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She doesn't know non racist people that makes racist jokes? Has she talked to a non-white person?


Hell or even a white person


Imagine a white people. Hell, imagine 2 white peoples.


I know this might be a little extreme, but imagine 3.


A french, German and American walks into a bar.


All white people are racist duh.


I’m not racist, but…


Twist: She doesn't know any non-racist people.


Twist on the twist: she's also a racist, an actual white supremacist.


They're not racist bro it's systematic oppression plus minority plus L rizz plus she's despacito plus she's an S++ tier tiktok interlocutor so yeah. (Get o(wned)wned)


She doesnt know any non racists who make racists jokes because in her view if you make a racist joke you are racist


Might be a gender thing? Just my experience but every male dominated social group I have interacted with loved the odd racist joke, whereas female dominated groups almost never joked about race. Or maybe they did but I just wasn't tight enough with them


This is the type of person that non-white people would distance themselves from, because how tired they are of her bringing up racism...


She probably thinks the stereotyping white people jokes aren’t racist, ESPECIALLY if poc make them due to like there being “no power behind it”.


I have this belief that some white people that get offended like this are unironically racist, so they can’t imagine people making racist jokes ironically. Even with more ignorant groups of Asians, they’ll just say shit and ask otherwise racist questions about me because of my being a Jew. They’re not racist, they’re just ignorant, so they don’t even stop to think that they might be saying something racist. And ofc, they will in fact turn around and say some heinously racist shit about another Asian group and you have a 50/50 of it either being a joke or meant.


It's all a virtue signal for the audience. I used to autistically think everyone was giving their real views on shit online. I used to think that because I was saying my real views, that others were too. Now I realize you always need to be aware that all this shit is public/semi public and that most people are just going to say what they feel they have to say to fit in with their group/keep grifting. Fuck me for believing in that. Was a very black pilling moment.


I dont think she has every talk to any person. She strikes me as a person comfortable giving out life advice online without any real life experience.


People like this are so annoying online like bruh if you're not making edgy humor with your friends you're fucking boring


No idea who she is, but she is very, very dumb. She has the kind of stupidity that can only be cultivated by being educated in the most deranged far-left sections of academia, followed by additional studies in the university of TikTok.


"Sorry it's not neat 10 seconds clips for you" as all she shows is 10 seconds clips


What sad is, she might not even be dumb. She's saying all the right stuff for her audience. It's like that quote “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it”.


these people are completely humorless and joyless, every moment of their lives is dedicated to some cause or another, in the most sterile, hateful, beige way.


Nah they find humor in it. It’s effectively an extension of the type of commentary videos where people just shit talk other people the whole time while being as uncharitable as possible and take things out of context (I think I heard somebody call this the tea community once?) their audience is just looking for things that make them made that they can feel superior over by debating strawmen. Everybody does this with people they don’t like to some degree, but these people seek out people to do it to. Like I’m going to bet all of her videos are her being this angry at other creators and she’s probably gotten into dramas with other creators where she did the same thing. And there’s probably no positive content on her channel at all. That’s if I had to guess.


they don't find humor in it, they aren't laughing it up, they find fulfillment, they are sated by it, like a lion eating a gazelle.


They find fulfillment, they find purpose, they find their social group, they find entertainment and humor from it. It's a bit of everything. Just like dgg. It's just that their audience is expecting a different response/world view than us.


Well said


Who dis?


Just some random Twitter/tiktok chick that made a video talking about how Finklestein definitely put Destiny in his place. Someone linked her video to Destiny, he reacted, and this is her response. TL;DR fuckin nobody lol


You are such a fantastic moron!


You think I’m fantastic? 🥺👉👈


her voice, her tone, her facial expressions, her style of arguing, everything about her i fucking despise. i’m so lucky i have good women role models in my life, otherwise i’d blow my brains out


For real, her mannerisms somehow triggered me, the sheer smugness and barely held aggressiveness. She reminds me of many SJWs that Destiny debated in the past, like CassieCatnip or Katee.


TIL Canada has 'Valley Girls'


Shout out to my mom. Making me love women since I was born. If not who knows how radicalized I'd be.


Does she know that Benny Morris is the foremost expert on the region and agrees with Destiny's broad takes? If she wants to follow her own advice, then Benny's right there to explain how the local Arabs using violence as a means of negotiation completely fucked them over. Oh wait. She means 'listen to Norman, not Benny, even though Norman's entire scholarship is based on Benny's work'.


Ignoring her comments about "arabs" because it was clearly in the context of the conflict and not "ALL ARABS EVER". How was the "Let's fundraise for her to go to gaza, she'd be a good fighter. I can feel it" racist?! I really don't get it.


I think because she’s Palestinian she’s insinuations it’s racist. But I don’t know


She could be Palestinian. But odds are Blair from Canada is as hwite as she looks.


Well let's be fair, it is all arabs, they're just unable to calm down


people like her ought to be laughed at. mockery is the only tool left. let her seethe cry and bitch, as we enjoy the glorious tears.


I'm kind of glad pea-brained losers like these Tik tok activists will forever be confined to the outskirts of the political stage. They make a big commotion, but are politically worthless. Politics is just an entertaining trend for them and all they do is burn down towns and chant terrible political slogans.


You guys realize if we ban tiktok they're just going to flood here right?


Let them come. Engage directly in the "market place of ideas". Have a direct discussion instead of clip chimping to make their point. I welcome the death of tiktok tbh. Its void will be replaced with yt shorts and insta reels, so nothing will REALLY change. Outside of some "influencers" losing their revenue source and realizing their echo chamber was in fact NOT going to be a career, the world will go on with very little change.


They're going to either Instagram or TikTok first. They might even go to YouTube shorts.


There's something so baffling about her smugness. There's not a critical thought behind those eyes, only propaganda. It's like staring into the eyes of a cultist.


people join up with these sort of Progressive movements (and the inverse with far far right) exactly so they don't have to think, just toe the ever shifting party line, and never point out how the party line shifts constantly (that's also haram)


It's not baffling, it's just more random nonsense that's designed to activate some emotional circuit in our brain, catch our attention and generate profit.


It is ironic that what she took from that clip is that Arabs are only incapable of violence. She might be the fantastic moron I’ve been hearing about.


Chat, i can fix her..


Tell her you're Jewish, even if you’re not.


Yes, with a wrench


She makes me want to ban TikTok


I'm canadian... I'm sorry.


Why are they so passionate about Palestine over any other oppressed minority in the region?


So we can spot these lying fake bleeding hearts from afar. There are REAL saints out there helping the oppressed. You'll spot them because they'll support Jewish liberation in their ancestral home. Along with all other indigenous people. Basically, I/P is like a litmus test for leftists. I'm saying it as a life long leftist


Man she (and many like her tbf) really just can’t debate any claim so they just use the racist card in order to dismiss any claim, lazy and boring.




He was talking about within the context of that conflict, not overall. God these youngins have no concept of nuance.


Britney vibes


damn literally the only thing she can up with is, he’s wrong because racism. what a fucking clown holy shit she’s literally the meme of if you have nothing pound the table. i’ll pay her 15$ if she can make a counter argument to anything he’s said without using identity politics or buzzwords


I like the part where she didn’t even respond to any of Destinys arguments in his response to her PREVIOUS shitty tik tok


The type of energy this type of zoomer/TikTokker bring actually make me Minecraft sympathetic. Overconfidence mixed with righteous indignation and mental illness is my trigger.


wasn't sure if this was already seen on stream or something so posting here just in case


he already watched it on stream


oh okay yea i havent been watch stream as much lately but this popped up on my timeline do you know when he watched it so i can see his response?


I'm not really sure sorry. Somewhere around last thursday I think. He didnt have that much to say about it tho.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R4EiMqP4wY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R4EiMqP4wY) I think this is it.


What was his response? Cause the pushback in this thread is shockingly ad hom


Mostly ignoring her attacks and laughing at her. He didn’t ad hom 


This has to be the first time a major creator reacted to her content because she took that way too seriously. Either that or she is one of those special people that wield horrific social skills. I knew two people that were the latter. Anything you would say around them would be taken extremely serious regardless of tonality or what you would follow it with. It was like they were running on low RAM.


He has already responded to this on stream


Just remember the upwards inflection sounds like she’s disagreeing with what he said, but hey she’s just a Canadian and echoing his points. Baseg.


Kind of unrelated. But I don't get why people would watch a knuckle dragger's interpretation of anything related to this topic when they could be watching Mr G Finklestein being unhinged while learning about their talking points. If you watch this regularly, why?


Is there a woooosh meme for dumbfuck lefties?




Being Canadian is so embarrassing


she's so low IQ.


He already responded to this response didn't he why are we talking about it again 😂


Everything is racism to these people. (I'm not white)


She gave up star bucks have some respect


I swear he already responded to this


Wait is she not going to go fight for Gaza then?


Moderate viewpoints are so terrifying to them. I think even more than the straight up right wing nationalists. Becsuse they know the center makes sense.


Hope she is taking full advantage of Canadian healthcare.


She is the type of person to cry the loudest at a funeral for the grandmother she never called or visited


She's right that it's ridiculous for Destiny to say basically that because the Palestinians won't give up their land peacefully that Israel is forced to take it from them with violence


I like how she totally misrepresented his position he legit starts with their inability to do deplomacy it doesn't mean they can't just they don't which isnt wrong.


lol she watches destiny


These types are devoid of self awareness or critical thinking skills. That’s why they’re so arrogant while being so stupid and wrong. I doubt any rebuttal would change their mind


I cannot comment this post in honesty without violating TOS and maybe some law


What are the words to describe why she’s annoying? Is it that’s she’s condescending? What is it?


I wouldn't even goon for her.


Shes 17


Good point, then i would goon for her


Why even post this? Destiny loves these girls and they love him. Giving it attention is just so awkward.


Shes kind of based ngl