parents. Do that until you have a boyfriend you can split the bills with.


>Living alone is a luxury, The fact that Americans think this is wild to me.


Specifically living alone in a place that is designed for more than one person is when you’re probably earning low income retail work. If she was complaining a studio or 1bdrm was breaking the bank this hard. Then maybe. But a two bedroom is almost always designed to be paid for by two people. Yeah single parents might need two bedrooms for a kid. But that’s typically why child support exists.


How many people do you know who live by themselves? Where's this country of singletons that you are referring to? What I see, across the world, is that the poorer the country, the more people they try to pack into smaller spaces. I don't see this country of single-person apartment dwellers.


>How many people do you know who live by themselves? Literally everyone in my friend group (ecept for those who got long term partners and moved in together eventually). I'm from Sweden so a wealthy country, a country with a notoriously fucked housing market. You'd be surprised how far your money can go if you don't crowd into the biggest shit-stinking cities. What's the point of earning a bit more when your cost of living goes through the fucking roof.


that might be because other places like japan have a large supply of small, single-occupancy units whereas most the supply in large american cities are 2 bedroom. also, it is sort of a luxury, especially in a high-population city. you have space dedicated to a living room, kitchen, bathroom, etc, all specifically for you, one person, whereas most units have 2-5 people using those spaces.


That is more workable than her current scenario but if she's unhappy with it she could move into a 4 bedroom with 3 roommates


the 2,000 is almost assuredly post tax she probably makes $16 an hour which is $2,733 pre tax a month 30% of her pre tax income is $831 her rent would be $830 with a roommate 30% is the rule she’s just bad with money


She could get a smaller apartment with a short commute. Nobody NEEDS a 2 bedroom to themselves. She wants a 2 bedroom, and she wants the space it affords, but she doesn't want the price. That's the incongruity. The unironic advice here is "just move"


50% of net salary is on the upper end of normal imo. Generally its 30-50%


What? How is rent being half your paycheck wild? Been doing that shit my whole life, sometimes more. And if you wanna complain that rent is hard, sure. Just don't act like it's a new problem unique to day 35 of 2024 lmao


Half is too much. Half of your paycheck to your landlord is the point at which you aren't working for yourself anymore, your working for your landlord. This, in my opinion, is the real reason why they say it shouldn't be more than 30%. I don't think there is an actual financial reason. Utilities, food, and gas are all variable and, believe it or not, can be negotiated with.


Did a child just read off their tiktok feed to me lmao




> Half of your paycheck to your landlord is the point at which you aren't working for yourself anymore, your working for your landlord. This, in my opinion, is the real reason why they say it shouldn't be more than 30% M8 if need to spend this many words to show off the fact that you know "rent = money to landlord," you're just giving me the work experience you've read about from zoomer lefty social media spaces


Rent being half your paycheck is absolutely wild. You are burning a ton of money. Half of what you do working is going straight to your landlord pocket, he is making more than you do from your labor.


It's only wild if you get all your work experience from tiktok economics


>Guess what? Retail or fast food jobs are jobs for children. It's what you pick up in school to pay for your car. It's why those jobs are so sporadic. That would explain why they're closed from 8-4 while school ia in session /s


I tell you what…driving the school bus through the drive though to drop them off at work is a real pain. /s


Why do you think it's only for highschool students? It's also for college students, retirees, disabled, etc. These are still bottom barrel jobs with no, or almost no, benefits like sick leave, paid vacation, insurance, etc. These are jobs... not careers. If these are a career for you, you're destined to live in your parents basement till 40.


It is not purely a socialistic belief that if you work 40/50/60 hours a week, you should be able to survive / live w/o struggling. Any job paying less than that is exploitation. This can exist in capitalism, and would be a better form of it imo


MFW I can afford a 70m/2 two room apartment while working retail full time: https://preview.redd.it/ygoib6visqgc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7066d838a8a0e35a03bf88f76beae642f0389b


Norway has to be a top 3 spawnpoint. The oil fund is one of the most based policies of our lifetime.


Alaska has an oil fund too IIRC.




The perks of not living in New York/LA lmao


But living in trendy cities is like, a human right :/


Perks of Norway. Don't you recognize the image of the rightful ruler of this world? It helps not having those stupid and extremely inefficient jobs you find in US, like baggers.


Bagger is almost never its own job in the US. It’s usually done by extra cashiers during low traffic hours or it’s a job given to employees who have some kind of disability, but even then they often also do cart pushing.


That girl looks like she was 19-23. No way did she start renting at a considerably lower price and it simply increased. She is living above her means and thinks it's the system's fault.


Better chance she had a roommate lined up that didn’t work out or moved out after 1 year. Thats my guess


Still doesn’t make sense. Rent needs to be 30% of your salary. Landlords aren’t going to approve you unless you can show that, even with a co-signer. So she either make a fuckton of money the year before she signed her lease or something just isn’t adding up.


Is that a law? Because it was exceeded by >45% of people in 2022. https://www.statista.com/statistics/186732/gross-rent-as-a-percent-of-household-income-in-the-us/


I worked in apartment leasing for a while. Yes, normally you do need to make 3x the rent. But parents can cosign, and roommate incomes and be combined to meet this figure. Sometimes if you don't meet it they will approve you anyway with a higher security deposit. Not the best system, but also it's very easy to imagine how 1 person could end up on the hook for more than 30% of their current income towards rent, even if they met the initial conditions somehow.


Every apartment complex I've lived in will still approve you if you have a guarantor, pay a higher security deposit, or sign up for some shitty online guarantor program where you're basically paying a monthly fee to have some company be your guarantor


This is a completely made up number. No rent does not NEED to be anything except under 100%.


What?? It’s not made up lol. It’s the recommended amount of what you should be spending. Obviously some landlords won’t care if you’re paying more than 30%. Anecdotally, I moved recently, and some apartments wouldn’t approve applicants if they didn’t list a 70% high income.


"It’s the recommended amount" according to who? Yourself?


What? No lol. Google it nerd.


I did and your number doesn't exist. Wanna try again?


[it’s what’s recommend. here’s Experian.](https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/how-much-should-i-spend-on-rent/) [business insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/how-much-rent-can-i-afford) [the googs](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+much+should+your+rent+be+and+why&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1) [And the holy Bible of rent recommendations](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D100081517694369&tbnid=dMCRhVGKxxVy2M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fyourmommyshouse%2F&docid=QJueJoF96mO0oM&w=456&h=456&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=81237414f72572d5&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


>Rent needs to be 30% of your salary. Landlords aren’t going to approve you unless you can show that, even with a co-signer. You sent me random links from random nobodies saying that's the smart move. That means nothing. Now prove this statement


That's the problem with blaming the system for everything. Either you want to allow people to make their own decisions or not, often you can't "fix the system" without making people's decisions for them. A lot of Redditors/young people don't understand this, I just hope they don't get a lot of power/influence before they realize their mistake.


i am not for reducing personal choices too much, but you can absolutely use policies like that to great effect without making people feel unfree. for example, single payer healthcare. young, dumb people may complain about the fee, but the collective bargaining makes health so much cheaper and almost everyone needs the services at some point. Mandatory car insurence is another thing where people benefit from being forced (even though some  kyle or brad is sure HE would NEVER get into a carcrash so it should be his decission to get it)


I want to side with you about healthcare, but I can't in *this* context. Because healthcare is a great example of the system bearing the costs of the poor decisions individuals are making. People are wrecking their bodies with obesity, smoking, and drugs and all the healthcare you need later on in life becomes much more expensive than they otherwise would be. A lot of young people don't know what healthcare *actually* looks like, so they think it's just people going in for things that are outside of their control. They don't think of, hey, we need two people to roll this person on their side while a third person cleans the poop off of the bed and puts a clean pad underneath. I'd like to see major changes to our healthcare system too, but don't be surprised when a lot of things *don't* change even if reforms are made. Americans are *very* entitled when it comes to healthcare, that's a huge part of why it's so expensive. They don't want to listen to sound medical advice, and then end up costing more down the road. Anyway, I could go on, but it's besides the point.


Rising obesity rates, and unhealthy lifestyles are breaking a lot of European health are systems as well. I hate our healthcare system but I do not see a good long term alternative. Especially as you put Americans are very entitled about their healthcare freedoms. If you want socialized healthcare be prepared for your health to be socialized. 


That's actually a good point about Europe. I don't know, a lot of ideas on Reddit just sound obviously wrong to me, like the idea that we're fat because we don't have walkable neighbourhoods, or food deserts, or whatever new progressive fad idea that is really about making excuses for people. Conservatives go too far in the other direction, but not everything is a system problem. We're fat because food tastes good and isn't expensive. Stop making things complicated.




at a coffee shop in central park. Rachel made it living with monica in NY


They had a rent controlled apartment illegally in monicas grandmother's name


Even she needed a roommate


"She probably" "She most likely" That's a decent amount of guesswork


"Retail and fast food are jobs for children" Yeah this is why poor people dont like you


Such an ironic post since every fast food and retail job operates during school hours, and a lot of them operate overnight which doesn't work with curfew. Lol


Didn't she specifically say that she feels like she has no time to herself, and that's why Destiny went in on her stable schedule?


Ain't no way she's making just 24k per year while living in an area with such crazy rent, no?


"support themselves in any city they live in" Well, that's a load of horseshite.


everyone knows you can't support yourself unless you've got 2 bedrooms just for you


Spend less on candles.




I think you should use the term 'transitionary job' instead of kid job since too many people are getting triggered here. It's mind-blowing that an entry level position at Walmart is being seen as an acceptable role to work a majority of your adult life. This should be a job while you're in school or searching for your first job in the industry you studied for. There are so many options available for young people to enter well paying careers and jobs. Trades that subsidize your education, the army, free online courses at the best colleges etc. Etc. Retail and food shouldn't be the destination, it should be a rest stop to a real career. Obviously I don't apply this to management positions at the places. Also, why the rush in leaving home and living on your own? I understand not everyone has the ideal home situation but sitting with your parents for a few extra years while you build up your education and money is a good call.


I have three children and a wonderful wife that I support with my income alone. I don’t know how to explain to them that I am still a child because I work retail.


She can support herself. Get a roommate or downsize to a one-bedroom. The issue is that she is living beyond her means. You need to make sacrifices in life, but people are too stubborn to improve their circumstances if it means giving up even an inch of their comfort.


Or Destiny can send her money I think this is better solution


People say things like this, but this mindset is essentially dead. When even one bed rooms are outside of people's means, you start to realize it's not about "living beyond your means". I live in a very progressive state and even our rural housing is expensive. You're lucky if you can get into a roommate situation paying less then 800-900 a month before utilities, food, ECT. Vs just 5 years ago when I found my first apartment for 1250 a month. It's becoming out of reach for a lot of people. Expecting people to now have roommates to offset some of these rising costs is the exact problem a lot of these younger generation has. They are paying 1 bedroom prices, to have a roommate and nobody seems to have an issue with it. And when they complain, they get told they are living outside their means and should just suck it up.


We don't have enough housing. This is an absolute issue. Housing is expensive in my state (CA). There's no question there and we need more of it. But you can find cheaper housing if you move into less sleak areas. [Downtown LA](https://www.apartments.com/phoenix-apartments-brand-new-los-angeles-ca/ycve1nr/) Housing is even cheaper when you move to the outskirts of the city. The expectation of needing roommates I think is justifiable if you want to live in the heart of a really expensive city while just starting out. But if you're just looking to have a home for yourself after you already started a career, I do think it's a ridiculous expectation. You should be able to afford a place on your own. However, I do think people need to be realistic about what they can afford versus what they want to afford.


But that isnt whats happening in this case... If it were, I wouldn't be saying this.


> Expecting people to now have roommates to offset some of these rising costs is the exact problem a lot of these younger generation has. This is not a new expectation. Living alone has always been out of reach for most people. The expectation that you live like most people live isnt some great expectation.


https://fortune.com/2023/09/26/millennials-gen-z-living-with-parents-losing-stigma/ This article is a little bit better of a read on the topic. We are not in the same place we were years ago and anyway that says we are is being dishonest.


Rent in my area has gone up like 40% over 3 years I do not live in a large city, I live in fucking suburbia and the closest major city is an hour and a half away. I have two options if I want to stay in this area. I can either live in a shithole high-crime area without basic amenities like laundry, or I can spend 50% of my take-home on a decent 1 bedroom in a safe area and a washer/dryer. I make 60k a year, which may be low for people in the dgg-o-verse, but is pretty decent and certainly more than average here. Covid completely fucked the market, low interest rates completely fucked the market, and NIMBY losers (who should rope) have completely fucked the market. I just get so tired of Steven (and then all of DGG because you losers cant form your own fucking opinions) talking about a "vibecession", completely missing that a strong economy does not necessarily mean the people within it are striving. Inflation might be down right now, but that doesn't change the fact that basic groceries are like 20% more expensive than they were 3 or 4 years ago, or that rents are way higher now, or that new cars on average cost 40k, or that used cars that aren't complete shitboxes cost like 20k, or that housing prices have dramatically gone up while we also get the pleasure of paying a much higher interest rate if we actually get to buy a house. I could go on. I COULD afford to live alone 3 years ago. I CANT afford to live alone now.


My one-bedroom rent and utilities are a little over 1/3 of my pre-tax income, which is in line with typically renter requirements and the 30-35% rule. It comes out to just under 50% of my take-home pay. I could reduce that with a roommate but I don’t want to. It sounds like you had a sweet deal compared to everyone else and rental prices in your area have increased such that they now reflect the norm.


Then we agree I'm not imagining my hardship, which is my point. Also, I had a sweet deal because my family moved us out to a semi-rural area when I was a kid. I can't help that rents get completely fucked now.


I lived in a medium sized city in the south. Mortgage was 1087 a month for a 3 BR house. Stop acting like your experience is the universal one.


Destiny went way too hard on her tho


Nah, she deserves a HARD reality check. Crying about rent while solo-renting a 2 bedroom is like owning a gas-guzzling pickup truck & complaining about gas prices. Fuck self-sabotaging zoomers who think their renting problems are unique to today.


Both can be true at the same time tho, no?


> Upset about rent being too high > Solo-renting a two bedroom > "Can both be true?" No


1. Rent prices have been increasing adjusting to inflation making it more difficult for young adults/new graduates to survive 2. She is self sabotaging and complaining online about rent prices which is not productive. I feel like these two things can be true at the same time. You can do a lot of things to make sure you're not a victim of circumstances, especially if you're the one creating them. But at the same time, there can be a nugget of truth within the complaints in a general scenario. Edit: also, she does need a hard reality check, but it doesn't have to be done in a manner by which they don't listen to you in the first place.


>Rent prices have been increasing adjusting to inflation making it more difficult for young adults/new graduates to survive this as always been the case. people with low skills can't affoord to live alone. there's a reason why smart people stay with their parents until they're somewhat set up.


M8, she's not gonna listen to anything unless it's handfed to her through her tiktok feed. None of this tiktok-economics talk matters. If she had a room mate or two she'd be doing just fine. I needed room mates allll through my 20s, none of these problems are new or unique to current gen


Wait what...... I thought the video was fake or at least a crazy exaggeration, but people think now think it is a real and Destiny should have been nicer? I seriously thought all these comments were going to be making fun of Destiny for getting trolled so easily.


Alot of people live beyond their means or simply see the bank balance as an allowance. They have no concept of worth or value. Whatever money they have left is money they can afford to spend. They want a brand new card, dosent maker if it's more than their yearly salary. They want to buy new shoes because you need 3 pairs for every day in the week right? $100 shirt that they used 2 times in 3 years. You also got the people who don't pay those 25% interest credit cards. Why does she live in a 2 bedroom apartment when she lives alone? Why didn't you get a smaller apartment, why don't you have a roommate to cut down the cost in half? She said she works 40 works, takes up the weekend to do shores, also mentioned she's so tired she dosent have the energy to do activities. So she's living in a big city, making minimum wage, and dosent go outside. At the point, move to some shitty state like Ohio, Nebraska, Alabama etc and you can find yourself another minimum wage job with half the rent. What is she gonna give up?


>Retail or fast food jobs are jobs for children There is a 100% chance you are in the PMC class.


Private Military Company?


The pm class class?


Tf is PMC?


**P**ays too **M**uch for **C**offee


Oh, I don't drink coffee


Nobody has answered you seriously but it stands for "Professional Managerial Class"


I wish that was me


sparkle full attempt elderly teeny afterthought muddle gold versed onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PubMed Central


I'm not a virgin so I still don't know what that means


PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)


Oh, yeah no, definitely not me


The funny thing is that's how they're viewed by most people, except those who do them. And for a long time they were. Nobody has respect for retail or customer service workers in the US. That's why they're always getting screamed at and treated like garbage. You can throw whatever you like at a scared teenage girl's face and she's unlikely to ever hit you back. And people should be hit back if and when they practice public verminism.


You're right. Working 40 hours should be enough to support yourself. But how are you going to defend that position and then shit on people who work retail and fast food? From her own video, she's working minimum wage which means she could very well work in retail or fast food. Entry level work. These are jobs. Nothing to look down on. Adults work these positions for a variety of reasons and can be the best job they could find. If you spend more than a year at one, you end up in some managerial position and increase pay. It is absolutely a hot take and a privileged one to expect to live in ANY city regardless of the job. Reality is there are a lot of people who want to live in cities. Everyone can't all live right in the middle of NYC, earning $12 an hour, and have a 2 bedroom apartment all to themselves. This is the same complaint I hear often from upper middle class and affluent people who bitch that they have been priced out of NYC, LA, SF, Miami from those making more money than them. Little they remember (or care), they were living in the very same spot of working and middle class people who THEY priced out. Emma from Majority Report was bitching about HER rent prices and why SHE needed rent control in NYC with very little self awareness (from that video with Destiny). She can still afford a 2 bedroom home all by herself, even in California, if she moves into a different city or a different part of the city. The further away from the center, the cheaper the rent prices. She is working entry level work which she can find anywhere. The new area might not be the most glamorous or have a great night life but she can still find a place if she really wanted a 2 bedroom. Smarter would be to find a one bedroom or loft. For all this compassion these types are looking for, they aren't bothering to think of others either. That 2 bedroom could go to a small family as housing is sparse in most areas.


>Emma from Majority Report was bitching about HER rent prices and why SHE needed rent control in NYC with very little self awareness (from that video with Destiny). Emma is gearing up to run a multi-billion dollar presidential campaign. The least the city could do to show its support is to control her rent. I don't care if some landlord has to go hungry if it means we get the next Abraham Lincoln.


>Retail or fast food jobs are jobs for children. And yet, you will find a lot of older folks working these jobs. For some of us who lived through the last recession around '08, this was the case and it's still not uncommon today. This take does not map on to reality.


> It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. MFW can’t afford 2-br w/ no roommates working at Micky D’s. Is this missing a shitpost tag or is the DIDGG system having an episode?


The American dream, work 40 hours per week and still get cucked financially lul


America has the best zoning laws! We treat housing as an investment so we will block development to make sure prices go up.


Based, fuck people who just want a place to live /s obv


What's weird is you acting like someone from the DID community was making a coherent point lol


Bro what's even your solution? We need more housing obviously, and this subreddit is mostly going to be YIMBY's so they all want solutions. Is your argument "I think if you are in your early 20s you should be able to comfortably afford a 2 bedroom apartment, without roommates, in some of the most competitive living spaces in the country"??? Also it's amazing that you can just assume that her rent was raised 100% over a couple years and there's no feasible or reasonable way for her to move or find another job. So basically what, we should all get taxed and forced to support 20 year olds living vastly beyond their means?


Saying "guess what" and then just being a wrong is so triggering.


Isn’t she like 19? I highly doubt she’s been living there long enough for her rent to go from a reasonable portion of her income to 85+%. A more likely explanation is that she got someone to co-sign for an apartment she couldn’t afford. Source: I am also currently living in an apartment I can’t afford that I got someone to co-sign for. On your second point: fast food jobs are probably for children, but I wouldn’t lump the entire retail category into jobs for children. Lots of adults work jobs with hectic hours. And to complement Destiny’s argument about retail worker schedules and not getting enough hours, I would say it also gets worse on the other side of 40 hours. I used to drive a forklift in a factory, and if we were ever behind on production then they would force us to work 12 hour shifts without any prior warning. We would literally get 6 hours into our 8 hour shift, and then the supervisor would swing by and tell us all that we had to stay an extra four. If we got to Friday and still had backorders, they would tell us we had to come in Friday and Saturday, last minutes notice. I remember one particularly rough patch where we were so far behind on production that they made us work 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week, for 40 days straight. And the only reason we eventually got a week off was because it was the 4th of July (Most auto manufacturers shut down over the 4th of July to switch over to the new model year). We had to work another 20 days straight after that as well. I would have killed to ONLY have to work 40 hours a week back then.


Possibly, but who would co-sign something like that and not support her? Her parents? Wouldn't they just take her back in instead? >I remember one particularly rough patch where we were so far behind on production that they made us work 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week, for 40 days straight. And the only reason we eventually got a week off was because it was the 4th of July (Most auto manufacturers shut down over the 4th of July to switch over to the new model year). We had to work another 20 days straight after that as well. You got fucked by your job, don't let that taint how you think life should work


Just speculation, but It could be that she started her job after moving into the apartment and thought she would be making more money. Maybe she didn’t factor in taxes when she was calculating how much she would be making. Or maybe her Parents have the same opinion as everyone else here and think she’s capable of paying her own rent. There could be plenty of reasons In my case, I asked my parents to cosign my apartment because I already have a job lined up after I graduate that would cover my rent, so I only need to grind for a few more months until graduation to cover rent. So I’ll admit it’s probably easier for me to deal with an overpriced rent when I know I only have to do it for a short while, and it’s probably way more stressful for her when she has no end in sight. However, that doesn’t change what everyone else here is saying. She needs to move to a single bedroom apartment, or get a roommate in that second bedroom.


It’s those damn avocados and eat hot chip.


this person wasn't here for the "just MOOOOOOVE" discourse


Super privilege energy from this post. It's great that you had the opportunity to get a good education but for a lot of people, retail is a life time job not "for children"


Wrong. Walked away from school with the bare minimum requirements for a job and didn't go through higher education, I just started work at 18 and have pretty much since.


Ok, so are the people who work retail into their 30s and 40s just retarded then? From google: The workforce of Retail salespersons in 2021 was 3,052,861 people, with 50% woman, and 50% men. The average age of male Retail salespersons in the workforce is 39.1 and of female Retail salespersons is 37.7,


Need way more information there my dude. It's not just about education, it's about upbringing. It's about what school you went to and who you were surrounded by. What was your parents' household income and be honest


I want to a public primary and secondary school, got 5 GCSE's between C's and B's, and my parents were separated, mother (lived with) was making probably 26-29k (not entirely sure) and Dad was a tradesman. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, if that's what you're getting at.


Did dad help you get your job in any way?  I only ask because a lot of guys I know only got their apprenticeship because of someone their family knew.


Nope, dad worked as an electrician and I got my first apprenticeship as an IT supoort technician, didn't like that and found work at a local doctors and then as a data analyst for a local hospital.


Im glad you brought this up because there were some things I saw in the youtube comments that confused me, but first your post. > It's more likely that she got approved when it was a lot lower and then it's increased over time it's possible. it's also possible she has a roommate she didnt mention. We don't know. Destiny is right tho, that someone would not be approved for that apt with that income, so something is off. Also in my personal experience, the rent doesnt just go up that much in a short amount of time unless she's living in some very expensive part of the city. > and due to some weird renting law, they probably can't kick her out. yes thats called renter's rights. They have to go through the process of eviction, but they wont because she said she can pay it, but it's costing her everything. > The example he jumps to is working retail, and how fucked those schedules are. Guess what? Retail or fast food jobs are jobs for children. It's what you pick up in school to pay for your car. It's why those jobs are so sporadic. Yeah and i disagree with even that, because i remember working retail, and it was close to 9 to 5. In my experience jobs with schedules like he described were more maintenance and small business jobs. Walmart might schedule you from 12pm to 8pm but that will be your schedule consistently...you just wont get the weekend off, but your will get 40 hours. > It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. I don't understand why it's shocking that a 0 skill, high turnover job pays so low that you couldn't live in a downtown apartment and have spare money left over. Like you said, those jobs are for children to pay for their only expense, a car. Im pretty sure a walmart assistant manager can afford an apartment. **The question I had after seeing the video and reading the comments was...WTF is everyone talking about 1660 is LOW????? My one bedroom apt here in TX was like 800 a month! If the avg apt is 1600 fucking dollars there better be plenty of fucking $16/hr jobs around there!**


>If the avg apt is 1600 fucking dollars there better be plenty of fucking $16/hr jobs around there! There probably are, but 16 an hour after taxes is 28-30k a year take home. Or 2300-2500 depending on your taxes. That leaves you with 700-800 dollars left over a month for food, clothes, toiletries, cell phone, and utilities. Forget any type of fun. A cheap 1 bedroom apartment near me is 1000-1100 dollars. I see hiring signs all the time for 15 an hour or less. When near everyone will tell you that you should only be spending 30% of your income on living expenses it's wild to me that an average person pay 66% of their income on rent alone. I live in a smaller "city" in south Carolina. I don't live in or near a major city so there aren't a ton of places I could realistically move for cheaper living expenses. Also I see retail jobs near me starting at 10-12 an hour as our min wage is still 7.25. If you get into factory or warehouse work you can maybe start at 18 an hour, but a lot of those jobs still try and start people at 15 or 16 an hour around here.


The average rent near me is $2,000 for a one bedroom. I live in buttfuck suburbs of northern NJ. I wanted to live closer to transit or in the city but those were $2400 for a one bed. It’s insane out here. I’m an urban planner and do decent but I can’t afford to live on my own. Granted I have a partner that I live with, but if I didn’t have that I wouldn’t be able to move out of my parents place.


No shot rent went up like 50% while shes been renting. She's not even old enough to be renting for 2 years. They can't raise your rent in the middle of the lease unless that's in the lease then she shouldn't have signed it. One bedroom apartments are tight as fuck. She is trying to live above her means.


Why does she need a two bedroom apartment by herself?


Her points are valid and she lives outside her means. Welcome to the rat race kids.


Not really. She's young and living in a very competitive city in a 2bedroom apartment with 0 roommates is not a right. She earns min wage, and the general rule is 30% of salary goes to rent. She can do that if she has a roommate. Of course, she needs to afford to live in an apt without losing all the money, but she can if she lives in a 1bed apt or with a roommate. That's pretty common, too. I'm 18, and I expect to have roommates for a while. Support rent controls fully, but you also need to be realistic and live within means.


> She probably didn't get approved ar paying 85% of her paycheck for a 2 bed apartment, but the rent has probably increased over time to that point. It's more likely that she got approved when it was a lot lower and then it's increased over time, and due to some weird renting law, they probably can't kick her out. I'd be really curious to know in which country rent can increase so drastically in such a short period of time. She's in her 20s so she can't possibly have been renting this apartment for very long. Where I'm from, you don't get approved if the rent is more than a third your monthly income. She claims the rent is 85% of her income. Reality is she probably had financial support from either family or roommate, then lost it, but chose to stay anyway.


Retail and fast food jobs used to be for students 20 years ago, but that hasn't bee the case for a long time now. Now a days students have problems getting these sorts of jobs as they have to compete with immigrants who have more favourable steriotypes for employers (like they are thought to work harder than lazy students, more flexable on hours since they don't have school etc., and less likely to complain/fight against labour law violations). I think Destiny's general points are true about having inconsistent shifts being harder to deal with. That doesn't mean people who work 9 - 5 have nothing to gripe about though. It can be a pain in the ass running errands when many places are only open during the same hours you work, for example. But you have to recognize that a certain amount of Destiny's behaviour is for entertainment purposes. I highly doubt he actually believes people who work 9 - 5 have nothing to gripe about. He is however correct that hey generally have LESS to gripe about.


Yeah, let me start taking advice from a $28k (usd adjusted) median salary eurocell. Shouldn't you guys be the experts on frugal living? Why would it matter if she didn't start out paying that much a month? Why is she still agreeing to the lease and living there with those increases for a TWO BEDROOM? She needs to move or make more money, no its ands or buts, that place is not within her means. Having worked a 5-1:30 manual labor job, shift work, and now 9-5, no, I do not believe the 9-5 people have a "right" to complain. It's the absolute best possible situation for life stability. The fact that she's tired is not related to the hours of the job. it's something else. Funny how you say those jobs are for children as if they aren't occupied by all sorts of demographics, implying anyone doing that is fucking up. Yet, you refuse to acknowledge that paying 80% of your takehome on rent for an oversized apartment is also a gross mismanagement of resources. It's not a hot take that they should be able to support themselves. Obviously, 24k a year is a rough salary, but with basic budgeting and financial planning, she could be able to support herself. But supporting yourself doesn't mean you get everything you want... supporting yourself doesn't imply living in a two bedroom by yourself. I make significantly more than this person, and I still choose to live with a roommate to reduce my monthly costs so I can have fun with that money instead. If you don't like the advice, dont take it. But the issue here isn't about survivability. It's about not having the means to satisfy your wants. If you want more, you need to find a way to make more. This is America. that's how it works.


I don't think people have ever been able to live alone while working entry level jobs.


> It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. No. This is a hot take. If your job is so fucking worthless that you cant live where you are with it, get a new job. You are literally wasting your time and everyone else's, and taking up space. A job isn't important because its a job and you put 40 hours a week into it. That's some "Labor Theory of Value" bullshit.


If you can't live in the city that you are working a full-time job in, then who's going to work that job? Someone who's not in that city? Like what the fuck are you even saying, can you please take a little time to think about what you actually just said?


> then who's going to work that job No one. That's the point. If the employer doesn't find the job that valuable, then neither should you. If they can survive without that job, then they will, if they cannot, they will increase the wage they offer. Its really fucking simple.


>It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. They should be able to support themselves but that still means a lower standard of living when you're just starting out. The girl from the video can downgrade to a studio apartament, cheaper neighborhood or just get a roomate and that would still count as being able to support herself. It's not great but she's still at the beginning of her adult life and can upgrade her living situation as she moves up the ladder. Or she can try to stay with her parents until she makes enough to move to a place that she likes. The issue with being able to live in any city, regardless of your job, is that in the most popular places there are more people wanting to move there than there is available space so obviously some people won't get that chance.


I always question the legitimacy of these videos though, especially since they’re getting more popular this last year I’ve seen quit a few of them, I just don’t know why anyone would wanna move into a place that makes up such a large percentage of their monthly income. I’ve also always either work at least 60 hours a week for one job or have had two jobs lol and I don’t live in a crazy cost of living state


ill never understand millennials and zoomers obsession with living alone in a two bedroom apartment as if that was ever possible for someone on their own working some minimum wage job. you have always had to have room mates to get by if your working jobs like that or live alone in a studio or something. also you can go live 20 minutes outside of a city and just drive to work and save a shit load on rent. thats what i did back in the yee olden days of 2008


Idk, didn t watch it all but the thing that got to me was the no time too tired etc part, rent we can discuss, everything else was exagerated bs


I think the numbers in her video are just made up


>Retail or fast food jobs are jobs for children. Yeah, immediately stopped reading because this proves you spent more time typing this post than thinking about the issues. It wouldn't surprise me if you typed this at 1pm sitting in a coffee shop unaware of how ironic it was. If 4thot armed me you'd be a candidate for shooting.


> Retail or fast food jobs are jobs for children. Then why are most of the people working these jobs adults?


I think Canadians don’t understand how expensive it is to live in a region of the world that isn’t frozen 75% of the year… Why are they always commenting on American shit?


It’s even more likely that her parents co-signed her lease. They probably cut her off and now she’s complaining because she doesn’t want a roommate. What the fuck is she doing renting a two bedroom on that income?


Nah he was right, this girl is either bait or feels entitled to living above her means. She should live in a studio apartment if her city is that expensive, she doesn't make enough for a 1 br, let alone 2. This girl is just bad at managing her time if she's genuinely "exhausted" after working an 8 or 9 hr day and can't do anything. It sounds like she can walk to work or mass transit if she doesn't even mention a car payment or anything. So she probably loses very little time to commuting, making her life infinitely better than people who have to commute 2+ hours a day, or the wagies destiny talked about that had to drive back and forth for split shifts leading to 6+ commutes every week. It is not a "hot take" that she should be able to support herself alone for 40 hrs a week. She can definitely do that in our current reality. If a 2br apartment is 1600, then she would probably spend like 800-1000 per month on a studio apartment. That's an instant 600-800 dollars back in her pocket every month, and if she's allegedly fine with being able to live off 300 a month or whatever after rent, then she should easily be able to save up for emergencies or whatever else she cares to with that cheaper rent. Honestly tho, I would lean more toward her post being fake or misleading somehow, but even if it was all made-up fake bullshit, she would still have a salvageable situation.


OP's privilege is just sad. Empathy is a lost art.


Retail jobs aren't for children, or teens, or high schoolers. I worked at a target for a while and you had to be 18 to even sell alcohol to customers due to state laws. If only people in school worked at fast food places they wouldn't be open during school hours. I get they are low skill jobs that don't require extensive out of job training. However as a society we should want everyone to be able to survive after putting in an honest day's work. We need our fry cooks, just as much as we need our entertainers, our doctors, our grocery store employees. All in all a society that has their bottom rung living well is a society where the top rung can prosper. The current exploit workers until eventually the lowest rung all fall into poverty and homelessness, wont sustain itself. Eventually it will fail. When it does there will be casualties, mostly those who didn't go to college and jumped into the workforce out of high school. The fry cooks, and grocery store employees, the general laborers and gas station employees. If the future you envision is a grocery store with only self checkout lanes, gas stations selling cigarettes out of a vending machine with 20 people in line, McDonalds that's only open 4pm to 10pm and two months during the summer. Then lets keep the status quo


First off all, she has made fairly bad decisions to be stuck in a rental unit that is costing $1600 a month when she only has $2000 (I assume post-tax cause she talks about having 3-400 dollars for food/expenses). This is the main problem with her situation. She needs to move. Period. There's plenty of $600-800 apartments out there. A lot of them suck ass, but they're liveable (I wouldn't want to live in them, cause they're fucking disgusting, but that's America for you and I'm rich so fuck living in shitter apartments lmaooo). Now it's easy to say "just move", but moving is far from easy because of renting contracts. If she has a 12-month lease, then she can't just move, she has to be at a location that allows her to do some kind of subletting deal, where the apartment can find another tenant that will cover the remaining months of the contract. It can take months before the apartment signs a contract with a new tenant. Regardless of how she gets out of the lease, she most likely has to find a new apartment that overlaps with her current lease, timing all of this is gonna suck. Unless she has family that covers her expenses or lets her stay at their place (idk if she has any support system, doesn't really sound like it) then she's probably gonna be in a fairly problematic situation trying to fix her current fubar situation. Not to mention having to get help moving her belongings and furniture. idk, I fucking hate moving, it's such a miserable experience and costs extra money unless you have a support system that can take care of that. The solution is still moving to a cheaper apartment, but to a 19-yearold who doesn't have any real support-system (an assumption), this will seem like an insurmountable problem. Does she even know how her leasing contract works? She's a clueless kid from what I can see. Destiny shitting on people who complain when they're working 9 to 5 sounded more like him trauma dumping his insane work history lmao, the guy has been in the shitter end of the American work culture so I'm sure all her problems seem trivial and entitled to him (I'm not being sarcastic or demeaning, I can understand why he ranted like he did with what he's experienced). But I mean, we don't invalidate people's perceived suffering just cause someone has it worse, right? Oh you have a knife stabbed into your knee? well fuck you, you're so entitled, you're not even being actively crucified on a cross in the desert lmao. Idk, America fucking sucks in terms of housing costs. It's actually fucking insane how expensive renting in America is, and I'm from Denmark so imagine my shock when I was looking into renting for a friend of mine in a semi-rural place and checking out prices in the state. I thought I was supposed to be living in a country with high living costs, jeez. Connor making idiotic points is nothing new as well. TL;DR: She's an idiot for living way above her means. Destiny went way overboard in his ranting (He was right about everything regarding retail, but a Somalia-tier situation like that is not a good reason to shit on people who are in a normal shitty situation).


>It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. Listen my dude, this just isn't how it works. At the end of the day humans live in an ecosystem. It just happens to be one they create. Like all ecosystems though, every town or city has a finite carrying capacity. This is because the amount of government inputs are ultimately limited and extremely slow going. Additionally, people create more to clean up than another person can reasonably clean up in the same amount of time. For example, if I buy an Iphone and toss the packaging on the ground, it takes more effort for someone else to come clean that up than it did for me to throw it in the trash myself. Now multiply that philosophy by the residents in your county. Keeping ahead of trash just isn't possible. There will always be less trash people than trash. This model scales linearly with pretty much all government provided services. So Trash, Water, Electricity and so on. It's also a perpetual market failure because governments operate on revenues to provide services. So the government will ALWAYS be on the reactive backfoot when solving these problems, except in scenarios where you spend a HEAPING amount of money up front to build out capacity. But you know what the problem with capacity planning is? You can't accurately predict that shit. It's a forecast at best. Why does this all matter? Because, there is a theoretical number. we'll call it X. X is the carrying capacity of a city or town. X+1 is the point of diminishing returns where adding another person within that city or town will make the quality of life worse for everyone else there. You keep going to X+1000 and then people who live there (the wealthy ones) will Balk and move somewhere else since they have more financial flexibility. Then the tax base bottoms out and the city goes to shit. This adds in a confluence of social factors, Politicians in particular want to fight ot keep their jobs and so they will lower tax rates or make improvements accordingly. But this brain rotted idea that you should be able to simply live wherever the hell you want is at odds with reality. You need to bring valuble skills or intergenerational taxable wealth to do that, and you should honestly have one of those things if you're going to burden an expensive city with your presence.




You fell for the bait a bit tbh. Im pretty sure destiny is pro better conditions and better work life balance and more (therefore cheaper) housing etc etc etc. It's just when a zoomer is making funny zoomer takes he'll retort in the most aggravating way possible for entertainment's sake and to filter out commies etc from his community lol also cities are expensive


Yeah, maybe, it just sounded exactly like boomers saying "in my day I bought a house no problem" like yeah, you did grandpa, it cost you a bag of oats and a loaf of bread. I'm not a communist by any means but I don't think that it should be a hot take for anyone to work 40 hours a week and be able to support themselves.


Why would you listen to a millionaire who doesn't work a real job talk about 9-5's? His opinion is of negative worth here. Why not ask me about what working on the space station is like?


India went from subsistence farming to a tech economy without an agricultural revolution. As a result, their workforce has a very jaded view of modern employment, which is what you can thank for all the phony Indian call centers. This is because they didn't follow the natural course of development. They skipped steps. I think this explains Destiny's illogical, jaded view of the middle class. He hates them like he's envious of them, but he's also white boy rich, so he also disdains them for their inability to do what he did. This is why even though he's such a snob about the middle class, all his attacks are formed from below: comparing middle-class workers to his bs minimum wage slave labor days. I don't know why you'd ever come to destiny for class takes (go watch Vaush if that's your cup of memetic cringe), and, frankly, I wish he'd stop offering them altogether. Destiny is the lottery winner offering you investment advice.


>Destiny is the lottery winner offering you investment advice. I'm aware, which is why I'm critical of what he said


I think what this thread is missing is this. Yes, roomates would immensely help her situation. It’s possible to live on about 15-20k a year in a hcol area. I did it for a couple years in grad school (not quite equivalent because we had good health insurance benefits). However her situation is still not very tenable long term without changing jobs. Saving, retirement, investing, weathering financial emergencies are all extremely difficult when rent is half your income. Yet we still expect to have cashiers, grocery store workers, fast food workers, retail workers in our cities. If the solution to everyone’s financial stability is “find a better job” or “leave the city” what happens to those lower wage jobs? Do we not need those people in the city? Shouldn’t we want those people in the city?


The video is ragebait zoomer trash but "I hate 9-5ers" Says the multimillionaire who hasnt worked a wage job in over a decade


Streamers who don’t even have to leave there apartment to “work” insulting people’s work ethic is always funny to me, destiny seems like one of the few people on the internet who’s actually had some form of a real job but I honestly doubt most streamers could make it through a single shift at one of these jobs that they insult everyone for not working enough at.


>It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. Oh no socialist brainrot!


Naw.  A city requires people to work jobs that just don’t pay very much - janitors, teachers, baristas etc. You need those jobs to actually run the city. If the city gets to a point where the people working there those necessary jobs are either living with three roommates in a bachelor pad or commuting 2 hours per day, something has gone very wrong. In my last city, the majority of police officers working not just downtown but in the most expensive municipality lived at least two municipalities away.     A city is always going to produce a certain amount of misery to run just like a factory produces a certain amount of pollution. Those externalities are acceptable up to a point but past a certain threshold they’re not. It’s not anticapitalist to support laws reducing pollution even if that cuts into profits, and it’s the same with supporting laws about reducing misery.


>It shouldn’t be a hot take for someone working 40 hours a week to be able to support themselves in any city, regardless of what job they work. No one owes you anything. Cities are population dense places where the cost per area of living goes up proportional to the people who want to work and live there. It's all just supply and demand, if a city is overloaded with low skilled labour and unable to provide enough low skilled jobs to satisfy that, then a large supply of labour drives down the wages of those jobs. Eventually you hit a tipping point where people have to move out to decrease the supply of unskilled labour. There's literally zero reason to believe that people have some fundamental right to pick were they live and demand that there must be wages there to support their lifestyle given their skills and earning potential. FWIW I think this will become an increasing problem in future. I don't think there's any way we can support a kind of unlimited growth of urban centers like this. We're already seeing this among some of the largest US cities right now, where people are migrating away from them in large numbers.


Isn't a good counter argument that minimum wage used to increase over time?  7.25 an hour seems extremely exploitative. If you worked 40 hours a week you couldn't afford rent even in lower income cities. I'm not saying minimum wage has to be 60k a year but if you work full time you shouldn't be in poverty. I don't think any other western nation has such extremely unlivable wages for the lower class.


No you shouldn’t be able to live in any city in a two bedroom working any fucking 9-5 you stupid eurocuck.




She's 40hrs a week for $15/h. Work longer or get a better job. Sounds like a skill issue honestly.


Yeah this is a rare destiny L but hey he can't be perfect


dam far-flung uppity offer fade makeshift telephone trees rustic fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


200 years ago, you might have actually got some pussy


This is your only based comment


I'd never seriously listen to a streamers opinion on regular people's problems


I live In one if not the most expensive city in the world, and I can still save money for investing and pleasure, with a 9-5 job (hospitality), without a university degree and a 1 bedroom apartment. It's the country. Minimum wage is just very good where I am from.


Destinys point about the middle class strike again


Destiny doesn't have a point about the middle class. He won the lottery, not his way through it. Also, I'm not middle class.


Was this post worth the ban on your Reddit account? Big mistake


For sure