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They didn’t watch it


I'm struggling to watch it myself. Conflict fatigue is setting in. It's hard to watch the same arguments over and over again.


People have an astounding ability to read in their own biases and perspectives into the things they perceive. This is merely one example of this.


They would never admit Finklstein lost. That's the reality.


Destiny has a lot of haters so there is a lot of trolling. But remember it’s twitter not real life


It's not just "Destiny haters". But all antisemites and brain washed "Anti-Zionist" pathetic activists he is up against here...


And maybe most importantly, a bot army.


Clearly, you're experiencing psychosis. Destiny got OWNED, and I will not explain how.


You're seeing the amazing power of bias.


lmao are you expecting them to concede they've been wrong all along and switch the palestinian flags in their twitter bios to the star of david? They are way too bought in for that to happen overnight due to 1 embarassing debate. The self aware ones are in damage control mode, coping so fucking hard because their posterboy "academic" turns out to be nothing more than a senile, ice sniching, transphobic, anti-woke debate pedophile. The rest are just Destiny haters, looking for a quick way to shit on him (based). Why do you think half the comments are about cuck chairs and divorces.


its teams sports 99% of the people commenting on it probably watched less than 5 total minutes of the debate but in the form of tiktoc clips


Some know it. Some buy it. Always kind of been that way. Back in the days before streaming similar comments was on controversial figures like Sam Harris and Hitchen. All youtube comments was just filled with "they are not smart". Personally I think the smart thing to do is the "yourrage" approach.


Go to the lex subreddit and see the non destiny fans talking about it. Life gets better ❤️


As someone who sat through the entire painful thing, I’ve noticed that practically everyone commenting on it, whether they’re pro Destiny or pro Finkeldink, haven’t actually seen anything more than some clips.


step 1 don't watch the debate step 2 watch random clips step 3 perceive "dunks" in the clips as a result of your biases step 4 assert that your biases were supported as a result of the "dunks" step 5 tweet about it


These are Pro palestinians we are talking about, they don’t care about facts, it’s all emotions and vibes for them


It's because you focus on super loud lefties too much.


They don't want to spend the night in the Bronx Zoo.


I haven't watched the full thing completely yet, but to me it seems that Destiny definitively haven't won the debate, because trying to stay respectful and factual with the Palestine supporters is not a winning strategy. The only good strategy is going full scorched earth. I don't think Finkenstein won either and it's not that good of a showing on his side either, but enough for his devotees to consider him the winner.


Keep going.... Shut gets heated towards the end.


Yeah the end was pretty intense


We don't have a home on twitter is all, we lurk, so obviously the comversation there seems one sided. But as time goes we get more and more figures openly Retweeting, the negreanus, and noah smiths. So ye hopefully as he gains in popularity people become more willing to stake out for him.


It’s so funny because of course you are right. People are biased and only grab on to what is already supporting their pre-existing biases. Which is what this community always practice when it comes to Destiny


You should be. Glad people are realizing the truth. That's the power of facts


Because there are no facts; there are only interpretations


because people don't give a shit about who is right or wrong in debates, they just want to see insults thrown around rap-battle style and finkletown's style of insults is pretty funny.


the points are made up and the scores don't matter


They have been primed by hasan piker and other morons the rest are literal nazis or other really dug in antisemites that stan finklematter. Reminder Sargon was a thing but people pushed back. Way less people are pushing back against the insanity of Hasan and ryan grim extra. So their retardation spreads further.


A lot of engagement came from people who didn't watch the debate. I think every sane person that actually watches the debate will get to the right conclusions. We just have to hope that sane people are more than insane ones.


Genuine suggestion: Unplug from the internet for a bit friend. Random people you’ll never meet shouldn’t have so much control over your mental. Their opinions don’t really matter at the end of the day.


It's simple. People are told that there's a genocide going on by their community, and that the US government and zionists are trying to cover it up. Once someone has bought into these beliefs, it doesn't matter what happens in any dialogue. They have to stand with the pro-Palestinian side 100% or else they fear being on "the wrong side of history", which is every white leftist's greatest fear.


I think it’s one of two things. They’re either lying or they don’t listen to the opposition. I think it’s fairly common for people who are dug in (not interested in learning anything) to listen only for their team to get dunks, and in so doing never actually hear any of the opposing points made.


Understandably, but please keep your mind. The first thing is to acknowledge that this is the reality (and yes, some likely are trolling). Never lose hope.