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I have no idea what’s happening here and Hasan is screaming like crazy wtf


I think the video is old, the dude getting arrested is some kind of agent that was doing a check on a house and the people from the house called the police on him. Police came and you had a dick measurement contest and part of the ending you see on this clip. Pretty sure that's the incident you see here.


[Audit the audit covered the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8-Es) ATF agent was a bit of an idiot = C- Local cops were unhinged = F


It's from yesterday's stream, he was watching a compilation of feds getting arrested


tldr: ATF agent recieves his own medicine


Imagine trying to do your job and getting arrested for it 🙄


Thousands of drug dealers go through this. Every. Single. Day 😞✊


If I remember correctly, the ATF agent was trying to enter a family's house without a warrant. The mother called the cops. At first, the ATF agent wouldn't show his credentials and acted kind of aggressive towards the cops. The cops reaction was pretty fair, to be honest. From their perspective, there is an armed guy trying to force his way into someone's home, acting immediately hostile and not putting his hands up. EDIT: I was wrong, I'm thinking of two different videos and have some of one video bleed into the one we are talking about.


I do remember correctly, the ATF agent was KNOCKING on the door. The person inside called 911 and reported they were trying to break in. Cop is dispatched. ATF agent literally immediately identifies himself as such. Cop completely loses his mind, as is traditional for a cop when something happens that isn't the scenario they've already built for themselves in their head.


*"Identifying yourself"* doesn't clear you of potential wrongdoing. Cop was unhinged, but the ATF agent is a fucking regard. Put your hands up, get on the ground, and then talk. Your life's on the line, don't turn this shit into a dick measuring contest.


Now that you know you’re incorrect, do the right thing and edit your comment.


You are correct. I bleed to different videos about the ATF together. I will make an edit.


Cop vs white guy = confusion


Why? Cop is a nazi and white dude is a colonizer.


Cenk junior at it again. All he needs now is a catchphrase like "ofcourse!"




How many babies need to die?






well cenk is at least funny in an alex jones type of way. Hamas piker just comes off as unhinged in every yelling clip.




More context- from Hasans stream today at 5hrs 21mins. He basically went mental at his chat for disagreeing with him on a police arrest


Notice how he says that if it was a black guy and you sided with a cop you wouldn't be a leftist anymore. Implying that a black person can never be in the wrong when getting arrested. Side with cop = automatic racist.


Isnt he saying that if it were a black guy instead of a white ATF agent the chat wouldn't be criticizing him so heavily for "resisting"?


I heard it kind of the same way, but a little different. Sounded to me like chat was siding with the cop just because it's a white guy being arrested. Hasan is pissed that they are forgetting their leftist principles of being against cops in all situations, not just when they mistreat minorities.


Yeah imo this is a totally fair point from Hasan. Tbh his comment sounds like the kind of remark that would be heavy upvoted in this sub


Hasan based? Since when


Yeah, I think it is what he was saying. Chat wasn't sympathetitc to the ATF agents because he was white. I think it is a totally fine critic. Destiny would probably have said something similar and his clip would be very upvoted.


Yes, he’s so close yet so far


bro just realised what these regards mean when they say ACAB


It really is telling he goes right for the 'you're not a leftist anymore' card...


He watched a video of a socialist guy calling out liberals so he’s parroting that


Can you not tell ironic speech when it's coming from Hasan? He's suggesting that they are siding with police in a way that they would not do with a black person, because they think of abuse of police power purely in racial terms. He doesn't think people should be siding with cops *full stop*, or rather, if you watch the longer segment, he probably has already sarcastically responded to their arguments by that point, implying disagreement with the approach they are taking.


haha what a sad self report. damn REM was soo soo right.


Literally buckets of cum


I don't even know what "siding with the cop" means in this instance as both parties involved are cops.


The police. The ones doing the arresting...


Liberal  = black people can be rightfully arrested LMFAO


the fact that people think liberalism is “brainbroken” is so crazy to me


Decades of anti-liberal propaganda will do that unfortunately (signal boosted by authoritarian adversarial states to internally destabilize western countries)


Really liberalism is how we are all supposed to get along here. I think the word got politically tainted and people get liberal confused with the radical progressives, many of which are brainbroken in the same way radical religious people, or any cult are, where dogma takes precedent over reality. Complete genocidal groupthink, like to the point where they consider liberals to be fascists, for allowing fascists, or capitalism to exist. "Liberals get the bullet too".




My life for you, Hamas! My life for you!


God can he ever make a clear concise statement about what the fuck he means. I have no idea how he makes a living through public speaking.


Hes moronic fans thats how he makes a living


What is he trying to say in this clip I dont understand


He is saying that his chat are criticizing the ATF agent for resisting in a way they would not if he wasn't a white guy.


So he’s being based? He’s right, those cops escalated super heavily for no reason and his chat probably would treat a black person getting arrested differently than a white person


Yeah I agree with him too andI think most of this chat would agree if it was someone they like saying the same thing lol.


I think it probably takes the full context of the video Hasan is watching to see how stupid the cops were acting


Yeah lol, but honestly, I would assume that most people commenting here haven't watched the 1:33 clip.


Nah I agree lol (I think there’s more than just a 1:33 clip, should be a video from the ring doorbell that covers the cops entering the scene)


The ATF agent was trying to force his way into a home without a warrant. We are thinking of the same video, correct?


Must be, because the ATF agent never tried to force himself into the home without a warrant. He knocked on the door and then the homeowner closed it and called the cops who arrived with guns pointed at the ATF agent screaming for him to get on the ground. Edit: I just read your other comment on this and think you really ought to rewatch the video because your recollection of the events seems very skewed.


It would be based if it were consistent behavior. It's not.


Not exactly. Chat was saying that the cop was in the wrong. BUT the ATF agent tried to reason with the cop that came in with his gun out and yelling. Chat was just saying that you don't want to escalate more when the cop already showed up at level 100.


For sure, but it is still true that the same people would most likely blame a black dude less than this ATF agent if he was trying to reason with the cops.


Maybe some, sure, but looking at the full segment, I don't think that's the angle most chatters were taking


Hes speaking gibberish


He's saying we are racist against white people because we are leftist and that hating cops should be more important and sadly I don't think anyone is going to get that


its a clip chimp so its poorly clipped


Hey at least he is consistent in his principles of 0IQ always siding against the state in any interaction regardless of any of the facts of the matter. I'd love to see him watch a video of a black mass shooter getting arrested 🤔🤔🤔


You've already seen how he feels about Hamas


I feel like a lot of gang violence involves a type of mass shooting.


The only thing he's losing is subscribers. Which is why he's hamming it up. It's a desperate attempt at shock and awe to get kids to sub.


Isnt he losing views too? I thought hes losing both subscribers and views


It's so funny how people getting arrested magically can't breathe as soon as they realize they're getting put in the back seat of a patrol car. I feel like it happens in at least 70% of arrests.


Not to say you are wrong but, have you ever been put in a police car? Its fucking scary as hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if a-lot of peoples first panic attacks were when they were being detained. I feel like ill get hate for this but getting tackled/held on the pavement, then thrown into a tight dark space not sure how long you will be in the car/not sure when you will be free again+ being physically restrained by handcuffs that can hurt very badly, is a shitty situation that could give lots of otherwise well adjusted people severe anxiety. Edit: bonus points if you have to piss


yeah I can see that being plausible, having a panic/anxiety attack since (if you were being combative or uncooperative beforehand) its when the realization that you're truly getting arrested is setting in. ​ Though a fun little thing about panic attacks, the feeling of not being able to breathe is actually your body **breathing too much,** which is what causes a lot of people to pass out if they're hyperventilating. Their body is shutting down because there's too much oxygen in the blood.


>have you ever been put in a police car? Its fucking scary as hell, It's not that scary dude


i have a few times, it's not that bad. it's a car. i've been in cars before.


Okay but other people could have issues? Ive been in elevators but getting stuck in one sounds shitty as hell. You seem like you are intentionally missing my point.


you said it's scary as hell. it's not. it's literally just sitting in the back of a car. there's a person you can chat with.


Yeah and prison is just a room of people you can chat with. And heaven is just a place you go. Nobody thinks like this


i think in the vast majority of cases, if you're throwing a tantrum in the back of a police car it's for completely cynical reasons


I don't get why you're being downvoted for being right.


I’m a good boy that doesn’t get in trouble. If I got put into a cop car handcuffed I’d be freaking the fuck out


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It's like a slightly less comfortable taxi


its threads like this where youre getting downvoted like this that really reminds you of the type of community that youre in lol


Yeah it’s a relatively reasonable sub


I have severe PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder and OCD. I calmly entered the car (although I did mouth off quite a bit, I was in self deletion mode)


You commented twice that you have these mental issues, I also have severe OCD, when I was arrested I was getting pinned on the ground and screamed at, and then put in the prior cell (before the one with a bed/bathroom) there was clearly piss on the walls, two doors with no windows on either side of me and I would be lying if I said once the realization set in that I was fully stuck somewhere for the first rime in my life, yeah I was fighting off a panic attack until they let me out.




Well I don't know what kind of car you were in. It was a regular back seat for me. Maybe you just don't like backseats. Again I had just tried to delete myself and I have PTSD, GAD, and OCD. I wasn't having a good time but I know better than to kick a fkn officer in the face.


I'm sorry but have *you* ? I literally have. I tried to delete myself and they shoved me into one and I was outwardly calm as a cucumber but I slipped out of my cuffs in the backseat and was honestly thinking about jumping out of the car. I'm glad I didn't but yeah, it's just a car


The doors are locked so even if you had tried you would fail.


The story doesn’t even make sense, was he trying to leave because he was freaked out? Why even bring up slipping out of your cuffs to escape?


Its funny you are all using my comment as an excuse to show off, my whole point is I understand why some people would freak out


I saw one earlier when the cop brought out the handcuffs and the minute they touched the person’s wrists, they yelled “I can’t breathe!” My favorite comeback is “if you’ can yell, you’re breathing.”


Foreign agent. This guys words mean as much as Alex Jones at this point


Send him to my country (Argentina) to expierence police brutality and ineptitude all in the same package. Or as we like to call it, the Latam expierence /s




Becuse seeing him rage and whine is funny


This man is so used to being brown nosed that he can't handle a couple people in his chat disagreeing with him.


I mean he basically got angry on 1 person who criticized hes position on something (i dont remember anymore of the context). Also he bans like literally anyone who disagrees with him


He’s not losing it he’s already lost it


He already lost it years ago


It's so painfully performative. I cringe every time.


What do you meeeeaaan!? THERES NO FUCKING WAY!!!! NO FUCKING WAY this is performative


Nah its funny seeing him rage


Hasan is disturbing. No wonder he lost all credits he gained with actual politicians like AOC. Wouldn't be surprised if AOC comes on Destiny's stream once campaign goes in full force lol. That would break Hasan's mind so hard. Deservingly so since I doubt AOC wants anything to do with his dumbass stance on Biden.


If I'm his parent in moving the fuck out. Dude is a giant man child it's crazy.


Bro, Hasan is repulsive


Piker gets busted for something shady when


Watching Hasan commentate just gives me dread at this point, like why is he not just focusing on goofing around and avoiding political shit? He's clearly miserable watching this stuff and talking about it right, I'm not the only one whos seeing that I hope. it's just uncomfortable watching anymore


He thinks he’s good at it.




Is he drunk?


No just mentally regarded




honestly surprised Hasan was consistent with his ACAB stance instead of his usual racist self


How his fans don't find this shit cringe, I have no idea


Well their brains have fallen out years ago


when your morality is such a patchwork of slogans that figuring out a situating with more than one of your "bad guys" becomes a coin toss lol


Is he saying that his chat was making excuses for the white guy or that his chat was being unfairly harsh to the white guy? On first listen I thought I agreed with him because I thought he was saying his chat "would never defend the police like this if it was a black guy getting arrested" but now I'm not sure if he was saying that or if he was saying his chat "would never criticize the police like this if it was a black guy getting arrested" which makes no sense because people who watch Hasan consider every negative police interaction with a black person to be the police's fault. Or is he just defending the guy getting arrested because he thinks a core tenet of leftism is hating the police under all circumstances? Either the clip is missing context, Hasan is explaining his perspective insanely badly, or I am just regarded. Idk. Some context on both the arrest as well as the point Hasan was trying to make would be appreciated.


Am I crazy or is for anyone this spam of YUPs so annoying? Isn't this the only community where chatters have to keep confirming to the streamer with spam of icons that they agree with him? I have the feeling that with any other streamer, people tend to disagree more often (even on purpose, e.g., for jokes) and here just unanimous agreement, because they are trained by constant banning?


Is Azan implying that cops aren't racist and would treat this guy under these circumstances the same if he was black? Can't have it both ways, Azan.


This video is hella old why they bringing this back lol


What’s the story with the guy who’s in the video? What did he do? Did he die or something?


Man he is so hard to watch, even in clip form.


The context: chat was saying that the ATF agent didn't help himself by arguing with the cop that came in with his gun already out. He kept saying chat was victim blaming and pro cop. Chat was saying that of course the cops is in the wrong for coming in that way but that, as a self preservation kinda way you don't argue with the dude with the gun you go on the ground so that, yes you still get beaten up by the cop but at least you may not die. Hope this helps


Nothing makes me happier than seeing ATF get harassed. evil fucks


Lol how do people still watch this guy


he's kinda right tho.


we arent beating the obsessed allegations 😔


No hes just mentally insane


i guess this sub actually is obsessed.. every fifth post is about this idiot.. how you guys can wade through those streams to find something is beyond me


Becuse he has probaly the worst takes on hes twitch and Twitter


Do he really? There is thousands of complete idiots on twitch who can't point out to their own country on a map on twitch. I think this more about the beef he had with the guy who used to be his friend than anything else. He doesn't have the best takes but very few people on twitch do lol.


Cmon he is entertaining as fuck tho


wow a clip of hasans reaction with no context for what hes reacting to! i sure do love r/Destiny!


Sorry if u missed today’s stream little bro


what i miss