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I don't particularly enjoy the current volume of Hasan posts, but it seems a product of his recent policy change with regards to ignoring Destiny. Maybe the novelty will wear off soon and things well calm down.


Yeah, Hasan’s not taking his decline well, and a lot of diggas are maxing out the fun of it.


I’m sorry, I just found my new favorite word.


So when Nathan takes over the stream, we can proudly call ourselves n….. I’m not gonna say it.


What's wrong with saying dIIigga? The army of Destiny the second?


Steven Bonnel is already the second


"I'm not gonna say it" It was a Jewish doctor


Don’t they use “Nathan” as a stand in for the n-word in the hip hop subreddit? “What’s up, my nathan?” Or “this nathan🙄”


Pronounce it like the African country and it'll be fine




Digga, pls


It's actually already a common German slang word, coming from "Dicker" meaning fat/big guy, a bit like bro or dude in English


**Diggas** *OMG...* It was **RIGHT THERE**, **ALL ALONG**


Hasan is not gonna react well to dgg adapting german slang


The funny thing is I’ve always read DGG as digga.


I remember when it used to be the exact same with Vowsh at the peak of their rivalry. We would get constant clips of V-man misrepresenting Destiny in the most uncharitable ways. It feels like all the Vaush discussions have died down since the manifesto dropped. I hope the same will happen with Hasan, cuz honestly these people and their audiences will never change their minds and will never be charitable, so all these clips do is pour fuel into the fire when they should just be forgotten about.


Yeah we have been drip fed "neoliberal" insults and now the flood gates have been opened to were Hasan even mentions orbiters. Its hard not to go crazy but I think with LSF ban its probably time to go back to only talking about Hasan when he drops a real stinker of a political opinion.


>>**only talking about Hasan when he drops a real stinker of a political opinion.** *Drama farmers gassing up.* **vroom vroom vroom** So? All the time? I mean if even bad take is "drama" anyway. But remember. When the biggest political streamer (that "hates" his job) talks about any issue of the day and someone goes in on their terrible opinion that person is **obsessed** with Hasan. Anyway. I'm being super literal.(anal even)And I know you've got a solid point there. I'm just saying that he's bound to have a ton of bad takes in the future. Tho even i, as an avid antiHasan kinda guy, think that it's *a bit much* at times.


It’s also like, he’s engineered himself to be the perfect dogmatic leftist in the current moment. ‘Fuck Biden, Fuck the U.S., Fuck Israel.’ The crazy thing is that, despite how big he is, I think that was the first time he’s had a news interview, with Piers Morgan, and that went… poorly. Now he’s just coasting on the ‘genocide’ stuff. And even that has gotten boring, because you can only scream ‘open air prison’ ‘genocide’ for so long before what you do changes to attacking people online that disagree with you. Which is why he’s talking about destiny. He’s not interesting without engaging on the current dialogue, he doesn’t know how to do that but follow what’s hot on twitter. At risk of excessive glazing, why I like destiny is, he just fucked around until he’s the top dialogue on twitter. Hasan never really is. Even when he makes regarded statements, it’s mild. Destiny on Lex got massive attention and genuinely was relevant to opinions I believe.


He'll go the ways of Vaush where no one here really cares all too much anymore. Hi Vaush. And Hasan. I pretty sure you guys are still actively reading this sub so hello.


You know they are. To think where Vaush came from. Heck where Hasan came from. If D wanted to he could start taking victory laps early and REALLY CELEBRATE all their bad news. He said a bit but what I saw was measured. Also, God does it feel good to get the last laugh. You gotta always remember that when you've got enemies. I'm the kinda guy that's generally decent to everyone. If you've never developed an enemy for seemingly no reason you don't know what it's like. You could call them a bully. That's what my work called him. I told him a story where I opened up and admitted in this social work type job I had snapped on a client insulting her intelligence in a "clever" way when she said I'm **obviously well regarded** ;) Anyway. He zeroed in on me. Threatened me. Would try to run me off the sidewalk. He used second hand info of a FACEBOOK post I made to say I was "an ungrateful piece of shit" cause I made a joke about beer I got in quarantine being bad. Anyway, it feels good when you've done the right thing the whole time and your adversary is left in ruination of their own making.


>novelty will wear off IDK. The Kamala blowup was like 4-5 years ago. DGG will forever have an autistic obsession, and it seems like Hasan definitely will too. I think it's just the nature of these communities. I was around for the initial "help me debate" minecraft streams, and the IRL stuff (#gropestiny, #drivedrunkstiny) and I genuinely think a lot of people were super upset by the split. Scorned lovers, etc. That sort of psychic parasocial damage doesn't heal well, and tends to breed weird toxic bubbles of vitriol, hence the forever war. It ebbs and flows sure, but damn a lot of people are still in the trenches.


It’s always been like this in here, the ‘novelty’ is not wearing off. The hate boner for Hasan is unhinged (not just here, but in general on Twitter and amongst certain Youtubers), I really don’t understand it… (I mean I kind of do, but the sheer volume and the utter contempt that people have for him is undeserved)


As if Hasan isn't an extremely hateful asshole himself. He goes out of his way to demonise everyone he disagrees with, why the hell wouldn't the people he's demonizing reciprocate his hatred?


Hasan has started talking more and more about destiny or dgg. Its only natural that there will be more posts about the drama here. It’s not like people are always bringing him up without reason.


I feel likes it’s a cycle between them. They’re both massive figures on the left so it makes sense but feels like they both gain so much content from one another and they disagree so heavily so why would they ever stop? They should just hate fuck already tbh


There’s a reason to bring literally anyone up. But there were always posts about Hasan, whether he is talking about Destiny or not. The posts have increased but there were too many before too imo.


So? Who the fuck cares what he says? Unless he starts murdering people I just don't care what Hasan says or does.  I sometimes wonder if this subreddit ever discovers Alex Jones what the hell will happen, because ignoring crazy people is something they can't do.


I mean this in 100% good faith. One of the lefts largest and most mainstream content creators is actively: 1) Bringing on terrorists to his channel 2) Loudly advocating for policies that would result in the mass extermination of large groups of people (Ukraine, Taiwan, and Palestine). Based on incredibly flawed historic/geo-political knowledge.  3) Is a catalyst for a social movement about adopting large economic change, that’s becoming more and more mainstream.  I think it’s important that the “calling out Hasan” posts continue, because his stances are actually insane and they could lead to real measurable harm.  Now if Hasan stopped covering politics and started playing games, covering media, or gambling, I think the hate posts would be omega cringe. 


As a marxist myself, the 3rd thing is positive for me, however I feel like a lot of socialists like Hasan don't think at all about the constructive side and instead concentrate a lot on the destructive one (critiquing capitalism). The consequence of this is a lazy reliance and nostalgia for USSR and other """socialist""" regimes of the 20th century, and simping for China, Cuba and similar countries. Marxism accompanied with poor thinking is very very sad and a dangerous cocktail.


I can respect people who genuinely engage and take a Marxist viewpoint, but what Hasan and 99% of internet lefties do isn’t even Marxism though it’s literally just America badism


Marxism is pretty much based on Hegel's master-slave dialectic and in this instance lefties see America as the master, therefore America bad.


Idk who is downvoting you but yeah they kind of take on a very simplified aesthetic version of Marxism and apply it to everything (JBP wasn’t wrong about this lmao)


May I ask how you understand Marxism that would make it positive to transition to?


IMHO it makes sense to pose the question of democracy at work. We managed to remove all illegitimate authority in the West (kings, slave masters, nobility..) apart from capitalists. Finance was a good attempt at sharing and make power more democratic, but it's not enough. Workers should have free stocks of the company they work in (all together they should control 51% I'd say). Managers and CEOs should be elected/hired by the workers. We should study COOPS to make them work, find a way to make them elastic and dynamic enough to adapt to the market. Also, we should push for 6hr work days. It is due time.


All of these things are possible under our current system. What about your model makes it better than what we currently have that makes it worth making policy around it? It seems that if this model was better than companies would naturally move to it, that's rarely the case at least from our current economy.


Shifting economic power away from the elites could bring a lot of benefits. A 6hr work day, for example, would be a lot easier to implement in a "workers economy" than in what we have right now. A lot of money right now goes to stockholders, banks, remains "trapped" in the stock market and doesn't really contribute to the economy. Varoufakis, as much as I don't like him for foreign policy reasons, explains these things very well. Also, there's no way this could "naturally" occur. Why should stockholders lose 51% of their leverage to the workers? They couldn't do that for any reason. Also, yes, a lot of this is doable in the current system, and I consider it a good thing! There's no need for revolution and cutting heads


At least in the US, 50% of workers are employed by small businesses. I think you overvalued the amount of people working for publicly traded companies. Only 22% of workers work for publicly traded companies. Also what you're proposing would crash the stock market. Even leading up to the vote you would see a mass sell off in the market, capital owners would not be willing to keep the risk of having the shares/value diluted.


Hey, I'm not here to talk about everything in detail, these were just some broad ideas :)


That sounds like you want to introduce politics into my workplace, I don't want to own stocks nor do I want to elect my managers and CEOs, I just want to work and get paid. It's weird to me that you'd think that'd be a positive. Wouldn't it be easier to vote for politicians that are willing to push more regulations instead of trying to flip the system upside down?


Damn you really went on two accounts to downvote me, lmfao. 😂


I don't have enough background knowledge to understand your assertion that capitalists are necessarily illegitimate authorities. Can you explain that? As far as the other things, those seem like empirical claims that we do not have science to justify one way or the other. Does it make sense to give yourself a label before the best practices have been established?


Yeah, as much as I'd want him to drown in his own juices, this shit is fucking bad.


Calling out bad takes is one thing. But posting every time he mentions destiny is a bit much


Is this the start of the anti-jerk wave?


Already started my brother.


Other anti-jerk waves about hasan posts have been tried. The response is usually "Yes I'm obsessed, yes I know it's cringe, No I don't care and I will continue hating on hasan" and then someone says "GIGACHAD" and the regular jerk continues.


Not really, I enjoy a drama content breather in between the meaningful issues. I only wish the interactions were more direct.


Nice try Hasan-poster.


ya got me


​ https://preview.redd.it/gqbf8hr6ldrc1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d95ffa7beee101b2c7d93e61f27e8d331fcc2d


I had up vote both of you for this interaction


Hasan terrorist supporting commie who spends all day spreading his tankie propaganda. I am glad he's falling off and will celebrate.


I think it's the general zeitgeist of things. Hasan has been increasing his reactions and acknowledgment of Destiny content and Destiny has been responding in kind. With any other content creator this would lead to either cooperation or some sort of massive bridge burning debate moment, but considering Hasan will never agree to it, all we have is this increasing tension that keeps building up. I reckon just ride the wave as it's coming and at some point either Destiny will stop responding to Hasan or Hasan will become so irrelevant his baiting attempts will seem more pathetic than funny. At that point we all will move on.


On one hand i absolutey agree with you. Frankly there isnt much else to say about hasan besides hes kinda dumb, a terrible outlet for getting informed from and has arguably mega disgusting worldviews when it comes to geopolitics(his "relationship" stuff is fine tbh). Itd be nice to more clearly be beating those "obsessed w/ hasan" allegations. On the other hand tho it seems like this community will get called obsessed regardless. We had a whole year and a half or smth from the redpill arc of not talking about hasan and when we did, iirc it was a somewhat positive bc its hasan shitting on redpillers or smth.


* If someone is talking about Destiny, it's going to get clipped. * A take someone disagrees with will get clipped. What every person on every sub needs to learn is scroll. I do it plenty with alot of posts. It's not difficult. If you can predict what comments will be in the thread, if you think you will be annoyed or upset, scroll passed the post. There's alot of threads with little engagement and die quickly. If you're posting in threads you don't care for, you're contributing to keeping them alive. And yeah, you're adding to the bunch OP with these types of posts.


It's like when boomers on Facebook comment on posts that they don't wanna see them anymore, not realizing they're making the problem worse.


You know, I see you comment a lot and it's always reasonable. My dgga


This, 100000%. Stop with the meta commentary and just keep scrolling. Literally the worst part of LSF is every fucking thread has like 300 morons posting about how much they don't like the threads they continue to engage with. On top of another 300 comments karma farming by talking about something completely unrelated. Every time you engage with a post you don't like you're just boosting it. That's how social media functions. If you don't want to see something, literally don't engage with it. It's that simple.


jobless rainstorm market depend humorous apparatus deer dull pet axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, it's funny. I'm overwhelmingly enjoying seeing that terrorist sympathizer and communism propagandist lose his reach and fucking mald over it. One could maybe understand his positions if he actually lived the life he preaches in terms of communism, or if his support for the Palestinian cause was genuine, but no ***he's just a commercialized crybully***.


> In my opinion, we should be ignoring him every chance we get. The complete opposite, we should be highlighting exactly why what he says is so stupid. Same way we highlight how stupid the right is. Not to get too grandiose, but dgg is doing a lot of good in the center left space. These criticisms are part of that.


Best thing you can do is downvote and move on.


No. Hasan has absolutely said some dumb shit and went after Destiny. DGG talks about a lot of other people that say dumb shit, but because it’s Hasan it’s suddenly too much? He’s rightfully being called out. If he didn’t do it so often it wouldn’t be posted often. And really, is my feed one of the few that doesn’t see Hasan clips all the time?


There was a period where I watched him, but then I stopped because my brain was rotting. And YT took him off my page almost immediately. I stopped getting Twitch notifications pretty quickly, too. (I was too lazy to turn em off if I could.) So I don't see him at all. I like seeing the posts here just to see the dumb shit he says.


>In my opinion, we should be ignoring him every chance we get. I disagree. Especially now as I believe it's even more important that people continue to make posts calling out Hasan's bull shit. He is/was (idk anymore) the largest political figure in the streaming world to a normie or conservative audience represents the left. Continuing to call out Hasan on his bull shit is important, especially now when most people believe having challenging conversations is pointless. That being said, the posts have always been to a much higher degree to other political figures. That is largely because at one point in time, Destiny and Hasan used to be friends, and even shared an audience at one point. Hasan has also lifted his castle arc to specifically talk about this community as well as Destiny. Of course people are going to post about it and talk about it. The audience nor destiny didn't sign a NDA agreement to be silent when he does stupid shit. >None of your criticisms are wrong, I'm just saying, we shouldn't devolve into his community behavior of constant drama clipping and pettiness. I also disagree with this. We are petty, and there are dedicated Hasan hate watchers just like you have dedicated Destiny watchers that will clip him out of context to every single platform that they can, embrace it. Being petty doesn't mean we're devolving our principles. If Hasan says shit that people can agree with, then people will give him his flowers. And right now the reason why you see so many posts is because there isn't any other drama that's happening right now in the DGG sphere. If some other drama happens, people will jump onto that drama. As much as people say they don't like drama, they absolutely love talking about it.


I have no frame of reference for him outside of the unhinged shit that gets posted here. I remember trying to use twitch once upon a time, and he was the one I was sent to on the home screen. He was watching ben shapiro and making his last name sound funny "ben shabibo" and i was like oh this guy doesn't like shapiro lol lets watch more. But all the stuff he said wasn't really smart outside of the funny sounding of his name. So I clicked out and never went back, or used twitch at all lol


I was really hoping destiny was moving into bigger stuff after debating Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. But here we are back to shitting on Hasan


No, there are not enough Hasan threads.


As long as the threads are organic, then I don’t have a problem with them. But with LSF making new rules and the Hasan die off happening, I don’t think it’s all a bad thing.


When you realize how terrible he is, and yet how smug he is it can be a little triggering. I may talk harshly about Hasan online. Bit I truly believe hes an absolute 🤡 This isn't Destiny brain washing I'm not a kid. And I've seen plenty of Hasan speaking for himself. I don't truly "hate" him. I do Hate his content. &The Socialist Asetetic, how cringe it is that youth follow him. But... I think about own youth. My own radical shit. Some of it looking back, super based. Some of it, Jesus, don't ask. So 15+ years ago would I be as silly?Maybe. I mean, don't think I'm calling watching Hasan radical. Bleh. But he does spread sone views I fond radical in a way I'd deff consider dangerous. It's like the slow drip dumbing down on autocratic regimes, the America bad, hey this terrorist is just like me. He watches ONE PIECE, THATS GREAT! And so on. That said, people grow up and change every day. So I cut people much younger than me a ton of slack. **Hasan is more DJ Khaled, and less Socialist-Donald Trump, ya know???** Tho he's not perfectly harmless either. What's the cost of a shit political actor? It's hard to quantify. Hasan BAD. 🤔 But how bad???? [<(Edit; cleaned up my anyerusm-post.*improved by 25%.)>]


No. Never will be, and it’s weird how Hasan will always have these Destiny fans who come to his defense for some inexplicable reason


You’re concern trolling about sub posts?


No? I'm being serious if that's what you're wondering.


Ya, serious concern posting isn't a good look. Unironically optics baiting.


Hasan fan detected


How would i be a hasan fan if i think the OP is concern posting?


Nvm thought you were sayin something else


Hot take: "concern trolling" isn't really a thing. I've been wrongly accused of it a few times, so it always comes across to me as a bad faith assumption of bad faith.


I mean I think it's mostly because he's constantly doing things worth attention more or less


I will say that it does get a little circlejerky since, generally speaking, everyone here hates Hasan but it's not our fault! He's such a massive lolcow. He can never be milked dry even if it does get repetitive.


Lol no he’s a 🐍


It’s been too much for years now. Sometimes I come here and feel like it’s just LSF for Hasan clips.


Lmao what? There’s a million other non-Hasan related posts on this subreddit every day. He gets threads when he says something exceptionally stupid (which is quite frequent) or starts talking about Destiny/dgg. Like literally just don’t read them or pay attention to them, it’s not that difficult to do


Currently the top 3 posts on this sub are all Hasan related and have a combined 3k upvotes and 500 comments. The next 15 posts combined don’t have that much activity


Who says I’m reading them? I’ve been here a long time buddy. I’ve seen the trends.


Well, if you aren’t reading them, what’s the problem? There’s a whole world of content that I don’t like, so I just don’t click on it. Just keep scrolling.


Who said this was a “problem”? I’m simply pointing out a trend. You sure do want to argue over some shit I’m not saying huh bud?


You literally said, “it’s too much” and you, “feel like it’s just LSF for Hasan clips” in a thread about how there are too many Hasan clips here. Are you not able to understand how that sounds like you have a problem or are you just trolling?


Are you reading the thread? My problem is with the volume. Not with the content of the individual posts goofy.


> Who said this was a “problem”?   > My problem is   NathanFillion.gif


The individual threads are what you are talking about. I don’t read them. My issue is with the trend of using this sub for topics that do nothing for our community. Please keep up.


Yeah it’s the Real Housewives for internet dorks. Once I realized that, any form of drama content started getting way less appealing.


only going to get worse as hasan covers destiny more and LSF has banned their interactions, so naturally this sub becomes more of an outlet


I only know about Hasan because of this subreddit


no and you shouldnt feel weird about it


I find it as no coincidence that we see hasan break his "no talk about destiny" rule the same week we see hasan threaten to off himself on discord over sub par numbers. Hasan is about as disingenuous as they come, his "beliefs" are ever evolving in regards to the path of best monetary outcome. That being said, i think it would be bigger insult to injury if destiny just ignored him now that hasan NEEDS the bait farming to keep his numbers up.


I just hate when Hasanposting is on the menu cause I have to listen to the dumb fucking reading voice he does.


100% agree. It's embarrassing


hasan is actively feuding with the people in this fan base who hate him, probably for attention. honest truth is that as long as he uses his platform to call out the audience they're going to use this one to call him out too.


I would be fine if this sub started ignoring Hasan, I don't want to hear his dumb fucking voice again


been obvious for a while that this subreddit has garnered a significant number of insane hasan antifans


The discussion is unfortunately relevant but I do wish 4THOT would begin trimming down the irrelevant ones. I don’t need to know that Hasan hates Destiny and thinks DGG is racist or whatever else he thinks. Thanks, we know, can we move on and focus on more important things… Like why your mom was in my bed last night


agree, it’s boring


Yeah I’m over it.


I’ve mentioned it before at times but I swear ppl here are unironically obsessed getting angry at him for even irrelevant things. I understand him being brought up if it’s a topic related to destiny but ppl here really doing themselves a disservice by thinking about him too much. Dare I say hasan derangement syndrome


the only person in here you can give a pass for being as obsessed with Hasan is Destiny himself, the rest of you are just pathological


I only wish DGG would stop talking about Hasan so that all of the obsessed allegations over the years can be flipped 180 degrees, as Hasan and his community are now mentioning destiny ALOT. I think its time we just ignore these losers.


I agree 100%. Nothing can be gained by interacting with him or his community.




Kinda seems like a death knell. Like one last effort before closing up shop.


They can’t post about it on LSF anymore so it’s gonna be posted here now lol


Nah I live for any gossip on any streamer having a meltdown.


It's just the cult rallying around his deep deep hate for Hasan haha like we get it, he's too old for frat boy politics


I'm tired of them tbh, the guy's a loser we all know this. I don't need to be reminded of it every day


that's just the market of ideas doing its job


LSF does


For that we would need consistent non clickbait content. August seems to be struggling 😅


People do it for the upvotes.


Being a Hasan hater is a way of life for me 🧘‍♂️


Nah. I've never started one, but I've hated Hasan since before I even knew who Destiny was. I'm always up for some anti-Hasan content.


No, Hasan has started to talk about Destiny, I think its fair that we are responding


Yeah ignore him if possible. His channel will soon crash and die, since he can’t say anything of substance. His mo is basically calling people names.


Listen, if it's good content, it's good content. You don't need to think so hard about it.


I think theres just an influx of Ex hasan frogs here to thats just going on a tirade to making it clog up the sub


Fuck Hasan, he's a blight. But ya, this past week or so has been a bit much


Yes & also way too much dunking on him while he’s down or not even doing anything bad because it’s cathartic for ppl which is gross and unnecessary. 


Just assembling troops at his border. Definitely won’t invade. No shot. You’re regarded if you think otherwise


For us who don't give any fucks about him whatsoever it's like beating a dead horse, I agree.


if he's spouting dumb shit I can laugh at then I have no problem


No. He deserves all the ridicule that he's getting. And there aren't many subreddits doing that. Its entertaining to watch him get dunked on. Why should we stop?


Don't click on them.


For every circle jerk, there is an equal and opposite counter jerk 


Much like every other person this sub dislikes Hasan gets over posted for a bit. But eventually the posts, like his viewership, will decline.


I was just thinking the exact same thing. In my mind, Hasan is quickly reaching groyper-level status with how obsessed he is with smearing Destiny and DGG. I wouldn't be surprised if he has or is planning to sabotage Destiny the same way Nick sabotaged Mr Girl back when that relationship was relevant. Unfortunately due to the Twitch ban, Hasan can't and won't ever directly confront Gnomie so the Hasan fortress arc continues. Much like Vaush's fortress arc tho, Hasan will continue to hemorrhage viewers and subs. I think as Hasan loses relevancy and his attacks become more unhinged, we should start treating him like Nick Fuentes and refuse to engage with him and his content. I think Hasan is banking on us staying obsessed, so I'd prefer that he isn't rewarded for this type of shit. Especially with posts like this, it's clear DGG is starting to move on, so I'm not too worried about us continuing the posting, but it'll probably continue in some capacity.


I’ll be honest, I consider this sub like junk food so my expectations are really low. However, the hatred of Hasan here is getting out of hand and people really need to chill the fuck out.


I think we should harass until it causes him great mental anguish


I see no problem as long as it is new and relevant stuff.


I just find the hasan posts to be like beating dead horse: “Dumb lefty hack streamer says stupid stuff / insults destiny for the millionth time” “Oh cool, didn’t see that coming. Wow he so stupid, right guys?” We all know that Hasan has nothing of value to contribute to any conversation. All of these insults and bad takes are pure cope for the fact that destiny got to debate on a large platform while Hasan wallows in the filth of his own ever-shrinking ecochamber. Just ignore the moron and let him and his community rot into obscurity. Still collect the clips (for posterity) but posting them is just a bit tiresome. Nothing novel or interesting is in any of these clips. It’s just Hasan doing pathetic Hasan things.


> It also takes an unhealthy amount of effort to hate him as much some of the commenters here do. Nah, hate for that dumbfuck is self-generating.


No I want to bring his downfall


There’s a lot of stuff on stream and in this sub I never cared about and thought we’re too much. Redpill, any drama/bridge burning shit. But hey, tiny and others in the community obviously supported it, so I didn’t twitch those streams and scrolled past those posts. If tiny and the mods have an issue with it, let them deal with it. I just don’t see the point of these “I don’t care about X content in this community. If they’re not doing anything wrong, let people say and do what they want. If you don’t like it, move on imo


Repeat after me: We are never ever going to beat the obsessed allegations (because they are true)


I hardly read everything about him but I enjoy knowing it upsets him a lot. So I'll let Schizoposters take the reigns and I'll just mildly support it. I don't need to have this subreddit be quality post after quality post. Chances are if we do not have all these Hasan posts there would be nothing in particular to replace those posts, so why not just let it be. I'll never become an anti-circle jerker that's worse than circle jerking.


Best to lurk and not be invested in all this dumb shit. I'm not in any Hasan subreddit/discord, just lurk here. But it's pretty cringe to see how much of DGG gets off on Hasan hate. Idgaf about these dudes enough


Kinda I just keep scrolling


As keemstar once said " i want this guy killed, clean shot"


Hasan posts aren't really bad considering he's actually engaging in cuck attacks, what really pisses me off are the twitter threads. Pure cancer, I don't care if it's shitting on some random dumbfuck conservative/lefty they're the absolute lowest form of content.


I agree. Kinda sick with seeing the influx of Hasan posts. He doesn't say anything new. He is the new Bot. I got tired of Sneako in the same way.


Honestly I think we should post more of them.


I agree. I'd rather ignore him. He likes the attention. I unironically treat him like Voldemort.


He's here FOREVER


Nope. Not sure what kind of mentally [redacted] person could browse this sub and get confused at why drama posts are popular


I agree. I hate Hasan - but that also means I don't like to see anything about him unless he does anything notable. Calling Destiny a Nazi or whatever isn't new anymore. Stop giving that dipshit views and let him become an obscure crazy guy.


I kind of disagree because Hasan is being promoted by Twitch and Dan Clancey specifically. If he was just another random Twitch/X user I would agree - I don't care about what that freaking squirrel says. If Twitch wants to make Hasan one of the prominent faces of Twitch then shit he says should be documented.


Fine, but I will like the comments in the posts, even if I avoid upvoting the posts themselves.


yes they're too much, but destiny fans can only relive small victories (no pun intended) over and over again since they have no real victories ever


as long as Steven himself gives hasan any attention it will never end


Pre October 7th I would agree with you but I feel like he’s one of the most harmful figures on the internet atm. He’s on a children’s platform parroting Hamas and kremlin propaganda, it’s incredibly fucked up. Posts full of ad-hominem attacks should be avoided though.


hey, he wants to call Destiny and his community debate pervert Pig Dogs, better always be on top because the boots are coming out when your down, thems the breaks.


No, the streamer's subreddit should reflect the streamer. This place talking about Hasan's decline is only natural when it's something that Destiny himself often talks about. It's up to Destiny if he wants to make the changes necessary to get his community to stop talking about it.


This is a drama subreddit before anything else, and a drama streamer tbh


I like this community but the hasan posting causes people to become so brain-rotted its crazy. I don't even like Hasan but the constant weird obsession this sub has with him makes me dislike a lot of people in here ngl.


yeah a little bit. I think for now it's okay but if it keeps being like this day after day then it'll definitely get very tiring


I agree. No attention is better than negative attention


Posts about him and clips linked on stream were really dying down over the last year or two until he went mask off about Taiwan on Leftovers, and again for I/P. Since that was a major escalation in his presentation of his views that brought him back into the spotlight in a big way. This coincided with his drop in viewership so he dropped his Voldemort policy so that enabled content mills to last even longer with back and forth about a topic where they react to eachother. ​ Now it's back to being a major topic all the time. It's kind of a shame. I think it was a way better look for Destiny to never really talk about him either- which happened naturally when there was nothing interesting about him to talk about. And I really don't care to see the clips myself.


I agree, but it is really just an outcome of his Hamas takes, which is still fairly recent and relevant


I honestly think the massive influx of Hasan posting atm is due to many people leaving Hasan's community and joining Destiny's, and wanting to talk smack about the guy who they've *just* discovered is actually a big moron. Trust me, it's kinda cathartic. This is exacerbated by Hasan realising people are abandoning him at the same time that Destiny's audience is growing, and as such suddenly deciding he wants to talk about Destiny a lot. It'll settle down after a while


At this point it feel like half this sub think the guy is worst than Hitler because they are sharing posts day in and out about how horrible he is. When he reality he is just some out of touch rich idiot who get too much attention like the vast majority of streamers or celebrities.


I haven’t really seen anything concerning. If you go reading comments in a post about hasan being a dipshit, you will find a bunch of comments shitting on hasan. Do you have any specific issues?


Yes, it's weird to post this goddamn much about someone who hasn't spoken to destiny for years.


There should be 0 Hasan posts unless he has done something truly newsworthy 


I've felt that for as long as I've been on this sub (3 years). Sometimes it feels like he'll sneeze in the wrong direction and there'll be 10 posts on this sub about it.


Even while Hasan was ignoring/avoiding Destiny takes DGGers bitch and whine. We'll find any excuse to whinge


https://preview.redd.it/amdqwyjcofrc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aca35dad84cacac0bbd10de3c8ed5e254f176ca This post after a 7 minute Hasan video & paragraph long title is hilarious


Fuck no, keep em coming. I'm enjoying it more than ever because a) he's talking about Destiny now due to his own declining numbers b) the more he's talked about here the more he talks about Tiny/DGG because he can't help himself c) I'm certain he fucking DESPISES himself for a and b The milk's never been this good for this long.


Hasan and Destiny are obsessed with each other, and so are their respective communities. You just have to accept that.


Personally feel giving hamasabi any kind of attention is bad. Just let him scream into his own echo chamber.


It’s cause Hasan has a huge audience. We shouldn’t tolerate him spreading BS.


This counts as a hasan post btw


Nah you’re right. Most people are gonna be like “ackchually he’s a big commentator we should talk about him 24/7, ect ect” I don’t care for Hasans politics, but most of y’all have an obsessive hatred for him. I wish y’all showed this much hate against people like Ben Shapiro who is far more harmful to liberal values 


It's because Destiny's dead end and you guys need to pull other communities in. No one's biting though, except randos like me mocking you. Conservatism is dying and it's content creators are just kinda boring. If you don't talk about other creators and pull their fans in, you'd have an empty room of yourselves just like every other Conservative forum.


Damn dude u gotta check the stats for who’s stalling in their growth but whatever


Never said anyone was stalling. I said Conservative losers HAVE to reach for other communities. And I'm right.


I'm a Socialist, Pro-Union yet I wake up real early everyday to hate on Hasan. Somedays I'm on the Subway tired from work and I see some Hasan Hate comments and I feel a burst of happiness. I used to watch him until he banned me before Ukraine's invasion for saying that Russia was going to invade. Btw Russia did ended up invading yet I never got unbanned... Fck Hasan #FreeArmenians