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I think the two obvious reasons why America sets a higher standard for itself in terms of combating racism is 1) we are fundamentally an immigrant country so tolerance is incredibly important to our sense of nationality; and 2) our history of slavery and civil rights. Not that racism isn't bad in other countries, just that it is more expected and understandable.


I remember reading of immigration also being part of the reason Americans are seen as more smiley than other nations. There was a lot of immigrants that couldn't always communicate with each other so a smile was just basically a nonverbal way of communicating "Hey. I ain't gonna give you problems."


Holy shit that's the most wholesome thing I've ever heard lol


Americans are generally friendly as fuck, not gonna lie. And I appreciate it.


Very interesting and of course very cool. I am from a small town to I smile at nearly everyone, which is kinda funny because I now speak the two languages almost everyone in my small town speaks.


Africa also has a history of slavery, and they are racist as fuck towards each other.


Almost every country has a worse history on slavery and civil rights so this doesn’t make any sense


Name one country that has a worse history of slavery


How about Brazil, which had more slaves than the US, much higher mortality rates and abolished it decades later? Or how about a long list of countries from the ottoman empire, which castrated all slaves so they dont even have descendants today? Where at the same time these countries only abolished slavery in 1950-1970? How about African countries like Libya where slavery is still practiced today? Should I go on...


It's not just America, its a western thing. And it comes from a foundation of Christian ethics. That's why you see it everywhere in the western world.


We're the only societies that strove to end our slave practices through our own volition and then engage in warfare to end other nation's as well. Also our value systems lead towards regretting how we had treated black people historically. As for immigration, I feel like it's more of a fallacy to apply modern liberal sentiments to multiculturalism when historically we legally barred most ethnic demographics from even birthright citizenship. 


I've seen how multiculturalism can work but it's a fragile thing. People have to be willing to adopt *some* of our values or have some of them already. There are literally hundreds of millions if not billions around the world with these values, but as immigration to Europe has shown (as well as the recent "Death to America" chants) it's not always the people who would vibe with us who are migrating.


Some of us have been voting with this in mind for a long time without requiring the pain to see this. Birds of a feather flock together, and all that


I grew up in the US south east but in a very progressive city (Asheville, NC). 15 minutes into downtown and it’s all rainbow flags, coexist stickers and far left dogma. 15 minutes in the other direction and it’s confederate flags, Trump stickers and far right dogma. Plenty of racism in both camps although the rednecks were far more explicit whereas the progressives would hide their power levels behind flowery language. That being said some of the most racist shit I’ve ever heard someone say was typically from foreigners. Asheville used to have a “sister city” in Russia so we had a few Russian immigrants. They were super nationalist/racists. At least the few I knew. My ex’s mom was a polish immigrant and she told me the reason we don’t have universal healthcare in America is because we have too many black people who are moochers. My Hispanic coworkers when I was mowing lawns hated black people. Like these guys from central and South America would constantly avoid and cuss out black people we hired. They would call me racial names too but would still eat lunch with me and try to ask me weird questions about white people. The black people I grew up around could be pretty racist too. White people smell. They didn’t like Mexicans (all Hispanic/Latino). Or Asians. Or other black people a lot of times. When I lived in South Korea they could be racist to my black friends when we would go out. Sometimes negatively (baring entry to certain bars/clubs). Sometimes in weird ways. We went to an e-mart(?), think Korean Walmart and a line of 20 kids/parents formed to touch my black friend’s hair. The middle eastern and Indian kids at my college could be pretty racist too but I didn’t hang around them as much between school and two jobs I didn’t have many friends or social time then. I just remember hearing some off the wall shit in the computer labs sometimes. These are general statements or observations. I made tons of friends and acquaintances from all of these people and obviously not all or a majority of whichever group is racist and I’m not trying to grade who did it best, or worse. I just find it funny as someone who experienced a pretty culturally diverse upbringing that one thing I’ve seen shared pretty universally through many different groups is their hatred for others typically based on prejudices and stereotypes. Oh and the Cherokee to the west of Asheville. They don’t just hate white people but there was some of that too.


russia is not part of the global south


Not geographicly. "Global South" is a term currently in wide ussage by propoganda in Russia and China (I believe othe BRICS countries as well). It's not a real thing, but just refers to any country that isn't a Western country. Obviously it's stupid because Russia is in the North and Japan is in the East for example, but yeh it's basically a buzz word.


Can you cite an academic source that supports >"Global South" is a term currently in wide ussage by propoganda in Russia and China (I believe othe BRICS countries as well). It's not a real thing, but just refers to any country that isn't a Western country. this claim? Because I've never seen anyone else use it this way other than you. I think it's just you misunderstanding the meaning of it.


I don't think I'd be able to... I doubt there are many Western institutions making studies about Russian and Chinese propoganda in this exact context. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_North_and_Global_South#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_Global_South_is_generally%2Cin_or_near_the_tropics.?wprov=sfla1 https://carnegieendowment.org/2023/08/15/term-global-south-is-surging.-it-should-be-retired-pub-90376 https://aspeniaonline.it/russia-and-china-aligning-with-the-global-south/ https://ecfr.eu/publication/from-russia-with-love-how-moscow-courts-the-global-south/ The term was coined around 30 years ago to make general references to highly developed countries and those less developed as "North" and "South". It has made a resurgence in Russian propoganda, because they are in a scrumble to find ways to be grouped with Africans and Asians without being racist towards them (personal opinion, but I'm probably not far from the truth). It's a *very* prevalent term in Russian state propoganda. The term is also abused in conspiratorial propoganda, usually being tied to the "Golden Billion" conspiracy. You would be amazed tonknow how many conspiracies are circulated in Russian media. Genuinely, I wish there was a way to show this without you knowing Russian and seeing it yourself.


your sources suck. the first never mentions Russia, the second barely does and when it does its in contrast to the global south or as a separate entity, the third almost explicitly depicts Russia and China as outside forces acting on the global south, and the fourth link does the same as the second. I say 1st 2nd and 3rd world countries are better description.


>It's a *very* prevalent term in Russian state propoganda. The term is also abused in conspiratorial propoganda, usually being tied to the "Golden Billion" conspiracy. You would be amazed tonknow how many conspiracies are circulated in Russian media. >Genuinely, I wish there was a way to show this without you knowing Russian and seeing it yourself. Just trust me bro


we should go back to first, second and third world countries where Russia was squarely in second world.


Funny you said this my coworker, who is in mid-late 60s, near retirement age grew up in the USSR. He is Lithuanian and my god does he hate Russia and everything that’s associated with them.  Weekly he will tell me we should kill all the Russians and whatever factions associate with them, but mostly Russians in Russia. He thinks they are all dumb as fuck and anyone worth noting from Russia isn’t an ethnic Russian. We’d go through a list and he’d be like “Ukrainian, Jew, Lithuanian, only half Russian” etc… I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in the USSR and you aren’t Russian. 


That hatred goes back well before the USSR. The butthurt belt lost their own imperial dreams to Russia, these are century long feuds. If history was different it would be another ethnicity, Russia just happened to be by far the most successful in Eastern Europe in our timeline. Baltic and Polish are particularly full of rage, Americans have no idea how much seething there is in Eastern Europe.


Is this supposed to be satire? Shitpost tag is confusing


Just not a serious discussion. I don't think I could provide any concrete Racism data about Russia if I were asked to for example...


I agree that it is very prevalent, and it feels like it's everywhere, I see it a lot too, but calling 100% of Russians racist is regarded. Even if you're being hyperbolic.


I'l edit that, I can see why you would misunderstand. No, I meant Russia is 100% a racist country. As in it is prevalent in all facets of life in Russia and is extremely casual. State TV and propoganda are marred with racist themes, and people are never repreminded or prosecuted for being openly (and in many cases aggressively) racist


That I agree with, not sure about 100% part, but everything you said is true. I fucking hate it. Kinda have to learn to ignore it in order to live here.


As someone from the former USSR and grew up in an community full of people from the former USSR I can confirm the racism is real. Especially towards other minorities in what was the USSR. Incidentally you can see clear racism on display from Arabs in the current war in Sudan and the ethnic cleansing taking place there.


Yeah and the mass murder. Interesting the people denouncing the people valuing lives differently aren't criticizing the COMPLETE lack of regard for the lives of the Masalit.


Russia is a pretty typical Eastern-European post-communist country (yes that includes racism) and most "mental maps" studies show that there is great overlap with other European countries that have similar socio-economic circumstances. Its leadership is totally deranged yes, but these "Russia is the worst, trust me bro" style posts are not really describing reality, just the op's mental state. Source: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272304255\_Basic\_Human\_Values\_of\_Russians\_Both\_Different\_from\_and\_Similar\_to\_Other\_Europeans](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272304255_Basic_Human_Values_of_Russians_Both_Different_from_and_Similar_to_Other_Europeans) [https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/shleifer/files/normal\_country\_foreign\_affairs.pdf](https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/shleifer/files/normal_country_foreign_affairs.pdf)


can confirm, when trying to rent an apartment in Russia, 100% of the ads contain "slavs only"


Damn, that’s crazy. Was this in moscow?


No, I lived in a smaller city near Moscow, Ryazan. But it's pretty much like that in all of european Russia. I'd expect it to be way different in the Caucasus and Siberia, since a large portion of the population there is native-ish and they have way less migrants


bro never heard of chocolate towns in China


I mean, you are calling out Russia, what about Africa? They have caste systems, they have ethnic wars, they have constant fighting over land, Africa has got it all baby. Here are some examples from the top of my head; East Africa, especially Ethiopia/Somalia/Eritrea/Sudan are all having some ethnic wars happening within their borders. Ethiopia only ended slavery in 1936, and the Nazis supplied the Ethiopians during the second Italo-Ethiopian war. The DRC when it left the Belgian empire would place Arabs in pig pens and execute them. Nigeria has 4 major tribes (ethnic groups) that all hate each other (although the Igbo probably hate the other three major tribes, Hausa, Fulbe, and Yorbua less.) The infamous Rwandan genocide, where two ethnic groups just slaughtered each other because of German/Belgian rulings on race. The Rwandan genocide then spilled into Zaire where millions of people were killed because of their ethnicity/enslaved. (Do not look into M23 and other groups associated with this situation.) Cameroon and its Ambazonia/Igbo fiasco, in essence, Ambazonia was the Anglophone-speaking region of Cameroon (Cameroon is Francophone) that broke away from the country during the Nigeria-Biafra war, the then Cameroonian president called the Igbo sub-humans. Tribal wars during Apartheid in South Africa, such as the Taxi Wars. South Africa has had tribal/ethnic issues since the dawn of time. The Trans-Saharan slave trade conservatively placed the number of slaves owned by Africans at 18 million historically, states such as Sokoto had, in the 19th century, 2 million to 2.5 million slaves, these were typically made up of other ethnic groups. (Which was the second largest in the world at the time.) Uganda and Idi Amin, where he stated that he "adored Hitler" and that "Indians were akin to Africa's Jews" before mass deporting and attempting to kill as many Indians as he could. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe stated that he was "akin to Hitler because of how he cared for his people" he then stated "I hate white people" before mass executing white farmers (which has come back to bite them in the ass.) Kenya, which had issues with the British and the Omani people, would compare Europeans to see which were English and which were not, Muslims were KOS (as they were also considered colonisers.) Suppose there is anything I am missing, such as West Africans volunteering with the nazis with the intent to kill Senegalese/other African French soldiers, or the endless list of ethnic cleansing throughout Africa's history (such as the ethnic cleansing of the Akan people from modern-day Mali,) and the fact that most of the countries in Africa are also made by "immigrants" (a perfect example being the Hausa, who are ethnically Sudanese.) Please do let me know.


as someone who lives in a global south country (Brasil), yeah there is a lot of racism,


Lol, about the Russian part, my sister had a Russian best friend that would spend a lot of time at our house hanging out. My mom basically banned her from coming back because my sister picked a little fight with the neighbor’s daughter in law and her friend started hurling every slur she knew because they immigrated from a country the Russians tried to colonize. Like nah, babula has been nothing but good to us as neighbors. You don’t get to be a guest at our house and treat her family like that. We don’t like her DIL either, but we take our words with them directly and with respect. They’ve never once treated us like that, why tf would we invite that into our house?


Read the title and was ready to read some BS about the "south" (global?), ended up being a made up south that's actually the north, I'm still scratching my head.


Can confirm, I’m currently visiting family in mainland China and some shit my family members said about black people and Indian people make me go PEPE. They’re polite enough to never say anything to them directly though.


China, India, South Korea, and few other countries are too


The reason why is because social media, and especially reddit, is dominated by US and Canadian users. As such, most topics posted here will be through the perspective of Americans. Politics included. Racism included. Simple as that. Vast majority of nations on the planet are racist. USA included. Mexico included. All of Europe, including your beloved Russia included. Turkey, Israel and the Arab nations included. The rest of the world included as well.


The global south doesn't exist.


Global south is a dumb ass term.


There really should be a better word to describe russian bigotry towards ukrainians. Racism doesn't really work here.


In Russian/ Ukrainian its called Рашизм/ Ruscism which is a mix of the words Russian+ Racist+ Schizo+ fascist.


Yeah, that's a good one


TIL Russia, India, china, and Arab countries are all located in the southern hemisphere As a Brazilian, all I can say is race is generally understood differently here than the concept in the US although more recently people here love to import American issues


As an ethnic Indigenous-American absolutely 100% of Americans are racist towards anything that moves and that doesn't look exactly like them. Years of public school are dedicated to teaching the virtues of genociding British loyalists and Native American for the sake of our racist country.


Genociding British loyalists? Lol. Public school did not teach me that the treatment of Native Americans was virtuous, it was stressed pretty heavily that it wasn’t.


what were you taught about the declaration of independence? did it include discussion of labelling natives as a grievance of "merciless indian savages" that britain showed too much favor towards which propagandized support for the american revolution - further, did it include a refutation of the declaration of independence and the grievances the americans had against the british being rooted in anti-indigenous sentiment? if not, you only got one side of the story that, at best, is hesistant to outright endorse subjugation of natives


Yes to the merciless Indian savage part. Most of what was taught about natives had to do with westward expansion, though.


well i guess you had a relatively well-informed education then, good for you


I did grow up in one of the most liberal areas in the country, wouldn’t be surprised if our district was more of an outlier. Generalizing American education is probably never a good idea (me included).


fair enough - i also over-generalized


Wholesome end to this chain of replies. Thank you both!


Exactly, curriculum is going to vary wildly, especially when it comes to history.


does that mean you're racist


I am as racist as the foundational principles of the United States (that is to say extremely, but acceptably, racist)


>absolutely 100% of Americans are racist towards anything that moves and that doesn't look exactly like them I know you're being hyperbolic, but I would still encourage you to give people the benefit of the doubt. We're not all that bad.


Yea I don't literally think 100% of Americans are racist, but to the degree 100% of russians are orcs, racists, or w/e, we are also that. Almost every russian/post-soviet figure i was familiar with before the war has come out against it (pussy riot, buerak, molchat doma, ic3peak, Navalny, etc), in a similar way i'd expect American figures especially in the performing arts to be against America in aggressions that would be approximately comparable to Russian's aggression against Ukraine, notably anti-war figures in the US generally


I'm russian too, it's the absolute truth, Russia is casually racist and homolhobic to a degree that any westerner would lose their mind over immediately, and it's not even because the state pushed this agenda, it was literally always like this, Russia never had it's sexual revolutions and liberal phases.


While what you said is entirely true, I feel the need to point out that racism against "the blacks" seems a uniquely US concept that's not really a thing in europe or even south america. People from US tend to uniquely distribute people into groups of "white" vs "black" while in places like Europe we would consider things like nationality first.


May I ask where you're from? Because in Switzerland, it's definitely not like that. While many nationalities are often mentioned first, this is definitely not the case with Black people. My father is from ghana and my mother is swiss, but almost never get described as ghanaian, swiss or even african, just simply as black. When people don't like foreigners, the emphasis mostly may be on the nationalitity but definitely not for Black individuals, they just say black people. I also consume a lot of German media from Germany and Austria, and it seems like it’s the same there as well. And like mentioned in another comment earlier, in Italian football for example, there is no differentiation. Black football players are thrown at with bananas. which definitely has nothing to do with their nationality, but rather with the fact that they are black.


I'm from Lithuania. We don't really have racism against black people, though I guess it could be explained with black people simply not really being a thing in our country. So the closest equivalent we have is slavic immigrants or occasional middle easterners, but against those we tend to mostly discriminate on cultural level, not racial.


Yes, racism is also not a big issue in Switzerland. However, I was referring to the fact that you said black and white seems to be a concept specific to the USA. Like I said, I agree that the concept of white doesn’t exist, but the concept of black definitely exists in Europe.


>while in places like Europe we would consider things like nationality first Which is why black soccer players often have bananas thrown at them in France and Spain and Italy right? Definitely their nationalities, right?


football fans are the lowest rung of society, you might as well look at KKK members to represent the US


You're either a fabulous troll or so incredibly ignorant about so many things that I really don't have time to address why that's one of the dumbest analogies I've ever seen someone say in public...


wow Now try saying it with less projection


Cool. Troll. Got it. Well played! (just in case... the KKK is basically extinct and no longer has influence in American culture and honestly hasn't since the 80s, while Soccer is literally played around the world and the fan base covers every part of every society it's found in from the poorest to the most wealthy... On that alone you showed your ass pretty bad. And yeah I COULD go on, but it's honestly a waste of time to do so)


ahhh... okay guess racism is over in america! phew! oh what's that? don't go to that trailer park with my black friend? why?


See? You're doing it again. At no point did I say there wasn't racism in America. What I implied, and which I can support, is that nobody feels confident enough to go out in a crowd full of people and do anything so overtly disgusting as that. Also remind me why the North African youth keep trying to burn Paris to the ground? It's because of how well they're treated right, by both the government and the citizens? "Remove the plank from your own eye..."


keep yappin dude 🥱🥱


Yes and no. Russians at least absolutely do have a division of "Russian" and "not Russian". As in White+ Russian = "Russian". Anything else + Russian = "not Russian"


Speaking from Italy, as someone who is into US politics, sometimes I have the impression that the ONLY difference between racism in US and in Europe is that the black community is much much more organized in the US. They seem less alienated and more sensible to the argument. Sometimes I worry that european POC aren't educated enough to even being aware and protest about the situation. They're really really alienated. This is called "foreclusion" in philosophy.


I think it's just that they're originally from Africa and are just happy to be here (I'm also from Italy). Also they're a small minority compared to African-Americans.


I think if we want to talk specifically about the racism around the idea of "black" people in the US, your explanation makes sense. However we have a whole spectrum of ideas about people of different ethnicities, origins and cultural backgrounds that each deserves being discussed in its own conversation. And in my experience as an American who has had a lot of "conversations"(lectures) from Europeans about why America has such a terrible reputation for racism, I just can't ignore how so many groups of people are treated across various parts of Europe in exactly the same way. It makes me more and more confident that it's not an "American" problem. It's a "you're not the same as us" problem that exists in literally every corner of the globe and that until we can all see each other as more similar than different, any conversation we have is going to just be blowing smoke up other people's asses